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> Strayan and Indian accents
Good job raping my ear.
> she was angry for complex historical reasons
Yeah I'm sure that was the reason.

> I would prefer cold and dark to living in a desert
me to budy

> TV programs with natives in it will have a message at the start saying 'warning, this program may contain images and voices of the deceased'.
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Spyware Watchdog
Tells you how much private data various browsers and online services collect from you. After reading this you may want to change your browser and make some other adjustments.
I have some links, but they're kinda meh-tier


Make your own Peter Griffin/family guy person


An open source version of the Lara Croft games. May or may not be working


Some hard math/programming exercises if you're into that
This one has clear tutorials for essential Linux/Unix command line tools, like grep, sed, find, or make. And writes about other stuff as well - not yet explored by me.
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> Father just phoned me about afghanistan. He says Taliban is a mossad plot to murder Nuristanis who are descendants of Central Asian Hungarians. I love him so much
I knew it!

Kohl had Jucika threads, and I saved some. It's a comic strip from the 60s by Pusztai Pál funny name, "pálpusztai" is a very smelly type of Hungarian cheese
Here some more (other comics too can be found on this blog):
Here's about Jucika in English:
I think it's community maintained so the quality of individual tutorials can vary. The steps are divided into pages, and some tutorials offer different level of depth for the explanations (like novice and exbert).
Also these are written for Ubuntu, but most stuff can be adapted to Debian based distros, and beyond that, to any distro if one is familiar with the differences.
I thought all processes are handled by the whole brain - well a continuously changing web of synapses. This is why some people can recover from certain brain injuries.
Although I have not checked yet, maybe there are overlaps in brain areas and functions.
> I thought all processes are handled by the whole brain 
Some parts are responsible for specific functions. These parts can indeed work together (e.g. vision - frontal parts, occipital zones, parts of midbrain - they work together, but each part is responsible for its own function).
Many people with strokes can't recover - they can lose vision, ability to walk, fine motor skills etc
Also great example is lobotomy. 
So it depends on injury.
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A potentially good website: The Daily WTF

Now the selected post in the screenshot could be bs, how she could get through HR I dunno. There are better stuff in there.
I could find the "archive", but couldn't find a navigation button that jumps to the very first post, to start browsing from there. Ofc url can be edited.
It short for Swiss Policy Research Something Or The Like I'm not sure.
I dunno who they are - the site is very quiet about this, not like the usual "think tank" - but this says:
> independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda
Lot about this covid pandemic (I found them while browsing this topic), but the titles of other articles are really eye catching like:
> The American Empire and Its Media
> The Syria Deception
> The “Israel Lobby”: Facts and Myths 
But literally all sounds breddy gud.
Anyway I understand if someone wants to preserve his anonymity, but the secrecy makes this things seem a bit shady (the couple articles I skimmed don't give the shady vibe, I dunno about the others)

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Not necessarily a website, but funy nonetheless.

Cursed Balkan Youtube comments twitter account. Now you too can experience a never ending list of premier Balkan banter and shitposting. Also includes extra countries liek England, Russia and Turkey *etc** just for giggles.

Waiting for answer fam
Sometimes it's hard to distinguish what is satire and was is serious on the internet. Most of the people behind those youtube comments/general posts are school kids, so that also affects the dialog that gets made sometimes.

Still nice joges around there tbh. But the humor is not for everyone.
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Some sure. Others aren't. Some has in their job description to escalate quarrels...

Yeah Poe's law applies even if the views expressed not extreme but the most everyday comment. It cannot be known if genuine or irony, satire, parody, or simple lie.
> school kids
Or dogs. Noone knows you are a dog on the internet.
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Map of world disaster/incidents in real time.

Poems by a man.

3D aquaponic setup diagrams.
Cool. I wish I knew this skill better. 
My Dad can tie heaps and makes me feel dumb for not knowing any.
I didn't know of this. Thanks.
I read Finnegans Wake years ago and stopped reading altogether because of it. 
I watch that youtube bloke sometimes. 
I used to be really into maps, especially language group maps and ancient one that have shit that was unfounded (piri reis etc)
> Map of world disaster/incidents in real time.
Bit laggy on my potato.
> Poems
I see he does many stuff.
> aquaponic
I'd rather hydropony.
When veggies are grown with fish poop.

> I wish I knew this skill better. 
It is very easy to learn a couple of useful knots.

I really should revisit the sites posted here. Have someone invented a time extending machine?
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I found something cool:
Medieval Fantasy City Generator
> This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. The generation method is rather arbitrary, the goal is to produce a nice looking map, not an accurate model of a city. 
Protip: press "tab" for control window.
Keyboard shortcuts:
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What I miss from this is somehow rearranging the town. At least deleting individual buildings would be cool.

But wait, there is more!
From the same dude/dudes here's this:
1. Fantasy region generator (can add towns and "dangers")
2. Medieval Fantasy City Generator
3. Neighbourhood Generator
4. Mansion generator (simple 3d and floor plans)
5. Village Generator
6. One Page Dungeon Generator
It has it's shortcomings. But for illustration or to get a general idea about a settlement, it's good.
A medieval town builder is needed, combined with a generator something like this:
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Speaking of websites, let's talk about our board.

We have old banners from years ago. With one linking to an old domain. Will mods update the info on the banners and/or add new banners? Time will tell

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