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thumbnail of Tarnation4.jpg
thumbnail of Tarnation4.jpg
Tarnation4 jpg
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thumbnail of Vikings 1.jpg
Vikings 1 jpg
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cigar jpg
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music jpg
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fe777b7eb39b... jpg
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thumbnail of 220px-Mike_oldfield_ommadawn_album_cover.jpg
thumbnail of 220px-Mike_oldfield_ommadawn_album_cover.jpg
220px-Mike_oldfield_o... jpg
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thumbnail of 01. 境界線を巡るフェスタ.mp3
thumbnail of 01. 境界線を巡るフェスタ.mp3
01.... mp3
(18.37 MB, 0x0)
Here's my top 3 genres:
> Folk (I dislike english folk tho)

> Ambient

> Orchestral 

im a weebshit and only download weab music and I need help breaking away from japanese music. 
> inb4 muh chart music

I listen to a few albums from those charts and they all (normally) sound like shit. I also dislike lyrics. I don't mind chanting though.
39 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

thumbnail of m06.wav
thumbnail of m06.wav
m06 wav
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thumbnail of 12.mp3
thumbnail of 12.mp3
12 mp3
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thumbnail of 14 - Project Number 6.mp3
thumbnail of 14 - Project Number 6.mp3
14 -... mp3
(2.96 MB, 0x0)
Bumping a dead thread on a dead board. :^)
1. m06.wav is from visual novel called "Kikokugai"
2.12.mp3 is an artist called Kanoguti, album "ningen no usotsuki" or「人間の嘘つき」
3.Projcet Number 6.mp3 is made by artist Kanoguti from Album "Kanogutism" this is why I love his works, always something bizarre

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thumbnail of out.jpg
out jpg
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thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
07. 源屋... ogg
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thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
07. 源屋... ogg
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I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as lossless ogg, is in fact, ogg/FLAC, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ogg plus FLAC. Ogg is not an audio codec unto itself, but rather a container component of a fully functioning audio format made useful by the codecs it's compatible with.

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Hey guys, my friends and I recently completed our first project and we're projecting for a limited vinyl release in Europe very soon


If you're into microhouse/deep house I think you might enjoy our shit

Sorry for the viral marketing but I find that the least intrusive and most successful VM are the straightforward and shameless attempts at it lol

If you enjoy it please share/repost and whatnot

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