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For now. Had to start somewhere to stop the flood hitting several boards of the site. We'll see where we go from here.
There are more features in the pipes and we can change things eventually on magra too to make it more familiar. Not priority now however.
My problem with magra is the hovering preview windows of posts stuck sometimes. And it's a long standing problem.

Only piece of feedback I can really give is kind of minor: the update button/time being below the reply box. By the post/image count seems better.

But this is such a minor thing.

> mobile friendly (which I care for little)

Based. Phoneposters should be second class citizens.

Yeah, no major complaints, just new.

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Woah, awesome.
Fixed aspect ratio is usually something like

img {
width: auto;
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max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;

The child element has its width and height set to the size of the image. Setting max-width and max-height, along with auto for width and height, seems to do the trick.
Although that gives dynamic scaling when moving the cursor

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Yeah, I hope thats something Kuro keeps from PGR instead of taking after Genshin, and introduce 5* versions of at least some of the 4*s. Particularly Yangyang, she's literally the icon! Maybe when we get another area of Huanglong, pretty sure they mentioned that Jinzhou was only like, 1 of 6 areas or something. 

They're all my main wives :)
I think that artist does not like Tsubaki.

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Yangyang is getting lonely...
Getting a 5* might be the only way Danjin gets to do something in the story.
Not Jinzhou, but Jinzhou is supposed to be just one region of a larger country, Huanglong. With how they set it up I thought we would explore more of it before going to another country, but nah, we're off vacationing in Venice. 

Nuh uh.
He might, or just really likes Shorekeeper.

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She's the one who originally found us! In the betas. I know the new game has her and Chixia.
Maybe they'll send us back to somewhere in Jinzhou, or somewhere else in Huanglong if it's suppose to be bigger. 
Sometimes you need a little vacation like that.
I haven't played the new wuwa content or even the zzz content yet.

Yeah huh.
Suppose it could be that last part too.

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Just lots of spam as far as I know(or care to know). I'm sure someone is always trying to DDoS this site either way.
> Move fast, and break [not your own] things.

Why do I have to do both of those things?

Exactly! She needs more love.
Sometimes you just have to go back to the start.
Might be better that way.
Been busy and all that.

We don't know why they are doing it.
Seemingly because /polru/ is pro-ukrainian and they shit on kremlin heavily. And someone from sosach/2ch wants to take it down. And there is some narration posted about this.
I'm not so sure. /polru/ seems like an excuse.
I think the attacker is too much of an autist.

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Happens when you're flagged as an "alt-right" website.

I'll try, but I meant why can't I just do one or the other? My desk. I fixed it up a few hours ago.
No thoughts, head empty. Tacomas are suppose to hold up pretty well though. At least the older models do. I have trust issues of anything past 2010 more or less. But anything that old is going to be harder to find parts for. 

> They are paying captcha solver service.

Must be really autistic to even bother that much.

Not since Shorekeeper, and was more like a cameo.
Good to hear, I'll find out sooner or later.
> new elf girl



Literally noone cares what it is told on Endchan. Kremlin the least. So have to be very autistic to have such a hardon to want it taken down. The attacker/s got butthurted for something, and they can't let it go. It's like that "someone is wrong on the internet" syndrome.

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Mot what's it like to be a Nazi?

Well if you're doing one or the other how is that different from what I said?
Just make a desk out of milk crates, and a door.
Twenty fucking ten.  Mot really out here saying "fuck new cars in general".  Seems to be the general consensus though anyway.

You'd be surprised just how autistic and bored some can be.
Ego and Ideology are amazing drugs motivators.

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> Literally noone cares what it is told on Endchan

Apparently the attacker does. :^)
Who I want to see hanged as I have to do much more verifications than on the normal site!

Just a second ago for us.
Good. Then again last time I dwelled I ate shit.
I'll find out when I play you!

It's like living normally, except you don't let your inner thoughts out among the common folk. Shouldn't you already know this?

I just don't want to do both.
Sounds lame.
I know, but newer models just come with new stuff where you have to go to the dealership to fix. They have nice features don't get me wrong, but you got to have a steady job and be more or less debt free half the time. Sure the keyless start is cool and all, but when it breaks you can't even get a shade tree shop to fix it for you. Gotta hand over a few thousand just to turn your car on.
Though not really a problem if you can buy brand new because the warranties are pretty good for a few years. Though you're financing it too most likely.

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I dunno. I have not watched many new movies recently, rewatching House MD, that occupies me for a while.
For the Christmas stream we had couple of new things, I found both Violent Night and Dear Santa interesting concept, but they are just okay movies. I favor the former to the latter since that's just a meme turned into a movie.

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Heck yeah, I guess.

In general, something that actually looks nice.
That sucks, I have a ton of applications to put in this week too.  Join me.

I'm guessing not from the drinking, kind of sick.
I got drunk and high, and had kind of a bad time.
But everything else about it was nice.
Got to experience the closest to Night City I'll ever get to.

> You are not going to get something that actually looks nice that is premade and/or on a budget. 

Think the average "didn't even steam out the wrinkles in the polyester" costume you see every onlyfans """cosplayer""" post. That's the best you get, Spec.

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Is it!?  Well certainly the ones I've known.

It DID taste a lil' funny... I'm more worried about how many ads on the radio I heard for hypnosis weight loss, quitting smoking, getting out of debt, and curing neurological ailments of every variety.
Maybe Misty was onto something about the real solution to Night City's problems!

I'm aware of all the spam going on and you're trying to mitigate it.

Aaannnddd now that I made the post and it loaded like seven posts in less than a minute I'm aware of just how bad the spam problem is and it's all new since then.

Good luck!

Guess it's back.

Oh and to any global, I just want to say I didn't realize just how bad the spam problem was. I just assumed it was the same literal shit images because I instantly scrolled away or closed the tab. When I made those posts and it pushed the site to the most recent boards, it ended up with 27 posts rather briefly. 

Apologies if it seemed like I was saying it wasn't enough; I just thought the absent board owner hadn't swept it.

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He's too busy with his girlfriend.
But yes. If you deleted just 1 post, 20 new ones would immediately appear. 
And after you made one deletion submission, the login cookie would expire, forcing you to log in again. Logging in again sometimes also just yielded an error. It was really a futile attempt.
Though seems the script-kiddies setup broke. Or Odil did something

Fair. Internet schizos rarely make sense.

Victim blaming? What.

Pretty sure they're going to be transbians in a year or less.

I honestly didn't even see yours and the admin's posts about irc until the site was back up. I just thought everyone saw the same shit images (the text and images looked relatively consistent between the checks of the board and I really didn't linger longer than that) and reporting would just time out. I assumed it was funky but I also just assumed no one was posting because it's gross until cleaned up.

I do notice I have to refresh the page every so often to refresh whatever spam measures are in place, going through the cloudflare check and the spam prevention before loading again.

Huh, captcha is gone now.

Every half dozen posts, I'll notice on refresh that includes the latest post, it'll sometimes duplicate or triplicate my post. Forgot to cap it but just mentioning in case it wasn't known (I assume it is).

Gonna be blunt: I don't know nor care, really. I was just making a joke about it being a Russian; I don't care about Russian /pol/'s stance on the conflict or if the spammer was actually Russian.

Fair. I just checked the homepage to see if anything else was being spammed at the moment and saw that as the most recent image and it pointed back to us.

I remember someone telling me in 2022 or 2023 you basically will get banned from all boards with no exceptions (even /pol/) for making tranny jokes and I can't even be bothered to lurk to find out. I know they did something retarded with having you lurk an hour without clearing cookies to even post at all and that seems retarded. The place feels like a weird bot ghost town or like every board was composed a few dozen people at most.

Oh, that's the same tier here: undeveloped, developing, developed, and the hypothetical post-development country. The fourth tier used to mean a post-service economy thing that always changed exact definitions and now just means "developed country that become Brazil after it fell and imported too many nonwhites".

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So really the same through and through.  No longer underdeveloped, because it's mean. No longer a post-developed country, as that's silly too. 
The west is post-developed today, if you asked people 40 years ago
> Access to the entire world within seconds

> Robots do various jobs for you

Yeah, they really shrank the first tier so it wasn't offensive to spear chuckers in South America or Africa.

And that was what it was supposed to be because a nation that still partakes in economic activity to subsist means it wasn't past developed and various other purely academic differences but that never happened and instead the developed world is just rapidly declining in quality of life so line go up.

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And it'll continue to decline, as long as capitalism rule the world.
It's quite exciting in a way.
What exactly will happen when there's 0 work available because robots does everything. Will the only way to make some kind of living, be to invest?
Or will the country fall apart as the majority of the people have no way to make a living?
Or will the majority of the world's population just drop dead, leaving only the elite alive? I doubt everyone will end up being mechanics

> Or will the majority of the world's population just drop dead, leaving only the elite alive? I doubt everyone will end up being mechanics

Looking at birth rate trends even in the developing world, those are dropping too. The world will depopulate massively in the next century from those trends alone. Coupled with the maintenance of complex systems falling more and more in the wealthiest areas, I don't think we ever get a cyberpunk dystopia but just end up letting catastrophic failure after catastrophic failure happen until the world is just some horrible living condition husk and humanity withers. I think we're past the peak and the decline only continues.

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We're taking Greenland and there's nothing you can do about it!
Although honestly, as someone who is pro-national divorce, I am against Trump acquiring Greenland and especially Canada. Although pretty sure he's just shitposting, and giving you all a hard time for negotiation purposes.

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I think the journalist's question has just been grossly mistranslated.
We have no real word in Danish for "coercion".
Instead, the Danish word for "might", was used instead.
However, in the context of military, and cultural differences, this word hits as hard as "supremacy".
Basically it means the journalist's question has been translated into "Can you ensure you won't be using economic or military supremacy in order to get what you want?"
And that's why Europe is now butthurt. All thanks to a misunderstanding.
I doubt Trump would've answered the way he did, if that was the question

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Even then, it's not like America would win much by doing that either. Not only would you get a huge area you'd have to defend against Russia and China, but you'd also suddenly have to defend it against the entirety of Europe. Not only that, you'd also have 0 trade partners.
At the end of the day, the only thing you really want, is some of the resources there, as well as having some military installations. 
And exactly that, is what I bet Trump's aiming for. Also exactly what the leader of Siumut was wishing for. He'd be stupid to answer "yes" to that question

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If he really wants to take Greenland, that is definitely want he wants it for, but I think more likely he's just trying to engage in some big stick diplomacy, although not sure what exactly it is he wants from Denmark in that case. Getting your opponent to "settle" for the thing you wanted all along by starting out with a big ask is basically the premise of The Art of the Deal.

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Of course. But I doubt threatening your every ally is part of the Art of the Deal.
Not that he did. Language barriers and the media just led to that.
We'll see once he takes office. The Danish government is just waiting for him to do exactly that before they can have a proper conversation.
That's also why /pol/ is making fun of the Danes. It's not that we're pussies. It's just that this government is smarter, not misinterpreting the statement outright and losing their shit on social media, but patiently waits for a proper talk

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Honestly, I really don't think America cares about pissing off the Europeans, because our government knows that at the end of the day, you all are vassal states to the American Empire and will cuck out. This was true under Biden too, the Nordstream pipeline debacle is probably the best example of this, at least recently. 
I mean, trying to respond to everything Trump says over social media before he's even in office didn't work out too well for Trudeau, now did it? So your government is definitely making the right decision. 
Mhmm. Still funny to shitpost about though.

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Might be true most of Europe would just cuck out, but that's mostly because your military is significantly bigger. It will seed discontent though, and eventually make the alliance fall apart.
And a Europe who'd gladly follow You into war, is significantly better than one who'll say "no", and fall into the grasp of China instead.
Taking a threatening stance towards an ally, benefits neither of us in the end.
It'll be clear once Trump takes office

Definitely. I'm enjoying the threads on /pol/ about it too


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