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> inventing the modern Soviet union by building all their shit during lend lease
how is that a good thing?

> muh invention
netherlands are gr8 when it comes to new things and shiet. your argument is really invalid. they also have less cancereous culture.

> be american
> get shot
> before losing consciousness some american passerby talks about his completely irrelevant town in nebraska
> go to hell
> see twitter comments about you
> he wouldnt die if he had ak-47!!!
> Oh, say can you see...
> le die ende
Are you really from fuckin "Turkey" like your flag shows?
Helping Russia was a good move, those people are better off with electric power and some factories, they don't lack knowledge of who fucked them over.
even if Lenin laid down on the floor of parliament, they might get it back some day.
As for your comments, no one respects KC and that's because of your lacks.  I went to NL and stayed a whole week with a lovely hot girl, loved the families and people.  But, still, they are not doing anything in the next war like they sat around during the last one.  Show some respect for your fighters, historically that's US, not you.
Yeah I'm from Turkey. 

> Helping Russia was a good move
But nowhere near being an amazing thing to say. USA did it because they could and they could benefit from it. I don't see how Netherlands militarizing help them and their allies noticeably. 

>  no one respects KC and that's because of your lacks.

> Show some respect for your fighters, historically that's US, not you
see above.
> 244 years of history, beginning on 1776

And? Egypt, Rome, Greece, Balkan countries, Hindu, Asian, Slavic, and even Proto-american societies have millenium old history and inventions with them. 250 is the barest minimum for a regular nation. Note: Read the Fate of Empires by John Glubb for more info on this. Breddy gud book

> See you when your National spirit is loved as much as ours. 
Even your own citizens hate america tbh

> I suppose inventing the Internet 
It wasn't just you though. Other countries helped. Inventing the WWW was more important IMHO. 
The inventor Tim Berners-Leewas also British. Hmmm

> Chevrolet and Ford
Every country was in ruin or being ruined by commies post-WWII. You were pretty much the only one who could make anything. But other countries pretty much ended doing a better job. See Japan and their auto industry. Which brings me back to this point

> and also inventing the modern Soviet union by building all their shit during lend lease
Literally why? Russians are living even worse thanks to you. Millions live in agony there and have no way out of it

> even if Lenin laid down on the floor of parliament, they might get it back some day.
Wont ever happen
> America rules endchan not you guppies
It's actually Dutch sweatyyyyy

> As for your comments, no one respects KC and that's because of your lacks
> they are not doing anything in the next war like they sat around during the last one. Show some respect for your fighters, historically that's US, not you.


Wait, what "next war" are you talking about? Is there something you want to tell us America?
Hey NL nice to see you.  Your points are lame, and the anti American spirit, shames you, since we saved you.  Russians starved East Germany and raped the fuck out of them.  You, had the highest SS enrollment, then finally got your balls together and began fighting.  All you lady governments and muslims and 9/11 celebrators can do as you wish.  But hating Uncle Sam only makes you a bitter little shrew.  Thanks for making our inventions and brands so huge.  Internet: You're welcome for that.
Ha ha I am just responding to your anti-American ways whilest using American stuff.  Hmm, but then like I said, shame is not your thing, you'd gladly ask others to fight and die for you and then have a cup of latte.  That's how weaklings are.  They won't even pay their fair % and they have no valor, no glory.  Also Frau Cau merkel is a disgrace and she walks on, and you all love her because you love your female leaders and their policies.
Oh yes we have jews riddled throughout our body as do you all, it's just that we can carry ten tree trunks for the free world with our jew infection, and you can carry like, one bramnch of the weifght of the world.
All nations have the bug jew.  And anyway empowering muslims to over run you is not fighting jews. And also, forgetting your WW2 shames is also not fighting jews or even evil, if for example you don't view jewish ways as evil.
Well it's like having a child.  My grandfather was US Navy and had ten+ kids and always said "A man has to be there when they lay the keel but not when they launch the ship." ha ha ha.
So I think everyone can say Russians did better than Turks did, with American help.  Russia has made some damn fine things and has lovely folk.  Turkey and muslims have not done as much.
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t literate man jpeg
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> Your points are lame, and the anti American spirit, shames you

But all of my points are true. I did my research on everything before posting 

> Russians starved East Germany and raped the fuck out of them.

I don't understand. You are the reason it happened in the first place!

This reminds me of Marcus Licinius Crassus, old Roman Patrician, who would go to people's burning houses with his hired firefighters and then tell them "either sell me your house on the cheap and I'll put the fire out with my crew or watch your entire livelihood go up in flames**

Which is actually were the word crass and were the firefighting profession comes from tbh
Hank was a kike, we never needed him not at all.  I hate the guy, typical low level army kike who weasels his way into the cracks.  And I do mean cracks, because rumor has it he and edward teller were faggots.  I ain't saying America doesn't have the same infection your nations do, but we make damn good pudding.
He was maggot baker first rank.
Hey man, the US Navy was built to go fight asshole muslims on the African north coast, so don't even start with me.  Most Americans have forgotten 9/11 Osama Bin Laden shitheded activities, and Mogadiushu ganglords of 1990s, but Americans know where we spilled blood for the ungrateful world.   Euros have lost their way with Berlin at the heart of that, and frankly hand in hand with that, I am sad that shitty US corporations did this to the world, cooperating with intl shits, making people dumb with smart fones, it's truly sad to see what kikes have done with their power inside Uncle Sam's guts.
thumbnail of La trinca Visca nostramo sub.mp4
thumbnail of La trinca Visca nostramo sub.mp4
La trinca Visca... mp4
(29.75 MB, 640x480 h264)
thumbnail of La Patata (Definitive Edition).mp4
thumbnail of La Patata (Definitive Edition).mp4
La Patata (Definitive... mp4
(18.07 MB, 480x360 h264)
thumbnail of LA TRINCA. ALLIOLI.mp4
thumbnail of LA TRINCA. ALLIOLI.mp4
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thumbnail of LA TRINCA. EL BARĂ“ DE BIDET.mp4
thumbnail of LA TRINCA. EL BARĂ“ DE BIDET.mp4
(10.95 MB, 480x360 h264)
It's a catalan group, they generally made satiric music about the politics of their time, got two of the songs subbed (1st and 2nd)
Jo personalment no entro molt aquí, ja que sempre em sento com una merda si utilitzo molt els chans. Espero que les coses millorin per a tu company, força!
thumbnail of 2017-03-23-on-Krautchan-lookin-for-Bernds.png
thumbnail of 2017-03-23-on-Krautchan-lookin-for-Bernds.png
2017-03-23-on-Krautch... png
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Five days ago our board turned 4 years old. It's curiously coincides with Polish-Hungarian Friendship day.
I do not have screenshots of threads/posts from those times on /kc/, but on that day when we moved here, I reached out on the still living Krautchan looking for Bernds who used 8ch/kc with us. I made a screenshot of that thread, here's the OP of it.

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