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The best way to start is to make a transparent png image using this  >>/16116/ and then taking it from there. Post it here so people have a template for it. I searched and couldn't find one, unfortunately.

Maybe start a drawfag thread or continue this one and may encourage people to make their own stuff. We rate and compare and then we keep making some more OC. Gimp and paint tool SAI are free so maybe use that along with a tablet or a mousepad if people don't have one. Posting an example transparent image that would show up if you are editing an image.

Really wish /ic/ (art board) was in End right now though

There should be two templates.
One with the default head smiling mouth wide open.
The other is a closed mouth version, the line of the lips cut short so it could be continued with an up curve to a smile and a down curve to a frown.

I have applied to erasmus and I will go to czech republic in next semester. Whole process seems rather complicated. With 300 euro helpings it would be rather difficult to survive. I hope I manage to find a part time job somehow.

So I was thinking of making some Halloween themed Worry bears soon.

> Vampire bear
> Ghost bear
> Zombie bear
> Mummy bear

Thoughts on this?

Also, does anyone have that 6 comic with Spede and him going around being yelled "it was kc tier"? Was planning on using Spede's face for one of the comics.

The perfect thread to ask it.
Anyway I noticed this with other threads. I saw it popping up in the Eye of Sauron, then I open /kc/ and it's nowhere. I think I have to make a post somewhere so do board updates.
Now that I'm thinking I remember at least one thread of a Frenchball (I assume yours, and I further assume, you are Danebernd) and maybe one other...
Maybe it's lynx related problem, anyway on the dev site its now at 2.2.15 I dunno when will it be implemented here.

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Dumping some OC for Halloween. 

First one was actually a larger image but I cropped it. May post initial one later and small thumbnail for it. Still a Work in progress

Second one is ghost/poltergeist worry bear

Will dump the rest when I'm done(today or tomorrow)

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Anyway. Was gonna post this yesterday but site was glitching out on me

> What would be the first one?

Hmmm how about
> No pulse, no worries

Dunno. Dumping some more. Fixed/changed the first two and adding 2 new ones.

> You caption them plz. Too tired to do it. 

Last one's a crossover took around an hour. But I didn't add a caption. Caption could be what the filename says or whatever

Yeah in hindsight. Maybe just finding a picture and plastering the bear's face in it would go better

Breddy gud, the bongstein and the monster is best. Dp you have a drawpad? Some lines are really give me that impression.
I have some ideas to further extend the beracula theme. Sometimes will look into it.
Captions are optional really.

Well, Bearcula could worry (which means different facial expression) of some danger a vampire sensitive to (sunlight, cross, garlic, etc.). Tho this needs body language too. I guess some vampire movie (like Lugosi's Dracula, or Nielsen's Dracula, tho different genre) could provide a scene and a screenshot of such, I guess.

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> Someone shooped garlic on this already it seems.

Hmm, was thinking about 3 versions I could make

1st one would be just a distressed Worry bear with that same image

2nd would be the same but with a Spurdo instead of the Cross shown

3rd would be Worry bear holding a Spurdo that's saying #YOLO :DDD onto a disgusted Spede as a vampire. 

What would be the best one? Wageslaving today. Will work on this tomorrow

I see a couple of good, but some colors too much out of the lines of the original message (like the beared.com, or the bear gassing the frog, these crossovers shouldn't exist, only when very on topic).

I like the drawing, not that bs "post itt" meme, and I'm not sure what the dove adds to the whole thing.

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> (like the beared.com, or the bear gassing the frog, these crossovers shouldn't exist, only when very on topic).

Some of those pictures are shit. SHIT. But I wanted to share it with you guys since I just found it. Downloading every image there is too much of a hassle, so have the url

> and I'm not sure what the dove adds to the whole thing.

He just manages it better bernd

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The original is in OP, done by some Russian artis, his signature is in the lower right corner of the drawing.
The cut out head? Who knows. I know it from Krautchan/int, maybe some Bernd created it. But maybe was just a repost from 4chan/int or pol or somewhere, who knows.

I think those are speckles of light, reflection of some light source. Supposed to make the eye look glossy. Other memes have that too, for example Pepe.

I created original template after this tweet was made. just painted over og pic in paint net and called it a day

it didn't stick till few months later some russians or ukrainians started pasting them on random pics and recreating other memes with him

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