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You need something for DDoS protection. Supposedly there are some tricks which can alleviate the problem to some extent, but by the end of the day - probably with enough "botpower" - they don't mean much and have to resort something like CF. Even End has one domain behind CF.
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Another docu-like tv-show was aired about Qanon movement and Q, speculating who could be. It's a hueg advertisement for 8kun ofc, but just now I've checked the active ISPs shown on their home page, it's actually kinda low, especially for the Q board. Some time ago they had ~5500, now it's ~1700.
The dude who made it seemed to look into IBs quite well, what he presents about them, it isn't horrible at all, although they aren't in the center of the focus ofc, so they aren't introduced in earnest.
Maybe needs another watching, but maybe not, the topic is somewhat outside of my interest.
Ron is Q - according to this show.
Truily an interesting if not knockoff 4chan-y imageboard.
Refreshing to see that there isn't too much namefags/tripfags.
It seems like they dont have too much OC, perhaps it's because of the semi-dead userbase? 
All threads are of good (a user even said wiki-teir) quality, besides the posts on /sewers/ (their shitposting board) and /pol/ which is an absolute dumpster fire.
The users are xenophobic, (They dont like the "big 5" sites like twitter, reddit and such) and they havent said it, but they seem like they dont want to talk about other imageboards? Personally i feel like they want to avoid talking about other boards, so they dont attract unwanted attention and problems other communities have, but really i'm not sure. perhaps it's because of the "no advertising rule" that they have.
The userbase are polite unless they see content that breaks the rules, then they harass the person that broke it. Other then that yeah, calm, relaxed and weirdly smart people with plenty to say. Sadily, a slow board that only proves how quality content comes at the price of posting speed, perhaps with more posters the site will really shine? Time will tell.
Moderation on the site is pretty good, infact there's no content on the board that breaks the rules that they set whatsoever although their rules (although quite understandable) are MANY.  
Also looks like they used to have a discord, but some shit went down so they nuked it and the people who posted on it. They have a irc/discord knockoff site with the same rules, but for light, quick discussion. Here's the link : https://livechan.org
Also, here's some other interesting  links from the site
A markov chain bot the admin made that collects user posts and uses them to "speak"
A pixel art thingy?
Video game the admin made about farming.
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It is, well, an imageboard for pajeet. Interesting place to visit and observe them in natural behaviour, when they aren't just out for bobs&vagene or answering calls in a call centre. Fairly comfy and civil place.

It has the usual boards: /a/, /b/, /g/ if you need help with your windows, /pol/ which is GREAT for caste discussions, /ent/ertainment board for your criket and bollywood needs, /yoga/ because pajeets do this instead of going to gym, and /dhan/ for the memecoiners. Oh and /meta/.
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Today, a board on endchan that I raly raly liek has sadly been kys by the board owner. It was one of my favorite boards here and I even remember being one of the first people mentioning it around a few months ago  >>/39644/. And now they're gone and I never even managed to say goodbye to them due to workings.

R.I.P /404/ board. You will be missed. 

At least I had a lil bit of thing with them while they were here.
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Came back from a birthdays a few days ago. Thought I should gift you sumthing Hungarybernd


I heard you like taking Hungarian, so we put Hungarians in a Hungarian imageboard. So now you can talk Hungarian with other Hungarian while posting in an imageboard that's completely Hungarian unless you already knew about this site
Yes, I'm aware of its existence. I think it's the third  iteration of Hungarian chans. I don't use it. I think I could count the occasions I posted on Hungarian chans on the fingers of one of my hands.
Check out their /int/ board.
Yes. I invited 'em on bernd.group. Also another from the staff hopped on their discord. It doesn't seem like they want to come here.
Now they are on 8chan.moe (or whatever is that, it was Mark of 8chan/v's site) mostly.
> Yes. I invited 'em on bernd.group.
This is good

> Now they are on 8chan.moe (or whatever is that, it was Mark of 8chan/v's site) mostly.
But this is bad. That site is full of CP and spyware. Mods leave CP there for days, and even weeks It's probably one of the worst choices imageboard wise. 

And the site owner is the worst. He practically ruined /v/'s board culture forever when he was in 8ch. 

> It doesn't seem like they want to come here.

Any choice is better than the one with the CP posting site owner. Even not using chans at all. This is a very concerning matter.
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I have stopped lurking imageboards (lie) as of late.
It is sad to see, but people repeat themselves a lot, and after seeing so much the same stuff over and over I just got tired.
I ended up becoming a discord troon and trying to add people on that platform. Had much more luck there, but my behaviour does repulse many and I also came across a lot of assholes.
The issue now is to see if I can find a place where I feel comfortable. I tend to lurk 8chan.moe and /sp/ now, any other place is unbearable to me now.
CP isn't really that much of an issue, back when the bunker wars were happening after Voxed shut down it was fairly common to see it prop up.
And even then after they found a stable website CP was still posted.
Realistically it's just people fucking around and trying to get boards shut down. I stopped caring about that kind of stuff a good while ago
This place isn't too bad, a tad slow but it's easy going and you can't find a lot of the typical tussles that I got tired of.
My mother was watching a Netflix show and the narrator said 'Zoomers'. It ruined my night.
Unrelated? Could say so, but that word is massively spammed on imageboards today and I hate it, hated it when it popped up, hate it today.
All *oomer words are a gay
> This place isn't too bad, a tad slow but it's easy going and you can't find a lot of the typical tussles that I got tired of.
Well, you're used to it, it's comfortable.
> My mother was watching a Netflix show and the narrator said 'Zoomers'. It ruined my night.
I miss when Keins were completely ignorant of such vocabulary.
I don't think that they would like it because of the spill over that would happen from other boards and the culture this board had. That's part of why I never even mentioned it before, because I didn't want people finding it.
In the closing notice Nenmin said to go to kissu.moe and work things out from there. Seems like the site won't be kept together and some are talking about leaving imageboards, there is another site that was mentioned as a refuge though. We'll see.
> I don't think that they would like it because of the spill over that would happen from other boards and the culture this board had. That's part of why I never even mentioned it before, because I didn't want people finding it.
On Endchan? I don't think the different boards bother each other.
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> I don't think that they would like it because of the spill over that would happen from other boards and the culture this board had

I'm sure it'll be fine if they just come to bantz. We've had anime themed boards before. So you can invite them if you want

> But there is one miscreant who meddles with boards. Stirs shit and dish blame on the staff. To counter his bs that would need deanonymization of users and keeping documentation of his activity.

Ach bernd. Every time people are having fun and enjoying themselves, there just has to be a stinker or 2 that doesn't like it. Because misery always loves company.

But the staff is always innocent, so it's/we will be ok.
Not all anime themed boards are the same. Anime is huge in the west now and there are all kinds of people that watch it(or that don't watch it but post them anyway). This board wasn't about bantz or memes or anything like that, it was incredibly civil. It was the kind of board that is so civil that spill over from other boards could easily kill it as the posters would not want to appear rude or aggressive even to people like that so they don't really have that inbuilt resilience other boards have where if posters go against the board culture they get abused by the other posters.

Well, there is another site that is being used as temporary residence and there is talk of making a new site. But many also are saying this is it for them and they are done with imageboards now, as I said it's very unique so many of these people only posted on Nen and now feel that there is no way another imageboard can replace it.
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I can't be the only one that thinks that imageboards kill any sense of wonder from the world.
Having a group of people that know every nitpicking detail of anything chastizing you for not knowing very fringe knowledge may be a reason for that. You punish lack of knowledge, you disincentivize people from learning more about certain stuff. Have this repeated endlessly for many years and you kill whatever wonder for the world may have existed before.
There must be a better way for this to be dealt with, I have dealt with communities that are gatekept and don't devolve into this kind of behaviour where those who want to learn are ostracized. But then again, those communities aren't accesible unless the admins let you be in them.
I never found that.
I don't think image boards have people that know everything and criticise every detail, if anything I find that most of them are ignorant and often those with knowledge get drowned out by those that lack it and then due to the nature of image boards memes get formed around that false information so that false information only spreads and then because those memes are popular and usually the reason that the false information gains such traction is because it appeals to popular imagination in some way people will defend it so it could be that you are more likely to be abused for being right than wrong. And of course images boards really don't do nuance well so that can easily get lost on them.

And I think if there are environments where people actually do know what they are talking about, they won't criticise others for not knowing about it. Not unless they are asking to be spoon fed anyway.
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> You punish
> you disincentivize people
I'm not sure who the "you" is. Maybe a specific person, maybe Bernds on this board, maybe chanpeople in general. I'll pretend the last case because the post started out about
> imageboards
People irl does that all the time, no matter if they know the subject or not. It has to be taken into consideration that the less someone knows, the more he believes his knowledge is sound, and the more one learns, the more he sees how much he did not know previously, and can guess that how much he still does not know. And then those who mastered the topic can arrogant or not depending on their temperament.
On IBs people frequently generate arguments, some contradicts others just to troll them, some are just contrarian by nature, some has the "someone is wrong on the internet" mentality, etc. And they go into nitpicking too. Reasons are many, since all kinds of people can and do use imageboards.
I don't feel that IBs are special in this regard, as I started I think irl is similar.
> those who want to learn are ostracized
Shouldn't those who want to learn ask questions?
I always seen rude, arrogant replies (not answers) to questions on quicker boards, until someone answers in earnest. Those bashing type of comments are made by those, who: 1. just want to hurt OP; 2. is curious about the answer and want to bump the thread (being rude on IBs is common); 3. OP himself bumps his thread like that (he doesn't want others to think he selfbumps the thread, so pretends to be others, rude people).
But in the end, someone will reply with the best of his knowledge, and OP can learn, or directed towards some other place where he can gain knowledge.

As I mentioned few lines above, being rude is a common occurrence on IBs. Maybe for the fact that many Anons gets their social norms on 4chan/b. But the anonymous format of imageboards also guarantees harsher replies. It is told over and over: chans aren't hugboxes. If you use them, you need a bit tougher skin to avoid getting hurt (hurting yourself). During the many years, I meself, I frequently thought, fuck this shit, but then I let the fumes go away, and now it's quite easy to step over the bs.
Imageboards were designed to share anime. Which is just information, so with little cleverness it can be used to other purposes, like learning.
They are just social media, platforms, with their basic tools and shortcomings.
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Not that familiar with various imageboards so I can't contribute at the moment. Just driving by to inquire if anyone ever found any imageboards(or even forums) primarily targeted towards ex-yu countries or slavic history/culture discussion.

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