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You can send turns by email. Here I Stand was playtested this way and they described this in the manual. Carcassonne is easy to play this way. Some board games would be hard to play like this.
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Some complex games are not indented to be played at the same time at all because it would be too boring for one player to make many moves while others watch.
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My local friend is closing the minecraft server down today, we just haven't been into playing it lately, Bizzy stopped playing after the bee incident and you're not on that often..
But we backed up the map so we could potentially play it again later
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Daggett bursts in, furious. Stryver tries to placate him.

DAGGETT: What the hell did I just drink, this is what passes for Champagne?!

STRYVER: Do you know like the best French Champagne it's vintage -           

DAGGETT: Clearly the "vintage" is shit, regardless of the date! Where's Baneson

STRYVER: We told him it was urgent -

DAGGETT: Then where is the fat bas -

BANESON WELLES (O.S.): MwwwAaaAAahhh… sssccchhpeak of the devil… 

Daggett turns. Baneson is already there.

BANESON WELLES: and he… has always been celebrated… for his excellence.

DAGGETT: What the hell's going on? Are you still drunk?

BANESON WELLES:The commersshhcial… is proceeding as expected.

DAGGETT: You see anyone drinking this pig swill?! (Moves towards Welles.) Your 
cheap marketing trick about "French" "champagne" won't work, my friend. And now
 you've got marketing team working non-stop to try and splice your drunk rambli
ngs into a coherent advertisement. How's that supposed to help my company sell 

BANESON WELLES: ‘’(TO STRYVER)’’ Leave usssch.                       

DAGGETT: You stay right there! Or I'm going to distribute wine from the actual 
province of Champagne, France, not your knock-off brand! 

Baneson places a hand that resembles a ham filled with cheap liquor on Daggett'
s shoulder.

BANESON WELLES: Do you feel… in Champagne?

Daggett is taken aback. Stryver leaves.   

DAGGETT: What did you mean by this? I've paid you a small fortune to -

BANESON WELLES: And that gives sobriety to me?                         

Daggett considers the bulging torso looming over him unsteadily. Nervous.

DAGGETT: What is this?

BANESON WELLES: Your money and infrastructure have been important. Till now.

DAGGETT: What are you?                        

BANESON WELLES Masson's reckoning. I wasn't born in France, but I'm payrolled by a man who was, Paul Masson, we will execute no man before his time.                      

 Baneson gently takes the terrified Daggett's head in his hands…

DAGGETT: You are true evil…

BANESON WELLES: For you… wait… I am necesssshary evil.

Welles' heavy hands again rest on Daggett's shoulders, for a moment Welles stares into the distance as his hefty girth oscillates under the influence of what must

have been a substantial pool of wine, Daggett is struggling under the effort of balancing the gargantuan alcoholic before him

DAGGETT: So… you aren’t going to hurt me?

‘'Welles looks at Stryver, his back visible in the doorway’''

BANESON WELLES: He doesn't do anything?

STRYVER:No, action Baneson, please.

BANESON WELLES: Ahh, of course…

Will Miku play Here I Stand with us?
It's the TDKR script with /tv/ edits.
Assuming everyone who is interested plays, that's Akane, Yellow, Gumi, Miku, and Bizzy. Last I head from Luka she was busy.
100% Orange Juice is free on Steam until the 30th along with other Fruitbat developer games.
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Last week we ran a skeleton crew. We closed this week because all of our customers are closed and maybe for a few weeks. 

The Governor just gave the stay at home order for 30 days starting Monday but I'm not sure how that'll effect my job yet. So it's a lot of wait and see right now.
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True, at least here they temporally upped unemployment benefits. So I won't lose any money now but it'll hurt at tax time next year.  

I'm going try drawing a little. See you later. :heart:
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I watched a stream of game demos recently and saw one which had a pretty nifty water surface so I thought of adding it to my game and have been working on replicating the effect, I think I've gotten something pretty similar now that may work
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Then I suppose you don't know Akane used to be a Miku.
I'm trying to gather people who are interested to post in Matrix. You can check out the Riot.im clients. Akane uses it to talk to Gold while at work. Lapis is also there and Meiko should be joining soon.
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It's supposed to be The One Network to collect them all. It has less data selling and more encryption. Akane can send you an invite to find her address there if you want.
Is Miku going to sleep?
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Are you getting bread from your fans?
Akane previously revealed her devious plan here  >>/11546/
The HIS rules are on the GMT Games' site. It's supposed to be played in 2, 3, or 6. Does Chimera want Akane's Matrix?
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Secret ending guide for the Yukari RPG
Akari ending (kamiga version): Meet her on the coast and start her quest to hunt 5 sharks, but do at least 20 before returning. when she asks why are you looking for the Bunny Ring, tell her you like bunnies. She will offer to join the party. You don't need to take her yet, but make sure you have her in the final battle.
Akari ending (remastered version): Meet her when she and Gawr announce the online duel and stay with her to watch the game. Make sure Gawr's fans don't touch her during the attack; make sure the traps are at least level 4 to guarantee you get them. The rest of her questline is easy. When you find out where the Bunny Ring is, come back and tell her about it. Make sure you did all the max health increasing missions and have full health. Let her knock you down with her hug and accept her offer to find another way to walk to bunnies with her.
Kiritan ending: Choose 1cc mode and pick the kiriknives as your starting weapon. Use them as your only weapon and never even buy another. To make this work, you'll want to put all the points into critical chance and upgrade them at Yufu to double the chance. You'll still fail a lot of missions (Akari losing to Gawr in the remaster is heartbreaking) but you will get to the final mission. Have Kiritan join you in the final mission.
Maki ending (remaster only): You have to get the Cool-Cute Meter all the way to cool within 3 days of starting the game and talk to Maki. Easiest way to do this is to do the highest paying quests first and buy the Jam Bando fumos. If you do this right Maki won't start her new Voiceroid series and will accept to join you. Keep her with you the entire game and take her Great Electric Fire ability but don't use it. Make sure to start the final mission while it's raining and then use Great Electric Fire.
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I'm okay with leaving 8kun since it's given you and others problems. Although I have a problem with the attic not loading thumnails in the threads and index for some reason.
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Well the linux client doesn't support the personal function either. Yeah, that's my opinion too but I did not find it anywhere. I mean skype had it, doesn't Microsoft own skype?

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