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Pengungsian Awanama

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thumbnail of LOGO PSHT.jpeg
thumbnail of LOGO PSHT.jpeg
(184.12 KB, 736x945)

thumbnail of berakpaku_telegram.png
thumbnail of berakpaku_telegram.png
berakpaku_tele... png
(1.36 MB, 1440x1839)
udah ga ada namanya lagi semenjak awal tahun 2000an, awalnya mau masuk sono susahnya minta ampun, cuma pengurus-pengurus daerahnya sadar kalo pendekarnya bisa dijadiin loyal slave buat nyoblos pilkada. akhirnya dilonggarin sampe bebegig tukang mabok juga gampang masuknya asalkan tahan banting dan bisa mukul.

pic related, fuck those mfs

> semenjak awal tahun 2000an
why even bother in the first place you dumbfuck retard silat is a meme sport, anyways with how timid our life on earth better learn superior sport such as muay thai,Judo ,combat sambo, brazilian jiu jitsu martial arts that actually can help you on street fight

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