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4 guys discussing brokeback mountain forever

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> cute
> decent music taste
> almost no piercings/visible tatoos
> alt
How is this even possible? The only thing bad about her I can find is that she has SH scars, or I think those are SH scars
yeah those are cut marks
once again, the neko that spent an hour looking at furry roblox costumes proves himself to have the best taste on the site. Huzzah
> After being rejected tonight, the only thing can could lift my spirits would be Emory's patreon scrape
I'm gonna go apologize to him and unban him. I can't let a fellow Emorian go hungry
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> spoiler
That statement definitely clashes with your previous statement of "I am NOT a furry". I don't think your defense will hold up in court.
> we've got emory at home
> emory at home
On the other side, how does he find new inventive ways to make me hate him more? I was assuming it was another person but I guess EVERYTHING that's bad on neko has to be written by this one specific guy.
I get tokkers like her on my fyp and I dont even look at cosplay content. Its literally just brapzilian shit and edits
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> he hates cute tokfus

> I've only found 3/6 side-content puzzles that I have a suspicion are required to unlock the challenge of the mountain king
Yeap, stream is not happening any time soon.
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> furryposting
No more... Please...
> UK
Yea not saving this one 😈
Happy birfday reki
It's very good. I still haven't played the sequel... Wait I thought it's out. It actually hasn't come out yet.
I guess we're waiting then.
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My neighbourfu started posting again last month after 4 years of hiatus, instantly hit the algorithm gold with her first tok (200k views, 25k likes, she had barely 1k followers) and this week she started posting daily but her toks are awful (25 views per like ratio) and I'm getting sad for her.
Also for some reason I can no longer like toks on my 'puter, it's so acabou.
> tok not related
> I'm getting sad for her
No reason to get sad for her if you don't know if she's sad herself. Maybe she gets it (the concept of you can only do so much and sometimes it is just luck)
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> the concept of you can only do so much
But she's not even trying. While her pre-2020 toks were often cute dancey dances, her recent toks are mostly just walking into stores/cafes and giving reviews (she doesn't appear nor talk to the camera, the lower effort ones are just a slideshow), or minute-long blogposts of how she zomg has a company party to attend (she loves to flex her business degree) and she doesn't know what to wear and it's so stressful 😔 and someone needs to help her.
Even her big quarter-million views tok was a review of a flea market she visited while in Spain or wherever.
She has become the embodiment of mid.
> Also for some reason I can no longer like toks on my 'puter, it's so acabou.
a vpn is on, most likely
it does that to me occasionally as well
Sorry neko, I don't have any muslimfus.
I hope the BGCgirl is not jealous though, it's going to be just like Araragi's summer break...
I've been looking for a specific pair of pants / a specific shirt on roblox for an hour now
I'm going bonkers, I cant find it
it took 850 posts but nekochan is officially sullied with that disgusting fucking slob piece of vomit walking flesh prison that reeks of rabbit and cat shit
Good. Let the anger flow through you. 
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion, I gain Strength.
Through Strength, I gain Power.
Through Power, I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
Bonbi hate shall free me.
naurrr don't reference star wars, im finna gonna run a star wars campaign in the future, lowkey been planning this shit fr fr inside my head, deadass love jedis
I have never watched a Star Wars movie.
Actually I have KOTOR installed for like a few months now, I just never have the mood for an RPG now.
she has an airpod in her ear. its causing the lipsyncing to be delayed due to the infamous airpod delay bug that tokkers have noted since 4 years back
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More blogposting about my neighborfu.
The reason why I first brought her up today was because she posted a """tok""" (slideshow) with the caption being something like ✨Let's go girls✨ where slide 1 was a blank picture saying "post this if you have under 10k followers" and slide 2 a screenshot of her measly ~2k follower count.
Well, after checking her profile right now not only she deleted that tok, but she also had a net negative of 4 followers. It's so acabow for her.
> 25 views per like ratio
I redid my math and over half her toks are on the 60 views per like ratio, I thought #corporategirls were supposed to be smart and innovative...
Thanks neko but I do not use those things, one day I will get doxxxxed and everything will be over for me.
The internet in the place where I live is spooky weird, there's one big router for everyone and then each apartment has their own little router and sometimes the routers change identity between each other and it's all a mess :D
new thread
> actually a new thread
I didn't expect it.
Are the threads like bumplimited at 1000 here or what's the number? I've got no idea.

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