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No. Never heard of it. What is this ceremony is about? Holy Fire sounds very Zoroastrian...

Have you seen my findings in the other thread?
every year on holy saturday, in the church of the holy sepulchre, the patriarch goes inside with 33 candles and nothing to light it with, supposedly searched and all that (but I haven't seen it on video), and there the candles miraculously light themselves, and for 33 minutes the fire don't burn the faithful
we have some videos of this
> the faithful
I think this is a key element. If I went and tried it and would burn meself, they could say I proved to be not faithful. Which is actually true, I'm not Orthodox.
I'm skeptical about this.
Btw they should actually hold still in/above he flames and not move it about. I know I can reach through a candle flame without getting burnt but keeping it there...
Now the hair, like the dude's beard, it's a different story. I burnt the hair on my arm accidentally over the flames of the gas stove, fairly high above (they didn't caught on fire, just curled and roasted away). It was very quick, my skin did not got burnt.

Highly recommended read to any bernd
> grease should focus on paying debts

> Croatians must be held responsible and constantly reminded of that

I'm not seeing any problem here
Ok. I understand now.
I think it's easy to hide somewhere a lighter somewhere. But that's modern technology. How did they do it previously when even no matches existed?
There are options ofc, a magnifying glass conveniently placed where the sun can shine through, but when they do this process? But doing it with firesteel and sparks isn't that easy, or making friction fire, that would have been noticed. Well, the easiest to light a fire is with another fire. So I'd assume a burning candle must be somewhere.
What material that could be?
thumbnail of oil-lamp.jpg
thumbnail of oil-lamp.jpg
oil-lamp jpg
(91.92 KB, 653x487)
> I think it's easy to hide somewhere a lighter somewhere. But that's modern technology. How did they do it previously when even no matches existed?

Using an oil lamp or similar thing. They can be pretty compact and small.
> The ceremony was marred in 2002 when a disagreement between the Armenian and Greek bishops over who should emerge first with the Holy Fire led to a struggle between the factions. In the course of the scuffle, the Greek Patriarch twice blew the Armenian's candle out, forcing him to reignite his "Holy Fire" using a cigarette lighter, while the Greek Patriarch was despoiled of one of his shoes. In the end the Israeli Police entered the premises to restore order.

Yeah, they could place an oil lamp somewhere hidden, maybe there's some secret shelf so it don't lit the room.
The wiki article talks about blue flame. Gas? Like will-o'-the-wisp?
Tried to find a video on 'tube, naively thought finally we surely have some good footage of the phenomenon. No.
> εβιν

There are plenty of stories about that fire and that place overall, they often pretty ebin, just because these guys (Greeks and Armenians) are funny people by themselves.

One story in Russian internet (with several links to different books, but without easy googlable sources) says that in 18th century, after long dispute and conflict with Greeks, Armenians lost and were forced to eat human feces from large stone container near that church: 

> The wiki article talks about blue flame. Gas? Like will-o'-the-wisp?

Some sources speculate that combination of boric and sulfuric acids with specific cloth gives same effect - low-temperature flame with blue or green color.
Heh. The true believers of the past of any faith went through such ordeals for their fate it's unbelievable.
> without easy googlable sources
So many things aren't digitalized yet. Or don't have a translations to different languages.

I'm also thinking about alcohol, those also burns with bluish flames. But spirits are fairly new inventions.

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