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Just tried to watch Macross 7...

The first episode turned me off from the series to be honest. This absurd obsession of Nekki's to fight the Ayylmaos with music seems retarded. Do they ever break his retarded pacifistic concepts about war?

The original Macross showed us that war can be bloody as shit, no matter how short lived it is or the reasons behind the resolution.
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In GitS?  So you want women to be like bridge bunnies, which yeah I agree is all they should do, but in which GitS do you say isn't gynocentric?

All the post-shiro GitS have been really women in charge because the major isn't how she was in the manga, which was a 80s sex symbol mixed with campy rambo, but more like a navy seal femdom dyke.

I think post and pre Shiro Gits reps women well. In pre only women who abandon their humanity and femininity can keep up with men. Same goes for post despite the female prime minister who is useless without Section 9 backing her up.

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Allow me to pontificate for a moment as it is I who have a profane level of autismal understanding for los anime.

To begin there is no pre-shiro.  Shiro Masasmune penned and wrote the Ghost in the Shell manga as well as Black Magic, Appleseed, Dominion (Tank Police), and to a much lesser extent Pandora in the Crimson Shell.  There is no pre-shiro it is shiro and all that came after(post-shiro) are his franchises that are abused to be tryhard super serious futuristic military IPs.  To the best of my knowledge only Dominion (Tank Police) and Black Magic are close to the manga. 

Also, feminism as it stands today is 3rd wave feminism. 3rd wave feminism started in the mid to late 1st decade of the 21st century when the progressive push started to be made.  GitS being written in 1991 was in the period of 2nd wave feminism.  Allow me to tell you why this is important. 

1st Wave Feminism - Started in the 1890s and sought to give women land owning rights as well as voting rights, and had influencial women often meet to discuss social events.

2nd Wave Femnism- Started in the mid 1960s and sought to free women from their roles as stale mother figures to let loose their sexuality upon the world.  "Their sexuality" being lose leggedness and flirtatious women to women scissor sessions. 

3rd Wave Feiminism- Started in 2006 and is a program to eliminate men from having reproductive rights and remove them from places of employ that are traditionally male and well paying.  It's bigoted and wrought with man hating cunts trapped in a pyramid scheme who are allowed to be sexist because we're in a huge progressive pull right now. 

Ghost in the Shell, being written in 1991, dealted very much with feminism because Kasanagi was a fucking whore.  

So GitS is loaded with feminism.  It's cucked because nomatter what time period the franchise is looked at it has a woman in it that is either sexually free or being a bulldyke who is doing everything for men and being better than men. 

btw, if you didn't know, shiro does stuff like pic related now

What I mean by pre shiro is before he became the porn obsessed, bad photo shop making, cg abusing, black cock obsessed, maniac we know today. In GitS we see him slowly, denegrating to the absolute madman we see today harder than in any other work.

And no, I think you're way off the mark. Kusanagi's character is not about promoting female independence. It's quite the opposite, it's her abandoning her femininity in the name of her job so hard she's literally no longer human. 

In the manga she's just some sex crazed cyborg who's obsessed with combat and slight web surfing. The anime takes this a notch even further by stripping away her sexuality. They have her treat sex so non-chalantly she even offers her cyborg pussy to some random kid in the war torn slums. 

It comes to the point that all she can do is tease Batou, and be awkward and can only genuinely get her puss wet over Kuze. So no GitS is not as feminized as you would think. Whether it was intentional or not can definitely affect the way you percieve the series however, I'll grant you that.

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That's a gigantic car, what use is a car that gigantic? As if a giant humanoid mecha whose total body length is nearly 3 Modern Battle Tanks long wasn't retarded enough. Hell one of these puppies with its railgun, or nuke armament is more than enough to take out like maybe 4 of them.

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Fuck I'm so scatterbrained today...

His VA was really a dumbass for obsessing over Mari Iijima. I mean yeah she was a beautiful woman, and even know hasn't aged poorly... But come on, he was a seiyuu! Aren't seiyuu jobs really well payed over there?

He could have landed shitloads of other qts in the biz or outside of it.

If you wanna get technical about it, the old lady bit comes from the gap in perceived maturity between her and Hikaru, seeing as she works a high-profile job and he's some punk kid in a fighter plane.

As for why she stuck with him, consider the following: by the end, who did she have to choose that wasn't 
already banging someone 
or dead?

Well Hikaru moves up the ranks though, specially thanks to Focker's death...

All things considered though, I guess it goes to show just how strong of a woman Misa is. In the face of Armageddon she does not act like a strong independnut womyn who don't need no man. She buckles up and does her duty for mankind, plus throughout the series she really did help out Hikaru on maturing too I guess. 

Off tangent here, but Misa just reminded me of another strong, but non-cunt woman, Chidori Kamane. I'm really looking forward to the new Full Metal Panic. Even though I know it's probably going to be CGI bullshit.

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