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Also can you stop posting women creatures. People will think I am a simp orbitor.
Feels sad man. I want to fatality the girl in the OP.How do I get rid of VPN on this meme browser again? Tbh i should keep it as some identifier.
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Damn, looking at endchan makes me feel very depressed. I once was active here, but it's been a couple of years since my last activity.

> I can't go aorund merkiing people.
Why not?
Sigh, fine.

Who writes cringe dialogues like this?
Is Parvati a yandere?
> I once was active here, but it's been a couple of years since my last activity
Lol what's even here
> Who writes cringe dialogues like this
Not me

Come check out the Slumlog of Slumbai
Why is the camera turned off or something?
Okay, it's on now and all I see is some guy listening to KPoop and inside a car.

Not what's here. What used to be.
This cringe irrelevant streamer comes to India to get sexually harassed and become famous trend has to stop tbh.
If we cut the out the "top 10 percent" then Indian gdp per capita will look worse than literal warzones.
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Yeah, the inequality is too kino they even make movies out of those places.
Every ending is shit if I'm right, except for the smiling not dude, yeah. I remember the game was too rushed and all the expansions sucked.
I forgot how gdp is defined.
Good thing I rushed it then. It would have taken less time to grind by side quests then fighting everyone at hoover Dam like that. Can't believe NCR clothes let them pass through them lmao
GDP alone is an ultra-scam.
GDP per capita makes things more realistic than Modi projects it to be. 5 trillion economy India super power #3 and all are bullshit.
Yeah same. Last game I was playing was Total War and then my pc killed itself.it was last year I think.
I wish I could game but I really need to fix my life so I feel like shit all the time and I also have a really shit computer that's not even mine.
Authentic Indian Experience.
I never played these games for challenges. I always used cheats and savescummed. I don't know if I see any value in them but I like them as an experience more than as a challenge or something.
Wow, is this still going on?

Well, it's sunday so I bet they're busy having sex and netflixing.

Its a little awkward posting here
When someone calls me Gay,cringe,unemployed and a virgin.
This trimmer has one job and it can't even do that right. But atleast it has a job.
> Good meoning. I think I will juts follow you around. Do whwtavwr you'd like.
Can you say something for yourself this time?

What are you feeling about this place?
> Normals

> Casuals

> Normies

> Normalfags

> Neurotypical

All these words were supposed to be used ironically right?
Someone had broken their arm an hour ago and my dad is now busy having to take him to hospital and all that.
Apparently it's a police case before they offer treatment in the hospital.

Why is something always going on in here?
Will things ever be stable?
Is this normal Indian family or is my family just insane?
> Change color below. Use something dark.

> Another anime opening-tier music

Made for AMV
Being retarded is cute is when pretty girls dude but I am just retarded. Not fair.
Violated 3:03
> Being retarded is cute is when pretty girls
Only a retard would put up with retarded cute girls who are pretty, and that too only for a while till things get too unbearable they just give up because the retard refuses to change or do anything about the retardness.
This movie: https://youtube.com/watch?v=X_HleAX9jVM

Man, his whole gimmick is to be loud and racist.
YT women run like that??
YT women run like that??
Imagine being such a gay need you you date women for their "intelligence" and "personality" and not how their ribs feel like
> racist

Woah really? I guess I am not his fan anymore. What a jerk
Man, what's the point of these videos?

Speaking of ankles, should I be worried if I keep hearing snapping sounds now and then near my knees?
> Speaking of ankles, should I be worried if I keep hearing snapping sounds now and then near my knees?

Doesnt look good man. Should get a doctor's opinion atleast. Clicking sounds are never something good.
This happened to me too. Now I know 2+2=5.
This little things add up. People play sporta all their life no issue but one theyose the ability to turn their knee inwards.
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> being smart and being wise aren't the same things. 

> A conversation with an average voter is the best argument agaisnt democracy.

> Imagine how dumb an average person is and then consider half are dumber than that.

> People would rather hear lies than have their delusions shattered.
> being smart and being wise aren't the same things.
I agree.
> A conversation with an average voter is the best argument agaisnt democracy.
A conversation with an average human being is the best argument against humanity.
> People would rather hear lies than have their delusions shattered.
People just want echoes. They'll only listen to things they already know of.

Going to go eat now.
Now why are people strawmanning agaisnt  trolley problem again? So this is how things are? First they get spread like vermin and then everyone gets sick of them to the point they want them dead. Sad. It's like those "invasive species" humans bring to other habitats because they are le kawai then they spread everywhere and their horrible deaths are celebrated. Sick but errotic. More cats for me to kill if lived in Australia
Yes I am really mad. Can't wait till this green chilly "humus" is finished so I can get a better version.
You missed one. Cya later
> Its about conservation bro! I swear I dont feel aroused when I see their internal organs and hear their screech as they die!

I narrowly missed this grape meme
New fear unlocked. How do I avoid Pharaoh's curse?
Muta can speak Hindi? I didnt know he was Indian.
They did what???
This was made by some uni student and posted on their official YT account.Insane
kek jee topper edit, also why tf is this on my fyp
oh i was studying basic semiconductors for some shit in my kalej thats the reason prolly. i need to clear my watch history
That looks hard. I too would send insults and graphic prictures to the mothers of Cambridge or whatever students of they mocked my effort.
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Damn, I wasn't able to be here at all and you've been pretty much talking to yourself the whole day.

It also feels quite lonely in here. I won't be available for some more time as well. Having a bad day.
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Mitron. Modi uses that a lot in his speeches.

I watched this movie today. It's about a director who preys on a lonely friendless girl and they bond together and things happen. First part is the director being too desperate and thirsty and simpy for the girl and despite his creepy awkward advances the girl still tries to make do with his presence but then realizes that he's only interested in her because he's thirsty and he is married and sleeps with a lot of women and then realizes all men only want one thing and leaves him. In a presentation he gives at the end, he is bitter and thirsty and screams at the audience who viewed his film about how words can't express everything or something. Second part is the same story and same events but this time the guy is not that desperate and is "honest" and tells her before hand about how he's married and has two kids and all that, and the girl is more receptive of him when he stops being a simp to her even if he gets drunk and strips naked in front of two other girls and then in the end things go well.
The nigger director literally made a movie out of his life probably.

I don't know why I watched this movie, it's somewhat bad. I like the idea of redoing things but this is too much. Guy straight up darktriadmaxxed himself and the girl simply fell for it despite the obvious redflags like alcoholism.
> Dolcett
Nah raw looks better. I prefer it done like sashimi,Ikizukuri . Though i am not a gourmet so it may not be my place to speak. I am talking about Minecraft mods here btw.
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Good morning.

What's with all these new flags?
> Bosnia
> France
> Vietnam
> South Korea
How is this even allowed?
Why is this on youtube?

Well, I've seen even creepier shit on youtube so I'm not really that surprised.

I don't get it.
Is it because they're dead but also alive so their cells have decayed and turned to dust or something?

Is he supposed to be annoying?

Got deceived by the thumbnail again.

> my whole personality and existence is based on a meme exam and how much I scored in it
> Is it because they're dead but also alive so their cells have decayed and turned to dust or something
I think it was about some slab. Never picking random random stones for lifting purposes again
> annoying
I'd say genric
Zamn. Ishowspeed's ex was fine.
American homeless dress better than me. Out rizzed from an ocean away. 
The sheer explosive power is insane. Very impressive athelitics.
> Please don't watch this guy he really gets on my nerves
I watch it for the plot.
If MJ has million number of Niggers  i am one of them . if MJ has ten niggers i am one of them. if MJ have only one nigger and that is me . if MJ has no niggers, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the MJ, i am against the world. i love #MJ till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of MJ .
Hit Like If you Think Ronaldo Best player & Smart In the world
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> If MJ has million number of Niggers i am one of them . if MJ has ten niggers i am one of them. if MJ have only one nigger and that is me . if MJ has no niggers, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the MJ, i am against the world. i love #MJ till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of MJ .
Stunning, brave and powerful.
I wonder if 3 letter Niggas laugh att all our impotent seethe. I heard Chinese merked some of them in Burma so there is that. But those were maybe hired Burmese fodder who knows. Not one of their own.
Idk what you are implying but it would be funny if I saw millions of posts that want to merk me and my glowie friends shared by people who have all these hard earned fiat currency in their bank accounts.
Wait, you're supposed to be a vegan.
> Chinese Food
> Wait, you're supposed to be a vegan
Did I do something wrong?
That happened on Sunday? I thought it was Saturday. I think Hindus dotn eat meat in staurday so I should have thought better.
What do you guys think of when you look at people's faces? Especially the feminine ones like this. I would even call this "attractive". What should be one feeling seeing it? I know its weird but just say I want to learn a thing or too.
Are you supposed to feel things when you look at people faces?
I don't feel anything when I look at that girl above.
I'll probably feel things if I managed to get a flash of her boobs or pussy or something.
> Are you supposed to feel things when you look at people faces?
I am faxe blind to some extent but I guess you can see their internal feelings express themselves and it feels good to know the honesty fo thier words that watch their feelings. Though it can be faked. But i guess human faces are aesthetic too. I think they are.
> I'll probably feel things if I managed to get a flash of her boobs or pussy or something
Kinda dirty man but we are all adults here so I guess I am overreacting.
Zamn don't post things like this my Niggas. It's like 9:33 and I am already feeling all excited in the bones. Want to see her bones.
Is it just me or is the thumbnail kinda lewd for no appropriate reason?
4:01 that was romantic. Also it's shameful these birds have so much discipline to go do stuff while I am unemployed.
What do you think of old neet lodu?
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Urge to watch movies and cute girls anime shows featuring girls so I can project onto their experiences is back again.
Coomed again.

I have to keep myself busy all the time or I'll just relapse.
Too long.
Man, what even happened to Old NEET Lodu. Now he's just here caving up with someone who is barely present and talking to himself. Inch is now completely dead and boring without him.
Of course that thread is archived of all threads 
I am struggling with something like this too. #Relatable
> Too long
Same I dozed off half way
> Now he's just here caving up with someone
What does caving up mean?
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> Of course that thread is archived of all threads 
Who is doing all this shit?
Imageboards are supposed to be drunk one night stands or something that you forget and act like it never happened.
Nice motivation shlop music. Neffex is good at making these
> Retsu Kaioh I will give a beautiful end!
I mean yeah Sekigahara settled Nip history and sengoku jidai all and was probably also the largest battle on Nip mainland till that point but it's not intriguing on the tactical level. Kawanajajima had more interesting maneuavers. Yeah all of these are out of legends and made up stuff but so is Sekigahara. Maybe the legends of individual Yuusha's are worth retelling for people?
I hate these retarded wannabe Chads on Inch
> Iitchad

> Bits P Chad

> IB anon

I am sure first two are underage pregnancycels.
Last one is the biggest larper ever tbh
I had my thoughts on why Japan might be the only country where western European like feudalim thrived more than any other place and why only Rajput period in North India was the brief phase dark ages like feaudalism we saw in this god forsaken peninsula. But i think i will stupid because people even debate if some system like this even existed and Nips are wl versed in thier history so it's better to red whst they say instead of making up stuff in your mind. Though i am not enough of a weeb to read arrat.
Funny how somethings never change. From the inception of this place almost every trip user has used some +chad in their names. Even the women poster used +Stacy you know thst Brahmin Stacy bimaru girl.
I hope I get something good to eat. The food I ate in the morning ruined my mood.

> IITChad
> BITS P Chad
Losers who waste their time online instead of studying for their exams and bragging about some useless college tag.
> IB anon
Lmao, this guy is in an even horrible position, having to brag about every single thing he does from consooming rich products to earning so much money. Had he been at reddit or something, he'd be considered poor compared to the 2xrandis who earn more than him while doing nothing except suck dicks.
> My highlight of this year so far was calling some dude who claims to be a decade older than me "mother"
Hmmmmm my parents expected me to become some officer but I think this isn't even that of a disappointment. Am I rithh?
I think it's normal and all. Also it helps people concentrate. You are imahjngign things. Though he looks dead inside but that's like most people teaching at his age.
Oh boy cant wait to google this factoid so it will get deboonked a decade later by scientists with smartass's lining upto correct me about how everyhting I knew about these stupid birds is technically le wrong.
Alredy deboonked kek
> The claim that a female falcon flew nearly 10,000 km from South Africa to Finland in just 42 days is incorrect. The viral image that is often associated with this claim is not a true representation of the bird’s flight path, and there is no evidence to support the claim that a female falcon made such a journey. The image originated in a thread published on 4x4community.co.za by oneten in June 2015, which featured a European Honey Buzzard bird that was tracked by satellite as it made its way from South Africa to Finland. However, the bird in question is not a falcon and did not cover the distance in the amount of time claimed. Therefore, we rate this claim as incorrect.
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Ah it's about a specific pird, not migratory ones in general. Also I think no migratory pird flies to South Africa.
Oh well.
So many posts i am overwhelmed. Thanks about the bird post. I will ake sure to use that factoid for my job interview.
Great. One more white devil to bad mouth India.
Literally who cares except these guys themselves. Also stunning and brave movie agaisnt Hindoo nationalists 
> Kuch dino pehle na
> na
Start wearing your mother's banhke's at this point of you talk like this.
So many annoying comments like.
> Its all marketing bro!
> Too expensive bro!
Thej don't buy it. It's that simple.Sour grape Niggas 
I am not gonna lie. Eating meat is essential even if you are lactose tolerant which many people here aren't but meat obsessed tards are extremely cringe too. Also preet sure this dude is lolcow at this point but I am not sure if that's the same guy.
Yeah same dude but people doubt stuff in this article so take this with grain of salt. 
Has anyone here played God Hand. I save summed agaisnt final Tiger dude encounter and it haunts me to this day.
I can't watch the video for more than a minute.
Why do these "vegan" activists have to sound annoying and obnoxious?
And why is this guy only concerned about making fun of him?
They could at least explain veg vs. non-veg without the ad-hominems.
> Tammanah
> Shilpa
God, every single person featured in this video must be bonked for being cringe.

Lmao literally this guy.

> video
Ugh... only heard of it.
> Why do these "vegan" activists have to sound annoying and obnoxious?
Moral imperative. Honest reaction to wrong. 
> Lmao literally this guy.
How do i become like this without actually stabbing the people and eating meat part?
I was watching an Anno documentry but quit halfway(2 hours long) but damn this dude worked hard during the beginning of his career like not even some wagie intern but didn't give up. I mean that's every Japanese guy or maybe any person of note tbh
I am getting a lot of YT shorts slop videos relatwd to Stirling engine. Is it still used today? Was it ever used to significant degree at any point? Is that it jsut really look cool?
> Anno documentary
Which one?

I only watched behind the scenes video of Love and Pop of his and there were some scenes in there where he tries to catch a glimpse of panty shots of the teens in the movie. This is the guy who then goes to direct scenes where a character who obviously references the stereotypical otaku handrapes the same girl in the movie and cooms on her hand. What a hypocrite.
I have no idea. It's probably still in use because they teach this shit in universities and have taught me too.
Now i must try to be a competent and well adjusted person which should be helped by minimzing talking to myself. I think I can do this. I am not going anywhere. Just will try not posting this much and appreciate the ceiling more for now.
> Which one?
The first two hour one when it comes up and also there was soem bwhind the scenes type Eva doc which i also quit halfway. I maybe mashing up memories.
> Hypocrite
Probably did it to appear le slightly perverted heckin relatable genius dude. Or maybe he is just a creep with bad manners.
It looks like magic.
Bhosadpillers, wannabe Chads and caste kangers took over InCh since you left. Come back Lord NEET Lodu and save us.
Looks like glowies have taken over too. I can see someone spamming the whole /b/ catalog with teenage niggeras.

Imagine being so pompous and self-absorbed you release documentaries of you working.
Why don't people call out fake chickpeas? Soaked black chickpeas aren't Kabuli Channa(Chole). Fske marketing
Its proabably the same B Pilani dude I talked to like when did I end my last hiatus again? Like the very beginning. If thats the same guy then I am kinda disappointed. I thought he could back up his confidence in stoodyceling making him some high value person(?) but yet he is here again posting like some useless NEET.
Who starts his meal with Lassi of all things? You dont even start with sweets atleast not when eating spicy curry slop
Damn, that looks gassy and bloated. I'd not want to eat that shit. It looks tasty but I'd probably suffer a lot eating that slop.
God I wish that were me. [The skeleton]
Poor guy coping with being alone at his college by calling himself a chad and bragging about it online.
> I'd not want to eat that shit. It looks tasty but I'd probably suffer a lot eating that slop
Save buttermilk for the last
> God I wish that were me. [The skeleton]
> Poor guy coping with being alone at his college by calling himself a chad and bragging about it online
I hope that's not the case
Whats a lounge anyways? What's the appeal of siting with people like that? You cant even focus on one person properly.
Whats with anime characters going to school or whatever like next day after saving existence from the some incarnation of destruction side of literally omnipotent God or something. Man i would atleast take a week long leave after all that.
Talking to myself again. Atleast I noticed so it's an improvement. I am complaining a lot less here too but I need to done down that a lot irl. I am confident everyhting will be sorted out at the end fo the year. Later
W or L
So in as watching that South American swamp documentary yesterday and there was but about biting flies feeding on the blood of caimans. I was like "dang this must suck worse than mosquitoes, glad these things don't exist here." and just today some huge grey fly bit my heel and fed on my blood. Is this what they call Nelson mandela moment/effect or soemthing? I hope I don't catch sugma.
Isn't it just Shahid Raza or something behind that account and only he along with his 100 or so friends soemthing believes that weird larp that didn't even exist before 2016 or something? Would be wierd for regular Pakistani folks.
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Ok I won't lie. I like when they go all the way through and not stop at one stab or a gash or lobbed off head. But this is missing something which I can't put my finger at. Better than most stuff but there needs to be soemthing else, like hmmmm not satisfying. I guess it's too sanitized. Like yes you would like to keep some place like that clean but messy guts, blood and splatter has its appeal. It's more energetic and pumps the bloodlust more than taking someone apart like a doll.
Aaaa the edge and pretentiousness. Yes I don't have money to commissions and I also doubt my vision. I am not sure what I ultimately want to see. It doesnt even hit the right spot in the head.
Why does Parvati has so much fan art? She wasn't even in any anime adaptation iirc. Also is Gate should generic click for le s*x visual novel or is there any tacticool expect to it like Sengoku Rance?

Is she cute?
I think she's 10/10 but that's probably my BPD going to extremes.

I've only watched Fate and I thought it was shit generic light novel garbage with white knight main character and all these broken girls he had to simp for and they reward him with sex and all that.
> Is she cute?
Every physically weak creature is cute. Not beautiful. Cute.
> I think she's 10/10 but that's probably my BPD going to extremes
Not my type. Especially not the face and i dont like the proportions of her body either. Her upper body is too compact. Longs arms so that's a plus. Sorry about this kind of criticism but I don't think she is reading this or would care about my opinion at all so I don't feel that  bad. Basically yeah ruined my mood.
> Sarcasm
> I've only watched Fate and I thought it was shit generic light novel garbage with white knight main character and all these broken girls he had to simp for and they reward him with sex and all that.
Yeah I couldn't want a single episode of Zero or Unlimited blade works.
Kek tho. There is something weird about these dogs. Backyard breeders here got hold of them and they were everywhere. They are so restless and honestly bold. First time I saw a pet dog outright jumping on the child and also the first time a I saw an abandoned dog of foreign origin. I wanted to tear these things apart so bad.
Jumping might not be the correct word like what do animals do when they obviously see something as prey like taking them down. So wild.
Endgame weapon
Look at this beauty
> Basically yeah ruined my mood.
Damn, sorry.
I liked it so much I post it again.
> They are so restless and honestly bold.
God I wish that were me.
> poosproject
I wanna say I'd like to go there but then I watched Banshees of Inisherin and those places are horrible to be at. Imagine seeing the same people all day and every day, and no to mention the lack of internet and other facilities.
> Damn, sorry.
I ate pretty good food so it's not a problem but I feel bad for saying all those rude things.
> I liked it so much I post it again
> God I wish that were me
Why do you liek the tatse of toddlers?
>  >poosproject
Get out of the prison of your mind
> I wanna say I'd like to go there but then I watched Banshees of Inisherin and those places are horrible to be at. Imagine seeing the same people all day and every day, and no to mention the lack of internet and other facilities.
Yes would be good wihtout all those people. Also I think they have internets now and yeah maybe medical facilities might not be that good like big cities.
I still have some sort of PTSD from the thirst of images of Indian women posted once on Indiachan. Particularly the one of them which I can't describe properly but I feel sick just thinking about it.
> Soft, curvy and feminine
Yeah sure
Why should I feel sympathy for him? He pulled the girl close grabbing her waist wihtout her consent. He deserved getting charges on him. Though a little unprofessional of him running away from the ring girl like that but whatever atleast he leaned good manners.
> inb4 white knight simp
>  >nose being too deprived of oxygen it puts a new hole in it
Wait what
> Probably cute aggression
That won't fly in court
> Quite hot.
Mmmkay I guess
There was a recent news of some women who got soemthing living in her brain after foraging in wild. Conspiracy people were saying it's deliberately spread so you stay dependant on the grid.
I uninstalled 4xhan app a long time ago so no it wasn't Pol or X but comment section of some mainstream news on youtube. It's fun fishing for posts like these. Last one I saw was someone calling the rolling stone guys clones of the original after they announced their return.
> There was a recent news of some women who got soemthing living in her brain after foraging in wild.
Yeah, I'm reading about this and it looks like brain infections of micro-organisms happen if you stay out and swim in lakewater or river and stuff like that.

Why are people asking to go outside?
You'll die.
> Last one I saw was someone calling the rolling stone guys clones of the original after they announced their return.
Interesting. Their music sucks so that explains that.
> Yeah, I'm reading about this and it looks like brain infections of micro-organisms happen if you stay out and swim in lakewater or river and stuff like that.
Freak case tbh. Also America is a huuuuge place so it's expected to have one or two of them in a while. Wish I was American.
> Why are people asking to go outside?
> You'll die.
This. Never leave the living room of you domt want to die.
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Why do Niggas act like they had better options in mind lol. Bruh you gotta like open books and read words in everyhting. 
PS: Why is CA sub in my homepage?
Unironically first thing I want to do after a getting a job(I swear I will) is getting a body pillow. But my waifu is too obscure and I dont have the sheer autistic guts in me to order a custom one. Is this why we struggle? For nothing.
> Wish I was American.
Eww gross why would you want to be an Am*rican.

Can't people speak about something important like unemployment, education, poverty, inflation, income inequality, corruption, low investment, AI takeover and so on instead of this low hanging namechanging mumbo jumbo before the time of elections?
> Why do Niggas act like they had better options in mind lol.
I actually had better options in my mind but problem is I wasn't able to properly articulate them because I never had an opportunity to express them. Wish I went to some creative arts like drawing or writing, or even psychology and then be part of some anti-psychiatry movement or something.
> But my waifu is too obscure
Who is she?
> Is this why we struggle? For nothing.
Life's never easy.
> Eww gross why would you want to be an Am*rican.
Third worlder cope
> Can't people speak about something important like unemployment, education, poverty, inflation, income inequality, corruption, low investment, AI takeover and so on instead of this low hanging namechanging mumbo jumbo before the time of elections?
You should credit to good folks on Quora of you wanna copy their posts.
> I actually had better options in my mind but problem is I wasn't able to properly articulate them because I never had an opportunity to express them. Wish I went to some creative arts like drawing or writing, or even psychology 
Yeah you should have gone for it if you had good connections and resources to make most oit of it.
> and then be part of some anti-psychiatry movement or something.
This is a nice and risky grift.
> Who is she?
Its too embarrassing to tell anyone that but don't worry it's not Loli crap. Maybe jailbait but I am not sure.
> Life's never easy
That the fun part
Gross. Good thing the quality is really bad and it could be fake so I can rest easy I didn't see what I think I did.
Zamn I have forgotten a lot about how I used to write. My hand keeps slipping and I keep making errors.I couldn't write Miyamoto Musashi without messing up 5 times. Ok starting from level 1 again. I hope I get that knack back.
Come to think about it. I never learned how to use a pen properly. It's a good opportunity to learn the proper technique.
Not like its in my budget anywyas but all this preachy  interruption would be tiresome.
That's how it felt like for me too.
It took a while for me to get comfortable back to writing with a pen. Now I think I lost the ability or skill to learn and study. Need to get back on track but it's such a problem.

Is there even a proper technique for writing?
> that'll be 4999 dollars plus tip
> Now I think I lost the ability or skill to learn and study
I guess this will be a challenge for now too.
> Is there even a proper technique for writing
Maybe but they say I hold the pen wrong. 
> that'll be 4999 dollars plus tip
Who cares if you have money to burn.
Tbf not like I hold like a ape. The difference isn't even that noticable. Nothing to be very conscious of if it works. Good night btw i didn't sleep during the daytime.
I notice some youtubers hold their pen in the middle and not near the nib and they write in a weird and funky way. My pinky finger hurts so much when I write these days and my handwriting gets messed up because of how fast I write.

This looks like a pen shill video than a handwriting style video.

This looks really bad.
> Good night btw i didn't sleep during the daytime.
I see.
That's good.

I slept like an hour and messed up my sleep schedule.
Woah really?
Lol how they got the granny dancin
Got to see a dead cat(kitten?) today. Maybe it died of rat poison so yes there were no outright visible signs of suffering. Didn't get the kick. What a waste.
Yeah that looks hard but similar to how I am holding the pen now. I guess it will return back to what it was as i get the knack back. Nothinb burger tbh
Now there's a pretty meme. Excuisite!
This nigga living on easy mode. Earning all that money eating Jap food and living there. 
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Good Morning.

Btw I'm having one of those random thoughts where I'm confused why you'd even want to invest time and energy in me, someone who isn't that interested about things here. You should seek and pursue relationships that last and with people who are emotionally present for you than stay in one that makes you feel alone and as if you're talking to yourself.
You're kind of making me do things that others in the past did to me, or I thought they were doing.

> slow down
> stop
> 60 seconds
I wish people, including me, learnt these important instructions when making critical decisions.
Damn, she's good.
Should I watch this obvious Breaking Bad-tier meme movie?

> Jap food
> that
Bravo Abe.
Would you prefer more blood instead of bruises in your images?
> Btw I'm having one of those random thoughts where I'm confused why you'd even want to invest time and energy in me, someone who isn't that interested about things here.
I like you. You always come back.
> You should seek and pursue relationships that last and with people who are emotionally present for you
Meds. Noone says that or does that.
> You're kind of making me do things that others in the past did to me, or I thought they were doing
Whats that
> I wish people, including me, learnt these important instructions when making critical decisions
Idk what has that to do with dead felines but yes,rash decision making is pretty bad.
> Should I watch this obvious Breaking Bad-tier meme movie?
Whxih one
> Would you prefer more blood instead of bruises in your images
My images? But if you mean the stuff I like then I will accept everyhting there is to offer except p*op of course.
Skin, bones, blood, hair, cartilage, fat, muscle, ligaments, nails, organs, I dont what eyes are made of but I want everything. If its a part of the body then I want it. How romantic. Feels so good like love. Though i draw a line at literal crap.
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> I like you. You always come back.
There's a difference between being there, and BEING there though. I'm just there. You're just talking to yourself.
> Noone says that or does that.
Well, guess why they're unhappy?
> Whats that
Being stuck in the middle and things going nowhere. I don't know if it's because of me or because I find myself hanging around people who I don't have much similar things to do or share similar interests with, so there's actually nothing much to talk about with them.
> Idk what has that to do with dead felines but yes,rash decision making is pretty bad.
Misquoted. 3 signs video.
> Whxih one
The one where that song came from.
> I will accept everyhting there is to offer except p*op of course.
> How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop
I used to think a lot about this but I couldn't cross that line. Well noone is perfect but if push really comes to the shove...
> There's a difference between being there
Good enough. It meamns you care. But if I feel liek a burden to you then I can go.
> Well, guess why they're unhappy?
Well people will find one way or another to be miserable anyways.
> Being stuck in the middle and things going nowhere. I don't know if it's because of me or because I find myself hanging around people who I don't have much similar things to do or share similar interests with, so there's actually nothing much to talk about with them.
Well thats the universal entropy of things. Again if you feel like this is holding you back then you should do what's right for you. No need to pity me. 
> Jailer
I guess it looks okay
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> But if I feel liek a burden to you then I can go.
> Again if you feel like this is holding you back then you should do what's right for you.
No, it doesn't. This is about you.
I'm okay with coming here and watching and replying to things you post and the youtube shorts you watch and the long documentaries that you share hoping something comes out of it but doesn't because I don't really watch them and conversations that don't really go anywhere more than two or five replies at most.
> No need to pity me. 
Uh, not pitying you. Just telling you to get your priorities straight. This won't go anywhere and you're always going to feel that distance you can never make it from me, and same in case of me because you don't really talk that much. There's no emotional connection, which involves sharing deepest emotions and expressing your feelings in the open while hurting each other and all that melodrama shit you see in anime.

I'm curious.
Take this quiz.
> I'm okay with coming here
Stopped reading there. Thank you. I am grateful. 
> and same in case of me because you don't really talk that much
Well I can but you dont like that all much so it feels I am making it a chore for you.
> There's no emotional connection, which involves sharing deepest emotions and expressing your feelings in the open while hurting each other and all that melodrama shit you see in anime.
Yeah true you refused to share your Journaling if iirc. Not trying to gotcha but just saying you are correct in saying that you can't force this stuff.
> Take this quiz
Got stuck at the first question but I took Ventrue in the game becuase I thought they had class. Like why do you wanna be a schizo or some other type of animalistic creature?
So those protruding spikes must be attached to her her skeleton. Are they bones or development of keratin? Will it hurt you snap one out or saw it?
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> you dont like that all much
Wait, what?
Who told you that?
I like reading about other people and breaking open their minds and calling them narcissists and psychopaths.
> you refused to share your Journaling
Those are personal thoughts!
I do share other stuff like family problems and stuff I do.
> Like why do you wanna be a schizo or some other type of animalistic creature?
It's not who you want to be but who you are. I want to be a girl but I'm not.
Well, who are you?
Also, how the fuck do you get stuck in the first question?
It's probably a B or E.

Well, guess what. I am a schizo.
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They're Tzimisce. They're "power" is shapeshifting their flesh and have an intense fetish for body related blood sorcery and all that.
> Who told you that?
Idk I got that feel. Also it's would boring.. 
> I like reading about other people and breaking open their minds and calling them narcissists and psychopaths
.. Boring becuase you know everything about me like I am full fuzzy love,empathy and care for every creature thst exists <3
> Those are personal thoughts!
But you talked about deepest emotions!
> Well, who are you?
I am your friend. Am I n-not?
> Also, how the fuck do you get stuck in the first question?
I lack third person perspective 
> B or E
Really? I doubt that. 
> Well, guess what. I am a schizo
I didn't mean it liek that! People aren't tastes! They are poeple! Also I generalised a little becaused I speed played the game and didn't explore other clans after one run.
He just explained what would happen to you if you try to change a narcissist psychopath. He's obviously wrong and you're just trying to help him see reality, but he takes it as a serious insult as if you raped his mom or something, and then beats you up and rips you into pieces and rapes your girlfriend and then tells you that he won.

Lot of wisdom in the comments. The smartest person would never argue with such people and try to avoid such people in their lives.

You forgot this. 💀
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Why is everyone using a VPN or proxy in here?
That's it. I'm not going to show myself as an Indian flag anymore.
Unga bunga bvll. You are not strong becuase you are correct but you are correct because you are strong.  >>/531/
Yujiro only forces himself on dudes.  >>/533/
Noooooo pls doooont
NEET Lodu and Rakulcel meet-up, very accurate, innit
Looks sad man. Now i understand why a dude I kneww wanted to blow his brains out at 45. That dude's name? Einstein
No jk it was Yukio Mishima and by that I mean one gay dude I used to talk to who wasn't from Japan.
That feel when your shoelaces last for more than 10 minutes before unravelling.
I know I shouldn't be saying this but old people are better off dead, man. Back then people died in their 30s on average. Thanks to modern medicine or whatever, these people get to stay alive but they eventually end up as babies instead and now you need another couple of people to simply take care of them.

My grandma is past expiration date and nobody gives a fuck about her existence so she tries all kinds of stunts to seek attention from others and it can be quite annoying.

Wait, Mishima wasn't a Japanese?
My grandma is past expiration date and nobody gives a fuck about her existence so she tries all kinds of stunts to seek attention from others and it can be quite annoying
Man this is sad. 
Idk never talked to him
She can't even walk anymore because of how thin her legs are and leaves a snail trail of shit and piss. Her whole room stinks of shit and piss and somehow her body has adjusted itself to that smell so she can't even figure out something is wrong around her. Because of her snail movements her ass is red and sometimes gets swollen.
Lols thats not reassuring like at all.
Like what?? 😳
I will never be white enough to truly enjoy it.
> The paper also concluded that its findings might indicate that, according to some stories, he probably suffered, at least in the last years of his life, from a pathological condition called hemolacria. That is, he could shed tears admixed with blood, perhaps leading to the gory depiction of Dracula crying tears of blood in films, many years on.
I wonder what made THIS GUY cry.
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The food in that restaurant looks like shit, I mean literally.
Uh, what's there to enjoy about this generic big budget videogame?
Vampires can't eat actually. Their body rejects anything that goes inside, and they don't breathe or secrete hormones so there's no oxygen or gastric to process the food either.

This image can't be real.
Right now these two are putting up a partnership.
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Too busy these days, mentally and physically exhausted. Need to refill my high-octane tank. So, I saw the Indian movie "PATHAAN" in IMAX! 
Well, it was awesome! I was numb! It opened my blood vessels! It was a MAD MAX level of energy! After seeing this, I think I'll be able to hold it for a while!

Mission Impossible, 007, RRR, John Woo, the whole shebang! A few Metal Gear elements too! There was applause after the screening. Highly recommended! If you don't see it, you're missing out! Movies these days think too hard. This is pure entertainment film! 
It's still hot, so watch this movie and blow off the summer heat!

I'll buy the BD when it comes out, and I want the OST too.
Yes i will be sad.
> The food in that restaurant looks like shit, I mean literally
Did you meant it literally when you talked about being a unicorn who farts rainbows?
> Vampires can't eat actually. Their body rejects anything that goes inside, and they don't breathe or secrete hormones so there's no oxygen or gastric to process the food either.
Good. More steaks for me.
> This image can't be real.
6 foot tall Niggas vs "6 foot in the morning" Niggas
Yeah I forgit about that. F*rt is something I also found really gross. Such a huuuuge turn off. Good thing I will always be an incel anyways.
There is a Pathan caste in Indian Muslims and I think this literallly me stuff for them. Tbh all Indo muslims in general.
> Uh, what's there to enjoy about this generic big budget videogame
Oh how did I miss this one. You will never he white.
> when you talked about being a unicorn who farts rainbows?
> 6 foot in the morning
... 6 foot!?
> Yes.
Unicorns are built for slaughter. I know you are jking so it's cool.
> ... 6 foot!?
Yeah whats wrong with that.
I guess I understand. Even 6 foot is dead average. Not everyone can be an octopus with 8 of them.
> Tentacles are considered arms and it's "6 feet" not "6 foot" atleast in this context.
Well, at least there was an attempt at number based puns so that's appreciated.
I wonder if thinks I am being ironic or sarcastic and not genuinely appreciative. It's so gay when you try to express your happiness and gratitude.
Happens for no reason.
I guess my miserable state of decay and not moving forward in life and having to hide from people because of shame and guilt and all that.

Trans rights are human rights.
Dont worry man. The sun will explode and all this would not matter or something. Whats Jerusalem worth anyways.
> Trans rights are human rights
True even that soylent(nutritious alternative to meat) enjoying gentleman I posted agrees with that.
Man impressive how these guys adapt at telling people what they want hear. His zoomer fan base has grown up and are now realising they will be mediocre wagies forever.
How can you call this cooking? This is like instant noodles. 
Also that oil bottle or whatever it is called made the most repulsive sound I have heard in a while. I would devour all that though
> Kishire, PANTERA!
Is there any place where I can get my feet rated/review? Where can i sell feet pics if i pass the rating test? Apparently I have "very beautiful" feet and I want a body pillow really really bad.
So now that dwsdbody of the cat has bloated and the rot has set in. The body is still intact and the only scavenging been done is by flies that are entering the orifices in the head to do what they do like laying the eggs do their maggots can feed upon it later the obvious stuff. I am seeing a lot of dead sewer rats aorund too like large ones so I think there was some kind of extermination or atleast a culling attempt and this cat ate the poisoned corpse of one those rodents. No wonder these bloated dead rats had intact corpses too. Hope this cats stomach gets exposed soon so I can see the good stuff.
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/india/ is claimable.
What do you think?

This either means someone could hijack this place, or you, or me, can take over this board and do something here [sounds like a massive headache and the last thing that I need]?

Goood morning btw.

Looks tasty.
There's only gonna be dried shit in there.
It's ma'am.
> What do you think?
Same as you. 
> There's only gonna be dried shit in there
Depends on the timing tbh
> indiachan.net
The rating part, selling part or both?
> It's ma'am
Imagine accidently calling someone mom instead of ma'am haha.It would be so embarrassing and awkward lol haha
Seriously Indians should stop calling women ma'am if they respect them or something. It's sounds worse than saar spam
> Same as you. 

Okay, now tell me. What do I do now?
> Okay, now tell me. What do I do now?
What is to gain after "claiming" this board. I have already quit 4chan and my dream of le grape Indian imageboard is dead. I don't think i need it anymore.
> What is to gain after "claiming" this board.
Someone else could hijack it. This isn't a safe place if someone thinks of ruining it.
> my dream of le grape Indian imageboard is dead
Imageboards in general are dead any way. There's no point in outer heavens and resurrections anymore.
> Someone else could hijack it. This isn't a safe place if someone thinks of ruining it.
"Safe space" sounds condescending but I guess it is indeed one. I am gonna thunk much about it. We will see.
> Imageboards in general are dead any way.
1.7 billion Indians
> There's no point in outer heavens and resurrections anymore.
> I am gonna thunk much about it.
Yay, finally.

> Idgi
I still see people trying to fix imageboards and start new ones and make the next 4chan or something. All useless.
> Yay, finally
> I still see people trying to fix imageboards and start new ones and make the next 4chan or something. All useless
They arent pro nation.
Looks like benis. I am sorry I didn't notice that or I would have dmmed deemed it too dirty too post.
I don't liek the expression. A little too alive.. if you will. Yes the shock is there but slow methodical torture doesn't leave that much life in the face. It should look more pale and dead. I would have liked a bowed head with minimum expression. I would have complimented being spread and oj your knees as if being humbled and in peace. Maybe this pretentiousn but this could scratch my personal  itch i think.
Azad Rathore is the jailer of a woman's prison in Mumbai, who along with his gang of women/inmates consisting of Lakshmi, Eeram, Ishkra, Kalki, Helena, and Janhvi; hijack a Mumbai Metro and negotiates with NSG officer Narmada Rai, to ask the government to send ₹40,000 crores in exchange for the passengers' lives. Kaliee Gaikwad, the fourth largest arms dealer in the world, learns that his daughter Alia is also one of the captives on the train and agrees to give the money. When Alia questions their motive, Azad reveals his plan of donating the money to a certain economically disadvantaged class in the country. Azad and his gang donate the entire money and escape from the Metro successfully.

Meanwhile, Azad meets Narmada and her daughter, Suchi, with love slowly brewing between the two of them, and they eventually get married. Azad and his gang put into play another plan to kidnap the Health Minister and demand to initiate world-class infrastructure to every government hospital, in exchange for the Health Minister's life. The infrastructure is immediately initiated in the hospitals, allowing Azad and his gang to escape again after a shootout between Narmada and her team. One night, Narmada finds out about Azad's true identity and confronts him, but Kaliee's brother Manish Gaikwad and his henchmen capture and torture them. However, Azad is saved by his doppelgänger named Vikram, and taken to a safe house. Narmada finds out the identities of Azad's accomplices and confronts them, where she learns about Azad and Vikram's connection.

Past: Vikram was a commando in the Indian Army, who set out on a operation to hunt down the terrorist group responsible for attacking and killing 40 Indian soldiers, along with holding civilians captive. Vikram and his team took down the terrorists, but not without heavy casualities. Vikram noticed that their weapons were faulty and files a complaint against Kaalie, who is the supplier of the weapons, but Kaalie tried to unsuccessfully cut a deal with Vikram. That same night, Vikram and his wife Aishwarya were attacked at home by Kaalie and his henchmen. Kaalie took Vikram onboard a plane and shot him to death, while Aishwarya was sentenced to prison for killing three cops who were on Kaalie's payroll. Afterwards, Vikram was declared a national traitor. Aishwarya later gave birth to their child Azad in the prison. Many years later, Aishwarya revealed her past to Azad and asked him to prove Vikram's innocence and provide justice to the oppressed, before she was later sentenced to death. Unbeknownst to the world, Vikram survives the attack and loses his memory, where he is rescued by a North Indian tribe and rehabilitated at their village. 30 years later after partially recovering his memory, Vikram soon learns that Azad is alive and sets out to find him.

Present: Learning this, Narmada decides to help Azad and his team in their mission. However, Narmada's teammate Irani, who is revealed to be on Kaalie's payroll, tries to kill them; Lakshmi is killed in the resulting crossfire. Azad arrives at the prison and kills Irani in a stampede. Vikram, Azad and his team attack Kaalie's containers, which contain money for the upcoming elections and also for boosting Kaalie's political ambitions. Azad manages to steal Kaalie's containers, while Vikram gets captured by Kaalie's henchmen. Azad releases another video and states that he has stolen voting machines and demands to seal 253 factories in the country, responsible for air and water pollution. The factories are sealed by the government. Kaalie learns about Azad's location in the woman's prison and a fight ensues, where Vikram finally recovers his memory and helps Azad by hanging Kaalie to death. In the aftermath, Azad and his team head to Switzerland and target Swiss Banks for another operation.
> Man, you really need help
Would it be a good idea to setup gofund me for a custom body pillow?
> One of the most cringe stories I've ever heard of.
Whats it tho. Also can I talk to you in inthi.Like a little. I am losing grip over it and it gets awkward fumbling when tlaking to people.
> Also can I talk to you in inthi.Like a little.
Sure why not?
It's another question if I'm able to understand though. I can try.
> Yes.
> Its real
Bravo badshah san
> Sure why not?
Han yaar kya bolte the mtlb kya tha akhir hmmmmm pata nhi kya bolu hmmm
Kitni farsi/turki/Arabi use kru Hmmm mtlb jada shudh hindi awkward lgti hai
> this looks like soemthing you will like 
Unke pran bhot jaldi nikal ja rhe hai upar se galat hai hare hue dushman pe barbarta karna aise. Ye jung nhi hai
Holy moly that's too expensive. And then there is the cost of being a permanent outcast on the top of it. 
Shout out to lurkers here if there are any 
When you meet your waifu that you really respect and like as a person.
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Alright, playtime over.

The experience was annoying and tiresome for me. Back to this claimable board.
I forgot to ask. Are you bothered by it? If you are then i will stop but if you just don't care then I will keep posting it like other meaningless stuff I say and post.
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No, that doesn't bother me.
> If you are then i will stop but if you just don't care then I will keep posting it like other meaningless stuff I say and post.
Okay, you're asking for it now.

Yes, what goes in my mind when you post gore and say random shit is this: "Oh boy, there's absolutely nothing similar or some sense of shared interest between us both and I'm just here talking to him because I'm too bothered and scared of being alone I'd rather stay with someone who I have absolutely nothing similar or working towards something together and nothing good is going to come out of this and that I really should be doing something but instead I'm wasting my time in here and I'm so alone and I have nobody I could properly connect with because of how weird and confused I am about everything and I don't even know what to do or how to look for such people who are similar to me and all I could do is like what I get if I don't get what I like and... ", anyway you send me on an existential spiral but that's pretty much my normal so don't bother too much about it. Only thing that you can do something about is ask yourself whether this is what you want, a ChatGPT experience where you're just talking to yourself for the most part.
Am I holding you back. Will my absence help you in anyway? I dotn care about what "experience" you give me. I care about you.
> Am I holding you back.
You don't care if I don't reply or if I leave abruptly and all that. So that's not a problem.
> Will my absence help you in anyway?
Are you trying to act like some anime character right now?

> I care about you.
> You don't care
Its not that I don't care. It's like I understand. I am very mature.
> Are you trying to act like some anime character right now
My bad. ESL moment. I checked the definition of "absence" and it implies the absent thing is "needed" or "wanted".
>  >I care about you.
What the h*ll is this response? I laughed
If this is a "disease" or "illness" then I am happy being sick. Though it's not that anyways. Like why would some Co dependent person tell you so casually to leave of you wish. Would they not try to beg you or other kind of manipulation into staying.
> It's like I understand. I am very mature.
This isn't maturity at all. You're just being used up with no regard for your time and energy and presence.
> Would they not try to beg you or other kind of manipulation into staying.
That's a very simple way to look at this but no. It's more complicated than that.
> used
Like lol that's not the case. You are barely present here to use anyone. Also nit like I am expecting some stairway to heaven opening at the end of all this. I do it because I want to. I am not a women. I cant blame manipulatioj or "psychopathy".
Ok ok i am sorry I am really sorry I wouldn't have said that. I was just being honest. We should care and empathize with mentally ill people
Why do these niggers still browse plebbit
> Hope can be poisonous. 

How? Even if this statement is true, it is still better than hopelessness, isn't it?
Yeah I agree with you because modt people arenr hopeless but what I was saying that they are tempted by that possibility to do adopt despair and feed into it.
I can't drink milk tea so there is supposed to be no caffeine in my system. Thst lead to something interesting. The coke i drank tasyed was mazing and I think that has something to be do with caffeine intake after a while. I don't like cola all thst much but I could say it was addicting almost.
Yeah no. I will not say all this. I need resolve to inspire people to adopt more gentle approach to food. No i can't have second thoughts at all. I will not. It's fine. It's all good.
I am talking as if I am talking about cocaine. It's just milk lol. I can get caffeine from just tea alone but I think I should capitalise on this opportunity and ditch caffeine dependency for good.
So you talked about your grandmother yesterday and that made me think about my own. I stopped visiting her a while ago but I realised she must ne lonely and stuck in the house.She also talked about me not seeing her so I visited her today. I guess I will do this daily till you know... I mean she isn't in good health.
The I guess my grandfather will be lonely then so I will still be visiting their house. Hope if i get a job that's friendly with this routine.
"I will hold the good conversations with people today wihtout making the feel weird."
Urge to talk about the war crime videos from the recent Azeri Armenian conflict:
Raj aged really well. He is older than Ramsay here.
Raj could have roasted most of these Niggas hairlines when they called him fat but that would have too edgy for this Norwood world.
I was out and I was exploring the internet while I was away.

I came across a nice microblogging website but looks like it's dead because the developer is missing for a year.
You actually get withdrawals if you stop taking caffeine.

You're gonna regret if you involve yourself with old people. They can be total attention whores and smother the hell out of you.

Me having a mental breakdown and trying to stay composed in here.
That board doesn't exist anymore.
Here hate speech is allowed.
Fuck niggers.

Yes, twitter.

He should've beaten the shit out of his cousins and raped their mothers.
I don't like it but it's all worth it if you do your duty. I also hope this is a temporary meltdown like you mentioned before and you recover soon. Wish I could help. Good night again
> I also hope this is a temporary meltdown like you mentioned before and you recover soon.
Nah, it's not temporary. Rapid mood swings is an important symptom of BPD. It's here to stay. I can only learn how to manage them.

Hmm, good night.
That cat corpse is gone. Some part inside me is a little relieved because the stench would have amplified by now. Ngl I almost like that smell but it's an acquired tatse and I am not there yet.
I liked the theme of performance and surprise. It worked here well because of the details in the background. I think people obsesses a little too much about symmetry but this works here considering the aforementioned pop star theme.
I would say I don't mind the expressive ahegao face in this context but drawing them as if they were still performing would have been a good touch. Way better than showing fans in the crowd. Would have add better too the macabre performance aspect.
Technically there's no such thing as negative numbers.
0 + (-1) + 2
You add 2 to 0, and you take 1 away.

Good morning.
Is this the first thing you have to see on a saturday morning?
Take part what?
> Technically there's no such thing as negative numbers
Keep exposing their academic fraud 🙏
> Is this the first thing you have to see on a saturday morning
I am sorry but I added the link not the image  so you warned beforehand. Though i apologize for that too. If you see talkign about me then this is always on my mind so can't make an exception for Saturdays. Guess what else is always on my mind 😊
> Take part what
It was a typo. *take apart
> Noooooo not le gato cato!
> Around 85 kgs
How can someone be so wrong judging your weight by looks? It's off by 20 kgs. Are they making fun of me?
Ir didn't feel like an apology at all. As if you were forced to do it. It didnt make me feel better at all!
Thanks for apologising btw.

I'm not in a good mood to talk and I'll only say more mean and horrible things. I need to sleep or something.
Good night.
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I shouldnt be joking baout it but he for floored like Peter Griffin from Family Guy, a popular animated sitcom. For context
Who was in the wrong here?
> Taking eating the frog literally
Chinese work ethic
> Is this part of some performance?
> Why are everyone silent?
Charity event for Mute people I guess.
>  >violence funny haha
Who are you quoting? 
> American humor is so boring.
USA is not the only counties in America. Latinx countries also exist. Dont generalise an entire contient.
I hate Gigguk and then he started a
-Can you guess it? Yes a podcast! Now I hate him even more than before. As if there weren't enough garbage takes on anime around. I think i should start a channel related to anime but noone wants to listen to third world brown people.
> Man this dude is the chillest dude in existence. He doesn't mid anyhting you'd o or say!
> Acha what if you tie up him and his family and slowly torture them in font of him? Do you think he will stay calm and laugh if off?
Was it really necessary to say the last part? Any tips for this friend of mine so doesn't think or say stuff like this?
I would be putting bounties on Niggas online if I was a billionaire. This proves rich are evil becuase they don't this.
I am confused about morality of what Chris Chan did with his mother. How would you even determine if things are consentual when the victim is like senile which is a kind of retardation. Like why are people allowed to marry or date people with downs syndrome and other things. Like how is an adult having non forced sex with an adult downie differnt from railing a 14 years old girl obsessed with some singer in his 30s?
Mechanical keyboards are hip now? What do people type with in the west?
Oh god, my stomach hurts so much.
I think I ate something bad the past few days and I've been experiencing bad digestion and cramps. That also probably explains why I feel so bad and tired. Probably an infectio.
Idk what to do now.

Uh, their touchpad keypads?
Uh I don't get it.

Incest is illegal even if it's consensual.
> why are people allowed to marry or date people with downs syndrome and other things
They have the ability to say no but they say yes?
> Like how is an adult having non forced sex with an adult downie differnt from railing a 14 years old girl obsessed with some singer in his 30s?
I don't think endchan is tolerant of ethics of pedophilia debate.
> This proves rich are evil becuase they don't this.
There's no point if they die. Their aim is to leech off of you and they capitalize on your fears and worries.

Is podcast even a thing these days?
The whole internet feels like horse shit to me.
Write it on a paper and tear it off.
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> Idk what to do now.
Have you tried antacids? They come with kidney disease risk with regular use though.
> don't think endchan is tolerant of ethics of pedophilia debate
Good thing I was tlaking about mentall impaired and I want less sex in this world because I am incel so I hope they revoke the legality of it on similar line of thought.
> Their aim is to leech off of you and they capitalize on your fears and worries
Yeah soemtimes I get nightmares about people on youtube having different(bad) opinion on japanese cartoons. I wake up in cold sweat. Have you seen this man pic related? 
> Is podcast even a thing these days
Is just some dude talking to each other podcasts? Because if that is then that's what I was tlaking about and it's eveyrhwere. 
> tear it off
Someone might the impression that I hate cats the most in the animal kingdom but that's not true. I also hate those long rat like thingies that are the part of branches that descend from the same source as cats iirc. The minks, mongoose and weasels. I guess otters belong to it too? God I hate otters and I hope all kinds of them get skinned for their leather and fur. BUT there is a creature I hate even more. I despised it since I first saw these abominations on discovery channel when I was younger. These Orcas or Killer whales.. I hate them so much and revel in their suffering. I hate dolphins in general but this kind takes the cake no the crown. Sadistic creatures i hope one day someone can make you all understand what true bloodlust is and there is one thing your Dolphin brains will never understand the thing that we call taste.
Is 9/11 day today? I thought it was in October. 
Oh god my stomach hurts so much.
Sorry that I can't properly reply.
I wasn't available yesterday either and then this.

I keep getting sick all the time. How am I gonna improve my life with a shit body like this?
fuark I would kill to have those aging genetics. 
24 yo Matt Bomer vs 43 yo
I would demolish every single one of them foodables
Feel good music :)
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Just came back from the doctor. I had to wait for 2 fucking hours to finally meet them. Huge crowd and also because it's saturday and there's no doctor available tomorrow.

I was behaving like the guy on the left because of both the stomach pain and the fact that I had to wait I bet people around me thought I was some coke addict experiencing serious withdrawal or something.
God damn I also had to lie a lot. I told them that I went to an event yesterday and had outside food when in reality I ate something at home.
I don't even know why I lied. It just came compulsively.
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> Have you tried antacids? They come with kidney disease risk with regular use though.
They gave me antibiotics though. This is food infection. I ate something bad yesterday, or probably the day before.
> Have you seen this man pic related? 
He comes in my dreams and sends drones and packages.
God damn I hate chinese food. That's where my downfall started and I still haven't gotten up. I'm in a really bad position now.
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I went to Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) to buy pills and try out how things are in there and the guy gave me completely different pills compared to the ones that the doctor prescribed me. It's probably 5 times cheaper but still my mom will kill me for going to Modi pharmacy instead of the regular shop I go to. This is a seriously good initiative by Modi but my mom will kill me.

Need to cover up this mistake later by going and getting the proper pills instead.

God my stomach hurts so badly.
> I was behaving like the guy on the left because of both the stomach pain and the fact that I had to wait I bet people around me thought I was some coke addict experiencing serious withdrawal or something.
I get a lot too so I don't go anwhere untill it's really necessary. Atleast not alone so I can kill time. So relatable.
That's what they want you to do. Always lie to the doctors about tummy ache. 
> That's where my downfall started and I still haven't gotten up. I'm in a really bad position now.
Vegan curse
Why she hate Modi liek that.
Indians are so unfortunate that we have "indo-Chinese" and not authentic Chinese food. You don't have to acquire tatse for virgin boy egg or whatever to enjoy Chinese cuisine. Even the beginner's course is mind blowingly good. Though i will always have soft spot for indo-chinese slop.
What the fuck are these?
I thought they're pitbull litters until they zoomed and a giant chinese man came and ate them.

> Why she hate Modi liek that.
She's poor but she thinks she's elite or something and will only buy from Jewish Pharmaceuticals like Mankind or something.
God damn it Chinese food is the reason for my downfall now.
> She's poor but she thinks she's elite or something and will only buy from Jewish Pharmaceuticals like Mankind or something
Zaaamn I knew you were rich.Good for you. No truly poor person thinks like that.
> God damn it Chinese food is the reason for my downfall now.
Most probably Indo Chinese but you are rich so hmmmm pls don't me some money for my body pillow sir 🙏
> Inb4 get a job n''ger
Is it fair calling it the second part? It's pretty brief colaled to his time in Lilliput if I remember correctly.
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> Lilliput
More like loliput-in-your-mouth now.

> No truly poor person thinks like that.
Poor people are partly poor because they don't know how to save and they're more concerned about showing off to others partaking in meaningless events and giving them gifts and donations and all that when all they're actually doing is taking loans and borrowing money that they're never gonna give back.
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> More like loliput-in-your-mouth now.
Pre pubescent children look like that??? (let's not talk about this anymore)
> Poor people are partly poor because they don't know how to save and they're more concerned about showing off to others partaking in meaningless events and giving them gifts and donations and all that when all they're actually doing is taking loans and borrowing money that they're never gonna give back.
So true. Can you loan me some money for this great investment I want to make in pillows? I swear I will pay you back even if I have to get a job to do it.
Canceled before they could adapt all the manga.
Have you ever watched that video in thumbnail?
Youtube always suggests this shit but I hate looking at that guy.
Yeah no lol. I thought it was some conspiracy theory stuff like pro-gold backed currency movement or something. I also get it on my homepage a lot. Btw about that little loan.. i think that part slipped out of your mind haha
Brah I bet you get grape pocket money stuff ordering that amount Chinese home alone 🤑
> What about that investment banker guy?
I don't think one should whore their relatives out.
Looks like a good place but I am an incel so I will never do this.
Dark skin folks become invisible in the dark so they're safe, but they shouldn't be the glowy ones.
Tbh what kind of name is that? O would accept if it was one of those Thamizh languages but apparently this is a goan dish.
I mean, it sounds like Waterloo.
What the fuck is waterloo?
Poo in loo except it's filled with water?
If you ever encounter a hear with that kind of turn ons then you should sacrifice yourself because this is fate working here.
The speak French in Belgium but it also border Nooderlands which is Germanic. They are also untied for a while. So yes why would Nazis use wooden doors for has chambers?
> blood and guts and
> blood and guts and
> blood and guts and
And? And what?
Person of relations roundhouse kicks his wife theem
Oh god, my body hurts so much.
Why did I have to eat garbage just because I THINK it tastes good when in reality its just shit?
Blood and Guts and Guts and blood and
Blood and Guts and Guts and blood and
Blood and Guts and Guts and blood and
Blood and Guts and Guts and blood and
Robbed of a mother's love at birth

I like how the music sounds like diarrhea. BRBRBASDBSDBABRBRBRBRBRBRBRBBBBRRRRRRRR
Do you think they forgot the lyrics during the recording and everyone felt it would be too awkward to point it out?
> I like how the music sounds like diarrhea
That pretty gross.
Only good thing to come out this garbage anime.
> Do you want to see an pop idol anime girl being stabbed? 
Yeah, she's stabbed but why is she worried about her concert and saying I love you to some kids and then saying thanks to the guy who stabbed her?
She wanted to die and that guy satisfied her wish?
I don't know why your think I can answer all that. I just remember watching this schlock till this part and then it was over for me. You probably got more of the plot from that video than I can tell.
Idk man. Depends on how what he hit. Seen many videos of stabbings with Niggas running around because adrenaline. I think baki had some sciency stuff about blood flow slowing down or soemthing when you are full of adrenaline.
It's not India anymore!

I gotta go. Gonna go eat take pills and go to sleep directly. My body hurts so much. I hope I recover by tomorrow.
is this guy a fake natty?
scroll down to see his latest pics
Hard to judge based on images tbh. Camera and lighting can do wonders alongside post workout pump. I mean Zyzz looked liked this and he was a roid abuser so make of it what you want.
Looks natty tbh. Nothing too freakish about that body. Optimum ay to judge these sort of a things to rate them after they are out of bed. Roiders don't need gym pump for low body Fat and vascularity. Coach Greg is most probably natty and he doesn't look that stacked when he isn't in a competition. He is also like 5'5 btw.
After all this heavy rain and the light drizzle still on I expected to see the wet and muddy park all empty but this one middle aged person suddenly appeared out of darkness. Why do these guys want to exercise so bad?
Good morning I hope the gardeners don't jump me for running over and ruining all that muddy grass patch.
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Not a big fan of this kind of stuff but I give the the artist the credit for the sanitization he employed in this. Its pleasing to the eyes to feel the precision at the job done. The face also sells the the non messy nature of the work.
So this is only thing worth sharing and critiquing that I found today on r/guro. There must be bigger and better sources of guro but it would good to limit the consumption and be surprised by the food.
Yeah no still eating all that
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Good morning. I wasn't able to sleep yesterday idk if it's because of the pills or because of the fever. I noticed that I was experiencing auditory hallucinations and some people were screaming in my ear to prevent me from sleeping. My left hand hurts badly as well. There's still stomach pain that hasn't gone away either.

Why are these people even browsing inch of all places?
I thought imageboards are for losers like me.
Do you really want to look like a Jojo character?
This looks really bad.
Why are you there?
> Its pleasing to the eyes to feel the precision at the job done.
Wait, how did he manage to pull that off without slicing at other places?
Every single one of the food in that video looks like shit though. How do people even cook shit like that on a TV show?
This guy has the default Western Rpg character creator look.
> Why are you there?
Good point I will think about it.
> Wait, how did he manage to pull that off without slicing at other places?
Idk I am not a surgeon.
> How do people even cook shit like that on a TV show?
> I wasn't able to sleep yesterday idk if it's because of the pills or because of the fever. I noticed that I was experiencing auditory hallucinations and some people were screaming in my ear to prevent me from sleeping. 
> My left hand hurts badly as well. 
Whats with your hand man? 
> there's still stomach pain that hasn't gone away either.
Modi meds
Wait a sexond this doesn't work like that. Gods not gonna be happy. Oam soory I am sorry i am sorry I am sorry I don't want to die of small pox and get leprosy I am sorry
Times like this you wonder if it would have been good to have a son you could sacrifice To chemosh.
Why are all. The contestants such rude and insesntive people mocking their own co-contestants. I hope this is for TV becuase it feels like restaurant biz attracts more Psychos than the profession of a surgeon.
No restaurant thats worth anything has "I tried my best" on the menu.
Its just food bro. Ingridients and nutrional breakdown label is all you need lmao. Just do cocaine lol.
Yup. Too heavy for the mroinign. Guess I am not eating anything till night.
I am gonna say the B word in after one hour. Yes I will do it believe I am not joking around hour. 1(one) hour. Wait and see me do that.
I tried to sleep but I can't. Everything hurts. My hands hurt. I can't completely open my eyes.
It all started because I ate chinese food. God damn it.

> Whats with your hand man? 
Lack of sleep.
> The contestants such rude and insesntive people mocking their own co-contestants.
TV show. These people are there for easy fame and money. Narcissists.
> it feels like restaurant biz attracts more Psychos than the profession of a surgeon.
That's what happens if you get insulted by customers who eat your goyslop on a regular basis.
> It all started because I ate chinese food. God damn it.
Eat something vegan next time or suffer the curse again. 
> That's what happens if you get insulted by customers who eat your goyslop on a regular basis
> b**tch
Are you underestimating me? Do you think I am joking. You are gonna see.
> Lack of sleep.
Bruh how yo hand sleep. Does it have Bluetooth or did it come with a USB cable?
Don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + ho mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + repelled + get a life + ok + and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn’t laugh + you “re” + grammar issues + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio agian + final ratio + problematic
> """"hiking"""" at Lapham peak
> highest point 376m
Just climb stairs at this point though no disrespect to Dr. Sadler.
You know what I can do that. It's too much. I am not going to say it. I am not cut to say that and you are right in making fun of me. I acted too cocky and now I must bear the embarrassment. Sorry for the disappointment.
This thrad has become too bloated. Requesting a new thread. Thank you
I mean the threads here take more time to get all slow. Indiachan gets overwhelmed way quicker.
This is not that bad. Don't worry I ain't gonna walk thst path. I already enjoyed a lot of the spinoff.

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