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Tracy Beanz, [08.06.22 14:42]
It’s not too late to comment. Please read and share: 


muh post from last year. Moar info on the comms.
PB Links won't be active


>  3 Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice

You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarine Tigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra

you mission get there before the Russians. Onboard a saboteur determined to stop you

ProjectHome Coming

> Home _ing
<  com_

hom ing

All pb
> What kind of message is this?
>3Russian nuclear submarines simultaneously emerge from under Arctic ice
> Does anyone else see it?
> Punisher.
> pain
> Ice StationZebra
You are300 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic, onboard the American nuclear submarineTigerfish 3. Your destination at a secret outpost at the top of the world. Ice StationZebra
>Report on RT March26 
> Youtube vid posted March 28 
>same day as Stracom Apoligizes typo

Homing topedo

ProjectHome Coming

> Home _ing
<  com_

hom ing

1:45 mins in the trailer
Captain, radar has identified unidentifed aircraft

estimated time of arrival17 minutes

> Tigerfish
> Tigerfish
> Tigerfish

 Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr    02/26/2021 21:17:45   
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1365486248501129217
Get well soonTiger. If anyone can pull through this and make it back to thetipit’s you!!! #TigerWoods https://rumble.com/ve675v-tiger-woods-is-a-champion-my-family-is-pulling-for-him.html?mref=i2svv&mc=36we8

make it back to the -tip
make it back to the top


 Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump    09/02/2018 09:28:20   
ID: Twitter for iPhone
Direct Link: 1036244434164310016
TigerWoods showed great class in the way he answered the question about the Office of the Presidency and me. Now they say the so-called “left” is angry at him. So sad, but the “center & right” loves Tiger, Kanye, George Foreman,Jim Brown& so many other greats, even more……==

I won't go to sporting events anymore because of this.  It is painful when they announce some war hero and now I have to stand and applause their expansion of the empire.  How much does DOD pay these teams to make us stand for these heros.
they are not opposed to total chaos. civil unrest, and then foreign 'assistance. Australia already has laws in place to allow foreign mil to act in police capacity.

Reptoids thretened to kill all the people, if Pleiadians will interfere.
So this is why…………we live what we live, b/c people must see all the evil.
Not one witness has been a person of color nor a woman (real or surgical) and mostly no "Parade Gay" witnesses supporting Pride Month.

Look at them project their own dialectic inversion.

Yep.  It's when they display a NEEDfor it when debating, meaning 'imputing it' in the minds of others by dialectic warping of words.

boomer anon here, since 4ch Q clearance Patriot started droppin'. Thanks to all the shills back then! otherwise I would have missed the early postings due to time-zone diff. 

Anyways, flags out anons today. Natl. day celebrations in the Kingdom of Sweden today, hopefully in the future. A constitutional republic for and by, We The People of Sweden.

and Q, not a single day goes by when I reminiscence about the days ago when you could bring up the cellphone and check if there was a new drop, and all the ytuber patriots making new drop vids. Miss y'all guys. USS Kearsarge left the docks, loud and clear signal to the Deep State in Sweden, it's over and has been for a long time now. Any moves have been game planned out w/ counter-moves. May God have mercy on all y'all souls.

Semper Fidelis, and sic temper tyrannis.

Me either, but apparently there must be enough that do to cause concern.  I would venture to guess that many (big increase) used RVs have been purchased since the plandemic started and maybe many of those had 20-25 years old tires on them.

> But it seems to imply that it will be a place that is protected from evil entering it.
By the time we're no longer here, but in Heaven, evil will have been completely dealt with by Jesus Christ.  There will be no more evil to have to worry about or deal with.

Also, remember that we will be given new bodies and new minds.  Think of how Jesus walked among people after he was resurrected from the dead.  He was able to be present among them and to eat and talk with them, but in some cases he walked among them and they didn't recognize him (maybe he was able to change how he looked).  Also, he then went straight up into the air and was caught up in the clouds, and there were many there that witnessed it.  He had a different body than the physical body he had prior to his crucifixion.  Just like we will be given new bodies as well.  And at the gathering together (or rapture) in the blink of an eye (an instant) we will meet him in the air - we can't do that in our current bodies.

Good night frens!  Getting way too late for me!

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Not true.  Millions of people have been killed by our precious government and written off as casualties of war…no court involved.
NEW: Russian Rouble extends gains on Moscow Exchange, firms to 55.05 vs US Dollar, it's strongest level since July 2015. Rouble, according to Reuters, is the world's best-performing currency this year.
8:13 AM · Jun 20, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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