I just realised something... something spooky as fuck.
You know how sumo is derived from some ancient rituals? How it was performed in shrines, to appease the kami, to ensure prosperity? It was only later professionalised, and is now performed on a national level by salaried wrestlers, but there are still many religious elements, from how the ring is consecrated by a priest before each tournament, yokozuna entering the ring with that big white rope around his belt, to wrestlers actually throwing salt into the ring before each bout as a means of consecration. It is a deeply religious ritual, somehow performed to appease the kami for the entire nation of Japan. Kinda like how the ancient Olympic Games were performed on temple grounds, and were a form of vitalist worship of Greek gods.
You know when's the last time sumo wasn't performed as scheduled? March 2011. The March of the earthquake and tsunami that rekt Japan. But guess what? The tournament was cancelled a month before. Because of some match-fixing scandal. Yep, that's right. And the earthquake happened 2 days before the tournament was scheduled.
The earthquake happened because the sumo ritual wasn't performed. Because the kami weren't appeased. They were pissed and caused the earthquake as a warning.
Does Bernd go to gym? Maybe Bernd does other sports?
If not, you should start!
A year passed and again this day commemorates the foundation of Hungary, this is 1018th birthday. We celebrate this national holiday with listening to politicians mixing irrelevant daily politics into historical events in the morning and watching fireworks in the evening. Budapesterners can witness the procession of state founder Saint Stephen's Holy Dexter. Also all the local communities have their own little celebrations.
This is the third time I make this thread, and I won't post much, maybe I'll post something about what happened today - if anything interesting - later.
Previous thread: >>>kc/36217@36217
Found fun informational. It's dated, I think from 2019 but things seems to be the same. Not sure about that Paris Climate Agreement tho.
As in last post in prev thread stated today EU Parliament voted back Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the EU Commission (EU govt. basically).
719 deputy
707 votes
401 yes
284 no
15 abstained
7 invalid votes
She's so dumb, and the dumbest statements she makes. She's also a bit dated, she was first elected in 2019. But it shows how strong the leftlib is, they stay in power as expected, despite all the bleeting in the leftlib press about far-right danger.
I'm looking for a car but I don't know much about them. I am thinking of a car like a Fiat 500 or a VolksWagon Beetle. What other cars are there like this, cars that are small so they are easy to park and don't use much fuel but that also look interesting and nice.
Previous: >>>kc/50296@50296
Nothing much going on in Syria anymore. Bit of ISIS I see on the map, and the SAA bombarding rebels on the north east. Beside that Israel is constantly attacking into Syria, targeting Iranian backed terrorists, and Iranian backed militias, and apparently Iranian militias themselves.
In Israel, the IDF still wrestling with some Iranian backed, dirty, barefeet, stone throwing kids since October... Where Yom Kippur and Six-Day Wars disappeared? Anyway. In Gaza they bombing Iranian backed Hamas, in Lebanon the Iranian backed Hezbollah. Sometimes they have a cease fire to release hostages as the Iranian backed Qatar negotiates it.
From Yemen, the Iranian backed Houthis raiding the shipping lanes with drones and whatnot.
In Ukraine the Iranian backed RAF/RuAf is on the attack. The initiative is theirs, AFU tries holding their trenches, forts, and foxholes. I heard couple of interesting things today, but would need some drawing and look up possible sources.
I've checked the catalog couldnt find any good youtube channel threads(delet if there is any)
[spoiler]share, shill and subscribe[/spoiler]
These are about old guns about and stuff, which include muzzle loading ones as well.
If America is in decline, why worry? Maybe, real worry is Europe's decline and that we innovate things better?
I've already mentioned the book titled On Killing - The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Dave Grossman (Lt. Col. of US Army). It gave some food for thought and I'm planning to write some of my speculation.
But what did the author write? Let's summarize.
He starts with the observation that most men has a natural resistance to kill (only 2% of men - those who have "predisposition toward aggressive psychopathic personality" - can go on killing without becoming a nervous wreck). This resistance is so high that even at times that our life is directly threatened (like others shoot at us) still difficult to overcome it. This resistance is the reason why infantry fire was so embarrassingly ineffective in the past 300 years - with the exception of machine guns - despite the fact that infantry weaponry (rifles) are reliable and accurate enough to cause massive losses among the enemy.
The author gives examples and sources, such as a Prussian experiment in the late 18th century, several reports and notices from several authors during 19-20th centuries (American, French, Israeli etc.), and an interesting work by a US Army historian who (and his coworkers) made mass interviews with fighting GIs during and after WWII. Also he cites his own conversation with veterans of WWII and Vietnam.
He gives new ideas on what's really happening on the battlefield. He compliments the widely known fight-or-flight model with two other options: in reality the soldiers can fight, posture, submit or flight. And most soldiers choose the second option.
Then he ponders on what enables killing (I'm gonna write more about this later) and how modern (post-WWII) armies achieve this. Then he compares these methods with the ways of contemporary mass media. His conlcusion is (after pointing out the exponential rise of violent crimes) that mass media has an undesirable effect on society.
What interesting for me is this resistance, and the enabling part. These things are actually give an entirely new way of looking warfare, and how and why battles were won.
For example the part officers (the demanding authority to kill) play in the enabling. When people (professional historians, history pros and other armchair generals) comparing the Hellenic phalanx with Roman manipulus and why the latter was more successful they compare everything but the officers. In the phalanx he's only one among those who stand in line and do the poking with pikes, but a Roman officer is one outside the formation and pressuring the soldiers to kill. It makes a huge difference if someone shouting in your ears "stab! stab! stab!" and generally pressuring you to kill. Especially if this one person is an exemplary one, a veteran whose skill in killing surpasses all the others in that particular unit. However noone talks about this because noone thinks about it.
I'll continue this sometimes, maybe only next weekend, we'll see. If you wish to read the book you can probably find it on libgen.
Venezuela coup has begun!
6 hours ago Reuters made an exclusive on Blackwater going around advocating for a 5000 PMC force to beat Maduro.
And now this is happening:
El PAIS live stream
Previous one is autosäging.
Wanna watch The Longest Yard, the original Burt Reynolds movie.
I only see two remakes, the Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones, and the Adam Sandler comedy from 2005. Probably the only good Adam Sandler movie. It's greatest selling point is the catchy tunes played in the background and the supporting cast. Judging by the screenshots it follows the original story quite tightly. The Mean Machine is adapted to the circumstances of a Bri'is prison and normal football. It was entertaining too.
One more remake was made, and Egyptian one: Captain Masr in 2015. Not sure if it's available anywhere, or has any English dubs or subs. Also features normal football.
today as I've been reading the best source of PROOFS (I mean, they're funded by a government, they literally can't be biased) I noticed this
> Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was making plans to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un
since koryŏ has been quite busy lately I think it warrants a specific thread
We lacked in such thread.
No snow. Getting used to it but everything looks awful and dull.
Volcano Hunga erupted near Tonga, causing tsunami all over the place. Japanese news full of it. Lol at countries with seashores.
**I saw some Mexican asking for gulyás recipe on Kohl and because I don't really want to start posting there beside the World Cup I decided to reupload the gulyás cooking as the other thread is "File not found" as well. So here's with original text.**
Cooking with Bernd: gulyás
I was planning to post a good gulyás cooking since day one but somehow the occasion eluded me until now. I know a Hungarobernd did this on KC main but it was regular "cooking in the kitchen" type of thread and not "over open fire in bogrács" (traditional Hungarian pot).
I couldn't do this live for technical reasons but it will be fine this way too.
Pic #1
Ingredients: meat (little bit over half a kilo, it's pork, not beef), taters (by volume I used about the double of the meat dunno their weight), onions, tomato, paprikas, black pepper in the mill, dried ground paprika in the jar with the red lid, salt in the middle, and the white wax paper on the right covers the salo (fatback).
You can also see my Mora for cutting needs and a bearly visible peace from a wooden spoon behind the meat and the potato, the masterpiece of my carving art, used for stir the food in the bogrács.
The taters are leftovers from winter, wizened but fine for our purpose. Some of the onions and the paprikas are also leftovers I utilized.
Pic #2
The initial setup. Two quarter logs at the sides and a nest in the middle for the fire itself also aligned toward the usual main direction of the wind. The rocks are there for a little draft control. Tripod to hang the bogrács.
Pic #3
Lighted a handful of dry grass, placed in the middle of the nest, then a large handful of dry twigs above, and sticks across the log above all. As these sticks burn in the middle they broke after a while and fall into the nest. The heat from the nest lights up the inside faces of the logs. The heat is very concentrated toward the nest. The cooking is going above the nest, and it really doesn't need much flames. The smoldering logs pumping up lotsa heat, only some sticks are needed to be placed inside the nest time to times. Also when a log burns through, a new can be placed there. I had several prepared.
Pic #4
First I chopped the salo, and dumped into the bogrács. I left it hang quite high because there still were much flames, and I didn't want it to burn fast. Burnt salo isn't a big problem tho if there are just a few chunks of it, even maybe adds to the flavor. Also for the flavor I sliced some skin of the salo into there.
What happened to KC? It's over? Where are Bernds now?
Since the previous thread is autosäging, here's the new one.
This little faggot is making covers for all kinds of popular music.
Previously Venezuelaball posted some songs of a sludge metal band, Acid Bath. Managed to put my hands on some of their songs. Here's a couple I liked.
Because the previous >>>kc/28357@28357 is autosäging.
From the last posts:
>>>kc/42501@28357 Crusader Kings 3 first impressions by Rusbernd
>>>kc/42504@28357 unkown vidya making fun of Australia due to the lack of certain biome by Ausbernd
Last year I found out there's native Linux version of the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Editions. They are working well but I don't think I'll ever finish a playthrough again. Back then I finished original BG, and BG2, but not the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Damn long games.
Enhanced Edition makes it possible to play this classic DnD based crpg on modern steel, fixes bugs, changes some rules, adds new NPCs with quests, new items, two new expansions (The Black Pits - arena fight generator?, and Siege of Dragonspear - which is a module for the original story, taking part between BG1 and BG2). It seems okay all in all.
I tried blusky for like 2 hours and it was horrible, deleted that shit right off.
Is there an actual good social media site/app?
Personally I think they really are all garbage but I can't help it and I want to find a decent one
This place feels so cozy and gives me old kc feels.
I think we had one of these long ago, before the ameriball slide.
I have been looking into ancient literature recently and have a list of two but was hoping Bernd could help bulk up my list:
Epic of Gilgamesh
> "He got tazer!"
> Shot him
Let's start off with a little game. Guess which countries each photo was taken in.
Justice Minister Moro resigned. He is immensely popular and was doing a good job. There have been high-profile arrests and in 2019 the number of murders dropped by 10 thousand compared to the previous year, a decrease of a fifth. This is a result of many factors: in the Northeast cooperation among cartels reduced violence, but the reduction happpened in other states. Legislation wasn't a factor as there was next to no real change in this regard. He retains much prestige despite the scandal with his leaks, eternal hate from the left due to being Lula's nemesis and repeated disempowerment of the anti-corruption struggle by Congress and the Supreme Court.
What caused this was Bolsonaro's elimination of Federal Police director Maurício Valeixo, who had been picked by Moro. In his final address he noted that:
-There was no legitimate reason for this as he had been effective in his post
-This was a violation of the promise Bolsonaro made upon naming him Minister, that he'd have freedom to handle subordinates
-Bolsonaro also intends to replace a subordinate of the director, the Rio de Janeiro superintendent, and possibly other superintendents, which goes against his spirit of giving autonomy to subordinates
-A replacement now would create confusion and harm the Federal Police's functioning
-Bolsonaro personally told him this was a political choice
Why political? He did not say this straight, but what everyone says is that it was to protect Bolsonaro's sons from investigation, and hence why the Rio de Janeiro superintendent is also involved. Their corruption accusations are petty for Brazilian standards but what's bigger are accusations they might be tied to militias. As always Bolsonaro's sons are his priority. This behavior doesn't come out of nowhere as he has few contacts in Brasília, having lived his career in the sidelines, and many reasons to be distrustful. Moro isn't someone he has a reason to distrust but his sons still came first.
ITT: post interesting sattelite images and what's notable about them.
These are shots from Rondônia state, where human settlement is strikingly clear. Highways -most notably, the BR-364 flowing SE to NE- and their evenly spaced perpendicular side roads flow deep into the jungle, with deforestation, cattle herding, agriculture and urbanization (roughly in this order) following suite. This leaves a light green (mostly composed of pasture) grid dotted with gray points where lines meet, overlaid on a dark green matrix. Few other places have so many clear, sharp edges that can be easily seen from extreme heights.
Starting it off with some recent evens
Flooding in Nebraska and Iowa, USA (March 15, 2019)
Crazy flooding in Shiraz, Iran (March 25, 2019)
Lots of flooding in agricultural states in usa wonder if it will affect the food prices
I am the Spaniard that bought the carving knife.
Where should I begin to learn carving skills?
New webms thread. Old one is here >>>kc/17541@17541
Just had to make a new one
Hi Bernd, consider joining this Bernd dedicated board
Ok, dedicated thread is opened.
Major update with the ship, I have to get used to modifiers again. I run into problems. Solved it but was fiddly.
Also I really don't like that baby blue water. Something has to be done, but not a priority. Many, many details and possibilities to add, still wanting to keep it simple.
I did not want to overcomplicate the boat neither, so no rigging just for the jib or how the triangle sail is called, so it don't levitate in the air.
Previous threda: >>>kc/48765@48765
A new thread, a new offensive.
In Sudan fights continue, it seems largely thanks to the Rapid Support Forces cease-fire violations. Millions of people is getting displaced, guess where will they end up? Now that the situation is Syria starts to get normalized and people from refugee camps can return. I wonder on who's payroll on RSF is.
In Syria the situation is much the same. Except now Israel and the Hezbollah fights over the Palestinians. The first one don't need those people, just the land under their feet, the second one just wants to kill Jews.
On the Ukraine the AFU's counteroffensive is roaring. I cannot hear it due to the liveuamap only showing Russian action. But at least the Deepstate map shows nothing as well. How will they be able to tell people that this much promised offensive is on? Well I saw one article writing about the "tactical encirclement of Bakhmut, now the Russians are in trouble". Anywhere where the front is not perfectly straight one can claim there is an encirclement, but okay. **Whatabout** Avdiivka?
Here's a cool article from Reuters contemplating about the capture of Bakhmut.
Don't worry they establish right at the beginning U.S. Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and NATO alliance head Jens Stoltenberg, and all the western experts say it's nothingburger. And they are right in a way, the high ground at Chasiv Yar and the ridge which separates Bakhmut from the chain of towns with Kramatorsk and Sloviansk are more important. But since god knows how many Ukrainian fighters were torn into pieces (I guesstimate it between 25K and 100K, maybe I'll make a post about how I reached this) Bakhmut was a very important battle.
Let's share great websites. I'll start:
http://spidr.today/?c=de for news
How many armies -- does it take to change a light bulb?
At least five. The Germans to start it, the French to give up really easily after only trying for a little while, the Italians to make a start, get nowhere, and then try again from the other side, the Americans to turn up late and finish it off and take all the credit, and the Swiss to pretend nothing out of the ordinary is happening....
What happens if a women and two men are marooned on a desert island?
If they are Swedish, the men will marry and ignore the woman....
I'd fuck these 13 year olds so damn hard. What kind of faggot wouldn't want the age of consent lowered to 12?
Newest Edition, with less Ghork.
First thing first:
That dude of the Primitive Technology channel and all his copycats have a great advantage: access to unlimited supply of bamboo. Unlimited to their objectives. That stuff is great, tuff as shit, light as feather, can be used to many purpose with little modification and not too much work.
I also read most of this:
I think technology and it's use are running forward and lawmakers lag behind. Those who spent any time in the past two decades on the internet have a giant heap of data about them. I think Bernd posted a video about a security eggsbert, I think he works kind of a private investigator many time cooperating with officials and he said in that video anonymizing data worth nothing it can be de-anonymized with ease, and both companies and govt agencies do.
Now this law was passed at 2016. This year the EU countries have to start implementing it. Who knows how long it takes until it finishes. The whole stuff is kinda vague (it can be modified when necessary tho), and I don't know for example how the EU can force a foreign company to do whatever? There are sanctions but what jurisdiction the EU has over a US based firm for example Facebook and how the EU will force the sanctions onto for example said company?
Stop talking about exhausted UAE oil 😅😂
No one interested to come there along with ghost city concrete jungle Dubai yet world map is inaccurate since Mercator projection 1569 by west + middle east belittling Indonesia since, while in reality Indonesia The Emerald of The Equator is huge as Russia and even much richer than the rest of the world, our oil and gas only are much more than whole middle east.
Complete multiracial multilingual living around the world all alone since childhood I speak fluent formal Arabic too, aside Dutch and so many other languages.
Egypt isn't the oldest, even Egypt is very poor, very dry, far off the center of the Equator line.
Most highest humidity on Earth: Indonesia, meaning many much older artifacts has decayed much faster than just few thousands years Egypt.
And Judaism/Christianity/Islam are just the same dumb.
Even most of people know nothing about much older ancient modern civilization here in Indonesia before mega eruption of Toba supervolcano of Sumatra 75,000 years ago.
Including 25,000 years old Gunung Padang pyramid in Indonesia.
Hindu isn't from India either. Original Hindu is Indonesia not in India.
Hindu in India and in Bali are totally different
Indus, Indo, Hindia, Hindu = Indus Islands = Indo Nesos = Indonesia.
The same with Astrology came from Indonesia not by the Greeks, Egyptians nor Aramaic/Arabs/Jews.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just frauds branches of modified Hinduism in India.
Real Hindu came from Indonesia not India.
Hindu, Hindia, Indus, Indo, etc = Indo Nesos, Indus islands, Indonesia over 17000 islands, exactly on the center of the equator line, the center of all civilization, all Indo around the world came from here especially because of eruption of Toba supervolcano Sumatra 75000 years ago bigger than Yellowstone USA, resulted today world's largest volcanic lake Toba Sumatra.
Yet, world map is wrong since Mercator projection 1569, real Indonesia is Huge as Russia and even much richer than the rest of the world.
Let's play some Minecraft on our /int/ server:
hub.dev-urandom.eu:25565 (version: 1.16.5)
Wiki with more information: http://dev-urandom.eu/
Overview map: dev-urandom.eu:8123
IRC: irc.dev-urandom.eu - channels: #chat (ingame chat), #int
Pirate-friendly client: https://tlauncher.org/en/
Basic commands:
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn.
/home - Teleports you to your home (set with /sethome or by sleeping in a bed like a fag).
/lb tb - Provides a melonblock that can show block changes.
Don't grief and don't be an asshole (obviously). Basically, you can build anywhere, although there are some limitations. There is enough space for everyone! You can make your clan and engage in Nation Autism. Don't get discouraged by the autism of the server, things will get easier for you later. Also, mods, admins and other players may help you.
Join us now and share your autism, you'll be free, players, you'll be free!
Note: If you forgot your password, join in IRC and we'll reset, assuming we can confirm the identity of the user.
If all the pictures and posts of a week are gone for good, why worry? Maybe, real worry is other imageboards' decline and that Odilitime manages things better?
Pls post your worries. I mean worry bears. For real worries the blog thread still usable.
> Israel attacks Palestine, which is a path to genocide Palestinians, Jews don’t care
> There is nowhere for Palestinians to go, also, they shouldn’t have to leave their land
> Iran sends a biological weapon to Israel, devastating the country
> Full Middle East Muslim vs. Jew war
> US and Britain defend Jews, now it’s World War
> China and Russia protect Iran and the Muslims
> US is cut off from the world even though it can’t be invaded, civil war is in the streets
> Chinese colonize America with economic and soft power
> Germany, Turkey, and some other countries get kicked out of NATO for having the wrong alliances, former EU countries are devastated because the EU was basically the HRE and the only reason for prosperity in most of Europe
> niggers are degenerate
> Americans are degenerate
> t-shirts are degenerate
> blue jeans are degenerate
> wearing short sleeves is degenerate
> technology is degenerate
> science is degenerate
> all art is degenerate (and graven images)
> cosmopolitanism is degenerate
> touching your peepee is degenerate
> dating is fornication and degenerate
> materialism is degenerate
> gnosticism is degenerate
> philosophy is degenerate
> not having 10 children is degenerate
> music is degenerate
> shaving is degenerate
> Muslims are heretics
> Papists are heretics
> Jews are demons
I'll play advocatus diaboli.
Human life matters far more than biomass and forest coverage statistics. Non-human life is less valuable than ours and is under our administration; it is ours to use for the betterment of our species. Of course, as responsible stewards it is our duty to make use of it carefully so future generations won't be deprived by overuse. And as sensitive stewards we can appreciate the beauty of nature and recognize that some non-human life can feel pain, and adjust our rule over nature accordingly. But the life of some common tree is not worth more than the life of a human; it is not even worth the same.
You can cut down thousands and thousands of square km of virgin Amazon land and you'll still have enough untouched rainforest for every purpose you can think of. The new open spaces have housed wave after wave of settlers adding up to a population in the millions with major urban centers housing international airports and industry. Further south, the acidic soil of the central South American savannah was defeated and its neverending empty flatlands were turned into a global-level breadbasket with several neatly planned cities, a victory of willpower and reason over vacuum.
If not for deforestation, most of those settlers would now live in overcrowded eastern slums. Is that really a better way of life than living as a pioneer in a plot of deforested land? Millions of Europeans left their overcrowded continent to build something new on the other side of the Atlantic for similar reasons, and the conquest of the Amazon repeats this on a smaller scale.
And then there's the problem of national sovereignty. Would you feel comfortable with a sparsely populated porous border thousands of km long with several unstable states? That's what the northern border is. FARC guerillas have crossed into Brazilian territory before. Only a populated Amazon guarantees a safe border.
"It's all greed", you might say. It is true that greed is not the ideal driving impulse for the conquest of virgin land, and sadly it's a driving force. But the economic use of conquered land is not evil per se. It is easy to think so in a Scandinavian country where further economic growth brings little improvement to collective and individual well-being. But that does not mean material prosperity is unrelated to happiness. It just has diminishing returns. As an undeveloped state we are still at a point where economic expansion can have social/imaterial benefits. And within a globalized economy, exporting raw materials and the services and industrial goods produced within the cleared space contributes to overall prosperity, allows other undeveloped states to have their own improvements and, through trade, creates relations of interdependency which bring countries closer together and contribute to global peace.
Today we celebrate and glorify Pedro II's overthrow in a military coup 129 years ago, marking our transformation into a banana republic. The strongman who led the coup is even in every 25 cent coin.
As typical, Temer spoke about the virtues and strength of liberal democracy even though the Braganza were more liberally democratic than the following regimes.
This thread is for the discussion of the riots/strikes/events/etc... that are happening in catalonia right now.
-What happened today (I'll do later a re-cap of what happened before and also what is happening now)
Today I went to the students strike in Barcelona, luckly nothing happened and the cops stayed calm, we walked all together for a kilometer or so and then we ate lunch.
Tomorrow is the general strike so probably that's when I'll be able to post more interesting first-hand news.
-1 and 2: general pics
-3: the police helicopter that was over the strike watching
Tank thread reup. So.
Today I had to bury the 6th dead bird this year. Not even this year, this summer! I would say I never ever buried this much but frankly before this I had to do this only twice in my whole life. I dunno what's going on with them.
It would be easier to just dump them into the dumpster but frankly I rather spend some energy and give them an ok final rest.
During digging I came across a very interesting archaeological findings: this tank on picrels. It wasn't mine and not any of my pals owned such or even played around that spot in our childhood so I suppose one of my family members owned this there are some possibilities.
What Bernd think what type of tank is this? I think it has the Sherman looks.
Also this can be a general vehicle/weapons thread as well.
I want to begin a new series about a Hungarian pen and paper role playing game I've already mentioned in other thread(s). It's called M.A.G.U.S. - Kalandorok Krónikái (Chronicles of Adventurers) and I wish to guide you through it's history, world and maybe even rules. Frankly I'm not well prepared and most likely not the best person for the job, but, well, I'm the only one here and this is the best it's gonna get.
IRL talking with a real M.A.G.U.S. fan about M.A.G.U.S. is a real herculean challange as they can be extremely assburgerish about insignificant details, they can cite some careless comment from an obscure magazine's unknown article anytime and consider it rock solid canon they can base their opinion. It's worse to play it with an experienced fanatic as they are capable arguing to the point of the knife with the Kalandmester or Mesélő (Adventure Master or Tale Teller/Story-Teller, the DM, it's KM from no on) even if everyone knows the First Rule: the KM is always right.
Of course any other rpg can be discussed here, but I'd like to keep this thread for pnp or tabletop rpgs, crpgs should go into the Vidya thread.
> 1st pic
This is the Első Törvénykönyv (First Code of Law or Rulebook, from now on ETK). It was published in 1997 for the first time.
> 2nd pic
The Nagy Zöld (Big Green). Well this is the real first rulebook, published in 1993. The rules were written for a few years (I saw some parts in a mag from 1991) still it was full of errors, fuck ups and inconsistencies some of them haunt even in current year and will haunt probably forever. Never read it btw.
> 3rd pic
Második Törvénykönyv (Second Code of Law) published in 1995 so even this predates the ETK... This one... I don't think it is more than some shitty addendum, even the foreword states every rule in this book is optional.
> 4th pic
The continent of Ynev. I've no idea how to pronounce it so I call it Inev. The world itself is called Satriale... no, Satralis it has two other continents noone cares about only some vague shit were written about them and are unplayable by default. I think the ETK not even mentions the planet or operates on the supposition that Ynev is the name of the world. In following posts you will meet names very typical fantasy worlds. Lots of them were borrowed from IRL or other fantasy resources so prepare some familiar sounding stuff.
Oh I forgot. It's just a typical medieval fantasy world, with elves, dwarves and orcs. Luckily I don't know anything about gay-ass halflings.
Is this common in German-speaking land?
t. muslim
Interesting article about some recent religious schizo movements in the US with some US-overdose moments: https://counter-currents.com/2023/07/the-ongoing-revolution-in-american-protestantism/
> There is an ongoing revolution in American Protestantism which is worth examining: the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR is an outgrowth of the Pentecostal Denomination which developed in Los Angeles during the 1906 Azuza Street Revival. Simply put, Pentecostalism’s difference from other branches of Christianity is the theological idea that the events described in The Acts of the Apostles are prescriptive rather than descriptive. A prescriptive view of Acts means that ordinary Christian believers in the here and now can and should experience personal interactions with the Holy Spirit, as well as speaking in tongues and other miracles as described therein. Christian theology prior to this interpretation saw the events in Acts as descriptions of historical, one-time affairs.
> The NAR’s initial concepts were developed by Charles Peter Wagner, an American missionary to Bolivia. When he returned to the United States in 1971, he popularized the concept of “spiritual warfare,” a type of conflict where humans battle unseen evil forces. The New Apostolic Reformation also has prophets and apostles within its ranks. An apostle was — or is, according to the NAR — a person who has seen Jesus Christ after the resurrection, was — or is — commissioned by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel, and can perform miracles.
> The NAR has started to influence politics, and there is no reason to believe that this movement will dissipate anytime soon. Its believers supported President Trump, and they remain convinced that the 2020 election was fraudulent. One of their members, Doug Mastriano, unsuccessfully ran for Governor of Pennsylvania in 2022. Despite his defeat, Mastriano remains in the Pennsylvania State Senate.
> Perhaps the most important thinker in the NAR is the late Darrell Fields. Although Fields looks white, he is a member of the Cherokee Nation.
They're killing KC, either through pedo content and/or moderation.
We need to organize and we need to create a sensible alternative, without pedo content, without this moderation.
Any American schizo willing to chip in? And Ihor?
Why late roman army didn't reintroduce the phalanxes, I think the immobile part of army; limitanei, feodorati could use the formation. Well if they couldn't what was the reason?
Why were they using spears but not phalanx sarissas? Is it because of 'barbarian' influences?
(1/2) I believe in Omnicidism (A similar, but distinct idea is Efilism which is against creating any life, but it can lead to Omnicidism which is why I have mentioned it) which is a moral philosophy where the most ethical course of action is the instant and painless annihilation of all life in the universe with no chance of it coming back. Of course, this is impossible for now but I am arguing it as a thought experiment, not as a pragmatic idea.
I will introduce why I believe in this by starting off with my definition of suffering. Suffering is any negative experience experienced by a sentient being. It is bad because it is everything that is bad. Suffering is good only when it prevents future suffering. Otherwise, nobody enjoys suffering because it is not suffering if it is enjoyed.
Adding onto this point, I would like to introduce Negative Utilitarianism. In this ideology, not creating suffering is valued above creating happiness/pleasure. Hard Negative Utilitarianism is a concept where not creating suffering is the only thing that matters. This relates because omnicidism is against all procreation because all procreation creates suffering. The fact that most people report being happy is irrelevant because we only need to focus on not creating suffering. You are not unethical if you do not give resources to the homeless, but you are if you decide to take resources away from them. Taking someone's life is unethical, but not creating life is not unethical. The logical conclusion of this is to prevent all life from being born, and to prevent all life from being born you must kill all life so that it does not reproduce.
On that note, you may be thinking "According to your philosophy, wouldn't murder be ethical? Shouldn't everyone kill themselves then?" to which I say no to both. Murder is unethical because it inflicts grief-related suffering on those who care about the person who was murdered. Suicide also follows, being a net negative. However, this can lead to unfortunate implications to those unloved. For example, if we kill the homeless, then people would be more stressed about becoming homeless.
Another argument is that procreation is gambling with someone's life without their consent. If you forced someone to go into a room where they would have a 90% chance of winning a large sum of money but 10% chance of getting cancer, most people would be understandably upset at you gambling with their life like that. Why would life be any different? When you give life to someone, you're risking an innocent person developing suicidal depression, being kidnapped and tortured, getting an incurable disease and much more. They may still think that their life was worth living, but why would that make it okay to let someone else suffer as much as they did?
Non-existent people cannot miss or want pleasure. By bringing someone into existence, they become a slave to their instincts, fears, and desires. Wanting to live does not mean life is good, much like wanting to drink does not mean alcoholism is good.
My final argument is that life is generally a negative sum game. It may not look like it for humans, but it is very probable that most animals suffer more in their life than not. If you want a demonstration of this, compare the suffering of an animal being eaten to the pleasure an animal gets from eating it. The suffering is much greater. Not only this, but imagine being a prey animal. Mortal terror is a very common occurrence for these.
Name some idiomatic expressions from your language, give a literal translation and explain their meaning.
**Cutucando onça com vara curta**: "Poking a jaguar with a short stick". A reckless act.
**Encher linguiça**: "Filling sausages". Meaningless filler speech. Comparable to "padding out" or "beating around the bush".
**Lei para inglês ver**: "A law for Englishmen to see". In a strict sense this is the Feijó Law of November 7th 1831. It banned the slave trade but went completely unenforced, as it was passed only to appease Britain, which was pressuring the government to cease the import of Africans. Thus, at the time the law was said to be just for Englishmen to see, and the expression now applies to anything used only to maintain appearences. Comparable to "Potemkin village".
**Tirar o cavalo da chuva**: "Removing one's horse from the rain". A reference to 19th century etiquette: visitors left their horses exposed to the elements, expecting to leave quickly, but their hosts could offer to take their horses off the rain and leave them sheltered so they could spend more time. By some poorly understood semantic shift, this invitation came to mean giving up: you take your horse off the rain if you abandon some pretension.
**A vaca foi pro brejo**: "The cow went to the bog". A situation greatly worsened.
**Dar nome aos bois**: "Naming the oxen". Denouncing those involved in something, typically negative, or saying something important.
**Boi de piranha**: "Piranha ox". Sacrificing something of lesser value to save something greater, allegedly from cattle barges throwing away an older bovine into piranha-infested waters to save the rest. For that we have a more easily understood expression, **dar os dedos para não perder as mãos** ("giving away the fingers to save the hands").
**Queimar a rosca**: "Burning the donut". Homosex. Bolsonaro famously replied this to a homosexual on Twitter.
**Terminar em pizza**: "Ending up in pizza". A problem which gets left unresolved and remains in status quo, often in the context of crime and impunity. Used a lot in political corruption scandals. Supposedly in the 60s a football team celebrated a deal ending internal troubles by eating pizza together.
if you upvote my thread good blessings and loving girlfriend will come to you
if you like my thread on facebook you will experience 5 months of good luck =)
it'll come to you ==))
Previous thredder: >>>kc/47132@47132
A bit of habbenings had on the Syria every couple of day, in general nichts Neues as the poet says.
On the Ukraine they go slow, but Ukrainians in Bilohorovka again, while Russians are now operating over the Bakhmutka, south of Bakhmut.
Hows your garden going /kc/? Mine is doing well.
Anyone heard this theory?
> the Soviets made the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact to start another war between France and Germany
> the Soviets wouldn't've even joined the war, except Germany was going to lose to Poland (ending the war without weakening the Western powers)
> Operation Barbarossa was a pre-emptive strike; Hitler never had a choice to avoid war with the Soviet Union, only whether to attack or to be attacked
> the Soviets lost a shitload of personnel and materiel to Barbarossa because they had an offensive force on the border, waiting to blitz all of Europe
lots of reading material become the big brain pepe you always wanted to be the jpgs are table of contents for merged pdfs hosted at catbox
Often, probably even most of the time, cats have some kind of camouflage patternation on their top halves but their underside is white. This doesn't make sense for a terrestrial hunter, the only reason one would have a white underside is if they are flying in order to camouflage them against the sky if they are being looked at from below. So the ancestors of cats must have at one point been capable of flight but have sense lost this ability. You can say what you want but the evidence is there.
Also, there may be fellows that doubt this hypothesis based on a 'lack' of evidence and who are going on what the skeletal remains tell them BUT. If the wings were made of cartilage they would not be left for us to find after all of this time and being an aerial predator it would probably nest high up and live in the mountains and so maybe there remains would not be left intact up there or the bones would get blown away, plus we currently are lacking in the amount of archaeological digs that we do in places like that.
Additionally, cats can have incredibly large ranges Tigers can have ranges up to 4000km2 and they don't even have wings, if they had wings they would have larger ranges and so maybe they would be quite rare and it would be even harder to find remains.
It was a long time ago when this thread was alive, and decided finally to upload the whole thing again. Let's start with the template and the original [spoiler]for historical purposes: it was created by a French Bernd in the late summer of 2016[/spoiler], then I'll dump the whole thin in alphabetical order.
I figured a lot of the things I wanna talk about are fairly mundane and cannot fit into any topic at all so I'll make this thread for the mundane things in life no one can pinpoint and make a thread with.
You can talk about anything in this thread that you don't feel making a thread over
Where we left off in the previous thread, Danebernd's finding:
Basically title, I can see it when I click to [preview] though.
so im prolly preaching to the choir here, but kohl has been completely and totally overrun by pedos. i have reason to suspect that it is being done purposefully, either as a way to disrupt /int/, entrap unproxied/naive bernds who cant into clearing their cache, and plant CP in their temporary files, and/or to use /int/ as a wall of noise, and bernds themselves, as a way to distract from their own exchanging of such content. im leaning towards the last one tbh [spoiler]hence why the offer of simply making a new board dedicated to such content[/spoiler]. i think these bernds with nothing to hide, and no threat model nor intention of viewing such degeneracy, are at risk. i believe this is being cultivated purposefully so as to surround their gaggle of degenerates with low-hanging fruit who may be stupid enough to accidentally click on something, or unaware that when viewing a page with a bunch of thumbnails of child models, all those thumbnails get downloaded by your browser.
i gave a reasonable list of demands that i feel are not too extreme, and limit no ones free speech [spoiler]other than the (((freedom))) to endanger naive bernds and plant CP on their computers unknowingly[/spoiler] and even gave a provision where proxies/tor are not to be banned, but it was not enough. the mods are 100% complicit in it, and allow it, and worse, encourage it. they feel that pedoposting **improves** the quality of the board via keeping keins and ledditors out. they feel that removing suggestively posed, scantily clad children pics means turning the joint into a reddit-tier hugbox [spoiler]but again, i suspect their motives are more that of self preservation, as even the most unaware of bernds has heard that kohl is run by pedos[/spoiler]. this, even though such (((innocent))) content like candydoll webms is certainly enough for some bernd in a more conservative cunt to be fucked over **hard** and have his life ruined if found in his cache
ive been quietly harboring suspicions of this sort of activity for a while, but have been biting my tongue so as to not cause another mass exodus over nothing. but this is not nothing. these fucks are doing this intentionally and at this point, im certain of it. in the past few days, i heard enough other bernds exclaim similar theories about how kohl is nothing more than a fed honeypot [spoiler]even that dergeneral was forced to 86 the old kc serb in order to cause an exodus to a more thoroughly controlled new site[/spoiler], or that the owners have been co-opted/blackmailed into setting one up, and also that the use of a, now fast-moving, /int/ is being used to cover for their smut dealings.
even when asking the mods to be transparent and make a clear definitive statement on their personal moderative tendencies on such content, and to post this warning on /int/ and warn these naive bernds of the risk they face by posting there, ive been met with deflectionary responses, and weak-ass limp-dicked argumentative tactics [spoiler]to which i am utterly immune[/spoiler], as well as a distinct lack of action. they **want** this, and it couldnt be more clear. but worse, they **want** the deception. as such, i suspect foul play of some sort
idk, im really worried about the safety of the dozens of bernds who post there on a daily basis without proxy, and without clearing their caches constantly. i love all you guys a whole lot and id hate to see anyones lives get fuckt because some random pedonigger had to bump his shitty thread full of candydoll webms and pics of naked preteens to the first page, and some poor sap who didnt know any better refreshed the first page while it happened. ive seen this tactic used on other imageboards countless times and against countless communities, and with all the commotion, i felt the need to speak up about it.
This is a thread to promote unity and love between christians to show our undying passion for God. I suggest building up your knowledge of the bible to protect yourself from the satanic outside world who want to corrupt all that is good.
Porker won everything and lives like pigs. Germs lost everything and lives like gods.
I need some help publishing, and distributing,my book.
I want to first distribute it trough the deep web to coat it into an area of mystery and legend.
how do I upload it to the deep web?
Once that's done,I want to sell the kindle on amazon;how do I make it be seen,among so many other titles?
the book will be called"the book of True Skill",and is a self-help guide promoting cold water therapy,fasting,nofap, a Regimen of excercises,among other things. it's meant to be agressive,blunt,and life-changing.
im still researching and trying to interview people for it.
Let's talk women. What type do you find attractive? Are you desperate to make a mix race baby? Do you need a clever girl or thot who takes it up the chuff?
ITT: we explore small boards to find cool stuff and for curiosity's sake and then report on our findings.
My search area consists of non-porn 8chan boards with a poster count in the 10-100 range, but other boards are also welcome.
How do conversations proceed? Which memes are appreciated? Is any OC produced? What kinds of threads are made? What are the board's collective opinions on its subject matter? What is its relationship to other boards? What is the userbase's ideology and outlook? How is the moderation? These are some of the questions that can be answered.
I'll start with /doomer/. At 80 posters it's second on the list, just behind /ausneets/ with 84. The subject matter and the name are one and the same.
Most threads belong in one of three categories:
-Aesthetics threads on topics such as somber art, music and architecture. Art thread had this peculiar picture. The first page houses a good thread on brutalism, though it got derailed into a conversation about women. Even the board's CSS has this feeling.
-Sincere expressions of how posters are nihilistic, feel they've fucked up in life and dislike the people around them. Often start with greentext personal experiences. Drugs and family relations are common themes.
-Venting against society at large.
There's a lot of hate against people, but not much between individual posters. Ideologies span the whole ecosystem of online radicalism, with anarchists, fascists, primitivists and the like.
I'll post more findings later.
> Germany has never won a war
<Israel has never lost a war
This thread is the discussion of the rise of satanism/occultism and the worship of lucifer I am a non denominational christian and read the scripture but firstly the best way I believe for people to believe the scriptures is to genuinely read them so if you want to genuinely read the bible go over to this site.
Now for the genuine meet of this discussion. If you haven't noticed there has been a substantial rise in satanism in these last decades. For instance the music industry is full of satanic symbolism and abuse but even going as far as to promote people such as alister crowley. A couple of examples.
Ariana Grande
Lady Gaga
Ellie Goulding
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
If you dig deeper you will practically find everything is infested with this bullshit. Example has it ever wondered to anyone what magic is pushed in the mainstream is a good thing? When in the bible it directly says that witchcraft leads you directly to hell?
Revelation 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
I'm here now. What's happening here?
Why the captcha? KC doesn't have captchas
> yes I'm well versed in industrial capacity of Ottoman Empire during ww1, how did you know?
Can be from any imageboard.
Gondola is the last meme that ratified by peoples of ylilauta, bogdanoff brothers, lola&claire and it deserves to be posted more often, after gondola era, memes become more and more obnoxious.
It's one of the most bernd firendly meme imo
It's far from kc specific meme, but I see it here and there and it bugs me that people are missing the point that these supposed to be ironic. These morons just call - both on image or just in written form in their comments - their preference Chad and the opposing side Virgin. Probably they can't even grasp the concept of irony.
> hurr it's funny because of name calling
The core of the joke comes from the swap between the obvious superior and inferior choices. This needs a healthy amount of self-irony, but worth it because in return it emphasizes the banality/absurdity/stupidity/etc of the inferior side by setting it up as if it were the better.
Instead of directly saying "that's stupid", "you are stupid", etc. it plays a jest which alleviates the harm that an insult would cause. I think it's a playful and lighthearted meme with still great potential [spoiler]I can't promise I could produce them on a BONG level, but an OC or two maybe I could squeeze out[/spoiler].
Note: there might be exceptions from the rule above, we'll see.
ITT post Virgin X vs Chad Y pics, requests, images that needs fixing, or your OC, Bernd. For the latter two preferably the captions to add and explanations as well.
Picrels: first two are templates, feel free to use them, last one my first attempt with this meme [spoiler]mayhaps will update it hence I insecurely named it v1[/spoiler].
I am considering faking my own death and disappearing from the human world,becoming either a travelling homeless or a "Nature man"in some forest.
I know this is no easy task,it will take around one year to prepare,but im willing to go trough with it.
so,give me advice and tips.
With kuku down, what are some other bigger Chinese altchans?
There was no Kohlzine on October because Casey was hidden.
But now we are back, even more autistic than ever and featuring some illustrations by Russian bernd.
We are waiting for your OC and text (any content, really) submissions on our mail: kohlzine@tfwno.gf
If KC doesn't die by then, lucky #13 will be our ANNIVERSARY issue, so expect lots of quality content(well it depends on your input too, kinda), KC posters, copypastas and more.
As I promised I'll write about this book.
It's quite lengthy but you'll reach the end if you read at your own pace. Most of the book isn't dense for me, an economic layman, with the exception of the parts about trade, which left me confused. I'll write what I manage to understand.
The author wrote it to argue in historiographical debates and make some points, but I read it just to add to my historical knowledge.
I'll write in sections, at most one a day so Bernd doesn't get overwhelmed, and will try to make the sections more thematic rather than just a sythesis of each chapter, as Hitler himself suggests in Mein Kampf for how one should mentally organize knowledge. I want to write about:
-Trade and controls of foreign currency and raw materials
-Budgets and revenue
-Businessmen and workers
-Consumer goods
-The fate of different industries
-General progression from 1933 to 1939
If I give up on writing I hope at least to cover the prewar period. I also hope to write on:
-Armaments priorities until 1940
-Historiography of the battle of France
-Occupied economies and pre-1941 America
-Wartime budgets
-Foreign labor
-Leadup and economic reasoning for Barbarossa
-The Speer miracle
-General progression from 1939 to 1945
But first I must make some notes on the Weimar era.
Hi I decided to finally jump from KC to somewhere else.
Can I get cosy autistic discussions and sharing of media and OC content here?
regards ex old and 'new' KC bernd
Hello friends. Can I sit here?
Polandball thread?
Polandball thread?
I have some comics saved up that I wanted to upload here. Enjoy. ==And remember to like, r8 and subscribe for more content==
Ru**ian subhumans not only choke freedom of speech in their gas station not a country, but bribe foreign platforms and spread their kremlinbot paid patriots too.
They're rly trying to shut up everyone all around the world. LMAO. Such retards. This shithole should not exist.
Daraa insurgency flared up a lot.
> We host more than %50 of worldd refugees it will eventually bite Europe bad. When shit hits the fan blame your politicians for buying out erdoğan instead of encouraging their permanent return in syria
But there can only be a permanent refugee solution when the government recovers control of the whole country, and Erdogan delayed that from happening last year when he interrupted the successful offensive in Idlib.
There might be interest on here for some of what I have to share
Like the Hans Coler device and the Schauberger imposive tech
Are you currently trying to learn a new language?
I want to improve my english and learn russian at the same time.
site related, it's learn russian for Türks, plus there is a few things to learn about russia and soviets.
Merry Valentines day /KC/!!
What comfort food do you have in your cunt?
I have fritz (processed lowest grade mystery meat sausage that can survive atomic blasts).
When I get feels I eat this flavourless hardened gruel until the food coma arrives.
Since the other one is autosäging.
Here's the link to the reply of Turkbernd to Brbernd: >>>kc/41154@27730
In other news:
> 20th Enlarged Meeting of Political Bureau of 7th Central Committee of WPK Held
...in North Korea - says Rodong Sinmun.
> The Chinese mainland reported 20 new imported COVID-19 cases Monday, bringing the total number of imported cases to 3,804.
- says China Daily
> the number of covid cases increased only with 6000 since March in China
- says CCP
Wow, this might mean about the half of the new cases are imported.
> Russian vaccine is very good
- says Russia
> won't give moneyz to Hungary because nazi
- says EU
> we will veto
- says Orbán
> we don't care
- says EU
Below you will find the extraction from the book of David Deutsch, "The fabric of Reality", which feels very appealing to my taste. What do you think about our ability to comprehend Reality in general, or about the book, if you've read it?
Now I return to the question I posed in the previous chapter, namely whether, if we had only a virtual-reality rendering based on the wrong laws of physics to learn from, we should expect to learn the wrong laws. The first thing to stress is that we *do* have only virtual reality based on the wrong laws to learn from! As I have said, all our external experiences are of virtual reality, generated by our own brains. And since our concepts and theories (whether inborn or learned) are never perfect, all our renderings are indeed inaccurate. That is to say, they give us the experience of an environment that is significantly different from the environment that we are really in. Mirages and other optical illusions are examples of this. Another is that we experience the Earth to be at rest beneath our feet, despite its rapid and complex motion in reality. Another is that we experience a single universe, and a single instance of our own conscious selves at a time, while in reality there are many. But these inaccurate and misleading experiences provide no argument against scientific reasoning. On the contrary, such deficiencies are its very starting-point.
It time for Spurdo Sparde thread :-DDD
Post all you in here frens
And remember, put the Benis :-DDDDDDDD
I brew beer at home and I thought I could make a thread for it here as well
today (& yesterday, chestnuts were roasted last evening already) me & dad were making chestnut beer
we make beer about ~23L at a time, you can get pretty damn good beer for cheap this way & you're free to go wild with the recipe
this beer includes both chestnuts and chestnut honey (yes I am breaking several german laws here), should be ideal for winter months
1250g roasted chestnuts (used about 2.5kg before roasting and peeling to get)
1900g Munich malt
300g Mroost black malt
1000g malt extract
500g chestnut honey
40g Styrian Golding dried hops
1 baggy (10g) of dried ale yeast (Mangrove Jack's M36 "Liberty Bell")
- roasted chestnuts in oven, 45min 200°C
- chestnuts were coarsely ground and added to malt (also coarsely ground) for mashing, 1h at temperature ramp 55-65°C (nothing fancy I just put it on the stove and kept track of temperature so that it was slowly rising, mixing every 5mins or so)
- resulting mash was then extracted 3x at ~65-70°C so that I obtained 3 pots of wort of decreasing sugar content
- 1st and 2nd wort were just boiled and put into cooling
- 3rd wort was added malt extract (extra fermentable sugar) and chestnut honey (also extra sugar but also bitterness) and brought to boil
- when boiling heat was turned off and hops were added, for 15mins (if I were bittering with hops, I'd need to add some hops at the start already, but chestnut honey takes care of this in this case)
- when cooled down to lukewarm temperature, wort was put into fermentor (about 16L altogether) and water added up to 23L mark
- initial temperature was 24°C, initial density 1043g/L (which means about 11.5° Stammwürze – with malt only I'd expect to get to about 4.8-5% final alcohol with this)
- yeast added & sealed under airlock for fermentation (room temperature for ale), expecting to bottle next Sunday
So I didnt know where to post this excellent video about aluminium so I thought I just make a thread. About health.
Its a very easy video to watch/listen to because he says pictures and its being translated to french so it goes slower. He has researched about aluminium in 30 years so he is not a noob.
Right wing cute politicians thread.
Why right-wingers can into cute politicians?
Who are the bests posters and what are/were the best posts from kc? Along with ur favorite memories that you had in kc? What stood out for most bernds here. For me, it was
> Igor
> Ukrainian suffering bernd
> Grappa
> NordArab
> Sean
> Floridaman
> SwissKot
> SlovBerg
> Wojak
> AtlantaPole
> Audrius
> The plushie fag from Hungary
> Any Polish thread about [x] Poland
> Russia vs Ukraine posts during the War on Donbass
What about you bernds
Because old thread is resting in peace
After a month or so (?) of unrest under Keilir on Reykjanes peninsula, last night there was finally an eruption. A roughly half-km long fissure opened in Geldingadal ("valley of the castrated").
How will it play out? How far will lava flows reach? Reykjanes peninsula is the most densely populated part of Iceland, though this is relatively far inland and in a valley that will limit spillover.
News articles (in Icelandic) with photos and such:
Coverage of the event so far on volcanocafe:
https://www.volcanocafe.org/possible-runup-phase-at-fagradalsfjall/ (02-26)
https://www.volcanocafe.org/a-reykjanes-story-2/ (03-01)
https://www.volcanocafe.org/imminent-eruption-near-keilir-likely/ (03-03)
https://www.volcanocafe.org/reykjanes-monitor/ (03-06)
https://www.volcanocafe.org/the-happy-dyke-of-fagradalsfjall/ (03-14)
https://www.volcanocafe.org/eruption-at-reykjanes/ (03-19)
Live webcams on míla, from distance:
Another live webcam overlooking the valley itself:
Youtube restream:
I don't think Australians can be one.
We will always be outsiders.
Same as boigurs, Bernding is only for Europeans.
I'm almost certain of this although I've never heard it mentioned before and I'm not sure what methodology is to be used to prove this 99% irrefutable fact.
I'm making a "sci-fi" strategy game. Any thoughts about the game map? You might not be interested in my game, but I bet you will be interested in the politics side of it.
I wanted to make a more serious thread about a very concerning topic regarding kohl and hope that someone can assist me or I can assist them.
I browse kohl's /int/ board sporadically and lurk threads for regular assberger things - plants, bugs, Ukrainian vs Russian threads, etc
I've noticed that every time I go, my browser cache(I use Firefox) gets bigger but I can't get rid of it. It only happens when I visit that site. So I went there a few years ago to see a very innocuous thread about blimps. Nothing really too interesting. After I closed it, my cache increased by 1mb in my computer.
There is no way I can get rid of it. Wanted to ask if bernds also had this issue
ITT: real, mundane photographs appearing in the news (so newsworthy people) with "kino" value i.e. with enough aesthetic value to look like movie stills or paintings.
I just love these. The silhouettes of these poorly lit men strike and contrast against the background of the dark blue sky and the shining glare of the city far below. At the center lies a mad man, overflowing with spirit, clearly making an inspired speech to his followers, one of which plays a horn in the background. In the second picture the contrast is emphasized further in a clever game of black silhouettes. In the third, once again there are only silhouettes but the background is simpler and the sole lightning is the glare of the leader's cellphone through the fog. It's brilliant.
I think the Irish are good people.
Let's have a pro-Ireland thread /kc/.
Say something nice about Ireland. Share some nice stories about visiting or meeting Irish people. Share Irish recipes ITT if you want
Erdogan has met Putin and ironed out the partition of northeastern Syria. He gets to keep everything he conquered and the rest stays with Assad. YPG retreats from a 30km strip along the border, leaving the bulk of Kurdish-populated areas. Russo-Turkish patrols guard the safe zone. The deal shows two things:
By inviting Assad the SDF have completely relinquished their sovereignty. This was why they were so relutanct to receive aid during Olive Branch. As long as Erdogan maintains good relations with Assad and Putin, YPG will no longer bother him. If, however, relations sour then he can even expect a repeat of the 90s, when Hafez sheltered Ocalan and allowed PKK to use Syria as its base of operations.
The deal was discussed with Putin, not Assad. It's also clear who calls the shots.
For locals conquered by Peace Spring, the problem is not Turkey itself but its Syrian rebel puppets, who are thugs and mistreat the population, as has already been the case in Afrin. For the war as a whole, peace is now closer. Once Idlib is sorted out, a simple deal with Turkey can grant Assad the whole country except for al-Tanf.
What are you reading bernd?
What books are my fine bernds recommending?
I am currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Its a ok book even though its written by a woman oh snap.
Wall papers thread?
Please post some pleasant wall papers.
What's it like being Ukrainian?
post itt if youve been permabanned from kc
I'm not an expert on China at all, so half of statements here are assumptions, but I'll try to start.
First the official story about how China became economic powerhouse and pretended to world leadership.
After Mao period with hardcore stalinism and local craziness like Cultural Revolution with destruction of everything or killing sparrows because they are pests, China was in pretty bad economical condition. Government even had no proper statistics about economics, local government official were corrupted and selfish as always, there were food shortage and overall goods deficit - typical for planned economies.
Deng Xiaoping and his political group took control of Communist party, replacing old Mao faction, and started to do economic reforms, program called "reforms and openness". First they took agricultural sector. In 1978-1984 government replaced communes and brigades in agriculture with formally private plots of lands for families and local collectives.
In all parts of economics there was process of decentralization, local management got more freedom, private-like enterprises were allowed in some form. There still was a planned process with mix of fixed and market prices, different types of control from state and other thing, but overall economy moved from planned socialism to state capitalism. Foreign investment was supported, free economic zones were created.
Economy became more market in 1990, when system slowly transformed from plan-market mix to market with heavy government control, without noticeable plan part. Even typical capitalist traits are emerged, like income inequality and liquidation of inefficient, but important factories (that is always a heavy hit to local population).
Yet growth was tremendous. China transformed from mostly agrarian state with ruined economy to industrial and scientific leader. While in 80-90s it was just an outsourcing that was loved by everyone by cheap labor and low bureaucratic restrictions, now it is independent and self-sufficient country that actually competes with "old leaders" even in innovation. And even considering income inequality and some social problems, average Chinese now lives much better than in past. It is hard to compare average numbers like GDP per capita or wage, because China is too large, but there are plenty of places where average wage is already about 1000$. Different sources say that population already have income comparable with EU periphery.
Actually, it would be better to see someone with Chinese background to discuss this, because China is pretty "closed" to outsiders, but has large amount of historical materials and cultural things that we don't know.
The previous thread is at 499 posts, on the brink of autosage. So I open up a new one, because I have a thing to discuss as well with Bernd. But first thing first.
Finally I wanna watch these in their entirety, a series of Japanese films from the 70s The Yakuza Papers or Battles Without Honor And Humanity - which is also the title of the very first one.
I think the first five (what I'm planning on consuming) cover one full story, based on an OG yak's memoirs, published in a newspaper first. Then they made another three in the 70s, all standalone, and three more, two of them in this millennia.
They are in a certain subgenre of yakuza movies, which were fresh breeze at that time with their more realistic narrative and breakup with the "honorable samurai" romanticism of the previous era. They are also filmed in a documentary style, with handheld shaky cameras, and sometimes they even timestamp certain events as the movie plays - as far as I can tell based on the first one which I seen (but will rewatch).
How to find friends and girls? Where?
How to initiate conversation with people or girls in different situations? How to talk to a stranger?
What places can you go outside home? What can you do there?
What activities can be performed by humans? In what places? How to go there and do them?
How to sex people?
Let us create a language thus we can protect what we say from outsiders.
Let's post something more substantial, we're gonna read about a crime for Christmas.
The crime is the murder of duke Béla, ruler of Macsó and Bosnia, at that time (13th century) parts of the Kingdom of Hungary.
The idea was given by an article in this blog:
The historical background was presented very awfully so that's my own work [spoiler]as in I read some secondary sources and wrote the text below[/spoiler] but for the stuff about the bones I used this article exclusively, I got most of the pictures from there too. At the end the author notes this article was based on another in an archaeological magazine.
How to use endhcan irc?
t. not knower
croat bernds... how do we SAVE croatia?!
Just testing flags. Endchan staff only! Please, no posting in here, thanks.
Joe biden had a senile moment earlier today and promised everyone black gfs during a speech
Would you gf a black woman?
I'm looking for somewhere on the Dark Web where people have collated a massive database of eBooks (and poss. also audiobooks, lectures, etc.) w/o adherence to any [archaic] rules of copyright. I started with piratebay (TPB) for books, where a few individuals have made their own library compilations, but noticed there are MANY books (esp. mathematical/philosophical/scientific) on the Z-library (https://b-ok.cc/) that I cannot find on TPB. Unfortunately, one can only DL a single book (and a restriction of only 10 books in one 24hr period) from Z-library. So, wishing to DL entire search results at a time, I was wondering if there's a more efficient way - a place where "I click (but do not drag) zee button that says
and pref. ALL books from an entire category (or at least a search result) in one go? I'd be most grateful. Thank you.
PS I'm a complete n00b to the Dark Web (this is my first time even visiting a forum on it), so
1. if anyone can direct me (more specifically than dark.fail) to a site with massive compilations of academic content, then I can be out of everyone's hair, as...
2. it seems this is not quite the right forum* for such a request; if so, my apologies.
* On that note, what is the idea of this site? Most posts are just of pics of rather attractive women. Steganographic images, perhaps? Or just media interest? Bit more varied on this thread.
PPS Feel free to email me (qhat@protonmail.com) as I don't know if I'll see anyone's response. Thanks.
PPPS Apparently needed a pic to post, so... some idea of sort of books I'd like to DL - Q Computing! lol
Good day,
I think we all know what happened to Kohl by now. As by now I'm lost, without a place to call home. But I see this place has potential so I'm thinking to become active here.
I really don't want to be intrusive tho so I thought it would be appropriate to ask for the customs, memes and culture in general that you have in here since I saw some comments saying this wasn't like kohl.
Anyway, thanks for your attention.
What do you think of the Rusyn people?
Personally my favorite Rusyns are the Lemkos because some think they descend from White Croats
share interesting rusyn facts
Why are there so many kinds of deutsch and further more is wtf is going on with plautdeutsch? I looked it up and there is like 4 different versions of it. like nigga pick a defined grammer and spelling for your language. Nigga tf is wrong wit yall.
Photos from consecration ritual of Russia's new Martian Monastery :^) for the Orthodox church some months ago.
I quite like it, from purely aesthetic pov, ignoring how much did it cost, who paid for it, which oligarchs embezzled thanks to it, etc. The preponderance of the military green and similar dark tones give it a very sober and grave mood. The nave is very ample. I imagine soldiers in standing formation. Photos look spectacular, almost cinematographic, but most likely they are "retouched".
Cathedral and general architecture thread I guess
In light of the coronavirus and the obvious economic disruption and panic it is causing I make this emergency meeting of Bernds to discuss prepping.
Topics of discussion:
1) How to meet grl in quarantine
2) How to grow and prepare food in dystopian nightmare
3) How to protect yourself from niggers
I got the sudden idea to look up an old Hungarian science-fiction magazine, the Galaktika. I remember seeing some when I was a kid. It was published from 1972 to 1995, then restarted in 2004. They have a website now too, but after a quick look-see I have no good opinion on that for now.
Anyway I wanna browse old ones, I haven't seen on the site any, but Wikipee linked an archived ftp server with the first five issue. Maybe I'll find more. I hope, coz I won't be able to post here much otherwise.
I thought if I find something interesting, I write a little, make screenshots, post pictures from them. Or just look up Boros Zoltán's and Szikszai Gábor's works, they made great many illustrations for the magazine throughout the years. Curiously their website has a "Gallery" option, but I found an empty page there.
Since the previous reached bump limit.
Played some moar Atom RPG. I don't really have any coherent text drafted but some impressions, moments and such.
This game is depressing. It's like they extracted all the misery of the Soviet Union, ground it, added a hint mutants and monsters, then crammed it into one misery-sausage. Ofc there are funny lines and situations in there, always when you least expect. And you never expect them because the whole thing is so depressing.
NPC interactions are animated nicely. Heart warming meeting of father and daughter. Then they started to gossip about me.
I didn't know this board is still a little bit active.
Founded it like 3 years ago when Krautchan was down, lost admin rights to some pole who claimed them because I didn't care about this board when KC was back on online.
Now Kohlchan is down again and we need asylum.
I have watched these videos too many times to even count them I think they are brilliant. So I am making a thread about them. Can I get the opinion of our resident russian here what he (or she) thinks of the vids?
To put it simply, it's a mixture of geopolitics, psychology, philosophy, biology all intertwined. Highly fascianting to anyone, especially to bernds.
The boiling meat burned itself
I'm not happy of the results. Now the house smells like shit and the meat will be given to the dogs.
Good thing is, when going to the meatshop to buy steaks (because the thing that was boiling got its water evaporated), my complete overboard thinking on the ruined meal allowed me to talk to a nice looking girl.
But still, the meat is completely ruined. My mother was supposed to eat that.
Talk here about ocurrances in your life, good, bad and memetic
At present the world lacks a place for valiant souls. Is this a realm of hell to exile valiant souls to then? So that they must be tormented in meaninglessness, unable to follow the path of the warrior. Or rather is this a world where there are no valiant souls to have a place to begin with?
I watched this stuff a few years ago. some of it is fascinating but most of it is just nuts. Still I think it would interest perhaps a few bernds.
I like this video most, its kind of like an unintentional asmr with the rain falling.
I want to have a thread about Communitarianism.
What is Communitarianism?
Monopolistic-Crony CAPITALISM-Corporatism-Mercantilism
Judaic-Talmudic COMMUNISM-Cultural Marxism-Kabbalism
Its the word most people have never heard, but it affects our lives the most. It's global to local which means its implemented locally but on a global level.
Two things that are key to communitarianism is
1. Technological slavery
2. Depopulation
Did you know that Herod the Great was actually an Arab? He wasn’t even allowed to enter the temple he build.
> I've been sitting on this idea for a while, and I wanted to see what other people thought about it.
We know that space is constantly expanding in every direction. We also know that the universe contains reality itself, along with time and space. Then, technically, wouldn't time and space be expanding as well? If it is, then reality would be expanding infinitely along with time and space, creating alternate universes and realities in its wake.
This made sense in my autistic brain, and I just wanted to see if it made sense to anyone else.
(This is my first time posting on endchan, so please let me know if this was posted on the wrong board.)
Old one reached pmub limit.
Btw old. Instead of some news here's some olds, a bunch of photos found by a dumpster in BP - they were digitalized and uploaded to Fortepan (http://fortepan.hu/) I already mentioned in previous news threads.
The oil price right now is in the negative holy shit.
This is something that isn't logical to me. From what i've read, the ottomans was a bunch of nomads invading anatolia, tamerlane defeated them soundly, they managed to take Constantinople and then became the big threat to christianity. How did they do it? How could they raise so much men, hundreds of thousands, time and time again?
Doesn't really make any sense to me.
Has any bernd ever been to the supposedly miraculous Holy Fire ceremony in Jerusalem? Is it true that it doesn't burn you for 33 minutes?
Polish bernds, explain, IMMEDIATELY.
> According to United States Congress Joint Immigration Commission which ended in 1911, Polish immigrants to the United States born in around Kraków reportedly declared themselves as Bielochrovat (i.e. White Croat)
Why would Polacks call themselves White Croats? Are Poles and Croats lost brothers???
In this thread I want to discuss and expand upon the coming changes to our society. I've been needlessly trying to bring up communitarianism and how it will transform society even more than it has.
Im sure alot of bernds have heard of "the great reset", a term coined by claus schaub. Here I want to briefly point out what it is in layman terms.
According to the world bank this pandemic will exist until 2025, which will wreck havoc upon the economy. We have seen small business owners struggling this past year. Soon medium business will face that same struggle. In the end only giant corporations will be left standing which was the whole point.
So alot of people will be in debt, and out of work. This is where universal basic income comes in. UBI will roll out with a caveat. To get the UBI you will have to relinquish your private property rights. The vaccine probably is required too.
Thats the great reset. I think this video explains the history of machines enslaving humans and the great reset very nicely.
I would appreciate if the retarded hungarian wouldn't shit up this thread.
Is anyone else getting ready for the winter grow? Did anyone else celebrate Harvest? See the harvest moon?
I'll be beginning turning my veg tubs tomorrow, ready to plant out before the equinox.
If any of you have any questions or want advice, ask away.
So. How can we increase the number of users? There must be alot of bernds wandering in the desert looking for a home. Is there any way to reach them?
I'm just going to keep things as simple as possible here: summarise regions from your country or what you think of them with an image. No need to use any wojaks or other should-be dead memes if constructing an image for this.
Watching this excellent movie whilst sipping on some exotic fanta
How did it go from Jesus to catholicism based in Rome and a pope as the head of the church?
Merry Nine Eleven, Bernd!
They behave like Asians.
> used to have elongated skulls
> build stuff not for any practical reason
> hate working
> eats frogs
I will probably move to eastern europe very soon for personal reasons, what is the best country to migrate to in this region?
Someone explain the 80 years war to me. It doesnt make any sense at all. Was it all about money for the spanish since the dutch provinces were so wealthy?
Sieges for 3 years is crazy.
These threads aren't successful but...
... I saw this show, watched twice. Bretty darn good. It's about the lost Franklin expedition to map the Northwestern Passage. Some mystery and supernatural was added but I believe their real story had to be a nightmare as well.
Highly recommended.
Post interesting things about etymology
In Turkish the father-in-law or mother-in-law of one's child is called dünür which derives from tengri (like tenger, denger, dengir, tanrı etc) (spelled with nasal n)
krgyz and uygurs call tengri kuday (might be derived persian hüda), they also call co-in-laws kuday.
I always thought it was interesting.
Also the word thor or donar might be derived from tengri
In 1917 they say right, the, the great Pandemic, eh, certainly was, eh. A terrible thing where they lost anywhere from fifty to a hundred million people. Probably ended the second world war.