/kanojo/ - 彼女

Because we know you don't have one.

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Never have?  Haha!  Never will!
Unfortunately the people I go to bars with are weirdos.  But they're cool weirdos, so it's whatever.

I see.  I won't be checking it out.
Nezi is too much of a size queen for that.

Gross.  Gross gross gross, I never want to think about that again.

Cali?  Shady?  Nooo..
Ever thought of leaving Cali?
Or the country?

I have no desire to see that, but thanks.
Nor do I have access to that Discord, nor do I want it.  But damn, that little self value, who could have guessed?

Same.  Except for the last bit.

Nah.  Nah, I'll keep em.

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