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> t. RT dot com
But my sources are a known one that lives there, in fact, today the yellow ribbons entered to the mall where he was shopping and started breaking stuff, he had to escape
> And every police force ever: police is always peaceful they just take actions after protestors start damaging private property.
> Ie. the they started it first argument.
Maybe you're right but all the main leaders of the protest have said that theire against violence, and honestly that's the best that can be realistically be done, there will always be some retards that start attaking the cops first.
Besides, the protestors have only damaged trash cans and a parasol so I don't see much loss. (and no cop has been injured exept  >>/31149/ )
> Can it be measured somehow it was the impact of the protests? Maybe people just think it was unjust to put those politicians in prison and this is what changed their minds.
Maybe, but the police actions here have shure helped
> Get onto our level, plebs.
Why do Catalan nationalists want to live in a country restricted to the Mediterranean and not have a giant Atlantic coast for easier trade? Wouldn't an independent Catalonia be a Spanish/British puppet? Unless they try to recreate Aragon, but that'd piss off Italy and Greece as well.
 >>/38169/ >>/38173/
> when you are against being "opressed" by another country it's more common to be anti-opression in all forms
Because communism isn't oppresive? They arent aware that the soviets stole the spanish gold reserves which was one of the largest in the world at the time of the spanish civil war as "payment" for supposed help?

> suppression of Catalan language
do you belive in a One World Government?
Most catalan commies aren't soviet-style commies m8
> They arent aware that the soviets stole the spanish gold reserves which was one of the largest in the world at the time of the spanish civil war as "payment" for supposed help?
Lies, everyone knows that the gold is stored in portugal
> Tiny non-countries that just serve as puppets to bigger ones shouldn't be sovereign.
Well Catalonia has Barcelona, wich is if I remember correctly the biggest port in the mediterranean and also we've got more population than your country, are you suggesting that denmark shouldn't exist?
Valencia is actually a far bigger port than Barcelona. 
And I believe Scandinavia should unite, but Denmark is far better than Catalonia. It controls the straits between the North Sea and the Baltic, has ports on both the North Sea and the Baltic, and can produce enough food to feed most of Scandinavia let alone Denmark alone.
> cambodian style communism
Pol Pot at least fought industrialism, though he can be seen as blackwashing it by associating it with communism, or at least executing it horribly.
It's actually ironic since Marx was obsessed with factories.
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Denmark only has 5 million people, Norway 4 million, Sweden 10 million, Iceland 300,000, Greenland 50,000. If all those came together, that'd be around 20,000,000 people. 
Swedish Finland should be taken from Finland, Murmansk should be taken from Russia, and the rest of Slesvig should also be seized from Germany, force them to fill up the Kiel Canal, and also maybe take Hjaltland and Orkney.
Scandinavia can thus be a great power and easily reject foreign cancer.
It cites a secondary source about potential industrialisation within Kampuchea; there's more citation for anti-industrialist tendencies within Cambodian communism (which influenced its destruction), far-more so than in the USSR, China or elsewhere. 
Of course I'm not defending Cambodian communism, and Pot may have been aiming for industrialism in the long-run like China, though there aren't a lot of citations on this.
Eh, the Swedish Finns and Alanders would be happy, the Finns proper can just annex Estonia or act a buffer against Russia in exchange. Either that, or we can just ignore the Finns entirely and let them do their own thing. Norway can administer Iceland in-return and have an even larger national sea.
that's true, my bad
Also Catalonia is heavily industrialized, that along with a heavy tourist economy I'd recon we'd fare alright
Here's what the most left-wing independentist party proposes:
> "National liberation"

> The CUP defends the unity of the Catalan-speaking areas, or Catalan Countries, which they believe should be allowed to constitute an independent republic, according to the principles of self-determination. The CUP is also strongly in favor of the Catalan language, which should be the "preferential and common language" of the areas where it is traditionally spoken. Still, the 2012 CUP program refers to the advantages of multilingualism and encourages debate on the status that an independent Catalonia would grant to French and Spanish.[18][third-party source needed]

> Political system

> The CUP criticise the current political system in place in Spain and France, and defend an alternative brand of participative democracy. It has proposed, for example, that the general public be allowed to vote on important issues in referenda, and have suggested the creation of representative recall (Catalan: Iniciativa Popular Revocatòria), which would allow the general public to remove elected officials from office before their term expires.[18] As part of its belief in municipalism, it also has defended the creation of an Assembly of Councillors (Catalan: Assemblea de Regidors i Regidores Electes), made up of municipal councillors, as a national representative body.[18][third-party source needed]

> Economy

> The CUP broadly refers to its economic model as socialist. Its political programme calls for a "planned economy based on solidarity, aimed towards fulfilling the needs of the people", and defends the nationalisation of public utilities as well as transport and communication networks. It also calls for a nationalisation of all banks receiving government bailouts and considers the public debt "illegitimate".[18][third-party source needed]

> Environment

> The CUP calls for an end to nuclear energy, with the use of sustainable energy in its stead. It also calls for a ban on GMOs and the creation of an "ecological economy"

< Venezuelan style communism 
isn't like 80% of Venezuela's economy privately owned?
Why is Gibraltar so important by the way? It's a little rock that Britain barely even controls, yet it supposedly has far more control over the entrance to the Mediterranean than Spain. Spain literally still has territory in Africa on the other side of the Mediterranean.
Imagine Britain takes Copenhagen. Does it now have control over the Baltic? No, because there's still Helsingør, which occupies a far more narrow area than Copenhagen.
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I fucking miss these days so much, we had hope that we would do something, change something.... Now the optimism is gone

Our politicians are pussies, on our last Generalitat election most votes were pro-independentist and yet we did nothign
it's ogre

In general the European Union wouldn't benefit from regional nationalism, tough catalonia is similar to scotland in the sense that it is EXTREMELY pro-EU
So it's an interesting situation
Generally in Europe noone has balls for anything, and they also have to conform to the rule: "no border changes ever". This rule makes it possible to stood up against Russia too.
It's easy for me to believe that lotsa compatriots of yours are disappointed.
Have to keep in mind that things don't keep for ever, circumstances will change. Have to keep working towards the goal, and pass the will on to the next generation.

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