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Hungary has everything. Some are in worse quality, cheaper (e.g. everything internet related from websites to memes), some in even better than the original (or more relateable).

I liked that Pulley song here  >>/37962/ the most. I prefer more aggressive sounding punk. Probably this is why I listened more foreign HC.

Am gonna listen that later. Right now I've different mood after listening punk.
Looking at the woman thread reminded me of this song
I want a busty girlfriend

Girl, it's not in fashion to be thin
but more like to be like a cow
And Madonna makes it big who's a buxom.
And the thing is, girl, I don't feel like taking a bite
nor in the right, nor in the left,
So little stuff doesn't excite me.
Because, I want a busty girlfriend
a hunky girl, a chubby girl
I want a busty girlfriend
That when I hug her I don't cover her
Better to have excess than to have shortage.
Girl, if you want me to grope you
Go see a surgeon
This is solved with silicone.
And the thing is, girl, I want plentiful breasts
To attack without consideration
To get lost in your cleveage and make out.
And only that way, baby you'll have my love
And without a doubt baby, you'll figure out.
Girl, let your breast shadow me
and spill over the carpet
a couple of spilled tons.
And the thing is, girl, it will be an extraordinary pleasure
to do the closet jump
I want to do the starfish with enough space
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What are some mandatory Vietnam War era songs? Now that I'm asking I've a little deja vu, have we talked about this?
Post some and we're gonna have whole lotta fun.

Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix
I Feel Like I’m Fixin to Die Rag by Country Joe & The Fish
Ohio by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones
Eve Of Destruction by Barry McGuire
The House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
War - Edwin Starr

Most of these probably the GIs couldn't listen on their tour.
Yeah it makes a great movie background music for some seconds.
This verse is based:
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,
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The title is: This is the Mongol.
Based Fedoraguy just throwing mini napalm bombs with his firesteel instead of sparks.
I enjoyed the song, the visuals are a bit kitch, those dancers waving with their forced smiles, all those overly colorful dresses, the too histrionic clothing of the band and the dancers and the shamans, and that ridiculous antler bow, aaaaaaam not sure about them. Just look at pic #3. I mean what Hungarians do sometimes on Kurultai it's over the top, but from actual Mongols I would expect bit more authenticity.
Btw that golden stag in the neck of that chick on pic #4 (on pic #3 too), two was found in the Carpathian basin, one somewhere north of the Black Sea, and I think from the same area a panther. They were on shields. All Scythian in origin.
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> Well, they can perform the songs they themselves don't need to listen them.

I guess. 

There's youtube converters around the web, so you can technically get any song they made. Maybe they also have an online store to buy directly from them. Just so you can support them financially
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Posting a playlist for Traditional Dutch music. Hardcore artist ANGERFIST



Music's intense, but not for everyone's taste though
To be honest I think Astrud is probably our least interesting female singer. She was only really popular outside of the country.

> Brazilian music is very different from any other South American music
it is completely different you absolute mongoloid, there's no overlap except for a coupe of genres in the frontiers in the south and the north (like milonga and carimbó), which are not popular in the country at large
it's like saying hungarian music is the same as portuguese or irish music since it' all european anyway
> inb4 you post some generic caribbean "latino" song with maracas and call it samba
> it's like saying hungarian music is the same as portuguese or irish music since it' all european anyway
That's a bad analogy.
For starters the groups you listed have very different roots reaching back to ancient times and that still has it's mark on everything not just on music. Christianity washed away much, but these three groups had over a 1000 years of separate evolution too, which not just means very different historical background, but it led to different mentality and taste. While everything from South America is product of modernity. Roots from a generic amalgamation of Western Med, South American native and sub-Saharan African taste, and modern cultural trends which are the same everywhere on the globe is piled upon it.
Much better analogy would be the comparison of Hungarians and Northern Hungarians, which almost boils down to language difference. But that "almost" is still bigger divide than what Brazil and other South Am (and Mesoamerican and Caribbean for that matter) have between them. The best parallel would be Croats and Serbs. If you are in either, yeah for you it will be different (and it will matter for you), but for any outsider it would be the same.
I'm sorry but Brazil isn't any different than any other country from those parts.
Made by the same people with same temperament and taste, living in same circumstances, doing the same everyone is doing around. Just like everything from food, through football, to politics everything is the same, and music sounds the same.

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