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thumbnail of ancientshitposting.png
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The whole "Rome was built on the backs of shitposters" threads on /his/ and /v/ got me thinking, do we have any other examples of imageboard-esque culture and memes throughout history that are similar to the ones today? It's hilarious and awe-inspiring to see how people from different times and cultures throughout all human existence often had a lot of things in common if you look deep enough.
I sometimes wonder if there was a historical equivalent of baneposting.
> I sometimes wonder if there was a historical equivalent of baneposting.
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Dadaists wrote poetry kinda similarly to how /b/ does.

Also annotations monks left on the books their copied could be considered examples of historical shitposting.

"Now I've written the whole thing: for Christ's sake give me a drink"
It all makes sense now... we are the next Romans! This time we must learn from history's mistakes and make an even better Reic- I mean empire.
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Epics from the Greeks and Romans?

The Iliad, for example, was performed by actors memorizing and repeating the same lines every night they performed

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