/mlp/ - Eastern Personal Small Horse

Ponies ponies everywhere

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Welcome to /mlp/! The board for those eastern small horses that we all are found of. It is currently under >>/pone/'s control and is under martial law (meaning that it is the rule of the mod will alone). This board will probably not feature much content and be used on a experimental basis. If a more formal roll is defined this will be updated. In the meantime post pone on >>/pone/ as it is the main hub of discussion for the the fandom here.

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Happy 300th GET to this once abandoned board that now is a small testbed of sorts. Maybe it'll be used properly by /endpone/ someday, maybe it'll find it's own small group of users who make their own board and it's own culture. Maybe it'll languish in the background and be nothing  Though I note, this board was used for one important thing once!  Regardless, to whomever may read this one day. God bless you and have a wonderful... some passage of time.

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"Alone, you're not an anon, but some random user trying to pretend to be one."

"...and that is okay." 

"The paradigm though, has to be different."

"You have to take things slower and adjust your postings to the inevitability of a personal context that will arise between whatever stragglers gather."

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not to mention the furrys who claim to be bronys, the new generation and especially Zipp, makes me fear an increase of lgbt identifying mlp as an axis of their cause of degenerates without father figures. 

How did we go from manes 6 fighting for the glory and hegemony of equestria and the pony species to simply promoting degeneracy.

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Przewalski's Ponies have both hard and soft traditional rock. Not bad, not easily put into a box by American genres. But they're Ruskis so that's okay.

Lastly, have some recent Wasteland Wailers, providing some country for the blasted countryside after the megaspells went off.

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> Przewalski's Ponies have both hard and soft traditional rock. Not bad, not easily put into a box by American genres.
I think that you have  those genre tags correct. Considering the 4th song that  >>/195/ has pointed out, it blends soft rock (pop structure) with a few hints of 70s prog rock so while not all that precise, i think that most people can get an idea out of those two tags. It was released in 2018:


The two tags I have mentioned only apply to the first song of this release though because the other two deliver a country sound.

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Well, looking at the cover art, you would imagine that one would be going for an acid trip...

the title is misleading but definitely you get very close vibes to what you see in the cover. I thought beforehand that the cover would look unsettling for such theme but turns out that it matches with what you have posted over here...

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> the title is misleading
I see that now. 

> I thought beforehand that the cover would look unsettling for such theme but turns out that it matches with what you have posted over here...
i think i was more successful with the cover than the name, i will that better next time

Thanks A LOT for the feedback.

Howdy. Didn't see this here. 
> Im trying to make my art and my music with a mlp aesthetics, or something like that, what do you think?
> Fluttersz - Angel Is Learning How To Play The Xylophone
This one is pretty good. Though, forgive me, I can't fully make out what is being said, and the voice sounds a little coarse on the ears. 

> Ooohhh Yeah
Same problem with the voice. Coarse to hear, not smooth, and perhaps a little loopish. 

> Ey Ey Ey
This is your strongest one. This one is out there and spacey from the others but I think you pulled it off the best.

Disclaimer: all this comes from someone who doesn't have much of a clue on music. Just giving an opinion. 

How did you come all the way to these parts anyway?

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