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Guys, I'm crying right now. 

Just looking at his picture makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with CIA. I've lost interest in all guys, besides him. Guys who are considered "hot" by the general female population don't cut it for me anymore. 

CIA really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with him. If only he knew I existed in this life, if only he knew my deep profound love for him. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at him. I'll never be with him, but I'll continue to love him until the day I die.

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Hello, ladies. Look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he started to talk, he could stay on my aircraft. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You’re on a plane with the man who would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane. What’s in your hand? Back at me. It didn’t fly so good. Look again, the flight plan i just filed with the Agency is now doubles. Anything is possible when your man is CIA. I’m on a Nolan.

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