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Just did a spring inside my job for a website marketplace fo a client of ours needed done. Was too tired afterwards

It's for some famous sports figure but they don't give us all of the info we need to develop the site, so we're at a standby in terms of progress for now.
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> The circle of nature.

And in only a short time too. Since I knew the kitty for a few months

> Don't do a job unless they gave you all the stuff that goes up the website.

They just thought that we could do everything with the basic info they gave us. When we asked for more, they just never responded.

Oh well. We still have more people we work with so whatevs
> They just thought that we could do everything with the basic info they gave us.
Don't get bullied into doing a job. Stick to a principle of not doing if they don't give the content necessary for the site to go online.
> Oh well. We still have more people we work with so whatevs
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I made a post a long time ago about building a house but I still haven't...
I looked into it but costs are actually a lot more than the website will tell you, they say $150,000 but actually by the time you put the foundation in and all that it becomes $230,000, more if you add landscaping and such.

Anyway so now I think my options are either buying a unit in the area I am in or building in the middle of nowhere, I found some really nice 2 acre blocks of land somewhere quite green where I could build on and have some goats or a pony. But it's 6 hours drive from the nearest city(but about 30 minutes from a large town).
Living in a unit sounds annoying and tough and obviously less peaceful than living on two acres but it's the distance and the unknown that bothers me.

So I have to make a tough decision.
The council wouldn't allow that.

There probably would not be anything, I pretty much never go to the city as it is. 
It's one of those odd feelings of anxiety. Even though I don't go to the city, I could and I am not too far away from it but moving to this place would make me feel isolated I guess.
Buy a yurt. If you place it well, perhaps dig a water drain, it can serve as permanent house.
Frankly I think you could buy couple of yurts and open them to each other. Like make a bathroom of one, a bedroom from another, and a kitchen from the third.
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Small story about 2 girls that were visiting my city from Turkey.

One was raly nice and had a husband. But she looked raly overworked and tired most of the time. She worked in a hotel and went to visit Turkey a lot. 

The other girl was raly whore-ish. And she always told everyone around my social group how much she hated Islam in regular conversation (being srs), was super Atheist, ate pork all the time out of spite. She was also liek hyper feminist. Kind of a weird experience dealing with her. She even hated Muslim men and Turks too.

Have any other bernds have similar experience? Maybe Turkey bernd (if he's around here) has similar stories to this one from him living his life there?
I see similar contrast times to times. Some of the grills go full on family moms with many kids (the child supporting policies help), some go full feminazi no kids liberal atheism for teh win.
I rarely meet foreigners these days so I've no idea.
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> I see similar contrast times to times. Some of the grills go full on family moms with many kids (the child supporting policies help), some go full feminazi no kids liberal atheism for teh win.

Maybe it's just the times we live in. It'll probably die out eventually and grills will go back to normal

> I rarely meet foreigners these days so I've no idea.

I thought Hungary was a popular tourist destination. Maybe it's the winter weather?
Today I had cause to interact with the common people in order that I might rectify a malfunction that had afflicted my automobile, this being the failure of the ventral Indicator light for the change of bearing of the automobile. This is of course an important item and one that's orderly functionality is mandated by the administration of my country of residence, leading me to have to address this issue in as timely a fashion as I might be able to do so.
With good fortune I am happy to report that this endeavour was brought to a satisfactory conclusion and the acquisition of the required item was not unduly impeded in such a way as to cause undue vexation. I had at one point a momentary inability to comprehend the vernacular of the good gentleman of whom it was the responsibility to identify the required item and then to retrieve it from the inventory of the enterprise in which he was employed. But this was overcome and the condition of my automobile was brought about to a point in which it may now traverse along the public avenues of conveyance in a manner compliant to the local laws and in a manner which will not unduly cause frustration to fellow traverses of said public avenues of conveyance.
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I am now working as a mentor to a junior programmer in my job after working in my current role for almost 1 year. And I constantly have to tell him what to do and how to code the right way. 

There was a time when I was being told what to do and what not to do. But now it's the other way around. 

Time flies and the world really does turn around I guess. I was the learner at first, now I make other people learn. We'll see where this current role takes me though.
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I have been playing around with Blender and Unreal.
I watched a tutorial series on Youtube about Blender and made this.

Both programs are quite complex, obviously, there is a lot that they both can do. In both cases some things are a easier than one would think but others are more finicky.
There is a lot of back end stuff on Unreal that you have to deal with, it's not programming persay(though you can program instead if you want), they use nodes in something called blue prints. But that's the backbone of the game and what everything relies on but it's also annoying and time consuming. But then there are all sorts of assets on the Unreal marketplace including many that deal with blue prints.
I wonder if the routing Korean units could have been stopped and recruited to do fortification works, and perhaps create some reserve from those who are willing to fight. But ultimately Chinese were stopped so.
Bombing own/allied units is a surprisingly common phenomenon.
> Bombing own/allied units is a surprisingly common phenomenon.

Particularly for the US, what was that WW2 Joke again? Something like,
When the British fly over the Germans duck, when the Germans fly over the British duck, when the Americans fly over everybody ducks.
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Ack bernds, the junior developer we hired just ruined the entire code base. I had to spend a long tiem fixing everything up and my boss got angry at me for things not working. So me and my boss just went and agreed that we should just let him go, after explaining to him why the junior dev crashed all the code.

I gave the junior a lot of code feedback and best practices advice, but he never listened to me and did everything all crazy like. Some people just don't wanna hear when you talk with them.

I also was suppose to be getting a new position and raise soon, but nothing really came of it, YET. Some people in charge of handling that are on paternal leave, so dunno what's going to happen next. Maybe I'll wait.?

That looks raly tasty bernd. Maybe add some steam around it so it looks like they just got cooked recently.
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> Those are all just routine habits everyone forgot their origin, and circumstances that called them into existence might not exist. Or was a misunderstanding in the first place.

I mean, it's just that he always shipped buggy code. He never tested his code so I just had to fix everything he made or let him know that he shipped code that was bad. It was a little too much. Maybe I should have mentioned that earlier.
I dreamt they made a "negotiating table", a table with built in computer with on board "AI interpreter" and speech generator, which translates everything said around it in the voice of those who spoke - obviously for international meetings.
In the situation I witnessed the international parties were all the Presidents or PMs of Anglo countries, from all around the globe. So whoever spoke, the lines were repeated in English for the others present.
And not just that! The table picked up hushed talk, unrelated to the discussion, and randomly repeated them when it couldn't make out what was said by the one who was talking. Such sentence/half sentence was Biden's comment to some assistant about some diarrhea, so this was repeated occasionally. At one point after such occasion Ms Harris cried out:
> For fucks sake!
The situation was hilarious. All these politicians, from the top of their governments sit around, listened what each other said twice sometimes with that diarrhea comment mixed it. But they sat there with forced expressionless face, pretending not noticing the absurdity of the situation because those who manufactured that piece of furniture were those who financed their election campaign. It was a "the emperor is buttnaked" situation.
For me it was so funny, that started to laugh and woke myself up with the laughing. I did giggled for a while.
Dreamt another humorous that made me laff. Extremely unusual.
It was about a movie. I watched it and/or observed it made. It was an awful movie, amateurish, low budget, with noname actors. The actors and crew was an assorted one, it turned out one of them was Hungarian. He was looked a bit like Santiago Segura (Torrente), and he was dumb. He pretended he knew his job, knew how to act. He also pretended knowing languages, or at least English.
For some reason the movie got some award and he had to give a speech in English. He read some lines with zero English pronunciation, frankly like how he would in Hungarian, and one of the word sounded like a Hungarian profanity and that tickled me enough to laugh a bit. Then he gave another speech, or perhaps it was actually an interview. They asked him something and he did not know what to reply. He was like "uh, ah" and the situation started to get embarrassing as he was hemming away. Then an associate there on the stage tried to save the salvageable and gain some time and said he is actually Muslim and he has to pray to Allah first. Here I laffed again, and shook me up to wake.

> Maybe it's easier to say it that way
It is. Hungarian language does not like consonant congestion, and would insert a vowel inbetween consonants. Second best would be adding a consonant after, which gives the impression that the word consists of two syllables.
Lidl -> Lidel or Lidil / lid-li
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I have come to partially disregard what people say when they're angry. Even if it's an accurate portrayal of their emotions, I've found it's not an accurate prediction of their actions. Time and time again this person promises they'll get rid of X during a fit of rage, time goes on and X is still around.
That's normal. Heightened emotions - not just anger - makes people say things they don't actually mean. This is why they say that time heals, as time passes tempers cool.
Rare are those people who can bide their time, and get their revenge served cold.

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