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Anime Robots, Power Armor and Spandex

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I never said put a flamethrower in the crotch either.

quick blog: I googled 'burning robot' to try to get some image of a zaku or something on fire but it was all Burning Man pictures with those slutty degenerates.

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I tried doing the Gundam kit thing and if you're not one to paint they come out nicer the more you spend on the kit.  There is a big difference between master grade and the general purpose kits.

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Some of my favorite designs come from Studio Nue.  It's a crying shame that only Kawamori is really associated with them in name anymore.  I'll have you know that back in the day the gentleman behind dirty pair and a few other artists were in this awesome design studio.  Wiki says it's  Naoyuki Kato, Kenichi Matsuzaki, Kazutaka Miyatake, and Haruka Takachiho were included in it back in the day. 

I'll post a few designs they did that I like and leave it up to you to represent your favorite designs. Not including this one of course.
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Gotta love these Battletech looking things. It kinda looks like it could be in Orguss even, but I doubt they could make a toy with this amount of detail in the 80s so it was never included.

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