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We have the choice of following God. God is a benevolent being he wants us to decide for ourselves this is why he doesn't just destroy free will and have a perfect people because then we are lesser than slaves. It's a choice to follow the teachings of jesus and those that do will be rewarded. Those that don't will burn in hell unless they repent from their sins.
Have you read the bible? Calling your followers sheep or lambs is an insult if you have ever dealt with sheep. They are pretty imbecile and doesn't really have any free will at all. Plus they are easy to control.
I want to add that the bible uses the term sheep symbolically mostly to refer to the sheep being lost as they are now in the glory of god but through jesus he as the shephard makes us follow him and through him we can follow God as well. Its not saying we have the intellect of sheep its saying that jesus is the shephard collecting us and saving us from ourselves.
> Life must be easier
Yes and no. Yes in the fact that it makes me hopeful that God will save me and others in the future and No in that everything is inevitably going to get worse. Its honestly a double-edged sword. Just got to prepare for it to get progressively worse. Honestly I get the fact that you struggle with faith but you need to realize is that satan(and his followers) main goal is specifically to get as many people to hell as possible. If you think about the greater future and follow the teachings of God inevitably you will come to love him even if it is a slow process. God is always loving and he is willing to forgive for a lot not everything but most things. For instance I doubt any of the people in power can be saved since they technically renounce the holy spirit making them irredemiable but you never know. Help out in your local area, act with high spirit, stop masturbating, realize that everyone in power wants you to burn in hell for eternity and reject their influence. The people in charge assault everyone with sheer volume. This is why you see so much repetition. It's conditioning.
They really don't contradict. Most of the time I think its misinterpretation or purposeful cherry picking rather than the scriptures themselves. You're correct though barely anyone genuinely follows jesus which is why these lukewarm christians dominiate what a true "christian" is supposed to be. I already used revelation 3:11-17 to explain why lukewarmism is a problem and how dangerous it actually is.
why chiristians eat insects when its forbidden?
the red paint in many ketchups and shit is made from insects

i talked about this with some tradcuck christian and the answer was: lol stop being an imbecile an be like all else like wtf wid you (eat this shit)

christianity is the altright of religion
Well the people you encountered were probably lukewarm christians i.e not true followers of God. The type that are christian in name only no faith. 
My personal rebuttal would be this verse from mark mark chapter 7:18-20
"And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? 20And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man."
also there was another christian that got a little bit mad at all the degeneracy and gtfoed to monastery

im still jelly i can't go to monastery because im non-religious

when i leave my mancave im instantly submerged in degeneracy (like it was today)
I understand where you are coming from though I basically abandoned the church and decided to become a non denominational christian. Churches are basically social gathering area's which do the exact opposite of what they were intended.
It is pretty sad to see how easily devout religious followers are tricked to join modern media carousel.

Show them some provocative videos and they suddenly start to care about all these Cyruses, Keshas and Grandes, easily multiplying their informational presence even in circles that are hard to reach by classic advertising methods (and they doing this for free).
That's a Japanese samurai helmet. That's not my work.

It might be possible to live in a monastery among monks but as a layman. You should make inquiries, saying you want to retreat from the world to find something that would put your life into order or something. Maybe the first letter/e-mail shouldn't even contain that, but the mere question, and if they ask why you could elaborate then.
The reason why Paul said different things than Jesus did was the context. Jesus was preaching to people who were already well-acquainted with the teachings of the Scripture, while Paul was preaching to Greeks and Romans. This is why Paul emphasises that homosexuality is bad while Jesus and the other disciples don't.
Man, the banished Adam, seeks to pass from the outer court of the Sanctuary (the exterior universe) into the sanctum sanctorum, but before him rises a vast creature armed with a flashing sword that, moving slowly but continually, sweeps clear a wide circle, and through this "Ring Pass Not" the Adamic man cannot break.

The cherubim address the seeker thus: "Man, thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return. Thou wert fashioned by the Builder of Forms; thou belongest to the sphere of form, and the breath that was breathed into thy soul was the breath of form and like a flame it shall flicker out. More than thou art thou canst not be. Thou art a denizen of the outer world and it is forbidden thee to enter this inner place."

And the Adam replies: "Many times have I stood within this courtyard and begged admission to my Father's house and thou hast refused it me and sent me back to wander in darkness. True it is that I was fashioned out of the dirt and that my Maker could not confer upon me the boon of immortality. But no more shalt thou send me away; for, wandering in the darkness, I have discovered that the Almighty hath decreed my salvation because He hath sent out of the most hidden Mystery His Only Begotten who didst take upon Himself the world fashioned by the Demiurgus. Upon the elements of that world was He crucified and from Him hath poured forth the blood of my salvation. And God, entering into His creation, hath quickened it and established therein a road that leadeth to Himself. While my Maker could not give me immortality, immortality was inherent in the very dust of which I was composed, for before the world was fabricated and before the Demiurgus became the Regent of Nature the Eternal Life had impressed itself upon the face of Cosmos. This is its sign--the Cross. Do you now deny me entrance, I who have at last learned the mystery of myself?"

And the voice replies: "He who is aware, IS! Behold!"

Gazing about him, Adam finds himself in a radiant place, in the midst of which stands a tree with flashing jewels for fruit and entwined about its trunk a flaming, winged serpent crowned with a diadem of stars. It was the voice of the serpent that had spoken.

"Who art thou?" demands the Adam.

"I," the serpent answers, "am Satan who was stoned; I am the Adversary--the Lord who is against you, the one who pleads for your destruction before the Eternal Tribunal. I was your enemy upon the day that you were formed; I have led you into temptation; I have delivered you into the hands of evil; I have maligned you; I have striven ever to achieve your undoing. I am the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge and I have sworn that none whom I can lead astray shall partake of its fruits."

The Adam replies: "For uncounted ages have I been thy servant. In my ignorance I listened to thy words and they led me into paths of sorrow. Thou hast placed in my mind dreams of power, and when I struggled to realize those dreams they brought me naught but pain. Thou hast sowed in me the seeds of desire, and when I lusted after the things of the flesh agony was my only recompense. Thou hast sent me false prophets and false reasoning, and when I strove to grasp the magnitude of Truth I found thy laws were false and only dismay rewarded my strivings. I am done with thee forever, O artful Spirit! I have tired of thy world of illusions. No longer will I labor in thy vineyards of iniquity. Get thee behind me, rempter, and the host of thy temptations. There is no happiness, no peace, no good, no future in the doctrines of selfishness, hate, and passion preached by thee. All these things do I cast aside. Renounced is thy rule forever!"

And the serpent makes answer: "Behold, O Adam, the nature of thy Adversary!" The serpent disappears in a blinding sunburst of radiance and in its place stands an angel resplendent in shining, golden garments with great scarlet wings that spread from one corner of the heavens to the other. Dismayed and awestruck, the Adam falls before the divine creature.

"I am the Lord who is against thee and thus acco
"I am the Lord who is against thee and thus accomplishes thy salvation, " continues the voice. "Thou hast hated me, but through the ages yet to be thou shalt bless me, for I have led thee our of the sphere of the Demiurgus; I have turned thee against the illusion of worldliness; I have weaned thee of desire; I have awakened in thy soul the immortality of which I myself partake. Follow me, O Adam, for I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth!"
So there's a paradox in there.
It says that Satan is for tempting, misleading, etc. Adam, who was tested by it and he decided not to follow him, rejected his falsehood. This led to his salvation.
Then it says this is why Adam should follow Satan.
But if not following is the right choice, following him couldn't be. So all in all this is just another temptation, Adam should reject him again.
> So all in all this is just another temptation, Adam should reject him again.

Agree, it looks like a catch.

Another point to consider is, if the same being could take the form of the Greatest Angel, as well as the form of Satan, who this being really is? Is that Satan, who can disguise himself as Angel? Or is that Angel, who can disguise himself as Satan? I'm pretty sure, there is a certain answer to that question.
Material, manifested world is Satan.
Spiritual, veiled world is God.

Most of people are busy with material matters (sounds good, right?), which are right in front of the eyes and easy to deal with. On the other hand, it's hard to deal with something that is no matter (or does not matter). Even the language highlights the difference.
This is Gnosticism, friend. God created the mortal world, it cannot be entirely evil. It's when your love of the mortal world and its pleasures outweigh your love of God and your fellow man that there is a problem.

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