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Might and Magic delves deeper into this.
Might and Magic is Sci-Fi (woo).
There are three types of Gods.
The Creators, of which nothing is really known.
Then there are the Ancients, which are "good", and the Kreegans, who are the bad.
The Ancients built ships and sent them out to "seed" planets. The known ones are Terra, where Might and Magic 3 takes place.
Another is Enroth, the planet where Heroes I, II and III takes place, as well as Might and Magic VI, VII and VIII. And there's Axeoth, which habitants of Enroth escapes to after Gelu and Kilgor causes the Reckogning.
Portals, magical artifacts, magic, are all technology spread by the Ancients. During ancient times, all planets and seeded life could stay in contact with one another, as well as the Ancients, through a sophisticated advanced network of communication, as well as having access to advanced technologies that could be manufactured using the Heavenly Forges.
Then the Kreegans came and severed this network, cutting communication all of a sudden, effectively puting an end to the Time of Wonder. This event is referred to as "The Silence".
More than a thousand years later, is when the Heroes games takes place, as well as many of the Might and Magic games.
Some of the Ancients artifacts are still present too, such as one of the VARN ships, which is explored in Might and Magic VI, or The Lincoln, a spacecraft explored in Might and Magic VII. There are also more advanced weaponry you'll also get to equip, especially when you need to fight the Kreegans.
The Inferno faction in Heroes III, are Kreegans. The Angels only awake when the Kreegans appear, because that's what they're designed to do, being Ancients constructs built to seek and destroy Kreegans, should they arrive on a seeded planet.
That was a bit of a story. So kind of like Final Fantasy. The two series do take place on the same planets, but that doesn't mean all the games do.
And they all share the same background