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When I was twelve I would be fucking kidding myself thinking I could get with these girls and wow them with my lack of performance.
In my mid-late teens I could impress them because I was older and attractive.
In my twenties I started to feel that looking at a girl that young was inappropriate but I wasn't "that" old and it was probably natural to want to look and it would go away as I got older.
I am now in my early thirties and while I cannot deny these girls are attractive, when I look at them all I feel is old and sad that my time has passed.

I feel like the centaur, raw animals instincts constantly in conflict with my cool reasoning. How can I want to fuck but not want to fuck at the same time? Would I be happier as Genghis Kahn or Mohammed, simply raping everything I like the look of or would I be happier becoming a eunuch and moving far away into the mountains to never to look upon a female again? Strange world.
Depending on the grill same age guy has decent chance. If they are in same school maybe even class, and probably live near to each other. Even if grill 9/10.

Well, that's life. Frankly it's not a thing to be sad about.
But maybe its actually interesting.
15 might seem to be a good pussy but they mostly are useless as a partner on a long run. Then one could say who needs a relationship with them, one ride and say goodbye. But then it's a fine way to set her on the road others bitching about in this thread above. If she starts out with such experience she'll most likely to be railroaded to grow up to be a ho, especially if she has daddy issues as lot of grills these days.
So one might see it he is only responsible for his own self, but actually we are living in a community and we are responsible for it and the others sharing that community.
Wow, very deep. I need to think on this. One question, would viewing yourself and the world as a community change the way people view sex and experience sexual urges? It's sounding a little like that book, brave new world.
Well this might fit better in a politics or philosophy thread but I also have other thoughts to continue the previous so, here we go.
The world isn't a community. Can be one? Or can we make it one? I dunno, maybe in the future, making and keeping a nation as a community is hard in itself, everything above that is a new challenge. I already wrote about this in other threads previously, I suppose you are the CSS Brit and not our resident philosophy Brit. Anyway I might write about this again in a thread more fitting.
But yes people's views on sex can change. Right now and egotist, consumerist view seems to gaining ground - for a while now -, the pleasure of the individual matters and partners are viewed as consumer products, have one and when done with it get a new one. This actually hurts many people and cannot cope with it, they still keep continue participating it because they don't know else. And it is very bad time for communities, they are nonexistent or in the breaking down. So a new zeitgeist would change how people view sexuality, yes.

So the additional thoughts for this:  >>/22052/
So one can decide not to pick that particular flower (for whatever reasons) but then there will be other who will do. Damns sure will. Maybe a dude of her age who is the most clueless about everything, or a little bit older one, 18+, 20+ who believes himself to be the center of the universe and fountain the knowledge. Will her life turn out better? Would be better if someone would pick her who now has a little bit more wisdom about himself, others and the world? But then most people couldn't form a healthy thought by themselves not even when they are 60, just regurgitating banalities and parroting misconceptions. Life experience my ass.
1. Samefag.
2. Srsly? We don't need this here, it doesn't belong here, I don't want it here and probably most of us feels the same judging by this thread:  >>/21339/ Here we expressed our opinion in this question. Even what you post isn't sexually explicit material still can potentially lead to undesired attention for the board, could raise unneeded difficulties and even could lead to real life consequences. Do you do this in purpose? Do you want to put an end of this place? Do you want to harm other posters in some way? Do you want us having complications?
If your reply is:
> hurr durr jsut use Tor
Then no, I don't want to use Tor. This an international imageboard with the feature to recognize nationality of the posters. If one doesn't want that, there's all the other boards. What are you doing here anyway if you disregard that feature? You don't really engage any discussion (I could guess the few other Torposts is you but it might not so) you just leave unwanted material here. Make your own board and upload whatever you want there but there are many others you can do that freely.
To be honest I dont want to see anything about women at all. Bernds go went full horny or they go full thai swede. They seems to can't find balance.

Imageboards are overall terrible place to talk about women, sexual things and similar contents.
There's truth in that. This board is fine without any broads be them any age, so we don't need /s/ threads. However I'm not sure about the discussion, there are things that can be touched. But I also see how can said discussion turn into r9k screeching.
BO needs to put "NO GIRLS PERIOD" at the top of the board.

I also agree, beyond talking about my painful need to masturbate and general sexual frustration, I have zero interest discussing women let alone sharing pictures and videos of them. I see these posts on other boards and before long dominate discussion as lonely men spiral out of control in female obsession.

Here's a piece of advice to those obsessed with getting a young virgin. Just find a woman you can bare to be around and get a baby in her. You are only getting older and uglier with each passing day, get what you can and start living.
> However I'm not sure about the discussion, there are things that can be touched
It's not that bad to talk about it right now about certain things, but if we get considerable immigrants from other boards, it will be unmanagable as you said.

> BO needs to put "NO GIRLS PERIOD" at the top of the board.
It remind me wizardchan rules about women, I see even them don't make autistic screeching as much as kohl, because of no talking about rule.

I personally don't want to see constant autistic screeching so I get to read a few interesting blogposts about no gf or similar things. You can disagree with me of course.
> I see these posts on other boards and before long dominate discussion as lonely men spiral out of control in female obsession. 
I feel bad for people with that mentality, they seem like victims of the hypernormie culture we have today which dictates that a person absolutely NEEDS a sexual partner in order to be happy. In reality they would probably still be depressed even if they did actually find a gf.
I thought about this and my opinion for now that it's kind of a non-issue. We just continue posting what we usually do, it wasn't a problem before, isn't now and if a larger mass of new poster arrives for whatever reason we cannot do much, BO could pin a sticky with soem directions for Newbernds.
Eh I don't want to make any hard restrictions as for now.
When we last had refugee influx I did pin some directions and it was mostly okay iirc. I don't think I banned anyone then.
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Wow, Terry mk2. Also, found pic.

> Right now an egotist, consumerist view seems to gaining ground - for a while now -, the pleasure of the individual matters and partners are viewed as consumer products, have one and when done with it get a new one.
> So a new zeitgeist would change how people view sexuality, yes.

You make the point that taking the virginity of an immature youth (mentally) and discarding her is to her detriment. I assume further that you say this is not healthy for any woman. I believe the natural process for both males and females is to copulate, make children and raise those children. I'm not trying to dictate what a father should be, essentially the role is defined by the needs of the moment. However, a woman without a child to care for or a man to support her in that endeavour  is an understandably miserable creature. So to use women in such a way is not only selfish but cruel. That's a very logical view of sex.

Now in contrast we get to mans basic instinct, which is reflected in the animal kingdom, more primitive cultures and in mans history. A mans instinctual drive is to pick women up left and right and fuck them, like the ram does with the sheep or really any other mammalian species. Ram1) "I want female, I fuck now." Ram2) "No, this my female, you can't have" Ram1) "Then I kill you and take all your females." In a civilised society we view this as pure savagery, not only because there would be constant killing but also because we can look at the misery of others and not want it to happen to us, we empathise with what would be our enemy. So we all agree killing and raping is bad and we are better off not doing it to each other. This however still leaves men with the basic drive to constantly fuck, regardless of how much self control he has over his actions.

Now the current situation where we have womens 'liberation' where men pick women up and put them down freely comes after generations of the church enforcing marriage, where men would be shamed for acting too instinctively. If a mans wife wouldn't have sex, he's left with either beating and raping the mother of his children or having sex elsewhere (in other cultures as another wife.) However the church seemed to merely introduce shame and force people to act instinctively in private, I believe what is public knowledge of affairs and church related sex scandals isn't even the full picture.

So in my estimation, while I agree with your ideals and can agree you may be able to force them upon people for their own good, I struggle to see how you can change the way people view sexuality.

Sorry it took so long for me to reply.
> So to use women in such a way is not only selfish but cruel.
It's also about learning. How she starts out learning a relationship containing sexual aspect. She already has to have some knowledge about it via seeing her parents - not everything ofc - but now they time has come for her to gain knowledge on her own experience. For starters it would be important getting in a relationship which would gain her long lasting attention from a desired partner, opportunities not just to satisfy her personal needs (not just the lowest level physiological-sexual but higher ones as well) but learn she has to make an effort in order the gain affection, get to know the other and keep the relationship alive, but instead her first experiences will teach her that behaving whorish she could easily gain instant but short spanning male attention and satisfaction of sexual urges. She doesn't learn how to be a desirable partner just how to be a desirable cunt. And later when she might get in a real relationship she won't know the first thing. On occasions it might turn out all right, but more often than not won't and she will be alone again wondering where are the good guys and such.

> Now in contrast we get to mans basic instinct, which is reflected in the animal kingdom, more primitive cultures and in mans history. 
There's an oversimplification here that I saw occurring other parts on the internet as well, the myth that the man's natural instinct is just sowing the seed and move on get someone else to sow into and drawing an equation with the animal kingdom as you put it. Yes some species do that, maybe bears, where the female is left alone after mating. But at other species this is not the case liek at wolves and homonidae. In their case the cycle is more complex, you yourself wrote above:
> copulate, make children and raise those children.
Or how I would put it: make the baby, see it to born and raise it until mature enough to repeat the cycle on it's own. Yes, a male can do that with several females but on the other hand humans even capable of live in a community with other families (on the more basic level with blood related ones, in a greater/extended family, gens or clan, but even with families which aren't blood related).

> men pick women up and put them down freely
The problem isn't only this, but it works in reverse, women do the same.

> the church seemed to merely introduce shame and force people to act instinctively in private
Nod really sexual behaviour is part of morality which is public matter and the church pressured people to remain moral even behind the closed door of their bedroom. Ofc enforcing is another matter, but preaching and extorting confessions then giving out punishments worked for some extent.

> I struggle to see how you can change the way people view sexuality.
It changed once with the zeitgeist, you yourself wrote:
> womens 'liberation' [...] comes after generations of the church enforcing marriage...
When the zeitgeist change the views on sexuality will change again.
OK. First, I appreciate your clarity. Thank you for the response. In the most part I completely agree. However:
> sexual behaviour is part of morality
This is where I fail to understand. My question is, how can you explain a mans constant need to fug? Could environment have that much of an effect on who a man WANTS to fug and how often? Notice I said wants, indicating he may be able to act against his urgings if forced to. It's my understanding the constant need to fug, even with just one wife, is unchangeable instinct. Hence why monks remove themselves from women, despite their morality, because they would need to fug them.
> Could environment have that much of an effect on who a man WANTS to fug and how often? 
I think this is probably the case. Look at for example how in ancient Greece and Rome bisexuality was the norm. Also I heard about some African country before where everyone likes fat women for some reason.
On the most basic level the need for sex (not just men but women need it too) is the same physiological need like eating, sleeping, drinking, breathing and excretion. With the exception that we would literally die if we wouldn't satisfy those so while the latter five is about self-preservation the sex is for the preservation of the species, but beside this it's just the same in that regard that we feel the urge to satisfy the need when it arises, it isn't really a constant need. Or at least a healthy person's thoughts are not constantly revolving around sex. With stimulation the need can be aroused ofc. A good looking woman should grab the attention of a healthy man, but I can say similar to a delicious food, if you step into a kitchen where a slice of meat is fried it easily can start the saliva flow. Nothing bad about it.
How we act on these urges, how to satisfy our needs, what our behaviour is like is a different matter. Since humans aren't live their lives in absolute isolation, what we do and how we do it will have an influence on others. And here comes the morality which basically makes it easier to live together or beside each other, morality is kind of a social lubricant. Ofc certain cultures have different morals but there were always some taboos. For example - to see an extreme one - I don't think there was ever a society where killing could have been done just liek that as if was like taking a breath, such society would have fall apart very fast. Without morality they are. Fun fact: in our modern society there aren't any morals, there's no "official" source that would regulate it, and remind us what's good and bad. Even our laws don't say killing is baed mkay, just if you kill someone you have to give some years from your life, basically bartering them. Some crimes can be payed in money, they have a price. I can punch someone for 100 €. Is it bad? No, just a bit expensive. Frankly I really would buy a season ticket so I could punch others. People now are just flying on autopilot because our societies got used to it to have morals. Meanwhile we are bombarded with information that contradicts these earlier judgments.
Even if our acts isn't played in public, like - generally - sex, still will have influence on the public. Since our behaviour is part of us, we bring it within ourselves into the public. The act can be left behind closed doors, but our nature cannot. In our nature some things are instinctual, some learned unconsciously and some formed consciously (one can cultivate a habit), so our behaviour can be inherent even if it isn't genetically "coded". And ofc as you pointed out it can be based on decisions (but our decisions many times pre-decided by our nature, by our feelings, and not based on clear judgment of the facts).
So we bring our nature with us among other people and our motivations will be the same there what was behind closed doors. Only maybe our consciousness regulates our actions more. Or not.
Would you trust a man who can be bought with a cake? To take another example, eating. One would consider obesity kinda harmless to society. It's bad for that person's health sure, but does it harm me? Well... he overconsumes, and a burden on the resources. But there's more, because his urge to eat is a weakness. If he sees the source of satisfaction in danger, or one offers a way so he can satisfy his needs more easily or secure it, he could chose to act in a way that endangers others or the community itself. We could say it doesn't matter how he gobbles in the privacy in his dining room but he is the same person when he comes out there.
Temperance is a virtue. But when is it praised nowadays? Maybe in relation of an "exotic" eastern philosophy. But not so long ago the church itself propagated to the whole society.
Now I'm not sure where I'm going with this, started to ramble, maybe you find some answers in all this.
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> he could choose to act in a way that endangers others or the community itself. We could say it doesn't matter how he gobbles in the privacy in his dining room but he is the same person when he comes out there.

I'm not going to become a sex addict fixated on 13 year old girls once I get my first taste of underage pussy, someone who would then go on a violent crime spree if others were to take that away from me. What you're speaking of applies way better to hard drugs. Heroin users will for sure steal from others to fuel their habits once their own money runs out.
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She did what all women who get nose jobs do. Get rid of any bumps, if any, and make the nose freakishly thin. Here's a before and after. She dropped the ball hard. If only I were dating her since she was 13 when I made this thread. I would've never allowed this.

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