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Today it occured me that almost all pagan religions were syncretic as fuck. 'The only true religion/god' concept is was totally allient to them, even the sol invinctus cult didn't refuse other gods, it was just kind of mandatory to honor it. 

Not to mention they changed over time and mixed with other beliefs. 

So today, if you are a neo-pagan(not one of the still surviving ones) and your pantheon does not has god of industrial might, patron god of patreon, subscribers and followers then you're not a pagan, you're pretty much larping.
They were more like belief systems, without established church and scripture, while they had holy men, I'm not sure we could call them actual priests. They didn't have strict dogmas and tenets so as they passed their knowledge from generation to generation it changed. What they believed was also shaped constantly by their experiences and how you wrote it the contacts with other faiths.
God of anonymity and proxies 
God of lineage and genetics
God of 2D and reality rejection
God of influence, likes, and retweets, patron of e-thots
God of universal expansion
Future god of cosmological Degenerate Era
The supreme panopticon
If I get land I want to get Shetland ponies at some point or maybe some exotic goat. Something that's easy to look after but you can sell their offspring for a bit and they can mow the grass. Horse require too much work, maybe I could get cows. If you are not milking them they don't actually require much work but I would only be able to have a few, oh yeah, then you have to either have a bull which is a pain in the ar*se or you have to hire a bull which is also a pain, so maybe not.
Maybe, or some kind of old Mongolian horse/pony or a Chinese horse, I know there cavalry certainly didn't look after them. I tried to find pictures of them but I couldn't, shame. I have a whole book of photos of Warlord era Chinese armies yet basically none of it can be found online.
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Read some of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon today. The man has quite some intriguing ideas with his mutualist school of thought.

Kinda sucks how people misinterpret his "property is theft" statement though by leaving out the full context.
> He was the first person to declare himself an anarchist,[5][6] using that term, and is widely regarded as one of the ideology's most influential theorists. Proudhon is even considered by many to be the "father of anarchism"

Didn't the Greeks invent that first?
Proudhon is on my list liek almost two decades now. Very big pro on his side is that he sees the question of equality from a different angle than Marx.

Anarchism is a modern concept, no? One could find patterns of modern political philosophy in the past ages, but would be anachronistic to categorize them along modern ideas.
> Anarchism is a modern concept, no?

Greeks were always revolting against something. Ancient Greece was a mess though


Actually, Socrates was technically the first to do it. It resurged during the Ottoman era for obvious reasons.
While not specifically anarchism, the idea of communities without states isn't new. So the anarchist label and political ethos is modern, but as a descriptor it could be valid.
Meanwhile communism is too specific of a term to apply, especially with the idea of the progression for modes of production, which places itself firmly in the future.
It just gets slapped unto anything that had a planned economy, or supported welfare, even if it predates modern industry. Similar to the Jesus example, I've heard the of the Tawantinsuyu being called communistic despite having been an openly hierarchical state.
I only heard this from edgy people.

> But communism is atheistic. 
It is. Inherently materialist.

> Wasn't the goal of the communist manifesto to disband the state?
I'm not sure now what is the final form of communism. I know socialism had to be built until we would have arrived to communism at one point.

The Al Obaid/Ubaid culture (the Mesopotamian culture before the Sumers) or the one before them had a largely egalitarian society, for 1500 years.
Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]
> But communism is atheistic.
Problems weren't. This kind of people will say a lot to get endorsement for their ideas. Or just to silence the opposition. 

> I only heard this from edgy people.
Ok. I have a similar example but without Jesus. Few years ago L*BT "people" made some kind of protest in front of presidential palace. They had banners with quotes from catholic cathechism that said "Homosexuals must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." What their banner didn't include was literally the previous sentence that called homosexual acts "disordered" or previous paragraph that said "homosexual acts should never be accepted". 
It was basically impossible for those activist to not notice that when they were looking for a quote, so we can only assume bad faith and hoping that people will not look up the source. 

Also it's not like communists or leftists are the only ones that do this kind of things. The fart-right NZ shooter in his manifesto included a part adressed to christians that basically quoted Pope Urban's call for a crusade. I hear this kind of things from less radical people too, from entirety of political spectrum. There's a special place in hell for people who are against EU t. Donald Tusk.
Well, it's taking things out of context and using it as a faulty argument. I do agree not just communists or leftists do this. Even that Jesus example I heard it from people I can't really call either, it's just some snippet of an idea that sounds one step deeper than the norm:
> If you really think about it, Jesus basically was a communist
< Wow so deeeep
But if they really thought about it they would realize it's a load of bs.
You might take it a bit at heart.

Back then ideas like the Franciscan's had were considered dangerous. Some were labeled as heretic and were repressed hard.
> Not sure what people want to achieve with their GOTCHYA moments.
Polishing their egos, gain some sense of control over others, coming over their insecurities, getting back to someone through another person (so they don't really have their revenge, just project it to others). And for other possible reasons.

Are you the Brit with the stone house? If yes welcome back and... How is it going?
Khazar is a name of a folk, not a rank.
Kurgans are the hills steppe people erected over graves. Do not confuse with other hills Indo-Euroes (Celts or Greeks for example) erected for tombs, those were catacombs basically.
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> Tsar, Czar, Ceasar, 

Well, first you need to get the order of things right beforehand, methinks.



> From a Roman cognomen that possibly meant "hairy", from Latin caesaries "hair". Julius Caesar and his adopted son Julius Caesar Octavianus (commonly known as Augustus) were both rulers of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. Caesar was used as a title by the emperors that came after them.

Caesar was a balding man, so the name was given to him as a tongue in cheek nickname. Same as Emperor Caligula who's name just translates to "Tiny boot". His Father's soldiers gave it to him as a term of endearment. 

Since Julius Caesar was so charismatic and brilliant militarily, not perfect or pure though, just saiyan practically everyone wanted to be JUST LIKE HIM leader wise, minus the balding part. So that's where the name Czar/Tsar and Kaiser originates from. But, they don't have any relation with the other words

Which brings me to the second point regarding the last 2 German and Russian name

> Khan, Kuhn, Kurgan, Kagan, Cohen, Con, Cain,
> The con men.

This is accurate though. Like most words, Cain would change in pronunciation and spelling until it evolved into something else, depending on which environment or people spoke of the name. 

> Khazar
Weren't they just some random steep people? Like this bernd says  >>/39584/
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Really srs discussions right now

But I don't think so. If it was because they way he looked, well that's how lots Italians look like actuallys

All I know is that he was from a very wealthy family, which made getting everything he wanted much more easier than the regular guy, both militarily and politically

Forgot to add that Turkish Sultans also adopted the "Caesar" moniker for themselves when they ruled.

Yes, he was that popular

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