/hack/ - Hacking

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HELL forum was apparently closed to registration when Ping, their leader, was doxed/evicted in 2015. I'm not paying 200 bucks to apply to somewhere sight unseen.

Are there any chat forums or sites for hackers out there that are not scam sites or full of stupid zoomer n00bs who think hacking is guessing their moms wifi password?

I will give anyone 20,000 usd to hack my shit and do whatever you want to do with it. I am putting this out there cause I think hackers are pussy with small dick that can't do shit. I am going to give you my shit.
Twitch: toni ([email protected])
Dashlane email: [email protected]
Twitter: toniftw [email protected]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0AAwGkKhKMa8kxqM6Mfqew
Steam ID: 76561198140475102 | https://steamcommunity.com/id/toniwtf/
Discord: toni#0009
You can keep my steam crap if you stupid ass can get in it

Old passwords: Tonilea8664

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I will give anyone 20,000 usd to hack my shit and do whatever you want to do with it. I am putting this out there cause I think hackers are pussy with small dick that can't do shit.  I am going to give you my shit.
Twitch: Funzaurr
Twitter: funzaur
Youtube: Vex Crota
Twitch: WillHannah
Reddit: VexCrota
Steam ID: 76561198425112076 (Vex)
Discord: Vex#9410 aka [NA]Vex
Steam ID: 76561198014831340 (SSDExecutor)
Twitch: SSDExecuter
You can keep my steam crap if you stupid ass can get in it

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