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Imageboards have become increasingly stagnant over time, Think about the overuse of pepe and wojak. They haven't died yet despite people starting to get sick of them. Obviously there are outside forces that are partly to blame, but imageboard users in general have become seemingly more passive overtime so I think shifting the blame onto something else simply exacerbates the problem rather than fixing it.
You can either attract new users who parrot memes because they are younger and grew up on cesspit social media. Or you can accept that many older users have stopped visiting imageboards and things are naturally slower.
I said imageboards have become stagnant however I didn't mean it in that context. What I mean is that most people here are too passive to do anything and have thus become reactive instead of proactive. I think the people here have forgotten how to have fun but that's just my thoughts.
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It's not just imageboards.

Just take the sailor moon redraw meme for example. Just look at how many edits this meme got. It referenced it all, comics, movies, videogames, real life political events, you name it. Memes have become incestuous.

Facebook, twitter, reddit, youtube, bitchute, discord, instagram, 4chan, Webring, everything social media now is incestuous. Pretty obvious that users visit one, two or even all of the sites mentioned above. 

I see pepe the frog memes at facebook, wojacks at twitter, I see 4chan threads on the webring, KC. Discord trannies. I see KC memes, sometimes even the whole thread, on the webring. I see KC memes on 9chan. I see webring threads on 9chan. Discord trannies. Pewdiepie posts on 4chan. He used pepe on many occasion. Paul Joseph Watson posts on 4chan. Alex Jones posts on 4chan. I see videos about 4chan threads, reddit threads made by someone called Mr. Obvious at BitChute. CIA Niggers post on 4chan. Twitter threads trend at BitChute. I see webms made by users at 4chan trend at BitChute. I see BitChute videos shared at reddit, I see BitChute videos shared on 4chan. Discord trannies. Gamers. People use the language of memes to communicate between all these websites - the language of wojacks and pepes.

Everything is the fucking same.
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> Everything is the fucking same.
Yeah, sites in general have lost there identity. This shit has even happened to anime where there are like 10 different light novel shows with the exact same premise. Everything is completely identical. I think the blame can be put on the normalfags that invaded the internet post 2007. These people are parrots when back in the day the internet was niche. We need a renaissance. Moreover I think people need to have a bit more fun. Everything has become increasingly serious. Which is because there is a lot less to laugh about than there was 15 years ago since everything has gone to the shitter.

Putting more effort into our board. While yes some effort is required to keep a respectable standard. More effort is required to generate legitimate quality. Shit like klim spam isn't funny there isn't any purpose to it, no message behind it. The ones that do have a message behind it are literally the same shit spammed over and over again. Even terrible OC with some meaning behind it is better than no OC.
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I don't know about dead. We're all still here.

Is this the fading light of the afterglow? Or is this what getting old feels like. You look back on those early days, back before you were jaded, and say as so many have said before "back in my day" things were better.

Were they ever better? Or has everything always been shit, and now we're all just so privileged to know about it.

If I had to guess, I'd say we still get new anons - but probably less and less of them each year. IBs are bad places for neckbeard nazis who live in their parent's basement, right?

It's not like they're just places people can come to express themselves or something.
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I used to make things in MS paint that were either topical and in response to the discussion or I'd jut make random characters and see how they play. But I think I grew out of it. Not to say it's juvenile but just because I don't have the energy because I've been focusing my creative energy on books I've been writing.

I try and contribute thoughtful responses to threads here, but a lot of them are "how do you feel about X" and too low effort and open ended to generate much discussion. I offered some insights from Herodotus in the Babylon thread but that talk teetered out in a day.

One pitfall, I think, is to try and force imageboards to be like when we were teenagers and we had time to kill one Paint and Photoshop projects and our senses of humor were a bit more stupid and it was easier to entertain each other. We can allow the board to grow with us if we share thoughts we have during the day. Things are on our minds, I'm sure, but we rarely unload those things here.
> Were they ever better? Or has everything always been shit, and now we're all just so privileged to know about it.
We've been on a steady decline since napoleon if you really look at things from a historical perspective. However the internet really begun it's decline with the inauguration of obonobo. The USA is honestly the main proponent in this decline. Not saying Europe isn't any better but America are the ones promoting all this bullshit that's happened in modern times. Democracy always breeds infighting amongst groups hence why you begin to notice factionalism like left wing groups censoring out right wing people and right wing groups censoring out left wing people. Obviously this seems bad but it's practically inevitable.

> It's not like they're just places people can come to express themselves or something.
The media constantly hounding on imageboards is another issue entirely but it's been really bad for imageboard culture in my opinion. What do you guys think about anime in imageboard culture?
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There's a Today Thread I see on ernst. There's also Crawl Threads and FTDDTOT for people to just leave out some random thought and just carry on I see on other places. Maybe the BO can do something like that here but honestly I'm too paranoid to leave traces of my personal life in here.

I too don't have the energy nor priority to spend time on imageboards.

There's something about the media. It's just 4chan they seem to target, and maybe 8chan when Christchurch happened. Ever since then 8kun too some flak initially but they just completely gave up on 8kun and they don't even bother with the webring.

I saw Anime as the primary factor that drew in people towards imageboards and made them share a common interest back before things weren't this popular though /pol/ and anime have nothing thematically common. Now it's videogays.
> I used to make things in MS paint that were either topical and in response to the discussion or I'd jut make random characters and see how they play. But I think I grew out of it. Not to say it's juvenile but just because I don't have the energy because I've been focusing my creative energy on books I've been writing.
Obviously there are numerous ways of complimenting the culture as long as you try and put legitimate effort in. Even the smallest bit of effort can improve the place substantially. Interesting that you're trying to write a book because I was going to start one though I'm currently deciding whether to do it in first person or third person. I want to do third person but first person is so much more natural to me so it's quite difficult to adapt. I multi task a lot and I'm pretty scatter brained as well which just adds fuel to the fire of wanting to write something. 

I try and contribute thoughtful responses to threads here, but a lot of them are "how do you feel about X" and too low effort and open ended to generate much discussion. I offered some insights from Herodotus in the Babylon thread but that talk teetered out in a day.
I think the babylon thread teetered out mainly due to lack of interest. Majority of the threads here are made by me. Problem is though is that I'm more of the type who's better at responding to a side than actually starting up a conversation. I have plenty of idea's for threads but putting them up into cohesive thoughts is the difficult part. I think I should work on that more as well.

One pitfall, I think, is to try and force imageboards to be like when we were teenagers and we had time to kill one Paint and Photoshop projects and our senses of humor were a bit more stupid and it was easier to entertain each other. We can allow the board to grow with us if we share thoughts we have during the day. Things are on our minds, I'm sure, but we rarely unload those things here.
The problem here is that a lot of us usually look at the past with nostalga, This naturally causes us to look at the past as a better time in comparison to today. Thus we simply want to return to the past and run away from our problems instead of confronting our issues outright and trying to fix them. That's one of the main problems that plagues imageboards in the modern era.
> That's one of the main problems that plagues imageboards in the modern era.

Imageboards itself look like a museum piece. Look at how reddit, 9gag or instagram have upgraded their UI to make things look modern and attractive to the braindead masses. Imageboards have managed to retain the same look it had 10 years back. Not that it's a bad thing, it acts as a nice barrier against faggotry.
> There's a Today Thread I see on ernst. There's also Crawl Threads and FTDDTOT for people to just leave out some random thought and just carry on I see on other places. Maybe the BO can do something like that here but honestly I'm too paranoid to leave traces of my personal life in here.
I think everyone here is too paranoid to leave any traces of their personal life here. It's something I try to avoid. It makes sense though anonymity gives you the ability to express your thoughts without fearing censorship in most cases. It's one of the biggest selling points of imageboards in general, But considering how much of people are complete attention whores. Privacy is the least of their worries. 

> I too don't have the energy nor priority to spend time on imageboards. 
I have like 8 different things to do at the same time. Again I'm really scatterbrained and this is a problem that I struggle with because I want to do so much while I also want to live a healthy lifestyle to the point where half of my time is spent listening to music while reading or pondering what I should do next. 

There's something about the media. It's just 4chan they seem to target, and maybe 8chan when Christchurch happened. Ever since then 8kun too some flak initially but they just completely gave up on 8kun and they don't even bother with the webring. 
Attacking 4chan actually sends ripple effects to other imageboards because unfortunately there are 4chan crossposters. These people maybe a minority but they're still there. Not to mention these people spread their toxic behavior onto other alts and this is why it becomes so much more damaging to other imageboards. Christchurch in and of itself was a disaster for imageboards and I can guarantee that was a malicious attack on imageboard culture. Tarrant was probably some double agent and  the people over on /pol/ didn't realize for the simple reason that their hatred overpowered their common sense. Which don't get me wrong their hatred is justified but christchurch felt like a controlled event.
> Imageboards itself look like a museum piece. Look at how reddit, 9gag or instagram have upgraded their UI to make things look modern and attractive to the braindead masses. Imageboards have managed to retain the same look it had 10 years back. Not that it's a bad thing, it acts as a nice barrier against faggotry.
I've always preferred how imageboards looked in comparison to those websites. It comes with a lot less bloat. Imageboards are really simple and simplicity for me will always trump complexity. Plus you can tell by the users of those types of sites that the effort is put into the website itself rather than the community of said websites and most of them are practically echo chambers for one specific opinion. As opposed to here where we are echo chambers for multiple different opinions.
>  Interesting that you're trying to write a book because I was going to start one though I'm currently deciding whether to do it in first person or third person. I want to do third person but first person is so much more natural to me so it's quite difficult to adapt.
My advice: write it in first person so it flows out naturally. Then, if you read through it and feel thrid person would be better, make that edit.
My book is written in a sort of 1700's archaic style, but the first drafts were just in regular language to get it out until I felt more comfortable.
The thing is though. I wanted to write the entire thing in third person. My book is a fictional book so I felt that doing it in first person would feel a bit like I'm self inserting. I want to do something similar to a light novel.
I feel First person is better. You can make your main character lie, bend truths, perceive things differently, deliberately ignore facts because he doesn't feel it's relevant only to make it show up later, and many things.
You can do all of those things in third person as well though. Just don't make the character mention it. However I think this thread is going off topic. This was about imageboard stagnation not talking about the wonders of story telling. Though it seems that a lot of us here seem to have quite an affinity for it.

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