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That's an mkv. It still can be downloaded.
> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 output.mp4
I'm not sure right now which codec to use for webm conversion. Also crf should be an integer between 20 and 30.
It looks like a band playing an event for Soldiers(hardly rare), it's Pop music too and they are Korean(so not Japanese Id*l Otaku). Such western Pop music is not really a part of Otaku culture, though technically one can be an Otaku about anything. It's kind of like the western word nerd, it has connotations to a subcultre but at the same time one does not have to be part of that subculture to be a nerd, you could have Bird Nerds or Industrial Capacity of the Ottoman Empire Nerds or even sport nerds.
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This is a pretty interesting occurrence.
There was a group brave girls that had a song come out in like 2017 call "Rollin'." Since then I think they had some members leave and had new members come in which is pretty much a death sentence in kpop.
They kept grinding though playing shows for the military when the big music shows and variety shows weren't having them anymore.
Their song was then featured in some compilation or some shit and it just fucking exploded.
A four year old song started charting again at the beginning of this year, they're in the top 10 for sales for the year on a four year old album that never sold anywhere near that well.
They're public image went up significantly because they selflessly and tirelessly performed for the troops (dog bless.)
They even have a new album coming out I'm pretty sure.  
Oh wow actually all new members tbh, complete lineup overhaul.
> Yamaguchi
Huh. I did not know about that.

> free fries
> covid/pneumonia kills fatsos
> let's clog some arteries with freedumb fries and burger
Good job.
> molest
I wonder if there was any previous verbal exchange. Otherwise I can't decide which one is the bigger autist.

> cat orchestra
That was actually cute/funny.
> folk song

> whore destroyed
He found her on VK with face recognition?

> marty
moar liek Bernd amirite?
Well they are conscripts most likely. It's not like it's anything new either, pop singers frequently do such things and many went to Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam to sing for troops. Even before Pop music as we know it there were still female singers entertaining troops.
Ofc they do. You know how boring military service is? And they are normies who have to be away from women (although I bet they are let home more frequently than our conscripts were allowed when the institution existed) so watching some hot chicks shaking their asses on stage constitutes as good fun to them.
Also this:  >>/44029/
> aggressive rushdown
Whoa, when I saw the game I just knew it will be about that.

> 1st
Where did he jump?
Seems awfully short distance to guarantee death. Could result in long suffering.
> posting fart jokes
At least a bit if German in you beside all those Jew.
> train
I bet at least one person was nervous that day.
> 4th
Wtf was in that container and what did that do on the post?
> oh fugg, that 1st one was some chinese professor's suicide video
It's fine. I'm more worried about all these mp4s in a webm thread...
> 3rd
What the fcuck?!
> 4th
I assume she's some kickboxer or whoever and that's part of her training.
> Where did he jump?
> Seems awfully short distance to guarantee death. Could result in long suffering.
He was probably paid a visit in his office and had to act fast...
Headlines looked like he was helped in defenestration but video revealed different story.
Note: this was right after it was leaked to the world that the EPR reactor (brand new European tech, fairly experimental, two were supposed to run in Olkiluoto and Flamanville too but they're being constantly delayed for various construction problems ā€“ something China doesn't care about) of Taishan is leaking shitloads of radon, and that China is apparently, in a typical manner, trying to sweep it under the rug.
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thumbnail of Drachenlord - LĆ¼genalarm.mp4
thumbnail of Drachenlord - LĆ¼genalarm.mp4
Drachenlord -... mp4
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> Really? This can be a problem, we have very high standards and expectations.

Perhaps it is another mistranslation. I meant to say he is gross as in he has a very gross appearance. I am not an edgy kein so I won't post anything crazy. I'll upload some videos now. 

There are some pilgrimage videos for his house around. Although they are humorous, I do not condone them. Invasion of privacy on people's houses isn't a good idea
> I think he is more of a /b/ phenomenon. Among the international crowd far less people know German well enough. Or at all.

He was posted on kc sometimes INFA 100%

> Why people molesting him at his crib?
He posted his address in a stream once and dared people to go bother him at his lil crib. And tthey've been doing it ever since. You know how keins are
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Update on this: Rainer just got arrested with a 2 year jail time sentence for throwing a rock at someone who was agains going inside his crib, and for violating his previous court order against it. 

The Drachetrain has fully stopped
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> He was a dingus to share his address, 

He kinda slow doe

> Also 2 years actual jail? Isn't that a bit excessive for throwing a rock? Did he harmed anyone? And if he did, how much?

I lost the original saved copy of the thread for him but basically

1) Someone wearing glasses broke into his house. He punched him

2) Since he could have gone blind, Rainer was sent to court for it 

3) They basically gave him a fine first I think. And explicitly told him not to do any more streams ever again

4) Then he made a new stream the next day saying that he's "not going anywhere"

5) polizei saw it and gave him 2 years for it

6) No more Rainer videos 5evar

Germany is fugged with self defence laws tbh
It's a really good movie. There's lots of obscure in Eastern Europe that most bernds don't know about. Wish there was a thread to recommend and upload some

I got some from a saved thread about Eastern Euro animations. I dunno
thumbnail of TV Maci - intro.mp4
thumbnail of TV Maci - intro.mp4
TV Maci - intro mp4
(2.32 MB, 400x300 h264)
thumbnail of TV Maci - intro plus outro.mp4
thumbnail of TV Maci - intro plus outro.mp4
TV Maci - intro plus... mp4
(8.93 MB, 1280x720 h264)
The real difference might be that in US and Japan probably made some other cartoons in that year.

As far as I know that one never made it here. The country was too much in a USA fever. Getting Cartoon Network.

Isn't the tv/movie thread used for that?

Washirabbits. Looks like something they would broadcast as a tale before the kids went into bed.
Fun fact. Here the evening tales were framed by and intro and outro, a short animation featuring a teddy bear and his doll preparing for the tale, and going to bed. It had several versions.

Got it.

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