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> Kurds
No such thing. The parties in charge of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistans hate each other, the former has some sort of anarchist ideology and the latter is a generic kleptocracy allied to Turkey.

Nice. Nationally the topic is known among some military hardware enthusiasts and very patriotic people but not the average layman or even Bernd.
I also find curious the mention of Kurds as separate participants.
Furthermore Afghanistan might be out of the Anglo-Semitic Alliance soon. It's liek Vietnam all over again.
> Russa (and Crimea)
> Neo Ottomans
That is interesting. Little pan-Turanism, more like overarching Islamic ties.
But I think I have to read the whole article to see what the author thought of.
Some mental shortcuts were necessary i think. Author of the article did a pretty ambitious attempt at sketching the outline of fractal tier complex theatre that gets more complex as you zoom in.
Regarding Afghanistan the article was written 2 months ago so some things had evolved in meanwhile.
Such a med centric view ignores the elephant in the room and aside from that it's too simplistic. The world now is much more like it was during the lead up to WW1, you have multiple actors with various gaols that often compete with each other while at the same time may also work with each other. So for example, Egypt and Sudan are allies in that scenario, I think he lumps them together due to supporting the same side in Libya however Sudan is upstream of Egypt and has been in support of the Ethiopian dam which directly threatens Egypt. Sudan is just as likely to fight a war against Egypt as it is to fight one alongside them against the Turkish backed Libyans. Turkey as well, could swing in multiple directions as could France.

And this all ignores China who is the greatest threat to the world and the most likely to cause WW3, many have linked them to WW1 Germany.
Med as a centre of of World affairs is certainly an attempt at provocations but one has to admit that the proxie wars waged here have most direct influence on whats happening in Europe especially when it comes to migrants. The Alliance blocks are also rather provocative choice.
One book is not enough to abbreviate this mess but i think author did a correct thing and separated the text into minor conflicts with different actos switching sides in certain cases, just like you described.
Maybe it's med centric because the active events fold out in that area making everyone there directly involved. Those who are further away while can be active influencers and participants of the events, the events aren't played on their lands, so their participation is indirect.
And why those things happen in that region? Because - as Szálasi wrote - the Mediterranean is the meeting point of three continents, a clashing zone for their cultures, their powers, and is a key area of the Anglo global empire.
Maybe with the Age of Exploration the world became bigger, moving the theaters of history shaping conflicts out from that area, but as the revolution of transportation and communication shrunk the globe again, now we're finding the fire pit again there.
While I still not read the article (I'll do it, just have more urgent), I agree the conflicts in the area are complex.
When you link a post directly copy the link from the "No." and not from the actual number. That way the link will open the thread at the post, and not just the thread (despite the URI will contain the post's number).
Maybe but I don't see it as happening that way. Yes, the Mediterranean is important but none of the players in the sea have the ability or inclination to start a world war over it. It's an area for Proxy wars and minor power rivalries. Turkey and France might support groups against the will of the US but they are not going to fight a war with her, that would be insane and it would not even cause a world war anyway. Russia doesn't have the ability to seriously contest the Mediterranean either, again, it can support groups but in the event of an actual war it would quickly be cut off and there really isn't a reason to do it. Even Iran is unlikely to cause a Word war as again, Russia cannot support her in any meaningful way and supporting her would be suicide, Russia would be very vocal in it's support of Iran and may arm them and even send proxies but it won't join the war.
It could be seen as a training ground for alliance testing.
As USA is pulling out of middle east France will have to step in to create some new alliance with Egypt (together with Italy and Greece) to balance Turkish and Russian influence. Already they are very close to UAE. This all will have implications for how whole region will be reacting to Chinese penetration since French see them as competitor over Africa.
Maybe. The French don't really oppose Russia and they actually share the same goal in Libya(with the Egyptians too). They will counter Turkey but only where they have interests and it's what they are doing with the US being in the ME anyway(the US does not really care about Libya).

As you may have heard, the G7 recently announced a plan to counter Chinese influence world wide with a G7 Belt and Road, so France will be in that but it's not clear what each will contribute, where and how happy they are about it. France may just invest in her African satellites and nowhere else.
> No such thing. The parties in charge of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistans hate each other, the former has some sort of anarchist ideology and the latter is a generic kleptocracy allied to Turkey.
I feel that "Kurdistan" is the kind of a project Yugoslavia was. A bunch of mountain savages who spoke similar languages decided they should try have their own state after foreign empires get kicked out, and in ~70 yrs if it ever happens they will end up genociding each other.
> Chinese penetration
That won't be very deep.

There's a hard limit what France and Turkey can do against each other since they are in the same military alliance. Sure they can support various opposing groups but I think mostly those are on the very fringes of the two powers' reach, so if one side fails, it won't be big deal for the power supporting them. Like Libya, France has way deeper interests in Francafrique, and while has long standing relations with Libya, the opportunity to meddle in their affairs is fresh. And for Turkey that place got onto their growing sphere of influence recently. Gaddafi was just too exclusive.
I don't have the time, energy, and will to do it. And judging by the traffic of our board, I have to assume the others neither. We can barely keep alive this board. It might be disappointing, but this is how I see it.
So if done, the title, Kohlzine has to be changed. As a self-definition it can be stated that it is a continuation of the zine. Also if real effort is done maybe old editors will get on the wagon.
I think it should be extended to other imageboards, reach out to other chans. First and foremost bernd.group, and maybe ernst. A thread should be put to Kohl/make. Any other chan can be involved essentially, it's not the chans that would make it, but the users, Bernds, Anons, whoevers.
Needs an email acc, where the submissions has to be sent. Either some standards have to be set how submissions should look like, or just let all kinds of stuff to be sent, and compiled together as is.
Someone has to edit the stuff. There are publishing applications, I think Scribus is on Linux and probably LibreOffice can be used as well. But in the simplest form some pdf creator tools (I dunno liek PDFChain??) can be used and just make an ebook looking publication, and not a magazine type.
Cover art also has to be created.

1. pick a name
2. set up a mailbox
3. inquire on chans all over
4. wait, check mail time to times
5. post reminders everywhere
6. when enough material sent edit it together
7. create cover art
8. post the result everywhere
9. set up a site to host the published issues

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