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Zdoom/Gzdoom mod compliant GPL engine:

1:1 improved asset replacement, mod compliant:


Anyone know how to get sikkmod working in Linux?

I can't figure out how to compile the source. It's provided with the sikkmod download but there are no instructions and it's just a bunch of .h and .cpp files, I assume to be compiled with visual studio. I read people saying they compiled it and it was easy but without details.

This uses the RBDoom3-BFG engine, so get that.
Extract the "@UltimateHD" folder and place it next to your "base" folder.
Use: "rbdoom3bfg +set fs_resourceLoadPriority 0 +set fs_game @UltimateHD +set r_lightscale 1 +set r_overbright 1" to launch the game. This should lower the brightness which can also be adjusted in game settings menu. Set the fov in game settings menu, at 1920x1080 an fov of 100 works well. Soft shadows and AA can also be set.

Total Chaos wad - amazing graphics!

Trump Doom wad

I had to post this. Some 8chan anon has made a moon man doom2 mod. It's clear a lot of thought and work went into this.


Could you please elaborate a bit more how freedoom causes issues with moonman mod? Like if there is some sort of graphical glitch appearing which only the fatso should cause that since it is the only enemy that is a translation instead of an actual sprite.

Or at the very least tell me how you bumped into the error so I can see it myself.

thumbnail of Moon1.png
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Moon1 png
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thumbnail of Moon4.png
Moon4 png
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Well, this is using gzdoom.
Download freedoom

Rename from freedm.wad to doom.wad and place in ~/.config/gzdoom/

edit zdoom.ini to load the moonman files plus optional map before, I used pol.wad for these screenshots

Shots 2 and 4 show the only graphical glitches I see. However the real problem seems to be with audio. Shots 1 and 3 shows the two characters where it is most obvious, the correct audio plays but also the standard audio too.
Sorry I couldn't be more thorough.

Alright thanks for the report.
That is due to MoonMan mod uses a lot of resources from pol.wad and either it is because due to file conflict or because of the actor name I didn't checked exactly whats the cause. However the sound issue should be fixed if pol.wad is loaded last and not first in the loading order, if that will fuck up the map or not I don't know since I did not played it at all in either loading mode (map01).

So it should look like that:

So try playing with that loading order and see if the same error is happening or something like that, the Fatso graphic glitch will still persist however because there is no new sprites at all for this creature and I don't know from where I should get a new one. I could remove the translation effect which should fix the Freedoom Fatso sprite but also in turn will give the DoomX.wad Fatso sprite a regular palette color as it is. 

For the ZyklonBFG graphic glitch I did not encountered it at all so either it is a map issues or something due to your settings. I used GZDoom 2.4.0 64-bit (2017-03-09) version in OpenGL mode, so try updating the GZDoom version to the newest one from here: https://gzdoom.drdteam.org/page.php?page=download

Loading the wad after the assets unfortunately means the wad assets get used for some of the characters. However it does solve the sound issue. I also just checked using the scythe wad and there are no sound issues, so it seems it was just the pol wad. It was the first wad I tried and made the assumption it was because of freedoom due to the fatso sprite issue.

> I don't know from where I should get a new one.
Just out of curiosity, are you the anon that made the mod or just an interested modder?

The ZyklonBFG glitch only lasts a few seconds, to be fair it's probably got something to do with my radeon which shits up graphics pretty hard sometimes. The fact it doesn't last would indicate that rather than an issue with the graphic itself, something I should have mentioned.

> Loading the wad after the assets unfortunately means the wad assets get used for some of the characters. However it does solve the sound issue.
Hmm so there is still issues with that good I will take a look at it later and see what kind of fixes I can make. The new Moonman 1.4.0 mod version will feature a few more stuff, like a few more weapon and items sprites, some balance changes and I will look if I can get a new fitting sprite for the Fatso/Sheboon before releasing it so that in Freedoom it won't look "weird". 

> Just out of curiosity, are you the anon that made the mod or just an interested modder?
Well the Moonman mod was actually made by a collaboration of several other anons during its peak but now nobody else maintains it so far I know, so I decided to maintain it for a while since my friend had a sudden interest in that mod. And I have been modding for Skullcrap with own my project for a while too. 

> The ZyklonBFG glitch only lasts a few seconds, to be fair it's probably got something to do with my radeon which shits up graphics pretty hard sometimes. 
Interesting so it is still possible playing GZDoom with the Radeon graphics considering that Graf gives me the impression that he doesn't give much crap about AMD users, through his decision won't affect me much since I have been using Nvidia graphic card all the time, in the other hand Nvidia has it's own flaws like no decent FOSS driver for Linux/Unix system in general and they were making some shady stuff relative recently something with their drivers program or so.

thumbnail of POLMERCHANT.zip
thumbnail of POLMERCHANT.zip
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That would be great if you could. Also, just a personal opinion, the flying polmerchant needed a little cleaning so I went ahead and altered the sprites a little. Don't know why but this really fucks it up when I add them into the pk3. Don't know if there is anything you can do with them but here they are if you want them.

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That's nice, I'm glad it meets approval. Thanks for the contrib note too.

I had a thought about the sheboon that made me laugh, what if we made a sprite out of that female ghost busters actress.
I'd be happy to play around with the sprite if you like the idea.

Hmm both looks good enough, for now I will accept it if one of those fatso/sheboon sprite face got replaced with her face which is better than nothing. On my own I could try making a new sheboon sprite via model but it might take a while for me to do it since organic modelling is something I very rarely do and of course I will use your head sprite as a texture.

hmmmm I am not very sure about this. For now I added for the fatso an actual recolored sprite which might change again in the future. 
Have this current test version also: https://mega.nz/#F!AFUBAYqS!vbipx7ds6IY_CHdQn4eOPQ          
I changed the way how Moonman creatures get spawned which is all based by RandomSpawner instead of a mix of RandomSpawner and the creatures directly and gave them unique names, I changed only some minor stuff on the other monsters and I tested all of those with the pol2.wad loaded first, none of Moonman's creature should cause any additional issues when it is used with pol2.wad I hope. For the pol2.wad itself I didn't tested much.

> pol2.wad
Is that a different mod to  >>/32/ this pol.wad? Because this one completely fucks up.

Apart from that, it runs great on all the other wads I tested using freedoom. Really excellent work. And thank you for adding the fatso sprite.

> Is that a different mod to  >>/32/ this pol.wad? Because this one completely fucks up.
Hmm I couldn't even move past the first stage on pol2.wad because the shreks keeps completely annihilating me so I gave up I didn't made any further testing apart from checking how Moonman mod creature behaves with the pol2.wad. I got it from here: https://archive.org/details/Doom_Pol2 

> Apart from that, it runs great on all the other wads I tested using freedoom. Really excellent work. And thank you for adding the fatso sprite.
Yeah no problem. I played myself several other maps today with the Moonman and freedoom iwad and I couldn't find any major issues which is a given since the freedoom wad only contains non script related asset but that is the same case for the doomX wads

You know I still don't know the difference between pol and pol2. Either way it's the same effect. I don't think it really matters anyway, it's just one wad. It would probably be easier to just release a pol3 wad compatible with the moonman pk3. In fact, I think it would be cool to include a few levels before that of a metropolitan theme and some basic storyline, something about the NAACP. Not saying you should do that, just that it would be cool. I'd say I would, but I've never modded before so I might give it a try but no promises.

> I couldn't even move past the first stage on pol2.wad because the shreks keeps completely annihilating me
Yeah, it's not supposed to be shreks there so I don't know why that happens. It's literally impossible to get past the beginning without god mode because the shreks are too tough to kill, I think it's like 4 shotgun blasts per shrek.

> You know I still don't know the difference between pol and pol2. Either way it's the same effect. I don't think it really matters anyway, it's just one wad.
The pol2.wad has some few more sounds file but if they were actually used I don't know. 
> It would probably be easier to just release a pol3 wad compatible with the moonman pk3.
If I am ever going to do that I might as well do some minor changes like at the start for example so that it is not absurdly hard. For any additional levels hmm I need to think about it at least Slade has some map editing function since it is for me very hard to get GZDoom Builder working correctly in wine. muh 3d sectors, slade doesn't support it at all ;_; at least it does support sloped stuff so I can make some terrains I guess. 
> and some basic storyline, something about the NAACP. 
Like the player is a member of the NAACP who is tasked to shut down a ebvul notzi rally? I recall the player was supposed to be some sort of a shill, I dunno which type though and NAACP is probably too old for that since it doesn't exist anymore afaik but there is still the ADL and the SPLC organizations.

thumbnail of metropolitan_breach.wad.zip
thumbnail of metropolitan_breach.wad.zip
metropolit... zip
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I only say that because of that line that plays, "you bitch ass nigga, me and my dindus are gonna make you join the NAACP" at the end.

Are you the anon that made the metropolitan breach? If I recall, it was originally intended to be in the moonman mod.

Yeah, slade is the only real choice. Doom builder also apparently runs well in wine. Neither have the 3d display stuff though. I haven't edited levels so I don't know how much of an advantage that is.

It's a week old news, but gzdoom officially went GPL.

This is a major fucking game changer. It means Zandronum being under a GPL compatible license can can be used to play GZDoom. http://zandronum.com/
For the free culture enthusiast you could even use freedoom and the libre licensed mods.

On 2nd thought well fug it, continue anyway with dat sprites and I will add it. 

New test version 1.4.0 Test7, same link as before
-Added some new particle effects
-Hitler Gas projectiles is changed
-All Chaingun like weapons accuracy got buffed
-Hitler chaingun does 8 damage now instead of 5
-Hitler flamethrower behavior is changed a bit
Sorry for the weirdly formatted changlog this time I will correct it on the next version. 

But Skullcrap always used some code for GZDoom? Also I am wondering if Graf is ever going to bother adding additional shading stuff for Models since they dont right now.

> But Skullcrap always used some code for GZDoom?
No sorry, I got a little excited/carried away when I saw the news. For a start, it "could", not "can" but they have their own code base so it's not as easy as I thought.

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