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These are the type of books which you only need to read a couple from each posted strip to become the paranoid schizophrenic which seems to infest imageboards these days.
But luckily "informationals" and hoarding books are for those who don't read books anyway, and these would be dl'd en masse by those who are paranoid schizophrenics in the first place.

That's a lot of books and articles to read, I think reading is important but people can read what they want.
I don't think I have read any of the books mentioned in those images so I cannot comment on them. I am also not trying to become a schizo, so if I had read one I could not tell you if that was successful in this or not.

I think reading parts of books might be okay if you are only interested in certain aspects of a book, but in doing so you miss the bigger picture of the book as a whole. This is my big issue with that thing they advertise on Youtube that tells you audio snipets from a book or something like that.

I don't think 500 million should be the population of the world just because a stone somebody made 40 years ago said so.
There are pros and cons to all population sizes. I would lean towards fewer however but that has it's own issues as we are going to see in the future with many countries having ageing populations and not enough young people.

But keeping the population at the size it is is unfeasible for two reasons, firstly we don't have the resources and secondly it won't be long before the developing world starts reducing in population as well.
So, we have to find some way to manage in an ageing world. Whether through technology, societal changes, austerity or all three.

Very informative.

> we don't have the resources a
Not sure. I think there are a lots of misinformation. Creating fear is good to make people more easily influenceable and controllable. Informing people that "we're all gonna die of overpopulation" is creating fear. So all the voice that says that, I doubt em.

What I found weird is while in Europe they cry about aging society and lacking in working hands, they aren't really quick about introducing automation.

I usually here the opposite, people claiming that we actually have enough and can host more people.

It depends on what standard of living we expect and how much of the environment we are willing to destroy. We don't have the resources for everybody on earth to live like an American but we do have the resources for everybody on earth to live like a North Korean.
Land is also a resource and even rich nations like Germany lacks it and could not host a population that wanted a suburban lifestyle like the US and Australia.

We also lack the rare earth materials to transition to green energy using the battery technology we currently have, there are many other issues with green energy right now as well, so you would have to accept global warming if you wanted to increase the population size.

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