Dreamt another humorous that made me laff. Extremely unusual.
It was about a movie. I watched it and/or observed it made. It was an awful movie, amateurish, low budget, with noname actors. The actors and crew was an assorted one, it turned out one of them was Hungarian. He was looked a bit like Santiago Segura (Torrente), and he was dumb. He pretended he knew his job, knew how to act. He also pretended knowing languages, or at least English.
For some reason the movie got some award and he had to give a speech in English. He read some lines with zero English pronunciation, frankly like how he would in Hungarian, and one of the word sounded like a Hungarian profanity and that tickled me enough to laugh a bit. Then he gave another speech, or perhaps it was actually an interview. They asked him something and he did not know what to reply. He was like "uh, ah" and the situation started to get embarrassing as he was hemming away. Then an associate there on the stage tried to save the salvageable and gain some time and said he is actually Muslim and he has to pray to Allah first. Here I laffed again, and shook me up to wake.
> Maybe it's easier to say it that way
It is. Hungarian language does not like consonant congestion, and would insert a vowel inbetween consonants. Second best would be adding a consonant after, which gives the impression that the word consists of two syllables.
Lidl -> Lidel or Lidil / lid-li