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All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born stronger than others, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble.
Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes, that is why people fight amongst one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unwavering march of progress.
Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right and multiculturalism a law?
One of the many examples of the failures of globalism. 
The Peoples Republic of China with its equal distribution of wealth?
A nation of lazy idiots.
But not our beloved America, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous.
America alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future.
Even the wars we wage, demonstrate America's unswerving commitment to progress.
We will fight on, we will struggle, compete and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours.
Clearly capitalism is the truest form of progress within a nation!                                                                                    And that is the one and only truth in politics

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I am committed to seeing the proletariat governed with a stern hand. This property business must be ended with the exception of party members. KIlling enough of them should have the desired effect. Stalin showed us they learn quickly that way and we can take their children and raise them as our surveillance force. Once they understand that their parents were evil capitalist vermin that brought about their own deaths by property all will be well.

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> class is determined by how much money you make, not whether or not you own the means of production
When will this meme end?
> middle to upper class
This is a meme as well. There is no "middle/upper class" you're either a proletariat or a capitalist.

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In the end the proletariat need frequent culling to ensure the party governs. What is important is that a single party governs and there are no foolish notions about owning property or personal choices. Fascism and communism are basically the same in that regard and I am fine with both of them. The states owns everything and decides who lives or dies. The party rules. It is all good.

Dead serious. Both of you are statist thugs who think murdering millions of innocent people is an actual legit idea. Fortunately for the sake of the West I'm not opposed to Free Helicopter Rides

The results speak for themselves. We are living on the shoulders of Nazi technology and in the shadow of Rome. Fascism has inspired the greatest of nations, communism has given us nothing but models for what not to be.

Pfft, you and I both know Pinochet was only a thing because of CIA niggery. Try standing on your own two feet and then we'll talk. So far, only Fascism and the USSR in Russia has been able to stand alone, and the Nazis stood so well that it took all of Europe, America, and East Europe to beat them. 


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