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Had a pal who had such knoife.

At 0:30
> ma'am, I just doing my treadmill exercises, the gym is closed today

Mine right is his left.



That reminds me of that hapa faggot in his pink spandex coverall and spastic facial expressions.

Very good. Indeed has the marching rhythm.

I think I have seen this one. Wonder who was he.
And for some reason makes me want to install some NFS gaem.

That's some procedurally generated stuff no?

Fukin lnadlord not singing.

Not my genre of choice to be honest.
thumbnail of city.mp4
thumbnail of city.mp4
city mp4
(3.06 MB, 576x1024 h264)
I knew liek 1 Aussie girl tourist and she was ok. Just drank a lot though. Would you say she was the exception and not the norm for Australian tourists?

> More toilet?
Surreal russian meme bernd. Interesting but I don't get it

> I wonder if it's celebrated by someone.
bernds celebrate it every day by remembering it

> I thought it will be liek San Andreas. Hood cat catching hoodrats perhaps.
Sorry to dissapoint bernd
thumbnail of kc bro shout out from RUssia.webm
thumbnail of kc bro shout out from RUssia.webm
kc bro shout out from... webm
(9.12 MB, 640x480 vp8)
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15771146534010 mp4
(9.74 MB, 1280x720 h264)
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thumbnail of cat is bewildered by CD tray.mp4
cat is bewildered by... mp4
(895.63 KB, 720x402 h264)
> Warsaw
kek you guessed where that was right away

> Maybe in next one someone drops a nuke on it too, that would be even better.
Is it really that bad? Liek, is it just burger shops and amerigan flags all over?

Now things are getting interesting
> Chill indeed.
It really is

> Elektrostal Bernd. He was based before the term came into fashion.

Don't remember this bernd. Please elaborate
> Is that a cover?
I think it is
> Heh, cool cat.
It's a silly billy that one
Some short heda sosachers harassed that fast food joint because they discovered it has a webcam with online feed. They went there and made an ass out of themselves in skimasks and whatnot.
Then Bernd walked in pleasant and kind and asked if he could put that paper there. Sosach burnt.
I assume they call him Elektrostal Bernd, because this took place there.
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thumbnail of v3rvbe3.png
v3rvbe3 png
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> Also most of the escapades might not be glorious.

Ack bernd but that's the entire appeal of KC. Assbergers, srs discussions and the occational mishaps that life gives us. We can't just cover bernd highlights in life. We gotta document Alle!

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