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Okay so I watched it, it shows the POUM side of the civil war, it was a bit better than the previous one that I watched. What bug me in this movie was they blame the stalinists for betraying the revolution. These people completely lack discipline let alone creating a united front against falangism. They absoulutely enjoy trying "new" things and eager to involve in text book pure ideology tier discussions, appereantly this was their own kc tire fun. 

From what I know they denied soviet advisors even when they were sensible (from communist ideology perspective ofc) and have done things like collectivizing lands of peasants who own their lands which irl pushed them to collobrating with falangists.
Despite the navy, airforce and even more than land troops stayed loyal to republican side, they lost the civil war. I'm highly sceptical that it was so because stalinist ploy. I'm assuming even if santa staling giving fr33 gunz for everyone and secure falangist defeat, there would be another civil war because the groups are so disoriented with each other.
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eh, also watched this movie and I completly agree with you, the scrip is so fucking cringy.
> Wait. Weren't the Republicans who murdered, tortured and raped nuns?
Some republicans did rape nuns and civilians, but they were punished by the republican law if catched.
In contrast Nationalists literally told their soldiers to rape republcan woman to punish them.
> it's not related with her.
I'm a man mate, kek
> What bug me in this movie was they blame the stalinists for betraying the revolution.
That film is an adaptation of a book by George Orwell, so most of the things are based on how he felt.
> I'm assuming even if santa staling giving fr33 gunz for everyone and secure falangist defeat, there would be another civil war because the groups are so disoriented with each other.
There were already fights between anarchists and Stalinists so yeah most likely
Here is a pretty good vid talking about the reasons franco won
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> I'm a man mate, kek
fug :DDDD

I watched the video, seems decent enough. 

> Some republicans did rape nuns and civilians, but they were punished by the republican law if catched.
what about burning churches and monasteries? I'd assume there were good amount of clergy supporting republican side and changed side after these events.
> I watched the video, seems decent enough. 
Yeah The Armchair Historian is pretty good.
> what about burning churches and monasteries? I'd assume there were good amount of clergy supporting republican side and changed side after these events.
Most of the burnings of curches and monasteries were done in reprisal because most of the curch supported the nationalists it is shown in the movies but yeah, I guess some of them changed sides, but the clergy that supported the republicans is a very small number so it really didn't affect much
> Most of the burnings of curches and monasteries were done in reprisal because most of the curch supported the nationalists it is shown in the movies
well, that makes sense. it's war time afterall.

also.. ¿cómo puedo conseguir una linda novia española?

t. simpatizante español

>  >>it's not related with her.
>  >I'm a man mate, kek
> fug :DDDD
Hornyturk tire.

> soviet advisors
Soviet agents. Bunch of GRU and NKVD.
> stalinist ploy
> another civil war because the groups are so disoriented with each other.
It was chaotic that's for sure. Bout 1200 Hungarians fought there all in all and even them had a very colorful background if we scratch the surface. Those who weren't just cannon-fodders were all agents of the SU in one way or another but even them were enemies of each other chiefly divided by the Trotskyist-Stalinist dichotomy. For example Zalka Máté, who served under a pseudonym as a general there (he has wiki page with more info) and died very fast did write very nice things about trotskyism and if he would had returned (to the SU, very few Hungarians were actually from Hungary), most likely he would got shot but minimum gulaged.

> Most of the burnings of curches and monasteries were done in reprisal because most of the curch supported the nationalists
How is that a reprisal? Reprisal is retaliating for caused harm. If those priests and nuns would have attacked communists actively (like shooting at them with guns) first, then the communist shot back that's a reprisal. This was just massacre of civilians just because they thought otherwise. Communists were anti-clerical and anti-religion (atheists) to begin with, why would the church support them, ofc they backed nationalists, since those wouldn't want to take their properties, wealth, influence and lives.

> It is one of the easyest laguages to learn I think
I heard that as well.
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leftypol choir- OURS... mp4
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> f those priests and nuns would have attacked communists actively (like shooting at them with guns)
They did, multiple priets grabed weapons and started shooting republicans from inside the church, this is why they burnt them, to make that not happen.
> This was just massacre of civilians just because they thought otherwise.
They generaly burned the curch, but the priest was left free if he hadn't done anything in most cases it was war after all, it's impossible that all soldiers act morally

Btw in my town when the anarchists came to burn the curch an old man came to them and helped putting some petrol in a statue that a local legend said it was indestructible, he said "just in case a miracle happens" kek, what a legend
> This was just massacre of civilians just because they thought otherwise
They killed everybody with a braincell or who disaggreed with them. Same thing happened every place they took over.

They would literally kill middle class workers and dump their bodies outside an open field because they wore a business suit to work and looked "borgouise". Even digging Church people from their graves and putting their corpses in the side of the street to mock them. which strangely is also happening now Complete shitshow of a government. 

> They did, multiple priets grabed weapons and started shooting republicans from inside the church, this is why they burnt them, to make that not happen.
Because commies started murdering people and looting from them for no reason when they took over. Which happened in literally every single country they took over

> Btw in my town when the anarchists came to burn the curch an old man came to them and helped putting some petrol in a statue that a local legend said it was indestructible, he said "just in case a miracle happens" kek, what a legend

> kills everones who doesn't kotow the line, murders everythings, hecks everythings, praise satins and the devilsss, le no rules, destroy destroy destroysss

ffs dude

it's Church btw
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> They would literally kill middle class workers and dump their bodies outside an open field because they wore a business suit to work and looked "borgouise". Even digging Church people from their graves and putting their corpses in the side of the street to mock them. which strangely is also happening now Complete shitshow of a government. 
> Because commies started murdering people and looting from them for no reason when they took over.
as I've stated before, while soldiers of the republican army did this stuff it was condemded under republican law, in contrast, nationalists literally told their soldiers to do it.
> kills everones who doesn't kotow the line, murders everythings, hecks everythings, praise satins and the devilsss, le no rules, destroy destroy destroysss
Oh yes, that's how the ussr industrialized in 20 years, by ...errrr, destroying stuff???
> spoiler
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Little later they broadcasted that too. I was never fond of it tho, maybe I just really despised MacGuyver and I just couldn't unsee it due to the actor. But a pal of mine is/was very fond of it.
The thing with Sliders is, that it is very badly acted and the scenes put together poorly. I think I'll watch the first season but leave the rest alone.
My first good experience with American shows was The Sopranos I'm lying because it was the Married with Children, but that's just a sitcom, which also went on one of our channels. I think, because pretty soon I acquired backup copies of the episodes and I'm not sure when and where I started to watch. I'm confident it wasn't the first episode what I'd seen first. Anyway it was in Hungarian and Tony's voice actor was chosen very well, he had deep strong voice and it was a disappointment when I get the last two seasons which were in original English and Tony's own voice was weak and piping absolutely non-fitting to that mass of meat that actor was.
But I still enjoyed the show, and rewatched it a couple of times.
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Started watching Banshee recently, not bad, not bad at all. Good pacing but 1st season is still the best, later seasons are kind of meh. Took me until episode 6 until I realized the the main dude is played by the same guy who plays Homelander in The Boys.

Also torrented Annabelle: Creation purely because it had the cute girl from Shazam in it.

If it makes you feel better turkbernd, Joker is kinda boring so you're not missing much.
I really enjoyed the first two seasons of Banshee, then during the last two I kinda lost track of what's going on, because these I watched as the season went week by week (as oppose the first two I could dl them in full) but skipped weeks without watching and when I picked up where I left I forgot the events leading up to that point. Than I did this on several occasions... So basically was my fault. It's a good show.

Now that I watched bout 6 episodes I have to say it has it's charm and might continue with further seasons.
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This show I really recommend. With that Irish guy from IT crowd as the main hero. Comedy-drama, strong cast, good actors all around, good writing, entertaining scenes.
It's about a gangster trying into movies and leave behind his criminal past and just cannot since the tricks he learnt back then coming way too handy... also boss wants a slice from that pie too.
Was a movie back in '95 which I haven't seen, maybe watch that too. Both based on a book I believe.
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Came across a new show, For All Mankind. It plays in an alternative timeline where the Space Race continued. But apparently it's about Mexicans escaping to the USA and female empowerment. Despite this for now it isn't bad, even tho I'm only at the beginning of the first episode.
Also we forget to eat bout half a box of icecream so now this is my early dinner.
Was all right. The problem is that it just doesn't grab the attention that much. I'm curious about the second episode and we'll see.
> it's about Mexicans escaping to the USA and female empowerment
Weren't those that emphasized in the end, so I judged too soon too quick.

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