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zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v460/Hydrus.Network.460.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v460/Hydrus.Network.460.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v460/Hydrus.Network.460.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v460/Hydrus.Network.460.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had an ok but light week of various work.


When I improved the 'apng' file parsing the other week, there was a mistake in how I hooked it up and not all the file metadata was being propagated to the database. A couple of users got some weird '1 frame' apngs as a result. I have fixed this problem, and improved the parsing to deal with more sorts of apngs, and scheduled a complete rescan of all your apngs to get some nicer 'number of frames' counts.

In a related thing, a user sent in a way to get some cool metadata from 'clip' files. These now get resolution and a rough thumbnail. I have scheduled all your clip files, if you have any, to update too.

The Client API now supports a better way to refer to tag services when editing tags. If you are a Client API developer, please check out the updated help--you can now user service keys instead of service names. I am in no rush to delete the 'names' parameters, but I expect I will eventually. 'names' was always an early hack that has flaws as an identifier, so when it is convenient, please try to migrate to /get_services and service keys.

A new help file in install_dir/db directory, 'help my mpv crashes with WASAPI or ASIO audio', now has a neat couple lines to add to your mpv.conf if you have this problem. Many thanks to the user who figured this out!

full list

- client api:
- /add_tags/add_tags now supports 'service_keys_to_tags' and 'service_keys_to_actions_to_tags'.
- /add_urls/add_url now supports 'service_keys_to_additional_tags'
- /get_files/file_metadata now returns with duplicates of the tag structures using 'service_keys_to_statuses_to_(display_)tags'
- added unit tests for the above
- updated the client api help for the above
- I recommend you move from 'service_names_to...' to 'service_keys_to...' when convenient. 'names' was an ugly old hack, and while I am not in a rush to delete it from the client api, I think I will eventually
- client api version is now 21
- .
- apngs and clips:
- fixed a problem where the new apng metadata parsing was not completely hooked up, so num_frames was not being parsed correct for the final metadata row even when 'apng' filetype was, leading to some odd '1 frame apng' situations
- apng parsing now recognises more kinds of apngs--if one has an unusual scaling chunk in the header, this is recognised and the correct animation chunk searched for
- clip files now get resolution on import and a thumbnail! big thanks to the user who dug up how to extract this--it actually comes from a sqlite file embedded in the clip! (issue #996)
- on update, all apngs and clips will be scheduled for metadata rescan, and all clips will be scheduled for thumbnail generation
- misc:
- right-clicking a selection tag and choosing 'select->files with x tag' now obeys the current tag domain (previously, it forced 'all known tags'). so, if you want to quickly select just the files with 'samus aran' on 'my tags', it should be doable
- the new 'partial' download resumer system will now tolerate two successive empty chunks before throwing a 'this chunk was empty' error. it seems some servers will randomly give an empty chunk at times during 206 transfers
- cancelling the slideshow custom time dialog no longer raises an error
- after the build boot problem last week, updated the opencv version in requirements.txts--we are now officially >=4.0.0, <= it looks like pyinstaller needs a patch for to work, so we'll wait for that. I am improving my weekly test routine to try to catch this in future
- also, the windows build no longer includes two copies of an opencv dll. turns out PyInstaller finds this dll ok now (putting it in another location) and it doesn't need to be explicitly added during build
- added a new help file to the db dir for users who experience crashes as soon as they load videos in mpv when using WASAPI or ASIO drivers. thanks greatly for the user who figured out the mpv.conf solution here (issue #973)

next week

More small work like this, and I would like to do some behind the scenes database code cleanup too.
I had a great week. As well as a heap of good background cleanup work in the database, I fixed several bugs, improved .clip and video file metadata parsing, added some new quick tag search actions to the taglist, and cleaned up some bad animation display.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

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