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No, they're dot indians. Quesadillas are just my go-to comfort food. I guess quesadillas are more Tex-Mex rather than native Mex but whatever, the bodegas are far from the idiocy at least. Going back to work tomorrow.
Does anyone else feel like there's less people using the internet nowadays? I'm just getting this weird feeling that there's not a lot of people online in general. 

Me thinks that the Cojones kung flu, general distress and low employment are to blame. Everything feels a little empty nowadays
Too much conflict and animosity, everybody ties themselves to a set of beliefs and then adamantly refuses to reason with anything that opposes it or even to acknowledge it, everybody just slings mud at each other. The Recent presidential debate was a good example of this.

Tribalism has become the norm.
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More people are online then ever. Every person on this globe is a potential customer so they try to bring internet to everyone. Facebook had an initiative to bring internet to the thirdest of the third world just so they could make them Facebook users.
And we arrived to the problem, internet use is concentrated to a couple of big sites and people rarely wander away from those. Reasons are numerous:
- they don't know about the other options
- out of habit they just stay there
- they offer a wide variety of things so no need to visit other sites
- they find other sites unusual and can't comprehend their use (and no patience to learn them)
- they have limited time to spend on sites so they use what they use
- when they do a "Google search" about anything their hits are swamped with webshops - unless they deliberately searching for something specific
- we're living in the smartphone era, where they use apps instead of visiting websites, and every app is a competitor for the resources of their phone, for space, memory and cpu cycles, and there's a limit how many they can use, so they will ignore which will seem redundant or rarely used
- etc. etc.

> debate
Heh, gonna check it out what they blabbered.
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> Things were very different just a few years ago.

The internet wasn't perfect, but it sure was more interesting than now

> Tribalism has become the norm.

I do not see this anytime soon, sadly

> More people are online then ever. Every person on this globe is a potential customer so they try to bring internet to everyone.

Explains why there has been such a rampant uptick in keinberds all over. UNACCEPTABLE
> Heh, gonna check it out what they blabbered.

> Hamburger, hamburger hamburger, hamburger hamburger hamburger, free hamburger, he doesn't have a hamburger, I have all of the hamburgers, discounted hamburgers, hamburgers all over the place, hamburger grease spread over my face, trust me, vote for me

Repeat the same thing for 5 hours straight and you pretty much have the whole debate right there
The frame of my bed got broken. I decided against throwing money out for another cheapo one, and "reconfigure" what's left of it and use that. I have to take apart first, they gave me a hex key for the screws holding the thing together. Since I knew this shit will brake at some point and I'll need the key, I put it to a safe and convenient place so I can find it. I can't find it, Bernd.
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It won't. My new design is the simplest possible.
Originally the frame consist of four legs, one board at the front, one at the back, two side boards, one horizontal board in the middle, and two slat rolls at the bottom screwed to the middle and the side boards.
One of the side boards split along its whole length and the bottom half broken at the third. See picrel, red lines show the split and the break.
What I'm going to do is taking apart the whole thing, clean the edges of the pieces of the broken side board, removing splits and splinters, then put the sideboards onto the floor flat like the middle board, nail the grills onto them and done. No legs or front or back boards. I could only break it if I'd step on the middle of the slat rolls.
I could just throw the mattress onto the floor, but I'd rather have an air gap below.

And this shit broke because it isn't one piece of board, but it's smaller pieces of wood (some shitty pine ofc) glued together and thin wooden "wallpaper" glued around them as a cover. I should have just bought real boards and built a frame from scratch tbh.
I didn't really had a choice. I bought a breddy gud mattress from the mid price range (which meant me going little out of way with the spending) with long warranty, after 12 years it's still fine no lumps (although I do flip it monthly as instructed) but had to settle with cheap frame as a compensation.
> This would be extremely bad for your health and entire body
He prefers his body like his meat: raw.
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I am currently moving around different places and trying to find a good place to stay in permanently. At least I left the shithole I was living in

I'm getting messages from recruiters, but the positions they have are kinda underpayed. And sometimes they are really RUDE and don't respond to when I say I'm interested in the position they offer. 

Also, is this thread close to the bump limit? Should we make another one bernds?
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Woke up this morning got myself a snow shovel. Nice thick fluffy snow outside, had to clear it. Measured 11 cm at an even place, and it melts constantly. Noice. It's more than all the snow of the previous three years together.
Huh, got kinda tired, workout for the morn.

Well, I hope you found your place.
> rude
Well, Dutch are rude.
I concur, if anyone needs help, it is Bernd. Problem is due the anonymous nature of this business the system would be open to abuse. Tho probably even the abusers are people who need help, although entirely different type.
Its not just in terms of monetary help. Everyone needs support in life. Someone to talk to. I often see this self flagellation that bernds say that they are autistic and misfits. Its insanity. The one person you should love is yourself. So why beat yourself up. Why kick a person that is on the ground. 

Self love is the foundation to everything.
In case anyone wondered where I went to, my computer died then I had to move into the house as rent suddenly sky rocketed from corona. The electrics in the house were old and fucked, the fuse box was just wired together. Also the polarity of the entire house was in reverse but if the old guy never needed a computer maybe he didn't mind his fans running in reverse. Also the wiring was egyptian rubber and completely perished, it literally fell apart in my hands. Many nights were had with no phone and no heating, sleeping in filth and dust. Installed a new consumer unit, got safe working electricity and now have a junky old laptop.

Also, any advice for stopping stray cats from using outside my house as a toilet? I caught them several times coming into my kitchen to shit!
I did not mean just monetary help. And not just that can be abused, but the simple benevolence, the helpful intention.
Let's say there's a "Bernd" who got used to his mommy wipe his nose and too lazy to do anything, and he might have the genious idea to exploit others to do what he should do from the most easy brainless crap. His problems could be solved by helping him onto his feet, but we can't know about that because what he let us know is that he needs help with X or Y things... and then many more.
Or there could be another who just a narcissist or psychopath who just enjoys manipulating others (in it's most harmless form, a troll who does it for the laughs). There are people on the internet who would feed others with the most heartbreaking stories just to fuck with their minds. Btw these people also need help, just other type.
Now, ofc, in our situation here, we know who the regulars are, but I would assume anyone would be allowed to seek help. And on an anonymous place it's kinda hard to filter who can be trusted or not. Even being an IRL help helper is hard.
And not to mention those who would give help. Their intentions could be the less spotless. Ofc, if what they offer actually helps, that might not be such a big deal.
Also stuff.
> In case anyone wondered where I went to
I did.
Cats are good against rats. I assume now you have some kind of heating. Still I would consider using just one room for everything, cooking too (helps with the heating), and this would fix the cat problem temporarily. How do they get in?
Must be lots of cats around. Or maybe the old bloke made them got used to visit him.
Yeah cat turd smells bad. Do not step in it.

This thread is autosäging. We should use the "Casual talk" thread but I'm gettin 404 when I try to open it. Asked Odili to restore.

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