/mu/ - Music

Discussion of music.

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thumbnail of 01. 境界線を巡るフェスタ.mp3
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Here's my top 3 genres:
> Folk (I dislike english folk tho)

> Ambient

> Orchestral 

im a weebshit and only download weab music and I need help breaking away from japanese music. 
> inb4 muh chart music

I listen to a few albums from those charts and they all (normally) sound like shit. I also dislike lyrics. I don't mind chanting though.

I lecture people on Shitposting threads more specifically. Making useless threads ruins the board. Shitpost IN threads if you want. Plus it's a joke, relax anon. For guys who love to chill and listen to music a lot, you seem very uptight. Go check out the /mu/ essentials thread first while you are waiting for more of the userbase to reply.

> Folk
> ambient
> orchestral
You have trouble breaking away from weebshit because of the genres you like are locking you down. Start listening to TECHNICAL DEATH METAL.

thumbnail of 05. Library Rag.mp3
thumbnail of 05. Library Rag.mp3
05.... mp3
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I'm a regular /AM/ user too. Please don't get angry with me I like funposting too. I used to listen to those genres a lot when I was younger and I feel I've listened to it all... seriously though whenever I listen to those genres it bores the hell out of me.

I posted 80s wave music, happy hardcore, experimental, traditional Jap music from a video game, and a pop music in old Japanese with a bunch of old Japanese instruments.

You're shitposting is pathetic, go back to /AM/ where I'll bully your anus into shape.

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thumbnail of Koishi's Favorite.mp3
Koishi's... mp3
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> b-but muh hipster tendencies 
You're a shit eating hipster who can't see pure beauty when it smacks him in the face.
> What's next the Cowboy Bebop OST and Nujabes?
> straw manning this hard
Most anime openings suck ass. Elfen Lied is one that is fantastic that pretty much beats the hell out of 99% of all anime openings. Due mainly because most are simply normie tier trash.

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stand alone complex gif
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> what does it have to know about being a hipster or not

It means you have the tools and know how necessary to not just listen to music, but have a deeper understanding of it. You love music so much, why don't you learn how to play an instrument, or at least take a basic music theory class.

> please tell us the time signatures

You're the one making extra ordinary claims by condemning entire genres, as well as pieces posted here without a single shred of proof as to why they're bad. But you know what I'll indulge and try to give you the time signature of one of the songs ITT. It's been a while since I've played the Cello, or composed sheet music but it shouldn't be too hard.


>  >please tell us the time signatures
you're the one who brought it up jackass. So you're the one who has to tell me what a time signature and where they are itt.

> You're the one making extra ordinary claims by condemning entire genres
Nope... I'm just sick of them literally learn how to read.
> as well as pieces posted here without a single shred of proof as to why they're bad
Music is subjective. That's really all you need to know. ALSO... I was asking for non japanese folk, ambient, orchestral,... not rock, not pop, not death metal, not experimental, not japanese music, etc. On another note I did like some of the songs you posted. I just didn't like the pop/electronic music because it takes no skill to copy+paste sounds files and create a song.

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Ugh, right in the middle of actually writing up ledger lines on a few notes too.

> you're the one who brought it up jack ass

Again, you're the one doing extraordinary claims while not bringing up any proof on why something's bad or good.

> Nope... I'm just sick of them

Uhmm that's not what you said, at all...

>  >liking rock at all
>  >liking metal at all
>  >liking trance at all
>  >liking pop at all
> Oh wow I should have known /AM/ would ruin the thread. Shaking my hecking head.

So no, your derisive comment is well, derisive and shit.

> muh music is subjective argument

Hiding behind the veneer of "subjectivity" when getting art critique, or in the midst of critiquing is such bullshit and disingenuous. This dadaist point of view has to STOP, it debases mediums by atrophying an artist's skills. Or in this case a person's ability to appraise art. Critiquing art is not just about talking on and on about what emotions it evoked on you. 

Critiquing art is also about the techniques that are behind producing said art. People like you are precisely why bitches sticking a can of spaghettios up their cunt is being considered art. Or why faggots shitting into a fucking can and preserving it is being seen as art. 

Whatever happened to appreciating the strokes on an oil painting or the visual lack of strokes? Whatever happened to appreciating an alter bridge on a mad riff? Whatever happened to appreciating a mad chromatic scale? 

It's now all about feels and faggots with absolutely no background in the arts thinking they can actually critique them. IT MAKES ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING MAD. Specially when it involves SJWs.

> pop/electronic music

Again, I posted 80's wave, experimental which by the way the experimental was preformed live with actual fucking instruments, traditional Jap with a few synths, traditional Japanese, happy hardcore, pop music with old Japanese singing and actual Japanese instruments, along with a Rock song. You're going to have to be more clear and concise.



This is why I hate talking about music on the fucking web!


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He's probably from the US like me, the only reason I learned what it was is because I played the Cello from 5th grade in Elementary to my Senior year in High School. The arts here in the US are a complete shit show. Luckily I lucked out and was in a rich school district and rich schools all of my youth. By pure coincidence it just so happens to be that the arts departments outside of High School also serve as SJW indoctrination centers.

> tfw I'll never go to art school because I know I'll go batshit insane with all the SJWs there

So I stuck to a STEM career I hated.

Sorry, not my blog I know.

> muh diverse genres
> the faggot with shit taste changes the subject completely 
> then he goes complete spergmode and produces a massive wall of text
> then goes on to saying that visual art = music
> he also says since op dislikes his shitty music
>  >Nope... I'm just sick of them
then what the hell is this?! dumbass... learn context  >>/1295/
> muh I know how to play an instrument therefore people who don't can't have an opinion on music.

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I wonder what a self taught musician would think of your shitty argument...
> muh i know how to read sheet music n' sheeeit
> therefore no one but the soulless piece of shit who only plays according to a FUCKING sheet of paper rather them actually knowing their own instrument inside and out.

Want to know how I know for a fact you've never held an instrument in your life?

> no one but the soulless piece of shit who only plays according to a FUCKING sheet of paper 

Please go learn an instrument, or at least learn music theory. You'll learn to appreciate music, or don't and continue to be a faggot who isn't able to even read basic guitar tabs.

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Hmmm... I wonder why hardly anyone in band couldn't really do improv... hmmm... it's because people who use sheet music struggle to actually perform without them. They depend on them. They often have no idea what their doing beyond patterns on a sheet of paper. It's nothing more than a fucking mathematical equation  to you autists. 
> thinking that classical music is at all inspired by actual emotions
It's no more than dots on a sheet of paper. You're through kiddo.

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m06 wav
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thumbnail of 14 - Project Number 6.mp3
14 -... mp3
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Bumping a dead thread on a dead board. :^)
1. m06.wav is from visual novel called "Kikokugai"
2.12.mp3 is an artist called Kanoguti, album "ningen no usotsuki" or「人間の嘘つき」
3.Projcet Number 6.mp3 is made by artist Kanoguti from Album "Kanogutism" this is why I love his works, always something bizarre

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