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> Everything I wrote applies to pre-"French" revolution France.
Nod really

The Kingdom of France was one of the mightiest and most fearsome empires in Europe at one time. They gave every other country in Europe a run for their money. At it's zenith, it was leading everything from military tactics, scientific discoveries, fashion and even culinary practices. The French of today are hotly different from people like William the Conquerer, Joan de Arc, etc

Also. historically France has the highest military victories than any other country on earth


Just saiyan'

Fucking Napoleon ruins everything.

I dunno. That particular one is a psychopath.
I met a limited amount of French people (now I'm referring to European not Jean Maloud), so my XP is also limited. But I got the impression that French men are rude and haughty, French women are nice. Now French women probably nice so they can escape from rude French men by attracting the sons of other nations. And French man are rude because they suspect their women cucks them by the sons of other nations and haughty to compensate their wounded ego. This dual behaviour results in a self-inflating cycle.

The french are more intolerable than americans. As much as people joke that americans are insufferably patriotic, the french are at least doubly so, if not more. I once watched a frenchard near literally cum when he ate TINNED french peas whilst simultaneously talking, with his mouth full, about how all other food everywhere else in the world is utter shit. Their entire culture seems based around being smug. I can only say I've really met less than 100 frenchards in my life but every single one was like a broken record, sometimes immediately after saying hello a stream of endless musing about how amazing france is compared to the rest of the world comes like the endless screeching of a burning cat. It's even worse when there is more than one together, they speak in agreement and as if high on the fact someone is agreeing with them start just endlessly speaking over each about france. One time I walked away from two frenchards and came back and they didn't even notice, they had just kept talking. I happened to work with the two on a farm who would regularly be caught sleeping instead of working and throwing things at the animals in their time off. They weren't gay but would shower together (two men btw) in the wash rooms on the farm and apparently one time a fight broke out between the two of them and they wrecked the shower room and tore the door off its' hinges in some sort of savage rage. Also, you really couldn't go to the toilet after them, because not only would they block it but the overpowering smell of garlic was too extreme. I caught one of them just eating raw chopped garlic once whilst he was cooking some lunch, I think they ate a bulb of garlic each a week. Oh and they fucking LOVED McDonalds, some odd obsession with highly processed foods.

> McDonalds
In that one anti-McDonalds film Super Size Me, the lead interviews a French lady who says that McDonalds is apparently better in France. I doubt it considering to me, McDonalds basically tastes the same (i.e. tastes like poo) everywhere with some slight variation.  American McDonalds is just less crispy because it's a larger business there and the workers are more miserable there. It's more nuanced in say, Iraq or even Australia.

I've no idea if they do.
I also tried now, and literally no hits. I guess beside by some obscure blog noone has reason to write about it on the internet. IRL if the talk comes to this foodstuff or when it's consumed (during salo roasting, or it is very good side dish when drinking) someone always comes forward and call it csajozós szendvics, and always in a style as if it would be some OC humour of his and expecting people to give him some prize for his wittiness. With the exception of the younger generations noone laughs since everybody heard it over 1488 times.

Now that we are shitting onto France I remembered something.
Well this is second hand information but one of my buddies said one of his buddies works in France in some factory (I guess he is welder or fitter) and he told that the work morale and pace is extremely low there. They stop every day for an hour or two, put the workers onto buses take them to a canteen in the next village for lunch, then back to work. Monday morning they work as if it was Friday afternoon.
Without Francafrique their economy would go down the shitter and would be a Grease-tier millstone in Germonkey's neck.

> I know that Spain is supposed to be the other way around, with them working nearly all day.
Maybe it's suffering from a brain drain and most of the talented people are leaving for better pastures Same thing is happening in Italy I believe

> Yet you still really can't say that for the Spanish. I again, blame this on the Catholics.
I mean you don't really know what's going on in their country. I wouldn't judge them randomly

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