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The theory presented in the tweet screenshots I posted in  >>/81150/.
I've asked ChatGPT to summarize them:

The theory presented by Jersey Futures in these tweets discusses the following key points:

1. Identification of Drones: The drones seen in New Jersey are identified as American-made HPGe (High-Purity Germanium) nuclear detector drones, which detect gamma rays associated with radiation.

2. Purpose of Drones: These drones are designed to detect radiation from potential "dirty bombs" (explosive devices with radioactive material). They are used to scan areas for radiation threats.

3. Historical Context: In the late 2000s, the Department of Defense (DoD) developed these drones to counter potential threats from ISIS, particularly dirty bombs entering ports in New York and New Jersey.

4. Deployment History: The drones have been stockpiled for some time and were first deployed in Ukraine when Russia threatened dirty bomb use. They are also used domestically to protect the homeland.

5. Technical Design: The drones are heavy, equipped with Cryocoolers and horn antennas to facilitate communication using millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies, which cannot be easily jammed.

6. Role of the Author: The author claims to have industry knowledge due to their work in RF (radio frequency) engineering and involvement with the suppliers providing technology for these drones.

7. Public Reaction and Testing: The deployment in New Jersey is seen as a way to gauge public reaction (a psychological operation or PsyOp) and test the ability to scan port cities like New York for radiation threats.

8. Why New Jersey: New Jersey is used for tests because its proximity to New York allows for reliable mmWave communications, unlike New York City's denser infrastructure.

9. Ukraine Connection: The deployment of these drones during the Ukraine conflict influenced their current domestic use, with the DoD acquiring them for large-scale urban protection and sweep capabilities.

10. Speculative Conclusion: The author suggests this is likely a drill to ensure readiness against potential dirty bomb threats and highlights the advanced capabilities of these drones in protecting national security.

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They were better healthwise.  

Tallow is more oxidatively stable due to its high saturated and monounsaturated fat content. It resists breakdown when exposed to high frying temperatures, producing fewer harmful compounds (e.g., lipid peroxides or aldehydes).

Seed Oils are more prone to oxidation and breakdown at high heat due to their high PUFA content. This can produce trans fats, aldehydes, and other inflammatory byproducts.

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I usually manage to avoid seed oils when I eat at home.  I avoid buying most highly processed foods.

I always cook my meat a sufficient amount to reduce the risk of food-borne illness to a level I find acceptable.

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"Suomi has a vibrant online culture known for creativity and humor. While not quantifiable in the same way as industrial output, Finnish internet culture — particularly through platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Twitter — contributes its fair share to global meme trends, often characterized by dry humor and absurdity."

Hu, I'll disagree with Ciri looking worse as some ESG/DEI/whatever shit and just her looking older and more haggard to be more "Gerald-lite" but it's absolutely horseshit that she's a Witcher at all since women can't complete the Trial nor can adults nor did she go under the mutagens. It's just lame. It would've been better if it was just Ciri using her different world magic as a protagonist.

I don't disagree here. Just something of an annoying criticism to me with a lot of the culture war grifters that keep screeching "they made her ugly for Blackrock money" so you watch their YouTube ragebait. I just think her story is told at this point and it just feels lame to undermine that only to make Diet Geralt with Ciri so now the woman is haggard and suffering (instead of fucking off to other worlds like in the books). It's just lazy. CDPR lost most of their staff when they nearly went bankrupt with Cyberpunk 2077's launch so it's all going to be UE slop anyways.

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Just finished HoMM 2 again. It's okay, but 3 is clearly better.
Really love 4 as well. It might have balancing issues that breaks the entire game, but it's still fun and I really love the story telling. Has more good than bad I think.

You could try Might and Magic VI and VII next. They're good, but might be very hard to get into.

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Heroes is an RTS spinoff of Might and Magic.
Heroes you know.
Might and Magic is an RPG with rules similar to Dungeons and Dragons.
You control a team of 4 characters, assigning them stat points from a shared stats pool, and what class they should be.
Then you set out into the world as adventures, completing quests and eventually defeat the ultimate evil.
VI takes place after the succession wars in the nation of Enroth.
VII takes place between the events of Restoration of Erathia, and Armageddon's Blade, on the nation Antagarich.
I've tried playing the earlier games, but they're more difficult to get into. They're also taking place elsewhere that's not been explored in the Heroes series. Except for IX, which takes place on Chedian on Axeoth, which is the planet in Heroes 4

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Might and Magic delves deeper into this. 
Might and Magic is Sci-Fi (woo).
There are three types of Gods. 
The Creators, of which nothing is really known.
Then there are the Ancients, which are "good", and the Kreegans, who are the bad.

The Ancients built ships and sent them out to "seed" planets. The known ones are Terra, where Might and Magic 3 takes place.
Another is Enroth, the planet where Heroes I, II and III takes place, as well as Might and Magic VI, VII and VIII. And there's Axeoth, which habitants of Enroth escapes to after Gelu and Kilgor causes the Reckogning.

Portals, magical artifacts, magic, are all technology spread by the Ancients. During ancient times, all planets and seeded life could stay in contact with one another, as well as the Ancients, through a sophisticated advanced network of communication, as well as having access to advanced technologies that could be manufactured using the Heavenly Forges.

Then the Kreegans came and severed this network, cutting communication all of a sudden, effectively puting an end to the Time of Wonder. This event is referred to as "The Silence".
More than a thousand years later, is when the Heroes games takes place, as well as many of the Might and Magic games.
Some of the Ancients artifacts are still present too, such as one of the VARN ships, which is explored in Might and Magic VI, or The Lincoln, a spacecraft explored in Might and Magic VII. There are also more advanced weaponry you'll also get to equip, especially when you need to fight the Kreegans.

The Inferno faction in Heroes III, are Kreegans. The Angels only awake when the Kreegans appear, because that's what they're designed to do, being Ancients constructs built to seek and destroy Kreegans, should they arrive on a seeded planet.

That was a bit of a story. So kind of like Final Fantasy. The two series do take place on the same planets, but that doesn't mean all the games do.
And they all share the same background

The Night of Shooting Stars, is also a critical event in the history of Enroth. 
It's the event where a Kreegan scouting force crashed on the Halfling's land of Eeofol, driving them into exile. It plays a significant part in Might and Magic VI as well as Heroes 3

Oh, okay. So the ALIENS shit is just the demons from elsewhere and technically all connected but not really the point. Got it. It's vaguely what I assumed but just never cared to played a bunch of worse games to figure out.

Wow, Mot, I thought were friends and I could just "borrow" this like a lawn mower I'll never return. 

What I use these days.

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Wouldn't call the Might and Magic series bad. They're just not that easy to get into. Plenty mechanics, and none of them are ever explained.

Did you play Heroes Chronicles? It's minor expansions to Heroes 3, spread into 9 chapters, all telling the story of a certain Tarnum, whom is the story teller of the "Might" campaign in Heroes 4

> I played them all ages ago but kind of just defaulting back to that era.
> Speaking in general. I never played the earlier Might and Magic games either, just HoMM3 and 4. Oh and DMoMM.
DMoMM was the last time I played one, so 2007. I think at least. I've watched Mandalore reviews of others since but I have no idea what's my own memory of playing it on my dad's work laptop and what's just from watching videos about it years later.

And who'd you borrow that from? Reminds me I still have games from a friend I haven't seen for years. Then again he has mine too so it was more like a trade borrow.

Huh, wonder how exhaustive this is. The last place I looked for Vita games had a lot, but it was still missing quite a bit.

No one; someone has my old Honda mower. Just a comparable situation.

It's the one the redditors maintain from a backup of the Internet Archive ones. It had everything from the 3DS I looked for, even some weird shit like Starship Damprey and the three Parascientific Escape games.

So far, yeah. I just was making sure it booted easily enough without wonkiness and was going to play Arcanum first.

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A warning now.
You might run into an issue as you play. If it seems to crash relatively often, you need to change your CPU topology. It doesn't like many cores, which seems to be the cause of the crashes.
Don't know how to set it on Windows though.

Could also be you don't, and they've fixed it. When I played it through again a few months ago, I didn't encounter the issue, despite upgrading from an 8 core to a 12 core

I just don't like a lot of the changes a lot of HD things make and it almost always is related to resizing the UI to more modern resolutions (like text and frames are their native resolution but the field view or whatever you want to call it is scaled to the resolution so everything looks really crisp or really blocky). It always makes shit look like ass because it's that issue of "stuff meant for a CRT blending stretched to retarded resolutions".

Did you have the white people hors d'oeuvre at New Years/whatever of those with crackers and cheese growing up?

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This one does has such an issue with the text. Kind of, it's not too bad, so long you upscale it to a resolution that matches the intended resolution, of which I cannot remember.
I want to say something that fits 4x3, but I think they actually changed the internal renderer to 16x9.

I don't find it too bad, really.
It was mandatory with HOTA, and once set to the proper aspect ratio, it was fine

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Imagine the image is the original release. Like everything but the green is native in the HD packs to their original assets but the green space ends up way larger because it's scaled up to all the freer space.
I hate that. It's less about the resolutions and more the wonky ass way they do it inconsistently.

I have like 15 TB in spare drives but honestly, I hoard more movies and shows than old games because game piracy will always be easier than media piracy because people have abilities to watch old shows still (even in shitty streaming resolutions) but old games you sort of are just fucked so there will always be people hoarding and archiving roms.

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Could be the case.
The HD addon for Heroes III doesn't do that. It scales the adventure map, by effectively moving the camera back, increasing your field of view.
Which also means the battlefield is still 4x3, leaving a shadowy background around the edges. No changing the aspect ratio there.
Everything else is upscaled using an algorithm of your choice. Just go with whatever they recommend.
This is how the HD addon looks like

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They really do.
Wrath of Gods, the HD texture map, HOTA, lore extensions, and now the upcoming Olden Era, are all from slavs. Plenty Russian hackers in that community.
It's thanks to them we even get more possible towns, which can also be present at the same time in any one map

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Nope. Some of the things are kept at their natural resolution. Like the town screen and combat. All natural 800x600. Some text like the "Fountain of Youth", is quite obviously upscaled, but I don't think it looks bad at all.

It's not made by westerners after all, but by people who love the game so much you'd think they're obsessed with it.

Also why HOTA is as good as it is. They even made cinematics to the game, designed plenty new creatures that aren't out of place lore wise, or thematic-wise.
The cinematics are even voiced too if you play the game in Russian

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I don't know if you ever played Morrowind on a modern resolution on older Windows versions back in the day but you know how UI scaling was never a thing so like the assets for headers for map, inventory, etc just stayed really fucking small? That experience just made me prefer the boxy, oversized original look of games from earlier.

I'll just install the HD so I can run it windowed at 4x 4:3.

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Never really played Elder Scrolls. I tried getting into it, but it crashed all the time.
Then people told me I was doing it wrong and I should just install 9001 mods in order to get it to work.
Decided I was too casual and never looked at it again.

Don't do 4:3. It has to be 16:9 as it's their internal resolution. Otherwise the aspect ratio of the text will be all wrong.
I did the very same thing you did initially as well

> People who can't play Beth games unmodded are subhumans.
This is a very misguided opinion. Bethesda games has billions things to be fixed. If nothing else the unofficial patches have to be applied to fix the untouched bugs. But beyond these that were planned and/or executed and made badly.
There are many mods that some (many) players consider "mandatory" and put into modding guides and shit, but are unnecessary or bad even.

The base game just doesn't intend to be played on higher resolutions and the settings have no options for it. OpenMW just is the game in a modern rebuild of the engine. It has built in mod support but I genuinely have only ever played vanilla.

It also crashes on alt+tab.

See, Hu, listen to the resident Slav:

Bug fixes and QOL mods I'm not really considering since prior to SE, they're all limited to a single core and a 4GB memory address, causing most of NV's shit for example. Playing a stable version of vanilla is perfectly acceptable, even with like quest bugs barring things related to bad autosaves and whatnot.

> Playing a stable version of vanilla is perfectly acceptable
For clarification here, I just mean modded to the point of the game being stable: fixes for modern systems. That's "vanilla" here, not latest patch and official content only since that will crash a lot.

> Unmodded for Morrowind to me at this point just means official content running in OpenMW. 
That is indeed doable and enjoyable. Morrowind has it's own quirks but nothing that absolutely needed to be changed or added. At least from the top of my head.
Tho I think Morrowind has the least amount of mods.

I wish they made OpenMW compatible with other Bethsoft games - there were experiments with that couple years ago. That would make it easier to play 'em on Linux for sure.
For example for me F3 and F:NV is almost unplayable surprisingly F4 runs smooth without lag and I suspect because of Wine. They lag hard often and I suspect the reason is how the sound files are packed in the .bsa archives and retrieved and such. For example Radio lag is fixed by adding a mod that adds the sound tracks in .ogg format. I believe a native implementation of the engine would fix that.

I remember you can just straight up import the Skyrim files with OpenMW and it'll load them no issues, not NPCs or anything, so I feel like it's going to be the next stage of the project but like most FOSS, I don't know if perpetual feature creep will include that or more autistic things.

They're both insanely good. Just get them.

If you check, he also has it loading Anvil from Oblivion in another video. From about a year ago so it's definitely a project goal once it hits 1.0 but I'm also pretty sure 1.0 is a perpetually increasing scope, like all the TES3MP shit being combined into it.

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Merry Christmas

Yesterday was the 14'th of December, so lets go with that day's ale today.
A blonde top-fermented ale from Verhaeghe. The Barbe Nöel.

The beer pours a bright blonde yellow, leaving a white head and plenty fizziness, all lasting a great while.

The ale smells lightly of malts and plenty of citra. The ale is a Belgian blonde, but it has distinct flowery notes that reminds you more of a lightly-hopped IPA.

The ale tastes just like it looks and smells too. Very fizzy, refreshing and a heavily hopped blonde Belgian.
The ale if very flowery, tasting plenty of various sorts of citra without it tasting too bitter.
A comfortable and lovely experience, but doesn't really give off the impression that it's a Christmas ale. 
If you find one, save it for summer where it'll undoubtedly be even better.
It's also light enough for that, being only 7.2% VOL.

Merry Christmas

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Pic doesn't do it justice. It's blood red.
I don't like sours, but this one is pretty damn good.
Very fruity. Pretty much like they've squeezed out the juices of sweet fruits that are almost at their prime, leading it to also taste a tiny bit sour.

Liking this one a lot

Domain wall motion refers to the movement of the boundary (or "domain wall") between two regions (domains) in a material where the alignment of a certain property—typically the magnetization or electric polarization—differs. This concept is particularly important in ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, and multiferroic materials, where regions of differing magnetization or polarization are separated by domain walls. 

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

### 1. Magnetic Domain Wall Motion
In a ferromagnetic material, the magnetization within each domain points in a uniform direction, but this direction can vary from one domain to another. The domain wall is the transition region between two such domains. Domain wall motion in this context refers to the movement of this boundary when an external magnetic field is applied. This motion occurs as the domains aligned with the applied magnetic field expand at the expense of oppositely aligned domains, reducing the system's magnetic energy.

There are two primary types of magnetic domain walls:
   - Bloch walls: Where the magnetization rotates within the plane of the wall.
   - Néel walls: Where the magnetization rotates perpendicular to the plane of the wall.

### 2. Electric Domain Wall Motion
In ferroelectric materials, domain walls separate regions with different orientations of electric polarization. An applied electric field can cause electric domain wall motion, where domains aligned with the external field grow at the expense of others, changing the material's overall polarization.

### 3. Factors Affecting Domain Wall Motion
- External fields: Magnetic fields drive magnetic domain walls, while electric fields drive ferroelectric domain walls.
- Defects and pinning: Imperfections in the material, such as impurities or dislocations, can pin domain walls, making their motion more difficult or requiring a stronger external field.
- Temperature: Increasing temperature can provide the energy needed to help overcome pinning effects and facilitate easier motion.

### 4. Applications
Understanding and controlling domain wall motion is crucial for various technological applications, including:
   - Magnetic storage devices: Domain wall motion is a key mechanism in modern memory technologies like racetrack memory, where data is stored in magnetic domains and read/written by moving domain walls.
   - Ferroelectric memory: Domain wall motion is also important in ferroelectric random-access memory (FeRAM).
   - Spintronics: Domain wall motion plays a role in devices that utilize the electron’s spin, which could lead to more energy-efficient technologies.

In essence, domain wall motion is the dynamic process that controls how different regions of material respond to external stimuli, and it plays a critical role in both fundamental physics and emerging technologies.

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I wonder how much of it is genuinely retarded children vs a malicious parent hoping that their little boy eat the tide pod/ other household poison and thus leaving said poisons out in the open
Heck a parent can even feed their little gremlin actual poisonous rubbish and even if the kid says anything to a doctor etc, mostly no one will believe the kid over the parent

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Maybe both? This is America we're talking about after all. Niggers everywhere
> mostly no one will believe the kid over the parent
Depends I guess. If a boy of 6 said now he wanted to be a girl, everybody would believe her. Except those damn right-wing retards!

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> Chain why is the used car market FUCKED?
Lingering effects from the COVID supply-chain issues, inter alia.
> Why aren't you Finnish anymore?
I'm back in the US from my trip to the UK.

> How are you?
I used Claude to make me an Android app to randomly select image files.  I find it works better than ChatGPT for coding.  Gemini is still 2nd rate compared to ChatGPT and Claude, I hear.

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Yeah, these excuses the AI are spitting are outright bullshit.
Also, that Jeep I went to go look at had mystery engine problems.

A second dealer I went to go look at was the direct opposite of the one that was upfront about the mystery engine problems, and tried to bait and switch me with the price tag, magically adding on almost $10k to the sticker price by the time we started discussing payment.

Some days I want natural disasters to strike auto malls, and new tracks of homes.

> Yeah, these excuses the AI are spitting are outright bullshit.
Eh, wouldn't necessarily say that. But what else would you propose is the reason for the car market, especially the used, being the way it is?
Reminds me when I went to go look at a car and as I was test driving it it had a knock that got louder and louder.

Did they try to slip you into some warranty? Then there's document fees they slip in that's just pure profit. Then some of them have an internet price you only get if you mention. Not sure what the logic behind that is.

Why wait for it when you can do it yourself?

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> what else would you propose is the reason for the car market
Greed.  Pure greed.

No, they tried to tell me that was the price they were willing to offer if I did a min. six months financing, and some other BS offer.  Insulted me to my face by saying I couldn't find that deal anywhere else, despite the face there was five other dealers offering similar, and BETTER, prices for the same make, model, and year, and tried to say that the lowest cash offer they'd accept was $10k above the listed online price.

Because that's not NATURAL disaster, and my boyfriend says I'm not allowed to go to prison.



> *deletes Hu then makes a new one*
> *deletes Hu then makes a new one*
> *deletes Hu then makes a new one*
> *deletes Hu then makes a new one*
> *deletes Hu then makes a new one*

It's okay, you're new and improved!

Them asians love those military defense guys.

That just works in conjunction with the other reasons though. I have seen how some dealers would throw in more fees with new cars when the shutdown was in it's prime.

Some of those guys get pretty bold sometimes. But it's pretty much a mistake buy outright with cash. The dealerships hate that, and will not work with you most of the time.(At least around here, and not talking about used car lots.) They live off the financing department these days. So the best thing to do is finance on how much you would normally afford in cash, maybe a little lower since you might still see a bit of interest tackled on, and then just pay it right off. Or at least pay it off within six months since it will help your credit a little if you go that long and you need it. But you'd want a pretty low interest rate then so you don't spend too much extra.

If it's made out of natural materials it's natural. What's he gonna do if you do? Go to jail himself and then make you his prison bitch?

Have you see her new video yet?

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I'm going to boot up GFL right now actually.
But legit, he's offered to cosplay more stuff, and the moment he asked "who" my mind just drew blanks for some reason.

But this is just ridiculous.  Like it's getting out of hand.  Like how homes went from being 150-250k to 450-650k+ OVERNIGHT.  All those other reasons are there, sure, okay, maybe two years ago, but now it's just them scalping you because they can.
It's getting ridiculous.  Even cars they want to get rid of supposedly they're trying to fleece people for.
The used car market is so fucked that they're trying to con, or straight up force people, out of their used cars, too.

It used to be you could fuck them over on that, too.  Just finance it, but pay off the vehicle before the second payment.  Oh wow, I got your special sale price, and you never got the interest.  Bummer dude.
So now they require six to twelve months minimum financing.
I'm not financing the shitty high mileage 2016 shitbox you want to get off your lot anyway, kike.  Either you want my money more than you want my car, or you don't.

I went with a family member to just be an asshole in haggling and the sales staff was all people in their 20s that have never purchased a car themselves straight up lying about literally everything. It's a fucking dealership swimming in inventory because the market has heavily slowed and they were completely unwilling to part with anything without ridiculous bullshit. It's just fucked and it's never returning.

Astra is kinda cute, reminds of someone else but not sure who. Evelyn reminds me of Saber. Not sure about rolling on either of them.
Also not sure why both are agents we technically already have a spot for.(Either/Support, Fire/Attack) I wanna see something a little new.

Sleep well.

I think the reason are, or were, at least legitimate at first, and we're probably gonna be feeling them for a while like how we're still feeling the 2008 recession, but it's definitely something businesses will use as a reason to gouge more money. Basically like saying I can't help lift something because I broke my leg three years ago. It was legitimate at first, but now I'm just milking it.
The car market is going to crash any day now... Along with housing!

Oh so now they've found a way to reintroduce early payoff penalties by trying to say you have to at least 6 or 12 months before paying it off? Clever. It doesn't matter to most people which is probably why it works. It's not uncommon to wait at least six months to pay it off, even if they can, because it will make their credit score and history look better.
> Either you want my money more than you want my car, or you don't.
Oh they want money all right, they just don't care who it's from. There's plenty of suckers out there they can wait on to finally take the bait.

I saw you mentioning that Facebook won't let you look for ads on there without an account so I assume you've already tried looking at private sales. Do you even have a Facebook account? If not then don't bother if so, it will be a much bigger pain.

None of that.

Seemed interesting at least.

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I will definitely roll for Astra, Evelyn will depend on how much I have left after Astra and who's coming after her.
At least with Astra she's our first S Ether support, although considering we still don't have an ether stun, defense, or anomaly I get your point. In Evelyn's case, I do think we have a fire character for every specialty already, but I suppose nothing about her design really makes it feel like she has to be fire from what we've seen so far.

Even though I am already playing too many gacha games, I am looking forward to it. Partly because I was invested in the OG Arknights for a good while, and it just looks pretty good. Also like how it seems a bit closer to a party-based JRPG than a lot of the other big, open world gacha games out there.

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We need to fix this.

Bummer.  She's not even cute anyway.

It's never going back the way it was, I realize, but that's part of the problem.
Let's start a car dealership Mot.

A sucker born everyday...

I do not have an account, and there's like no way to actually look for private sales it feels like anymore.

All fake inventory. Props for show. All made of cheese.

Faked reviews. 


Forgot black hair and hime cuts are Weeb's weakness. I do like the red eyes.
Yeah I got she's the first S for that roll, but Nicole fills it pretty well still. Astra will probably just make Nicole look worthless in comparison. Fire has a lot of characters already, need another Ice even if we are getting Miyabi soon! Or double down on Ether.

So is the combat going to be like Xenoblade?

Probably not. I was thinking about tipping culture in the USA. That started in the Great Depression, and it's still a thing today.
Why not start a business that will give the whole car industry a run for their money?

A lot of DSL out there.

Might be for the best. If you saw a car you liked and wanted to respond to the owner, it would have been a hassle. Surely you have a family member that uses FB and has already used marketplace.
Checked Craigslist? It's a shadow of it's former self, but they still get car postings from private sellers on there. It's how I got mine.

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Yeah and ZZZ kinda delivering hard on that right now.
RIP Nicole, now people will only use her for horny. I'll be pretty happy with my ice characters once I get Miyabi. Honestly, I would be mad if she was Ice attack, because then it would be Ellen potentially getting powercreeped.  Guess a female Ice stun character could be pretty nice since all we have now is a furry. Caesar does the defender job pretty well no matter the element though so I don't particularly feel a need for another one. Ether is the element I need most, and it would make her pair well with Astra so that would've been the most preferable kit for Evelyn.

Seems like thats the closest comparison from the vids I've seen. Also seems like there's a huge focus on base building or somethin'.
What part of the main story are you at?


Maybe too hard.
Or because people will have to use her, especially if they don't have Astra. Was kind of annoyed Miyabi is also an anomaly, especially when I have Jane, Burnice, and Yanagi, and I've ran out of good w-engines but that makes sense. I'll just need to get Miyabi's w-engine too. Caesar just too stronk.
Did you like Miyabi's video?

Don't really care for that combat much myself. Base building seems interesting though.

Well it sure as hell faked my liver enzymes as well.

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No thanks.  That's not always a good thing, especially for real men, like me.

Is the thing at the office your Christmas present from the company?  A FAT juicy bonus for all your efforts?
I am!  Heaven permitting I have a vehicle by this week.

It's early on, GFL 1 story early on was kinda meh too, then it got wild later.
The events were where the story really went off the rails, in good ways.
But this first event is just terrible.

Any other good media lately, for you?

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I won't complain!
I've just never raised my Nicole so I have NO ether characters. Miyabi being Ice anomaly works well with the team set ups I want to make so I am fine with it, but I get that. There has been a new anomaly character every update from 1.1 to 1.4. I think at least Yanagi should have been something else considering we already have Grace. I am going to have to roll Miyabi's engine too cause I have the same problem. 
Yeah, RIP momma fox... This was hinted at with her visiting the old city ruins at the same time as the siblings at the end of chapter 4. Loli Miyabi cute! 

I enjoy but to each their own. I am glad it is not another action game. 
Story needs more kot. She doesn't even show up in the actual story when you get to the part she did in the tutorial!

Uh... no. Been too busy with real life and gacha games. Haven't even watched a single episode of anime this season.
Feels like there was something I wanted to talk to you about, but now it escapes me.


I will, for no reason. :^)
You should! If you got the mats. Reminds me I need anomaly mats too now... She might work well with me too, but I'll get her regardless. No one likes that sweaty greasy nerd, not even her booba can save her!
Oh yeah forgot about that. That part also confused because I swear when Fairy asked about the sibling's teacher she said "oh so these accusations are false?" and they went "no they're right...but we're working hard on clearing our teacher from these accusations!" Maybe it was just worded strangely, and I was tired and drunk at that point. 
Cute and sad. :(

Variety is good. I could probably get into it, but there's just not another game I've played with that style of combat. I know there's others, just never played them.

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I don't got the mats. Actually I probably do now cause I haven't really leveled up my characters since the start of 1.3. Damn, what'd Grace do to you...
I'm pretty sure I remember the siblings saying that the accusations against their teacher were false, but it has been a few months now since I played that. 
And violent!

Yeah. Looking at a lot of upcoming gacha games feels like most of them are heavily influenced by Genshin, so nice to see a big high quality open world one doing something different. Also playing Xenoblade 1 when I was a kid probably helps in getting used to the system. Yeah, I'm not really sure what other games have a similar system.

I wonder why she has no fluffy tail.

I had like 900 of the senior logs for upgrading characters, and just from 50 to 60 is like 150 of them. So now I have like 600 because I upgraded a couple. Haven't really been getting the skill mats lately either. Not being top tier. :^)
That's what it ended up sounding like but it was just worded strangely. 
And motivated!

Genshin brought in all that money, but only because it came out during covid. I did get it when released, and I was having fun with it, but just dropped it for some reason. I thought some of the Final Fantasy games had a similar combat system, like 13.

Oh yeah, ended up getting Tsubaki's weapon. Actually pulled two of them too. My first really lucky pull. But now I'll probably need to get 80 rolls for Stringmaster.

Don't worry I got it. :)

< :

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Knife ears and being slutty just goes hand in hand.
Yeah, the amount it takes to level up characters compared to how much you get from the stage feels pretty shitty. 
I spend all my stamina every day so I probably have a lot.

Yeah, Genshin came out at basically the perfect time and it being the first gacha game of that quality level really helped it too. I dunno, I've played like an hour of 13 and don't really remember.

Nice! I am going to continue to skip weapons cause I want Camellya and Rococo.


Yeah only like 16 when doing full cards. I'd have a lot more if I wasn't upgrading every character at first because I didn't know how fast they would eat the logs.
I have some of the backup stamina and a lot of the batteries too so could always spend some to try and pump some mats out.

Helped it has LoZ BotW combat and exploration while people were waiting for TotK.
I never played 13 but thought that's what the combat looked like when I saw some back in the day.

> I want Camellya 

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I still have a lot of characters at like, level 10 just so I could get that first tape :)
I have some of that too, think I spent a lot when building Caesar or someone but its built up again.

Yeah, that plus covid is what I meant by the timing being perfect. 
From what I vaguely remember I kinda get what you mean.

That was definitely intentional because Carlotta is based on beta Camellya, y-yeah.

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Like selling cars for what they're actually worth?

Mot that joke is too old, you can't use it anymore.

Yes, I asked a family member to message several potential listings, and none of them ever got back to us.
Craigslist I still view in my mind as shady, and ebil, but yeah there's a few interesting listings there.

Give it your best shot, flatlander woman.

For WHY?
Thank you Hu, I hope you have a very merry Christmas, too.

Oh you'll get more kot.
If by kot you mean not kot.
If by kot you mean 416.
You're getting 416.

Damn, I know that feeling, if you remember, ping me about it.

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I mean, she's hot too.

Ah, there was some new manga I read recently, but eh, nothing I'd really recommend. One was Amateur Vigilante which I picked up on a whim at the book store cause I thought it seemed like schizokino. Was just okay, like Koroshiya Ichi but not as good. 
The other was Drama Queen which I also would not say is good, but as soon as I read through the first chapter, I knew it would send a certain type of person into a fit of rage. The plot is about a space alien invasion, but instead of killing all the people they just take their jobs and are really rude, and our main character and her bf decide to start killing them, and then eating them to hide the evidence.
A quick search on twitter told me that my prediction about the reaction was correct.

I did that for the few new ones I got now too.
Time to spend them all again.

Definitely a strike of luck they got and are still hoping to chase. Along with everyone else.
12 might have done it too, unless you played 12 and can tell me otherwise.

Kek, fair enough. By that I see how made the mistake. But yeah I want her too. Also keep forgetting about the clown. I also kind of want her. I'll just have to give Kuro...that.

Are you sure that plot about the manga isn't just the author talking about Koreans?

tfw don't wake up to this

I'm sure that's been tried before...

You're too old and can't be used anymore.

Ah, well at least you have a way. Well did since you can't even take a look anymore. I think you can at least create an account, to just look. I don't think they spook you with asking for a phone number and more until you try to message someone.
Shady, sure, but evil?

I see I didn't have to remind you after the shower. Sure did take your time too.

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I spend them all for Miyabi... or somethin'. 

There other games seem to be doin' pretty well, and Kuro seems to be doin' pretty well with it too, so maybe not a bad idea. 
I played about as much of 12 as I did 13. 

I didn't like Rococo's design at first, but she's grown on me over time. Also seems like she's basically meant to be Camellya's sub-DPS RIP Sanhua so want her for that too. I gave Kuro that last update already...

That manga definitely has absolutely no resemblance to any real world events or political debates.

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I have a lotta mats saved up so might not need to other than for her skill mats cause those are new.

Happy for Kuro :)
I do want to play 12 for the choco rabbit girl, she hot. Also the main character's voice in JP is the guy who played Grease in Build. Its like his only voice acting role. 

Clussy. Looking at my current gem count, I am going to have to. Last update I bought those $10 packs and the "pioneer podcast." 

2 or 3 chapters in.

Oh yeah forgot they don't drop some of those until the character is out.

And happy for us!
What other reason is there to play? Huh, didn't know that. Makes me wanna play it a little. Good ole Grease. Though I realize I have no idea who the protag for 12 is.

Smh. The battle pass looks like it gives a decent amount of rolls for what it is, and also some more mats. The $20 one just seems lacking though.

Oh, it's all coming together now.

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Mhmm. Will be the same in the next WuWa update too. Actually seems like there's more new bosses than new characters, so some of the mats won't even be usable until 2.1. 

Keeps the game I'm enjoyin' alive.
Not many. Seems it was before even his first KR role, dunno if he was trying to get into voice acting at first and his career went the reverse of MAO, or if he just took it to get a big first role. 
Also speaking of KR, I wasn't feeling it for a while but I've heard good things about Gavv, might give it a watch at some point during winter break.

Once you start getting into the packs that are like $20 and up it just seems not worth it unless you know you're like, 10 rolls away from pity and there's no way you're getting that for free before the update ends. 

It is?

Oh yeah they're gonna have to add a lot more for what they're doing. Can't come soon enough.

Happiness does?
Seems like it helped he either way. Getting a Final Fantasy roll does seem like a big deal.
How many have there been since whatever the one with the soccer player was called? I'll have to look into it though. Been like 10 or so episodes by now, right?

If you get that $99 one with the first buy bonus it's like 80 rolls, so that one seems worth it in terms of what you get for the others.


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Moreso because I couldn't bring my desktop with me to Japan and would not have the money to make a good PC as soon as I got here.

Build started 7 years ago...

I dunno, the game is published by them globally, but maybe they just do the translations in China. Also kinda doubt they have much use for Japanese to English or vice versa translations. 

That is not a wise bet.

Yeah that's always an issue with desktops unfortunately. 

Okay don't remind me now...

Could probably just outsource translations too pretty easily. Yeah not usually wise to translate from one language to another like that. What a beautiful Durang.

It's not a bet!

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Merry Christmas

Yesterday was the 15'th of December, and today we'll be having yesterday's ale.
From the blonde and back to the dark Belgian ales.
Today, we'll be having Lupulus' Hibernatus, a strong Belgian winter ale of 9.5%.

Pouring it up, you smell the dark malts, giving off notes of caramel, coffee and chocolate.
It pours a very black colour, which makes since giving the bottle reads 125EBC. The dark orange-coloured foam matches the pitch black ale perfectly.

Giving it a taste, the dark malts immediately comes to light, but not in a bad way whatsoever. Your mouth is filled with a round well-balanced liquid which tastes very close to how it smells. Very much like a sweetened coffee and quite a lot of coffee. The aftertaste is slightly bitter, but flowery and slightly of licorice, making it seem like a heavily hopped ale. Giving the otherwise heavily seasoned ale and strong flavour, the hops makes it a more pleasant drink.

The colour would make you think of a stout, and could scare you off. In that case, don't be. The ale doesn't have any flavour of roasted malt, burnt bread or any kind of smoke, which can often be found in stouts.

This ale, is a very pleasant, heartwarming beer that could easily be enjoyed by anyone who loves chocolate or coffee.
Just don't drink too many, or you'll hit the hay too quickly.

Merry Christmas

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Yeah, that's the idea anyway.  Don't know, right now nothing is going to plan.

She is, hotter than most.

Man, I need to go check up on all the manga we were following.
What a hell of a plot, why eat them?

Can't imagine why it didn't pan out.

Yeah.  Yeah...


Good morning Motley.  Is 170k+ miles too much?

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I'm not sure, I bet if you're using American dollars its pretty cheap compared to building one in America, but I'll be working with a salary in yen.

Yeah... When I first discovered this place too. As in /imouto/ on 8chan, y'know what I mean.

I think they had but better but still not great translations by the time I read it. 
Maybe so, but kot is hard to beat for me.

I need to do that too, Tower Dungeon is the only one I've been buying physically since I got here.
To hide the evidence, of course! Earlier in the chapter she sees one get burned to death and remarks that it smells like fried chiggun.

There's a funny animal on that bottle.

Good morning.
> 170k+ miles
I pretty much want to say "hell yes", but I've heard some people buying pretty high mileage like cars like that and do fine. It all comes down to how well it's been taken care of the whole time.
Year, make, and model?

Maybe you can have someone give you some American money to get it cheaper or something. I don't think it would work like that but you know what I mean.

Things have certainly changed since then.

Do you remember when you first read them?

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LMAO, the best gift~
Robot lawn mower...  I've seen those.  GIGA roomba but for the lawn.
Nah, she's got nothin' to be jealous of, she is the GOAT.

How are you?  I see you've not slept.
2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara.  I'm not actually honestly considering this listing, but it stood out to me as being a slightly custom'd out Jeep within my price range.
Other than that today I'm going to go look at Police Interceptor Explorers that are all within 75 to 90k miles for about $9k.

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Yeah, cause this kot is MINE.

Well, yeah, but I feel like at least in the west he's in that category of like, niche in a general sense but well known among people who are actually avid manga readers. Whereas here he's even more niche than that.
And yes, I do remember that. 
Yeah, I don't think it works like that.

2012. Cause it was when the first David anime was airing.


I woke up unreasonably late yesterday, so I will just do the whole "all nighter" trick to try and rotate back to my usual schedule.
Eh, probably would skip it. Especially with the miles and prices on those Explorers. Sure they're gonna eat your gas, but the price isn't too bad. Reminds me I heard of some other sites where you can look to find government vehicles being sold. Don't remember if I wrote them down or not.

If only it did.

I think I started in like 2014, but would usually pause for a year or two until I got back into the mood again.

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yee.  Someone should gift me beer.
Bought em a stuffy, a music box, a Flipper Zero, and made a protector case for the latter to go in.  I probably should have gotten less incriminating items, but fuck it- he'll love it, I know it.

Ay you can have 'er.
You know there's a different kot in there I want.  ...actually several different kots, but we'll see who actually ends up making it to GFL2.

Suppose you're not wrong, even Nihei has said before he was astonished that he was more popular in the West than Japan, even if only marginally so.

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Someday.  Someday...
> Ikea shark?
No, that was two months ago we picked up the [second] shark.  This was a new stuffy altogether.  Oh and a jacket.
Nah, didn't know what to get my brother, mom will take care of that.  Got mom exercise equipment she wanted.

If they actually put IDW in I'll shit my pants.

True, and I need more of it.

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She is indeed.  Do you like the tie in of Neural Cloud being their like memory backup and storage, but ofc it has to have the drama of "every time we bring you back from the NC it corrupts a lil'"?


Wow, we're so alike Hu!
Yeah, I think so anyway.  I buy some pastries/fancy foodstuffs to give to her parents.

Apparently I did. One called govplanet and the other called purplewave. The latter is for construction vehicles and such but seems trucks get thrown into there too. Also it's an auction site. Govplanet might be too. Maybe you've already heard of both of them.

I hope I have anything in the cards in a year or two.

Maybe only a little. :)


Damn, weeb a fast reader. Also probably able to keep attention longer.

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Wouldn't be fun without a lil' drama!

I actually do have another topic I kinda wanted your opinion on, but I must sleep, so I will hit you up about it on discord tomorrow on the way to class.
Maybe I was when I was younger, don't seem to have an attention span worth shit these days. Part 9 was actually pretty fun from what I read so I should get caught up on it.

I sleep, later.

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I dunno, what other drama would you want so that there are stakes for their bodies getting destroyed? Just no backup? Dwelling on the fact that, in a way, the backup isn't really the same doll as the one who just died, but merely a copy and that commanders dolls have died over and over again for him again as he only writes it off as the expense of new body as he replaces them with a copy?

Thematically, what exactly do you think the demons represent in Frieren? This may seem random, but I'll explain why I bring it up in more detail tomorrow. I am also open to a broader discussion on the themes of Frieren.

Okay, night for real.

Seems like they do sell a lot on there, so good thing I actually wrote that down.

I probably can't do what you want me to do, but I'll pretend that I can.

I never had one. :^) 

Sleep well.

> 6.5L Diesel turbo
> not even 6k miles on it
Huh. Don't know much about these so not sure if that would be a good deal, assuming the price doesn't go way up high, or not. Lot of watchers though.

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Oh Jesus, not THIS concept...  Ship of Theseus "you die every second, ur not the u from seven years ago!" havin' ass!

I don't think the demons in Frieren represent races, if that's where we're going with the topic.  The demons simply represent the psychotic, sociopathic side of humans.  They are ontological evil incarnate.

Sleep well.

Yeah, thanks for rememberin'!

You never know, what exactly can you do, and what do you want to do?
You don't even know what business I'm starting yet.

It's a horrible idea.  Those are horrible vehicles.  Humvees are not comfortable rides.  They're not easily serviceable rides.  And they're not fuel efficient rides, either.


Does WASD count as typing?

Stocks are really meant to be more of a slow and steady build, but some people just get lucky with their stocks and happened to put stocks into a company that grew quickly. So in that sense it can be a lotto, but it's not really meant to be that way. Unless you're a politician and can do legal inside trading. Wait, that's what we can do!
Okay you got me, I can't imagine because I have no idea who you know who can program. Chain and Hu don't count.

Fair, people really do just wanna throw those engines into anything. 
Miata. :^)

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Merry Christmas

We're finally all caught up again.
Today is the 16'th of December, and today, we'll have today's ale.
Today's ale is the Hiver Winter from Leffe, probably the most ordinary ale this season.

Pouring it up, it fills the glass with a darkish brown liquid, leaving a pretty white head.

Smelling it, we get malt characteristics, some breads and light Christmas seasonings.

Giving it a taste, it's definitely an ale that's much lighter than yesterday's ale. It is much more watery, lighter and sweetened with cinnamon, all without it being in any way overwhelming.
Due to this, it's definitely an ale where you'll find yourself easily capable of downing a liter, without the ale tasting worse over time, or you feel like you're having "too much".

The ale is also only a meager 6.6% VOL, so go ahead and pour one up 

Merry Christmas



Probably because most of the losers who spent half their lives behind a computer screen probably decided it'd be a best if they were paid to do so.

Harsh. Otherwise, it's probably best to just put a diesel into something that already was made for a diesel.

> tfw can only get Leffe blonde here
Wait, why didn't you drink yesterday's beer until today?

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Merry Christmas

We're finally all caught up again.
The ale of the 17'th of December, is Kerkom's Winterbinkske, a dark Belgian winter ale of 8.3% VOL.

Pouring it up, it blackens the glass, leaving a pretty orange head and leaving Christmas seasoning notes such as cinnamon in the air.
Smelling it further and deeply, it gives off the aroma of cinnamon, as well as chocolate and coffee.

Giving it a taste, the ale feels closer to a richly-seasoned stout, than that of a dark Belgian ale.
The dark malts definitely comes through, giving it a roasty chocolate and coffee like flavour, as well as leaving behind a burnt aftertaste of bread. It does lack the smoke however, which is definitely not something I'll complain about.
The burnt flavour doesn't become too overpowering either, probably due to the amount of hops and the added Christmas spices, making it sweeter than it otherwise would've been.

Overall a great ale and one that could be used to convince your friends, that dark beer aren't as scary as they might think.

Merry Christmash

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Hello, /kanojo/!
You are invited to Endchan's 9th birthday party, ie. our usual bday stream.
We're watching Electric Dreams, and maybe Sneakers as well.
On our cytube channel: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
The event starts at 10pm EST.
- 7pm PST
- Midnight at BRT and Chile time
- 3:00 UTC (on Dec 21)
- 4:00 CET (on Dec 21)
- 2pm AEDT (on Dec 21)

Maybe I'm just too much "arr rook same" but there is just something specific about the Chinese gacha game character designs and official art where everything from different studios still looks the same or has the same aesthetics of "ancient/traditional clothing but modern" if that makes sense.

I haven't really looked at too many other gachas, but they all seem like they're just your usual anime fashion tropes for the most part to me.

Yeah, already gotta get the mats for her ABC upgrades AND gotta grind NEW discs for her when they just did the damn double drop.
Also noticed they changed the coffee to either extra stamina or an all in one double drop from one card. It's definitely better that way but also kinda lame.

You're gonna get a bite.

Ah, fair enough. It just seems like everything has the same frame of reference of the same dozen or so bootlegged Japanese games/anime designs, no matter the studio. The bugs simply are not creatives.

Yeah but all the design cues seem to be based off the same limited anime tropes. Like you know how every time anime "inspires" the designs of western slop, it's the same fucking Akira jacket and 80s Japanese retrofuturism?

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Bro, your Hollow Zero shop mat box and gold discs for Effie's shop?
I do think its funny that they're not even pretending that this new disc set is for anyone other than Miyabi to use, with it even having her little eyeball thing on the design. 
Yeah, I noticed that too. Felt the same way about it. Not sure what the other two "LOCKED" ones are though.

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