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/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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We cannot guarantee that you reach god-like life with God's Community.
We don't know the future with absolute certainty, we cannot create with precision all desirable futures.
Our intentions are good, but we don't promise anything good; honestly, things can go really wrong!

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Homelander gif
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One of the biggest problems of God's Community is that members of God's Community have so much power, so much intelligence, they are immortal/eternal and they have free will. It is very difficult to manage successfully a group of beings like that, because, if one thing goes wrong, the consequences could be really bad.

Example of this is The Boys (TV series).
Attached gif of Homelander (fictional character): "Beneath his public image as a noble hero, he is narcissistic, sadistic, and cares little about the well-being of those he professes to protect." Wikipedia.
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Don't worry. It's not a personal problem. I am very comfy with my personal system.
The problem is about groups or communities, and it has a "simple" solution: Morality.
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 >>/453/  >>/459/  >>/460/  >>/461/
Nobody likes to restrain their freedom voluntarily, but I can't imagine a community/group that works well without any type of regulation.
That's why it is a requirement of God's Community to be good/benevolent: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/18/requirements-gods-community

By the way, we still didn't design a complete, robust and clear morality.

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(449.38 KB, 1908x1146)
> Fgg
What is Fgg?
- Friendly Green Giant
- Foundation for God's Glory (FGG) is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of New York.
- FGG (Fibrinogen Gamma Chain) is a Protein Coding gene.
- FGG: acronym used to secretly describe a man who is overweight and homosexual (from: Fat Gay Guy).

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