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> iSlam
That's funny.

Truly that one is the language of Mordor.

> finn
So much feels.

What's gonna be with Belarus in the future?

> Language Families
What? Romance languages don't count as one family? Not sure how much Celtic remained in French, but pretty sure it has more common with Italian than Irish.

Good butter is do lik gold.
> That's funny.
Thanks. I think I have more like that saved up

> What? Romance languages don't count as one family? Not sure how much Celtic remained in French, but pretty sure it has more common with Italian than Irish.

They actually don't

I'm just reposting what I have. Dunno so much about most of the content

> Good butter is do lik gold.
I just use any butter I get. Don't care about details

> finn
> So much feels.
Finland's always like that. Must be the snow

> What's gonna be with Belarus in the future?

Will be Dutch territory song INFA 100%
I like the rough and old ones most: crude, un-"sanitised", tribal-bantery, sometimes insulting, sometimes absurd, sometimes critical, memey, and often very funny. The newer ones are graphically pretty, stylised, elaborated, longer, but also blander, sometimes propagandistic, sometimes with humanist or sentimentalist "messages", and often not funny but tame distraction in phone scrolling form factor.
The old ones looks like posts on an IB. And they essentially condense /int/ style banter. I bet most of them were done in threads that caught the creative moments of the chan dwellers (Bernds and Anons).
Yeah, broken image in the db.
I only can scrub whole posts.
But if you upload the file somewhere and link it, I can use that to restore the pic in your post here.
> oh mighty sorry aboot that eh
Too bad on some of these the text is so small.
And for some reason those which contains iphones are pissing me off.
Because on reddit with the voting system they reward creativity so people try harder. In fact they try too hard, that's what ruins them.
On IBs most fags are too much of a drooling retards to open a paint instead of just F5-ing and posting "seethe" occasionally.
Wait. Was you question rhetoric?
The third one is very good. 
The second one confuses me. 
I have some on my old laptop, when I get around to it, I'll post them here.
How does one into polandball?
More should be made.
I am Australian, not burger
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> The second one confuses me.
I dunno what's that about either. The fly/skeeter/bee thingy is Uganda.
> How does one into polandball?
You wanna make one? It needs minimum skills in MS Paint. You draw circles and color them according what countries are represented. There's some stereotypical roles for each countries, but I don't think it's mandatory. Sometimes they also represent a group of people from that country, or one person. Often in stereotypical roles.
You can depict a historical or a current event, or a typical behaviour of a nation, or a post on an international board, or certain behaviour of the posters of a particular country/countries. But anything really. Some type of humour is expected but not a requirement.

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