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FTE dev was mad

< eukara> really getting desperate using a russian proxy, why even bother posting when nobody wants to hear what you have to say?
>  you end up banned. every. single. time.
>  I've never been banned
>  anyway I did what you couldn't or wouldn't
>  4 million ents in DP
>  you're fucked in the head, right?
>  suck on it faggot dick chopping-supporter
>  nope
>  clearly
>  I'm a licensed attorney.
>  what are you?
>  prove it
>  you're making a lot of assumptions about others being inferior to you, when you do not know them and you're clearly an egolomaniac
>  but you could never exercise power over another adult, that's why you target kids
>  you disgusting prick
>  you're just as simple to figure out as any other insane person.
>  and clearly you're not a good attorney, because why else have so much time on your hands modding Nexuiz of all things.
>  like wow, no life confirmed!
>  eukara: I'm not like you: I don't have to work.
>  I just do my hobbies
>  because you don't have work.
>  you're a fake.
>  you have accomplished nothing.
>  4 million entities says otherwise.
>  not a single person knows or cares that you exist.
>  and my marble floors say otherwise :)
>  you don't put your real name out, people won't remember your alts.
>  the purpose to do the thing is the thing itself.
>  so 'doing your hobbies' 'not having to work' is worth bragging about, when it's clear you're not doing any goodwill

>  no one cares about 4 million entities in Darkplaces. Nobody sane would ever need that many visible entities.
>  that's unplayable over the network.
>  but you don't care about that. in your little head you think you've figured it all out.
>  and I'm wrong.
>  funnily enough, you used my code from FTE to make this work. So no, you're a talentless, worthless hack.
>  go away.
>  Be a Narcissist in your own 4 walls.
>  ill be with you in a moment
> ~eukara 

< starsomething> ill be with you in a moment
>  Glad your mad I used your algo :)
>  pound that sand boy!
>  it just proves you have

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When I think of flash games, I have a few in mind like Machinarium that due to their dependence on Flash will most likely die with it.

Gnash gave us reason to hope but when large companies gave up on Flash, so did GNU. Then Lightspark looked to be the great hope but 12 years on now and it still can't play most basic games.
Last year, members of Newgrounds spoke of creating a flash player for games and I honestly didn't expect anything to come of it because many have tried and gotten nowhere but, their progress is going surprisingly fast.

Check it out. They plan on full support of flash games by next year. We shall see.
The site, Newgrounds, has begun implementing the emulator in WebAssembly so you can play the games there, no Flash required.

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Well squeeze me grapes. I was digging around for new games for the new year and came across this:

Shockolate is a cross platform source port of System Shock, using SDL2. This runs well on OSX, Linux, and Windows right now, with some missing features that need reviving due to not being included in the source code that was released.

Wow, I actually didn't think it would come that quick. The dev is working hard and getting shit done.

Just me posting, only me gonna care.

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I'm doing a little research into this. It's based upon EDuke32, which is GPL, so I'm looking for source because apparently the engine has been 'tweaked' for the release. Still not sure if those tweaks are now standard EDuke32 or if it has its' own release tree.

In other news, it's likely to push better networking support for eduke32 which is a little unstable atm.

The lead role is a woman, which is kind of expected in 'current year.' However, it's a pretty solid game, not just a sloppy agenda push. I think we can also expect a 'bikini' patch of some kind in the future, like in the tomb raider days.
The new Polymer renderer runs like absolute dogshit on my r9 270x, 3.8ghz, 16gb ddr3 rig. I ran it with GLXOSD and my graphics card isn't being pushed AT ALL, it's 2fps with zero temp increase in gpu or cpu. I wonder if this might be a driver problem? Or maybe polymer uses some newer cpu instructions for shadows?

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So STK finally went 1.0 and has brought some really solid multiplayer!

The networking implementation has been a very big and ambitious task, which took even longer than the port from PLIB (anyone remember that?) to Irrlicht in 2010, which took around 14 months. But it is done: more than 20,000 lines of network related code and 18 months later, we have reached our goal, and online play is a reality. Across the whole game, more than 2500 commits and 300 resolved issues separate the 1.0 release from 0.9.3.

So get fucking playing already!

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It's a week old news, but gzdoom officially went GPL.

This is a major fucking game changer. It means Zandronum being under a GPL compatible license can can be used to play GZDoom. http://zandronum.com/
For the free culture enthusiast you could even use freedoom and the libre licensed mods.

On 2nd thought well fug it, continue anyway with dat sprites and I will add it. 

New test version 1.4.0 Test7, same link as before
-Added some new particle effects
-Hitler Gas projectiles is changed
-All Chaingun like weapons accuracy got buffed
-Hitler chaingun does 8 damage now instead of 5
-Hitler flamethrower behavior is changed a bit
Sorry for the weirdly formatted changlog this time I will correct it on the next version. 

But Skullcrap always used some code for GZDoom? Also I am wondering if Graf is ever going to bother adding additional shading stuff for Models since they dont right now.

> But Skullcrap always used some code for GZDoom?
No sorry, I got a little excited/carried away when I saw the news. For a start, it "could", not "can" but they have their own code base so it's not as easy as I thought.

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Thrive is a free, open-source game about the evolution of life.

From the lowly tidepools of your home planet, you will rise to cosmic dominance. At every step, powerful creation tools and deep simulation mechanics will aid your species’ development. Revolutionary Games is the open-source team of dedicated volunteers aiming to make Thrive a reality.

Our team seeks to accomplish two major goals: create engaging, compelling gameplay that respects our players’ intelligence, and remain as accurate as possible in our depiction of known scientific theory without compromising the former.


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"Spearmint, an enhanced version of the open-source ioquake3 engine in turn derived from the id Tech 3 source code, will see the big "1.0" milestone in October. But that will also coincide with the developer and ioquake3 maintainer ceasing work on this engine now with an eighteen year lineage.

Next month will be 10 years that developer Zack Middleton has been involved with the open-source Quake 3 engine scene and one of the maintainers of ioquake3. Over this time he's worked on the Spearmint engine along with various other engine mods and games. He was also the developer behind the ioquake3-powered turtle fighting game."

I'm most excited by the improved AI.

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