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/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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In this thread we're going to show you some differences and similarities between Keylontic science (teachings & their people) and God's Community.

Estimated schedule of releases of information (time in UTC of current year):
- 05 May : Unpopular
- 09 May : Small group
- 13 May : Beyond average
- 17 May : Posting it in the main website (https://godscommunity.boards.net)

Attached picture: Ashayana Deane, the person that brought the Keylontic science teachings. Nowadays, she uses another name (E'Asha Ashayana).
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Most humans don't know anything about Keylontic science. Their teachings are not discussed in the mass media and barely discussed on Internet.
To all effects, they are a secret society, even if their teachings are online.

At the moment, we are even more unpopular (between humans of Earth) than them, and we don't expect that to change much in the near future.
Other people have chosen the name of God's Community before us (mostly Christian groups). That's one the reasons that we are not easy to find on Internet. We aren't #1 in search engines with keyword "God's Community".
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Because Keylontic science is unpopular, their teachings only reach a small bunch of people (that are normally beyond mediocre beings).

We are a small group and we expect to remain this way. We think that minorities are important (all is important).
We prioritize/prefer quality people over quantity (normal people and below). Even tho, in theory, everybody can join us when they reach the proper requirements.
We are an elite group, a selected group of beings that can handle superior (beyond average) intellectual ideas (handling complexity).
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Keylontic science is not the typical new age teaching, they give you a highly specialized information/vocabulary that usually turn off new people (average people).
They give you advice to improve into advanced spirituality (beyond average).

You may find in our released public information_ something to improve your spirituality. We still dumbing down it and deliberately create oversimplification of a lot of things in order to reach at least some humans. We try to make our ideas easy and simple to understand, but still it's not always possible. Therefore, we suggest you to improve your conscious skills and general understanding, to catch up with all our contents.

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