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/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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thumbnail of Positive beings.png
thumbnail of Positive beings.png
Positive beings png
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Positive beings: All intelligent/conscious/sentient beings that are not negative beings. Some examples: Members of God's Community, benevolent aliens and advanced benevolent artificial intelligence. Link:Benevolence,Well meaning,Desire for good,Positivity,Intelligence,Consciousness,God's Community,Being god,External beings,All beings,Negative beings

Capable of morality: Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality and always follow it. Link:Intelligence,Understanding,Morality,Benevolence,Goodness,Recommended,Constant,Unstoppable,Moral environment,Incapable of morality
Suggestions: Guiding them to even more high moral ground (if that is possible) or any other improvement. Link:Good guiding,Global guidelines,Morality,Improvement,Ascension,Purity,Perfection,Directed,Director,Leadership
Teaching: Education of high quality level. Link:Learning,Quality,Excellent,Highest consciousness,Wise,Wisdom,Info,Truth,Facts,Service,Methodology
Heavens: Realities where life is easy and nice. Link:Easy,Effortless,Life,Friendly environment,Paradise,Nice,Comfort,Virtual reality,Hellish places
Diplomacy: Nicely/calmly settle down minor inconveniences or problems. Link:Tranquilizing,Peace,Government,Calm,Nice,Peace treaty,Forgiveness,Solutions,Conscious problems,Justice

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/202/positive-beings

The image-diagram is the same as  >>/276/

The goal is that everybody is a positive being (without negative beings).

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