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Maybe I'm just too much "arr rook same" but there is just something specific about the Chinese gacha game character designs and official art where everything from different studios still looks the same or has the same aesthetics of "ancient/traditional clothing but modern" if that makes sense.
I haven't really looked at too many other gachas, but they all seem like they're just your usual anime fashion tropes for the most part to me.

Yeah, already gotta get the mats for her ABC upgrades AND gotta grind NEW discs for her when they just did the damn double drop.
Also noticed they changed the coffee to either extra stamina or an all in one double drop from one card. It's definitely better that way but also kinda lame.

You're gonna get a bite.
Ah, fair enough. It just seems like everything has the same frame of reference of the same dozen or so bootlegged Japanese games/anime designs, no matter the studio. The bugs simply are not creatives.

Yeah but all the design cues seem to be based off the same limited anime tropes. Like you know how every time anime "inspires" the designs of western slop, it's the same fucking Akira jacket and 80s Japanese retrofuturism?
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Bro, your Hollow Zero shop mat box and gold discs for Effie's shop?
I do think its funny that they're not even pretending that this new disc set is for anyone other than Miyabi to use, with it even having her little eyeball thing on the design. 
Yeah, I noticed that too. Felt the same way about it. Not sure what the other two "LOCKED" ones are though.

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