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You literally said that ethno-nationalism is the only type of nationalism.
That's incorrect and therefore insubstantial.
Everything else you said was basically just a tirade of personal opinions that didn't present much of a substantial argument on their own.
That's why you're a child.
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> ethno-nationalism is the only type of nationalism

Nation-states need something to time them together. A common culture, language, history and origin, all these things are tied in with ethnicity. Being of the same class as somebody isn't the basis of a nation. The USSR is the one example of a nation that was supposed to be tied together by class and not ethnicity. Look how that turned out!
> Nation-states need something to time them together. A common culture, language, history and origin, all these things are tied in with ethnicity.
Are you actually insinuating that ethnicities are the basis of culture? If that's true how is it possible that immigrants can assimilate into different cultures despite not being natives?
> Nation-states need something to time them together. A common culture, language, history and origin

You're going to be surprised when I say that I don't even disagree with this.

> all these things are tied in with ethnicity.

They can be but that's not always necessarily the case.

Most of the blacks, whites, Asians, etc... living in the United States (that were born here) identify as Americans above all else. You're not going to meet very many black people here who would be willing to fight for an African nation over the United States.

> Being of the same class as somebody isn't the basis of a nation.

Most classical Marxists believe in the elimination of nation states anyway.

> The USSR is the one example of a nation that was supposed to be tied together by class and not ethnicity. Look how that turned out!

The same could be said of Nazi Germany except for the fact that the Germans based their entire national identity on their ethnicity and they lasted a much shorter time than the USSR did.
Not to mention, they were utterly defeated by the USSR.
> niggers living in the United States (that were born here) identify as Americans 

That's why BLACK LIVES MATTER, right?

> You're not going to meet very many niggers here who would be willing to fight for an African nation over the United States.

That's too bad. If they don't want to go back to Africa they can always inhale some Zyklon-B, I here that shit is killer.
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Oh I agree, BLM is a bunch of fucking bastards. I knew another anon from the pacific islands who had to push his way through the horde of fucks to get to class. He was on visa I think.

He said in their language they have a saying that roughly translates into english as "The sins of tommorrow cannot cast a shadow on today, because the sun has set"

In short, BLM is a bunch of niggers.

> MFW BLM hasn't infiltrated my college
> In short, BLM is a bunch of niggers.
Pretty much, yeah.
I never liked them before but they became truly unforgivable in my eyes when they protested senator Sanders even though he's working in the interests of the black (and white) proletariat.
I remember reading an article about one of them raping and killing 2 kids and then saying "BLACK LIVES MATTER!" at the courthouse, as if that makes any sense.

Then we also have when they protested at that marathon for no fucking reason.

And they're fucking up the highways too.
Yeah, that's pretty fucked up. They've kind of turned into a black version of stormfront. The only difference is that their members don't fully understand their supposed goal.

Originally they were in favor of ending police brutality against blacks. (which I'm in favor of although I don't think it has to be race specific.)

Now they just start shit for the sake of starting shit.

They really should have focused on ending police brutality without feeling the need to bring race into it.
They probably could have gotten a lot of supporters if they had just stayed away from trying to make a proletarian issue into a "black issue". When in reality, it's everyone's issue.
I agree. Though ultimately my end goal is to abolish not only the role of the police but also the situation that gives the perception of their (supposed) necessity: that is to say I wish to enforce the right of people to take self-defense into their own hands, arm them with guns and train them to be responsible gun owners.
As a supporter of proletariat militias I kind of agree with this although I feel that police will always be necessary in some form or another. If it takes the form of a proletarian militia it's still a police force just with a different name.

The overall situation would also be better if police forces weren't as federalized as they are now and if officers were placed into their positions through local democratic elections.
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No I don't mean that. I mean if someone can integrate with others without being harmful to the society then they should be allowed to stay.
And no I don't think Yurop should be shuffling in a bunch of benefit-suckers because it's a drain on resources. But at the same time I'm not a racist, so if any one of them can prove they're worth keeping and contributing to the society then I would let them stay regardless of skin color.
> Go back to Africa
> back
Not all of them are from Africa, African culture to them would be as foreign to them as Chinese is to us.

Again if a black person can integrate and not cause problems why shouldn't they be allowed to participate in society?
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> African culture to them would be as foreign to them as Chinese is to us

That's too bad. It's either that or the rope. So nylon rope it is then.

Also you're not a racist? You aren't proud of your heritage? You don't identify as white or nigger or whatever? That's sad.
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> being proud of things you didn't do because there's nothing else to be proud of.
And just like that, you summed up /pol/.

I don't need other people to make me great. I will strive to accomplish goals on my own.

The goals in question are to become a doctor and open up a homeless shelter.

> inb4 helping poorfags is for pussies who cares about humans, or other associated edginess
Not the guy you were talking to.
With that said, I'm proud of the things my ancestors accomplished. Although I don't take that pride to an extreme like the folks over at /pol/ do.
It's not something to base your identity on and it's certainly not a good reason to hate people of different races.
It means I'm someone who thinks Capitalism is the best system we have yet made to work, but it needs a number important constraints to deal with its shortcomings.  Think progressive in the original sense as in Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt.

I stopped using "liberal" when I found out how many wildly different definitions it has around the world.  Progressive is at least a bit narrower in scope.
You've kind of got it right, although it's not capitalism because the means of production are cooperatively owned.
The only difference between market socialism and traditional socialism is the fact that cooperatives compete with each other within an market setting under market socialism.
I am a Stalinist. He understand the proletariat need a stern hand guiding them or they fall into the trap of desiring to own things and think they may make personal choices. For the flower of true communism to grow a worker must understand if they do not go to the work allocated they will be shot and their families and their children give  to party members as prostitutes. Only this fear can build true communism..
I know I'm lefty, and probably libertarianish. But I'm not sure from there, are there any guides, tests or videos or anything you guys have to expose me to more political philosophies?

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