Hello /mu/sicians,
Just letting you guys know I will be stepping down as BO. I have made /mu/ to what I needed it to be and I am basically satisfied in what I set out to do. I really enjoyed the building of the community and steering it towards a good place for discussion of music. Some of you guys may have felt I tripped up sometimes and some of those times I may have or in my opinion I would have felt the right thing to do. Either way I enjoyed the experience of being BO of endchan's /mu/.
I will be transferring ownership to odilitime so you can feel a sense of relief that the board is not going to be ruined by an unknown BO. The transfer will take place 24 hours from the time this post is submitted. You can always contact me at wezharp@mail.com if you felt like shooting the shit.
God speed /mu/sicians, keep on jamming.
== Welcome to /mu/ ==
Sorry for the delay in the care of the board. I figured /k/ would be more populous due to the large influx of /pol/ anons who also browse /k/.
You can know me as Wez and I will be looking after /mu/. My email is wezharp@mail.com if you need to contact me for any reason.
== Banners ==
Due to "finitechan" no longer cycling board specific banners, I can't get my hands on the old /mu/ banners like I did with /k/ which is the reason for lack of a banner. I would like to ask you guys to submit any banners you want. The max size of the file for a banner is 200kb and I'd prefer banners to be sized to 300x100 but it's not a limit. GIFs don't work due to them exceeding 200kb. Lets make this place snazzy guys.
**** Edit ****
A good while ago, finitechan re-enabled board specific banner cycling. I was able to grab a few banners from finitechan's /mu/. I am still taking banners for this board so get your Club Mate ordered online for clandestine raves no one has heard about and GIMP fired up.
== Suggestions ==
If you have any suggestions for the board, drop them below. I will be monitoring both boards so I will be prompt.
Thanks /mu/.
Is this some sort of depopulation agenda? Answer me people, who aren't psyopped by the globalist ideologies.
So, I'm an aspiring musician from Poland (rock and metal) and I hate seeing this state of the world, where machines make more money or machines infringe the copyright, isntead of people (frankly I'm even advocating the abolishment of copyright for this reason).
opinion on noise edm?? take kfc murder chicks for example.
i guess its mexicans, they make plug and they fire specially the visualizers, if u wanna see a little bit i put the lynk here https://youtube.com/watch?v=yen619pCOwA
hello guys, i'm always looking for new music to listen to. i listen to mostly pop singers like taylor swift and sabrina carpenter. but what else is out there? i've looked for new music myself but it all seems kind of hard to get into. thanks for helping
The Blue Club
Share your Ear sex archive and make requests
To share is to care
Current jam: https://youtu.be/8K8xwVwMclE?si=W0-GuPOlIqrj94yO
Uplink hacking simulator soundtrack.
Where can I find good choir/religious music at?
This guy makes awesome 8-bit stuff.
Way underrated.
Give him some love!
Could you recommend me slow, dark, dub trip hop or illbient, something like early Scorn albums or projects by Eraldo Bernocchi?
Here is a short list of Trip Hop/Illbient gems from me:
we have active vcs where we sit muted, suffering and co-miserating to our favorite rot music.
are you tired of living? want to complain? have you given up all hope? are you looking for a place to express all of your deepest most revolting secrets? join the tower. the tower exists purely as a place for all twists to come out in the open, a shadow pocket for everything truely heartfelt to be sunk into. blood poets, suffering seers, widowed heartaches , unrequited love
the tower only sinks the knife deeper, sigh
Oh, he's gonna report me. I'm so scared.
You like Dead by Daylight? Their early work was belittle noob saves as a waist. But when Portrait of a Murder came out November 2021, I think they really gamed into their zone, eternally and realistically. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance causes clear, crisp screams of survivors causing them to be downed, and delightful fleeing compensates dealing with intersectional feminism that really causes Dead by Daylight to seduce. Victims aren't always scared let me dispel this fellows, but I think the survivors have far more Twitter morals like a tumor. In October 2017, Devs released this: Nightmare!, the most demolished victims. I think their best polluted killer is "Nemesis". A murderer so catchy, most survivors probably don't position away when he rips. But they should, because it's not just about pressuring minorities and the performance of friends. It's also reversing for blatant finesse see for yourself. No gun, no mall! Put on a mask and save Anglos like you have foresight, you fuckin stupid bastards!
computers can do many varieties of paintings. for instance, computers can helps us do maths issues speedy. some issues are too difficult for us to work them out, however computer systems can. a scientist can ask computers a few questions, and the computers can answer at the screen.at present, to satisfy the desires of various exams, the technique of memorizing robotically remains modern-day and the habit of bookish take a look at remains famous within the direction of education.students generally tend to take it for granted that the all the facts discovered by way of books.if we fully agree with what books say,we may get the incorrect or one-sided information.what is greater,the idea in books isn't usually appropriate for the real situation.it is able to result in unnecessary trouble to us with being analyzed.it is very vital for us to expand our potential too suppose independently, rather than blindly accepting everything in books. the maximum compelling reason for such an endeavor is to alternate a deep-entrenched misconception commonplace among university college students. maximum universities offer water and power without cost, misleading college students into believing that such assets are countless and inexhaustible. we should understand that, currently, many components of our tormented by unprecedente drought and energy shortage. we need to show due situation for the welfare of people in the ones places by refusing to be selfish in satisfying our very own needs. as responsible citizens of our society, we've the responsibility to recycle anything we can lay fingers or. the small efforts by using a single man or woman may additionally make a massive distinction.
SONY Hip Hop Artist w/ Unique Lyrics & Videos about Conspiracy Theories, DB Cooper, his Life in Foster Care & Bob Hope!
Watch & Subscribe
⤵️HERE ⤵️
hey /mu/, i recently compiled some of the tracks i made over the last few months into a mixtape. hope you enjoy it
What's the name of the song?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R47WJztey1w
GREAT GOONAN PODCAST #27 - Charley Sabatino
The Bassist and Music Teacher does a deep dive into All That Jazz - Diz, Miles, Bird, Ornette Coleman- Politics of Jazz, being a Metalhead, the Bass, and Naturally, I wow on my Kazoo!
⤵️Watch HERE⤵️
Just a thread to spam various Russian and Soviet music, because I've been exploring that lately and why not? Board is ded
> Also site is giving a ton of errors today, it's about 8chan tier right now, hope it goes through this time
Anything is worth trying once
I'm starting an 80's goth/punk band and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me https://soundcloud.com/lilac-fatale/dead-love
Finally mashed up the cool Japanese waitress video that Youtube loves to push
Post anything that falls into the description, regardless of subgenre.
Hey lads, I've been wanting to learn how to play the accordion for a long time, and now I have money and I'm going to buy one, the thing is that I have no criterion about it and idk what to buy, I would appreciate some info about it.
Best song: Invaders Must Die
Prove me wrong.
Recc me IDM or anything that sounds like Gridlock - Formless
shits so good
help anyone pls cover this song if anyone knows
i mean, if you are the pianist how do you go about covering this song? what do you decidedly do to follow the music and create elements of it to make it as vibrant
Simple request, I have trouble comprehending the aesthetic.
Anons Im collecting German music.
Does anyone know this genre or more music like this?
Yo, real quick. I've been looking to listen to a type of music. Somber, electronic boops and beeps like
Something About Us - Daft Punk
He^rt - Starcadia
I'm Not In Love - 10cc
Nightcall - Kavinsky
even if you don't know any songs like these, heres some free sad, swingin songs. good shit.
lol flag because chan
Reccomend me some industrial songs or artists like Chu Ishikawa.
(Not cover bands like Der Eisenrost)
god this place is dead as fuck
boredoms thread now
this EP is super roots 6
yes, all the songs are in the right order
If anybody knows any compositions in A# Phrygian, please share them here.
Explain her fucking arms. NOW
I feel like video game Ear sex belongs more on /mu/ more than /v/ or /vvv/
4chan’s /mlp/ just made an album full of horse music
Here’s the Bandcamp link for free download (if you decide to pay, all money goes to the Autism Society of America) – https://mlpplays.bandcamp.com/album/no-fun-allowed
I know this is an absurd request but damn I love this song in the background
Where is there more like that?
People are being poisoned,burned,infected,plugged,numbed,brain tumors,aneurysms,impotence,blinded,damaged,aged,crippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,working,stress,soap,rubs,people,mouthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and food.
From the upcoming album "Binary Gospell LP"
would you listen to a CD with nothing but a woman humminggentky without instruments? I went to a Chinese restaurant with that on.
I'm about to throw a smashin' house party. What is the best music to play?
Get in here and share and/or talk about songs that have basslines you enjoy.
It doesn't need to be overly technical (although that's definitely cool too) or impressive in terms of Music Theory or anything like that. Enjoy the groove? Post it.
Here's one: Donny Hathaway's **This Christmas**. Donny wrote and played this bassline on keyboard for the album version, when played live it would have most likely been played by the masterful Chuck Rainey.
This version is a "playalong" by user "accentedpassingtone" from youtube.
If there was a 13th note, what would it sound like.
Any composerfags here? I am feeling nostalgic for the old Idlechan's music board, and am hoping to share some music I made.
This one is written for the SC-55 or simillarly based synths. Recorded with SC-55.sf2
Greetings /mu/sic-philes,
I have an honest question. First I preface.
As you guess, I'm a /pol/ack, but don't close the thread, I'll keep it musical, I was a fervent musician once.
In the first bar of nearly every song, you can immerdiatley tell what color the singer/ musician is, So I wonder something peculiar.
This subconciously effects the way we all listen to music, as music made by our own ethinic group sounds best to us, even this is true in rap, with eminem. [spoiler]rap is degenerate, tbh[/spoiler]
Do you ever question which race a song belongs to/is more appealing/ makereted to?
For instance, there is no question that """hip-hop** is artificial these days and used to brainwash blacks.
But there are plenty "grey" songs, such as jass tunes, sung by Ella fitzgerald, that were composed and accompanied by whites, sung by blacks, and appealed to both. In fact, the Jazz Age was the only time in human history where two totally foreign cultures converged and produced anything,
So my question is, How could this happen?
It is biologically 'difficult' for anyhing to appeal to widely different races. This is still seen today, while american blacks have notably different diets and other preferences
Moreso, "chinese food" in american restaurants is in fact americanized recipes from china, there are similar dispersons in sports as well as music.
While Blacks obviously prefer chants and drums under spoken verses, nobody knows what asians listen to and whites have their own genres.
But for a short moment in time, a free-form genre emerged, appealed to difference and was only defined by the fact that it was new (early rock was considered jazz).
The most signifigant example I can find of this is Miles Davis. While I do understand, that he had a portion European blood, as do most american blacks, it's still hard to imagine a 1920's northern town where the races were physically segregated, listening to the same bands, such as buddy rich and benny goodman, and later, duke ellington.
Anyway, thoughts and discussion are appreciated
> got an ear worm
> "wtf what's the name of this ear worm, again?"
> got rid of the ear worm
> "wtf how did that earworm go, again?"
Post info on songs that do that thing where they take this cheap shot at tugging your heartstrings, or something similar. Example is at 4:20 on the file.
Post some hot sticky jazz
I been digging the fuck out of pic related
people who play instruments thread
play your favorite song, call other peoples music shit
holy shit this is the besdt music ive ever seen
Post your most fedora-tippin'st metal.
I hear that the japanese are only good at imitating other countries' music. If that's true, there should be a non-japanese equivalent of any or all of these groups.
If you want more, I'll show you more, but in exchange, you have to tell me the non-jap equivalent.
Hey /mu/!
What's that song that's always in everything in the background when all that thing happens?!
In our cucked matriarchal society are there any songs that glorify brewing a man?
I don't get the joke. If the 90's were bad them 2000's were shit.
If you love old computer music from old home computers, this is something which makes you drool!
You can find tons of old computer music from C64, Amiga and recent demoscene. Sadly stuff is unsorted, so you have to look around and discover the pure brilliance of non commercial computer generated music.
Does any of you know this track?
I heard from a video on youtube:
But I can`t remember where is it from.
It's all generic pop. This one is from a K-drama about a strong woman that just finished.
As the subject line suggests, any form of rock that makes you get really introspective. King crimson, pink floyd etc.
How big is your folder /mu/?
That Yankee Music 'Yall be listen to be shit
Viking age music thread here.
Post music from or related to Vikings and/or the Viking age.
Most preferably from the Viking age.
Like this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=f7RrcDPHEvE&ab_channel=Vikingskog
Stop being plebs and post some goddamned classical stuff.
We're going to start with a particularly lovely interpretation of Debussy's Preludes:
I have found the guitar tabs for "Taisho a" (対象 a) http://www.ufret.jp/song.php?data=20567
Yeah you can find more anime songs by doing searches in Japanese for their "tabu."
Illuminati a secret society does exist! ILLUMINATI...
Just listened to mike oldfields new album return to ommadawn It was shit and nothing like the original ommadawn IMO so was the title it was misleading
Here's my top 3 genres:
> Folk (I dislike english folk tho)
> Ambient
> Orchestral
im a weebshit and only download weab music and I need help breaking away from japanese music.
> inb4 muh chart music
I listen to a few albums from those charts and they all (normally) sound like shit. I also dislike lyrics. I don't mind chanting though.
Why did you guys disabled the only two commonly used free audio codecs? Fuck, this is stupid. Webm archives don't work too.
Also, word filters are cancer.
Hey guys, my friends and I recently completed our first project and we're projecting for a limited vinyl release in Europe very soon
If you're into microhouse/deep house I think you might enjoy our shit
Sorry for the viral marketing but I find that the least intrusive and most successful VM are the straightforward and shameless attempts at it lol
If you enjoy it please share/repost and whatnot
Post in this thread if you wish to find any elusive music of unknown origin stuck inside your ears.
Give any and all clues you may come up with and try to be as detailed as possible to help the search.
Remember to help others.
ITT: Albums that you listen to ironically and yet genuinely enjoy.
[spoiler]Only power metal can do this to me.[/spoiler]
What the title says. Post your best covers.
== Gary Moore violin and cello cover ==
> pic unrelated
> download album in MP3 320k
> has iTunes style date
So I know it's kind of weird but I'm really into music designed to sound ancient. Anyone got any recs? So far all I know of are pics related.
You faggots need to listen to this. NOW DAMMIT!
> rock is somehow dead
Just face it we've been spoiled when it comes to music. About time for a 10/10 album though. I'll post the entire album itt.
Post here anything that is related to the sound and Ear sex of the rural, which includes tribesmen, farmers and hunters among many.
This can everything from a pastoral symphony to gamelan Ear sex.
Anyone listen to sound tracks from games, movies, etc?
What are some albums of Current Year + 1?
Post your favourite film scores.
Any Ear sex used in movies is valid.
Yes, you can post faggy stuff too, just don't overdo it.
Can anyone post Kanye's video for "Famous" please?
I really like this, mu. What else would I really like?
Post any music videos, no need for the official versions. Covers and live performance are acceptable.
Do keep it in film format, not mere static pictures.
Post songs with amazing titles.
Let's have a funeral thread
Do you know any synth pop bands that play exclusively what sounds like Castlevania remixes? I'm seriously hankering here.
In lieu of any, feel free to make a controlled curve from that starting point into off-topic territory, let's see where /mu/ takes this if delivers are not an option.
Hey fuckers, I want to (finally) learn keyboard/piano. I've been looking on buying a Yamaha P-45... any considerations? There's a better alternative for a digital piano on this range of price?
Any new wave, or similar 80's retro style fans in here?
What does /mu/ think of weird al?
Hey guys,
Everyone post what you listened to in 7th and 8th grade and tell if you still like it. This will be fun! I'll go first.
how do i become a patrician
Who likes 8 Bit music and chiptunes should take a look inside here:
Quite nice collections. Enjoy !
Just got around to picking this up. What did you all think?
You guys can check out my music here if you want I hope you do and like it. http://www.soundcloud.com/nightkrawlerx all is free for download
Post music that has potential to blow speakers.
> it's too generic
> it's too repetitive
> there isn't any progression
> the style/sound is similar to band(s) I've heard
blah blah blah
== BO EDIT ==
OP wants to discuss how "finicky" the /mu/ userbase is. If you want a discussion OP, at the very least put some effort into making the thread look nice instead of shitpost central.
Post your "dat ass" song. Can involve asses or whatever is your preferred organ.
I know this seems silly but other people here have to enjoy something like this. Share whatever ghetto
== BO Edit: I speak a little bit of ebonics. Thread about music worshiping the female form, preferably ghetto but other genres are welcome. FTFY ==
Post hardcore and metalcore Are they really different?
Give example pls
post metal songs that even come close to Deafheaven's Vertigo
protip: you can't
What do you guys think of parov stelar? I never see it mentioned anywhere.
Given that Google recommends states ambiguously that "(/ɔːˈtɛkər/ aw-TEK-ər). However, they have explained that the name can be pronounced in any way one sees fit." inferring that one must figure out how to interpret the symbols in order to find out how to say it out loud without an annoying interchange about "how it's supposed to be pronounced", can someone phonetically spell it for me in english?