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It's not India anymore!

I gotta go. Gonna go eat take pills and go to sleep directly. My body hurts so much. I hope I recover by tomorrow.
is this guy a fake natty?
scroll down to see his latest pics
Hard to judge based on images tbh. Camera and lighting can do wonders alongside post workout pump. I mean Zyzz looked liked this and he was a roid abuser so make of it what you want.
Looks natty tbh. Nothing too freakish about that body. Optimum ay to judge these sort of a things to rate them after they are out of bed. Roiders don't need gym pump for low body Fat and vascularity. Coach Greg is most probably natty and he doesn't look that stacked when he isn't in a competition. He is also like 5'5 btw.
After all this heavy rain and the light drizzle still on I expected to see the wet and muddy park all empty but this one middle aged person suddenly appeared out of darkness. Why do these guys want to exercise so bad?
Good morning I hope the gardeners don't jump me for running over and ruining all that muddy grass patch.
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Not a big fan of this kind of stuff but I give the the artist the credit for the sanitization he employed in this. Its pleasing to the eyes to feel the precision at the job done. The face also sells the the non messy nature of the work.
So this is only thing worth sharing and critiquing that I found today on r/guro. There must be bigger and better sources of guro but it would good to limit the consumption and be surprised by the food.
Yeah no still eating all that
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Good morning. I wasn't able to sleep yesterday idk if it's because of the pills or because of the fever. I noticed that I was experiencing auditory hallucinations and some people were screaming in my ear to prevent me from sleeping. My left hand hurts badly as well. There's still stomach pain that hasn't gone away either.

Why are these people even browsing inch of all places?
I thought imageboards are for losers like me.
Do you really want to look like a Jojo character?
This looks really bad.
Why are you there?
> Its pleasing to the eyes to feel the precision at the job done.
Wait, how did he manage to pull that off without slicing at other places?
Every single one of the food in that video looks like shit though. How do people even cook shit like that on a TV show?
This guy has the default Western Rpg character creator look.
> Why are you there?
Good point I will think about it.
> Wait, how did he manage to pull that off without slicing at other places?
Idk I am not a surgeon.
> How do people even cook shit like that on a TV show?
> I wasn't able to sleep yesterday idk if it's because of the pills or because of the fever. I noticed that I was experiencing auditory hallucinations and some people were screaming in my ear to prevent me from sleeping. 
> My left hand hurts badly as well. 
Whats with your hand man? 
> there's still stomach pain that hasn't gone away either.
Modi meds
Wait a sexond this doesn't work like that. Gods not gonna be happy. Oam soory I am sorry i am sorry I am sorry I don't want to die of small pox and get leprosy I am sorry
Times like this you wonder if it would have been good to have a son you could sacrifice To chemosh.
Why are all. The contestants such rude and insesntive people mocking their own co-contestants. I hope this is for TV becuase it feels like restaurant biz attracts more Psychos than the profession of a surgeon.
No restaurant thats worth anything has "I tried my best" on the menu.
Its just food bro. Ingridients and nutrional breakdown label is all you need lmao. Just do cocaine lol.
Yup. Too heavy for the mroinign. Guess I am not eating anything till night.
I am gonna say the B word in after one hour. Yes I will do it believe I am not joking around hour. 1(one) hour. Wait and see me do that.
I tried to sleep but I can't. Everything hurts. My hands hurt. I can't completely open my eyes.
It all started because I ate chinese food. God damn it.

> Whats with your hand man? 
Lack of sleep.
> The contestants such rude and insesntive people mocking their own co-contestants.
TV show. These people are there for easy fame and money. Narcissists.
> it feels like restaurant biz attracts more Psychos than the profession of a surgeon.
That's what happens if you get insulted by customers who eat your goyslop on a regular basis.
> It all started because I ate chinese food. God damn it.
Eat something vegan next time or suffer the curse again. 
> That's what happens if you get insulted by customers who eat your goyslop on a regular basis
> b**tch
Are you underestimating me? Do you think I am joking. You are gonna see.
> Lack of sleep.
Bruh how yo hand sleep. Does it have Bluetooth or did it come with a USB cable?
Don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + ho mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + repelled + get a life + ok + and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn’t laugh + you “re” + grammar issues + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio agian + final ratio + problematic
> """"hiking"""" at Lapham peak
> highest point 376m
Just climb stairs at this point though no disrespect to Dr. Sadler.
You know what I can do that. It's too much. I am not going to say it. I am not cut to say that and you are right in making fun of me. I acted too cocky and now I must bear the embarrassment. Sorry for the disappointment.
This thrad has become too bloated. Requesting a new thread. Thank you
I mean the threads here take more time to get all slow. Indiachan gets overwhelmed way quicker.
This is not that bad. Don't worry I ain't gonna walk thst path. I already enjoyed a lot of the spinoff.

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