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5 guys discussing brokeback mountain forever

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This is strange, for the first time in my life I've noticed that my reading comprehension is worse in my native than in english.
As in I can still read pretty well it's not like awful or anything, but I'm struggling to read as fast as I do in english.
Guess I should actually maybe start reading some books or actually do ANYTHING at all in native because while I'm not at the point of forgetting much I'm still living where I do and it is not optimal to lose proficiency as long as english is not the language I use at work or something.

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i love blink 182 btw, i always talk about how much i love blink 182 right?
I thought about this but have decided against it, the money I'd have to spend isn't justified by a few minutes long bit that might make a handful (read: 3) girls think I'm slightly cooler than they already think I am.

I only own a poncho, arguably the least important part of a cowboy's attire :/

> Is it my fault that my work takes about an hour but I'm assigned 3?
Depends, does anyone actually care about it? If not then nope, if someone might find out and care, pretend to be busy :)
Or at least be prepared to pretend that you're busy

> waiting for bus
> drunk old guy in line rambling to himself
> holding a lit cigarette and drinking a bottle of beer
> starts harassing a food delivery driver for parking his bicycle on the pavement next to the restaurant 
> the pavement is wide enough for 6 people to walk side by side comfortably 
> the roads are all DO NOT STOP. BUSES ONLY
Genuinely what does he want them to do?

I HATE drunk people. Nothing sadder than some pissed up tosser on his todd making life worse for everyone around

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Aim is flickering, at least Aimlabs is free
My team is bringing it all back again
Pushing walkers, ganking and neutral farming
I'm going green lane and push it all in

You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
That you won't stream any of it
You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
You know your hook will just miss

We're in different lanes, just something out of step
Throw your laner an unexpected heal...with big intention
Still posted at your walker
Always queued up alone the day you should have streamed

You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
That you won't stream any of it
You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
You know your hook will just miss

Too lazy to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
That you won't stream any of it
You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
You know your hook will just miss

You're pushing, with your turrets
And you look half health half the time
They're guarding you, like machines do
Go buy regen, they'll be keeping an eye

You're pushing, with your turrets
And you look half health half the time
They're guarding you, like machines do
Go buy regen, they'll be keeping an eye

You know your wall will just miss

Come back and stream, we love watching your Deadlock
But you won't stream any of it
You say too late to start, that you're queued up for Deadlock
You know your hook will just miss

Too lazy to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
That you won't stream any of it
You say too late to start, that you're stuck playing Deadlock
You know your hook will just miss

to fulfill the quoting yourself part of the edit, it took only 10 minutes after I had posted until I realized how I couldve written the lyrics to be even better
"You say too late to start, that you've stopped playing Deadlock – That you won't stream any of it"



> my computer keeps blue screening, started like 4 days ago
High chance of hardware failure, BUT you can always reinstall the whole windows environment and check if it helps.
Also you can look into the bluescreen logs maybe? Wherever they are I think there's some kind of windows event handler.
Also also you can always run a ram test (memtest I think?) and both CPU and GPU benchmarks to see what might kill it again.

I will have to look up how to look at the bluescreen logs, but I am pretty sure it's a memory issue. These bluescreens happen quite a lot when I'm using my browser (chrome) which is a memory hog.
> memtest and CPU and GPU benchmarks
I will check this, thank you sir.

I'll run these tests maybe on saturday, gotta leave for work soon.
Not gooning seems like an incredibly easy challenge, really says a lot about society that november has gone from 'no fap november' to 'no nut november' to 'never gooning november'.


You are merely mistaken if you think such foolish thoughts as "NEVER GOON" means to not partake in sustained masturbation when it, in fact, encompasses even greater trials and tribulations than a mere "no fap" undertaking. NEVER GOON challenges the mind, it challenges your body, it will even challenge your soul. I sense a lack of fortitude within you, a characteristic that radiates off you and your post as your distinct absence of AURA has clouded your mind, possibly leaving you open and vulnerable to a GOON spree.

I will flog myself in hopes that this cures your ailments. Or, at least, gives you a moment of respite from your GOONALICIOUS curse.

hopefully not that because it was one of my lowest effort posts ever
well, the effort I put in was kinda disproportional to the outcome because I battled with mspaint for 10 min trying to get the text function to work but then just gave up

the only thing gay about this fic is "minor wolfstar later in series"
it's mostly a jily fic, which is based because jily fics are the best fics hahahaha fuck you snilycucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

here it is if you wanna read along :P

oh no... i have an Intel i3 9100 3.6GHz
chat... am i fucked?

I ran a memory test and it detected no issues, but the 122 series of BSOD errors are ALL memory related, but the website didn't list a specific issue for 0x20, and the only thing I found online was someone saying it's as undocumented as most food delivery drivers

> oh no... i have an Intel i3 9100 3.6GHz
I was just kidding, I wasn't expecting for you to have one of those (it's 13th and 14th gen, yours is... 9th)
> but the 122 series of BSOD errors are ALL memory related
I mean maybe?
> I can definitely take the ram cards out and put them back in.
You can swap sticks around, preferably clean them up too, personally if I would be suspecting that my ram is acting up I would run a whole memtest86, it takes a whole load of time and you have to do a usb boot for it but it's not like there's much more you can do with ram.
If it was CPU or GPU at least you could undervolt it or something, with ram if you have a bad stick I think the easiest and most prudent thing to do is to replace it/throw it away.

Also if you're going to run memtest, you don't really have to wait for it to finish completely I guess but like if you run 50-75% and it doesn't show any issues it's probably not it.

Yeah my PC is like 5 years old, and had fairly cheap parts even back then...
I've taken my sticks out, cleaned them and put them back in, I could probably do more but I don't wanna take out my desktop and actually do stuff at 11pm, so I was just crawling under my desk.
I ran mdsched.exe, and it showed no issues. Should I still check with memtest tomorrow?
I don't read porn comics because the stories are bad.

I'm giving you a warning, please do not post anymore. I don't understand the pathology of your mind to lurk on a site where you're not wanted, and very very rarely make random posts completely unrelated to the discussion or topics that people talk about here.

If you're lonely, you could try and make good faith posts and join in. Your current plan of not fitting in, and not even trying, but also not posting frequently enough to be really annoying is weird.

There's plenty of fast-paced, populus imageboards you can post on if you want people to talk to, haunting a dead site like this is silly. Go away.

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thats the joke.jiff

When I was like 12 I quite liked this one gay porn comic called AngStory, I think it was by a korean artist.

I had a friend, at the time, who always made fun of me whenever I told him things I enjoyed, the moment I stopped being friends with him he spent the remaining years at school just walking around during the lunch and break times, never having a table of friends to sit with, never again having someone to make out with in the showers after swimming class.

Yeah, he fucked up, he was kind of a cunt to everyone, EVEN ME, his only friend. What a lonely sad existence, well, who's laughing now? I have FOUR friends on /neko/ and he has ZERO.

> I ran mdsched.exe, and it showed no issues. Should I still check with memtest tomorrow?
Have you ran it from inside the windows or from boot?
If the latter then I still would trust memtest more personally but I guess if it doesn't show anything and you really don't feel like going through it it's fine.
If the former there's 0 chance you got everything, you actually have to run a check on boot because if things are loaded into ram you cannot check all addresses.

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> I had a friend, at the time, who always made fun of me whenever I told him things I enjoyed

> the moment I stopped being friends with him he spent the remaining years at school just walking around during the lunch and break times, never having a table of friends to sit with, never again having someone to make out with in the showers after swimming class.
i-is this my future????? i must repent

I ran it from boot and it showed nothing.
I'm sure I've missed something, certain, I'll try memtest tomorrow, but if that doesn't show an issue, I'll just wait until the end of the month when I've been paid and take it into a computer shop.

I can handle the idea of needing to replace the RAM myself, anything more complex and I'd rather just pay someone who's gonna know what to look for and what to do.

What's worse, financebros or fitbros?

Both seem insufferable online, always happy to chime in with 'helpful advice' that you know they aren't following
> Just save and invest 40% of your income, it's that easy
> Just put down the fork you fat fuck, it's that easy

wow it's so easy why isnt everyone doing this. FUCK YOU

> anything more complex and I'd rather just pay someone who's gonna know what to look for and what to do
Tbh if it's a hardware issue it's going to be really hard to diagnose by yourself anyway.
> financebros or fitbros

Oh. Turns out hiding the board doesn't actually hide our images from appearing on the front page on endchan, mp4s don't appear there, but the last 3 images posted are on the front page now.

I don't believe that's how the newfrog found us, and he was probably a different guy to the original lurker, that person at least tried to engage with the thread a little.

He's also bragged about being banned, from here, on 'chen, so there might be an influx of other caveposters, until they get bored of being banned and this shithole being a slowhole.

Why can't the caveposters get their site, and we get 'chen, it was a nice arrangement for like 8 months.

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lmao +2 its funnier because its true
> He's also bragged about being banned, from here, on 'chen
I'd be surprised if anyone that still browses that website cares about his "achievements"

attaching a tok so that this post does not show on the front page
what if this is finally the reason that gets us to post toks on... the tok posting forum no wayy thats crazzyyy

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That's it, I'm switching to fireFOX. aw aw awoooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm sick and tired of Chrome taking up most of my memory just so I can have 30 tabs open of youtube videos I have half-watched.

+Fire FOX sounds like a cute furry fox girl

Attaching a fire fox.

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Of course it's true, fitcels and financecels are the same erm actually redditors as coffee nerds and furries. they fucking LOVE to waffle on about how you can expend 80% more effort for 3.8% more producitivty in your workflow because they're ALL NEETS with no jobs (thats right i've been employed for a week and i already hate NEETS)

I just unfortunately have ended up on finance YT shorts central, I scroll and will hit a random short about investing and the comments are full of perma-unemployed losers talking about the best fucking way to max out your 401k.

buddy, if you were making 6 figures soft income you wouldn't be commenting on a youtube video, you'd be getting a reservation at dorsia

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I forgor to blog about this earlier but I bit the bullet on the way to work and picked up a few items for a cheap (read: shitty) cowboy cosplay, so i can play dressup on sunday like all the cool kids (read: girls I want to fuck but am too nervous to talk to)

Might post a heavily censored picture of how it looks tomorrow. (read: censored because my cock is so big it will be visible in any full body picture) ((read: that was a lie))

> read: girls I want to fuck
blogpost about how these girls are personality wise and looks wise
from what I have heard so far they are all ogretrannies and that one wannabe succubus asexual ahhh hoe

thumbnail of 7257578357183794458 my everything3  #aihoshino#hoshinoai#aicosplay#hoshinocosplay#hoshinoaicosplay#aihoshinocosplay#oshinoko#oshinokocosplay#onkcosplay#onk#cosplay#cosplayer_264.mp4
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PC bluescreened before I hit reply, felt depressed, restarted my PC and the post was still here waiting to be posted. life is wonderful.
but seriously I've had like 10 bluescreens today, 6 yesterday and 4 the day before, it has only been increasing, so it feels like a hardware issue that's getting worse.

BGC-Girl is a fairly nice person, she remembered my birthday, got me a gift that references a joke we had from months ago and seems fairly happy go-lucky. She's autistic, but honestly I don't even think I need to mention this, they're ALL autistic there. She's not particularly good at the game, prone to making rookie mistakes even after playing for a year, I was better than her at magic the gathering within minutes of picking the game up, she'd been playing for months at that point. I don't want that to come across as insulting, I consider myself a freaking genius, which is why I post Reki, so someone being not as hyper-intelligent as me is not an insult. She's nice. Doing animation, likes children's animated show styling, I still don't get it, I want to ask but don't want to be rude, might be an autism/comfort thing for her.

> succubus asexual ahhh hoe
Asexual, autistic, often shows up, rarely plays, is kinda loud and annoying, friendly with a lot of people, has a regular group of 3-4 guys that seem to follow her around like lost puppies, good friends with the obese nonbinary guy that runs the events, hence why xe/xir sexooo shows up.
Actually is fucking crazy, used to (unsure if still does) have split personality disorder, but not the real kind, the fake anime kind where she pretnded to be like 5 different people on the discord server and had bots to relay messages from her, on alternate personas, I blogged briefly about this in november. She's the former CEO of the club and when I joined she was about a week away from being kicked out of the uni, has since come back, got kicked out for grades, just came back on a different course.
lord knows how you get kicked out in the MIDDLE of your first year. I somehow think she was doing a STEM degree.
also, uses he/him pronouns, so pretend I wasn't trainsphobic by calling her a her.

the BSOD error is now consistently spitting out a code for a disk failure, so an SSD failure? only starting saying that after I 'fixed' my RAM sticks.

it's all too much thinking for me. I don't like that it's suddenly changed from being conssitently one error type, to another entirely.

tomorrow i will fix this, or stop complaining about it at least.

> I'll take the crap bucket into the shop next weekend...
just go buy an ssd, move your OS over and then keep living life
why pay some guy to do that when you could do it in 10 minutes + time it takes to buy the ssd + time it takes to move the files (you can scroll tiktok during this time)

gonna have to survive a few days without the desktop, thank the lord for this shitty craptop i havent touched in 3 years. it struggles to watch youtube videos, so twitch chat for movie movie movie night will be hard but i will be there no matter what

deadlock stream tomorrow? giga cancelled, sorry D:

it'll be a few days before i can even get an SSD and replace my desktop's one :'(

I hate that you have taken a picture from her patreon for this image, you couldn've have screenshotted a recent thing from her instagram?

why do you even have this saved buddy? fuck you, you're going to piracy jail, I know your ass didnt pay for this.

> NudoStar
crazy to think that the 5th image result is some website that reposts leaked patreon images. that anyone googling her username can just see her naked within a few clicks

truly, the internet is an awful place and she never should've put up nudes on her patreon like they were leaked almost instantly wtf did she think was going to happen

The bluescreening problems did start when my SSD got pretty close to max, I've deleted a bunch of stuff, if the problem goes away, I will +2 you as a tech genius.
speedtrannies pogging out of their mind at this incredible timesave, 0.8s shaved off naked% WR.

thumbnail of 7424237999292009733 BGS 2024!!!!! UHUUULLL  #marierose #marierosecosplay #deadoralive #deadoralivecosplay #doa #doacosplay #bgs #bgs2024-264.mp4
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tomorrow you should check if you have any available SATA ports open and if so, make plans to buy a hdd some day and plug it in so you can move shit over from your ssd with your OS so that it only has "important" things like your OS and the few games where you care about loading screens being shorter, so like hitman
and tomorrow you VILL stream deadlock as you have promised this
or else...

fun fact: i have 5,0666[repeating]% of space left on my boot ssd
its a small one to begin with and every windows bloat update increases the size the operating system takes up but i dunno how ive almost filled my 225gb
I think its one of those cases where sometimes when chrome fails to download something, it keeps the temp download space allocation file around
remember finding a folder of those 1-2 years ago and it was taking up like 35 gb of failed downloads that it was just reserving space for and had been for years

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I've been planning on getting a big external hard drive to move on shit that's bloating my HDD currently. I've got like 30% of it being taken up by battlemaps for TTRPG games, and another 20% by toks.

Once that long-term storage shit is on the external, I can make my SSD just for my OS and OSfrog and Deadlock (which... if the issue is resolved, I will stream tomorrow)

> the BSOD error is now consistently spitting out a code for a disk failure, so an SSD failure? 
If your disk is failing (especially an ssd) you're at a risk of losing data ANY SECOND

According to CrystalDiskMark Aoi edition, the test went fine. And CrystalDiskInfo Aoi edition says my SSD is good with a 78% health status, so yeah there's been some wear, but also I'm pretty sure the failing was me just having very little space left.

I haven't had a BSOD since cleaning up my SSD :P

all that worrying for nothing because I had to download the new emory patreon archive to my SSD for fasting loading times...

I totally forgor, sorry, yea 78% is probably not good, I would keep a backup at this point, especially since your ssd already failed it seems.
My last ssd (nvme) that almost failed was at 80%+ and I would not use it as permanent storage now.
In general it still depends on the specific stats, since maybe if they're normal you might get a fair bit of time out of it, but since you will have the muns now I would very much advise towards at least backing it up on another drive from now on.

my ssd is on 1% health apparently lol

> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed
> Connection failed

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I mean mine didn't "fail" outright, it just started trashing on some files and that's how I've noticed it's not good so I've bought another one.
It might've taken me months before it would fail, or it might've been weeks away, just didn't want to take that risk especially since I've had no backups or anything.
If I've had nothing important on it I probably would've run it to the ground, like you're doing.
> no tok at the get
Yea .net is failing for me rn, .org on the other hand doesn't want to work with realtime.

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*neko has his life savings invested in SSD companies*
"78%? That's dangerously low buddy, you should buy a backup, and a replacement, and a backup for your backup. Here, have you heard about our new range of gen 4 SSDs??"


all the other metrics looked good though, especially since the drive rarely writes information or boots given how rarely i turn my pc off
it'll be fine, 1% health is plenty

All I'm saying is, yesterday I was lucky to go 40 minutes without a BSOD, as soon as I cleared up space on my SSD, I've had 5 hours of continuous operation today, whilst gaming (very memory intensive crusader kings 3 gameplay) and no trouble.

I'll probably still invest in some upgrades but I'll wait till the end of the month when I get paid :)

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Good job posting yet another picture, buddy. 
There are already millions of tadpoles lurking here since last night wreaking havoc with their midfus and tech problems and you just invited another million frontpagers to just show up and make this hole even slower.
I'm going back to the chen.

> Technerd Funkonald knows NOTHING about computers
Hardware wise? Sure, the only problems about hardware I know how to solve are the ones that I've seen myself and I've not seen many of those.
Well, definitely not as many as a person that's an actual repairman for a hardware store or something.

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I think... mp4
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this "bubblepinkelle" character showed up on my fyp.

so this would've been a fun fyp review.
this is a trans woman that apparently has an onlyfans where she sticks her dick into fruit.

yeah, trans women are so fucking normal and valid. i-

> he
are you talking about the GASFATMAG girl? She's asexual, neko.... you're going to marry her and die with your v-card still laminated and in CGC pristine 10 gold quality...

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> joked that I didn't realise she was in costume, since she usually dresses like that
> she brought the joke up again later to me, so she clearly remembered and liked it
> offered me a marshmallow
> laughed when i called her out on a lie on the downlow
> said goodbye [my name] when i was leaving
yeah, genuinely i think she wants me so fucking bad

oh and I don't remember the reason entirely, but I said the word snitch, and she said "did you say switch?" and i said, yeah, im a nintendo switch, and she replied, "oh i wasn't talking about that kind of switch, i meant the nsfw kind"
and i was like 👀

I. C.

yeah i turned on liveposting for like the third time on this site ever and it BLOWS
cant one of you nerdnekos figure out how to host a meguca yet so one of the paypig nekos can learn the secret arcane information and pay for it


thinking about posting my discord on /soc/ so i can find someone to talk to in my free time
ive been playing too much league to kill my loneliness but I dont like that game and I dont want to keep playing it

Uhhhh, it depends on how persistent you are and how insular it is but I don't think it's the hardest thing in the world.
It does definitely help to have something to talk about with the people you want to talk with.

yeah but forcing yourself into conversations is basically a humiliation ritual nor do I want to talk to the kind of normie that hangs out in discord servers
I do not vibe with people that arent a bit fucked

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> work training at 9am-12pm
> work starts at 5pm
I could theoretically come home for like an hour before immediately having to leave a few hours later, what a waste of a week I'm about to begin.

Please reply with some good fanfictions I can read on my phone on AO3

thumbnail of 7267589093658299649 da pra perceber que eu nao tenho mais video mkkkk ;-;  #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpav3 #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpaco-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7267589093658299649 da pra perceber que eu nao tenho mais video mkkkk ;-;  #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpav3 #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpaco-264.mp4
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no I am not and I didnt even notice that I got trips
winter hasnt even begun and my mental is completely shot. cant wait to see how far I fall before the spring returns
cant wait to just perma bulk up to 90-95 kg and stop interacting with society

Just like everything, it's powered by illegal migrant workers. They used to have to pay top dollar for pilots, now they just have a rotating shift of 8 indians that sleep in the cockpit, piss in water bottles and fly the plane with microsoft flight sim credentials.

Furhaps I will do this
> training from 9am to 12pm
> work from 5pm to 8pm
> 1hr, 15min commute each way
This week is gonna be shit. 5 hours on the bus a day, only about 3 hours of time at home.

Think of the paycheck...
Think of the paycheck...

I've developed a mental tick. Every time I see someone that "sticks out" physically, be it a tall girl, a wide dude or a fat bitch I almost always say "--- ahh bih (bitch)" in my mind
walk past a tall girl? tall ahh bih. fatass? fat ahh bih
it's funny but it's involuntary

Because you make a good point, I'll go to the library cafe, enjoy a mug of ESPRESSO with cream and chocolate and caramel and daydream more about Sexooo Insane-o, my future wifey
So you've become zoomerpilled? Good for you I guess

yknow what? FUCK you guys. I know you guys are begging me "Oh please Mr. Frenchie, put on some asiatic or french avant-garde kino... pleaaaase Frenchie" but this saturday we will watch some AMERICAN. MADE. STEEL. Some true YANKEE-DOODLE CINEMATOGRAPHY.
We will be watching a Fast & Furious Movie

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If it's the first one I will genuinely be very happy, I remember the first one being a very cool time capsule. The second is boring sloppa, the third is Fast and Furious sloppa, in JAPAN and I don't think I've watched any of the rest.

I ended up headed home anyway, I decided I wanted a sandwich and spending another 2 and a half hours on the bus reading wasn't much different from the 2 and a half hours I'd be reading in the library.

I know that I ended up in a real brazilian speaking no-english-knowing place when I write "joinar" because I couldnt remember the word 'to join' in portuguese and 3 people write question marks in response
this is the 2nd huezilian place I join and theres a portuguese guy trolling brazilians and then trying to convince me to swap to traditional over macacoguese

My life lately has been engrossed in this so good JILY fanfic and like they keep almost confessing to each other and then don't. My heart can't take it anymore. Only 27 chapters left, it's so good, earned a spot as a yearly rereader

love a 3 hour commute just to have 1 h of lectures that don't really explain anything and could've been in a 20 minute recorded video instead
gonna try a new Japanese thing I learned about, it's called Hara Hachi Bu

A siggy is the thing you add to the end of your forums posts.

In valorant, it's the thing every agent starts with and doesn't have to buy. Sage has her heal, Raze has a grenade, Phoenix's siggy used to be his molotov because he was a duelist, now it's his flash because he's a beta male libshark.

Teh N3k0 of d000m

I did something a lil crazy...

There's this artisinal hot chocolate place I sometimes walk past in the city centre. I went in and asked what she recommends. 

This is bloody good hot chocolate.  Pricy as a box of monkeys but definitely a nice treat, glad I tried it once.

Started to run for the bus, driver closed the doors and began to pull away, saw me, stopped, waved at me and waited for me to get on.

Life is wonderful,  Danke Herr Chokolat

I blogged about it before, training 9am to 1pm, work 5pm to 8pm, either go home for a brief lunch or idle around for hours. Either way I'm getting like an hour of free time to just myself a day. I'm going to SEWER my SLIDE soon!!!

Just kidding, I'm bored and hate the bus and want to die. I ain't got no iPhone.

imagine all the hot artsy bitches that frequent museums at 1-2 pm on a weekday hoooly fuck and you are missing out on ALL of that freshly squeezed poontang
shit got me droolin already

Okay that's it. I was in a REALLY good mood because I finished the AO3 fanfiction today but you NEKAS bullying me is making me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... I cry and eat donuts to dull the pain

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The depressionera is over, I am finally back home. Bossman let me take Friday off, as I've still got 6 days left of paid leave I NEED to take before new years.

Acid hasn't posted in 3 weeks, but surely her next tok will be kino.

The fanfiction is 'finished', well, I've read book 2 of what seems to be a 4 book series, and book 3 hasn't been begun yet, the author is taking a break before writing it. Another day, another 10/10 fanfiction that is unfinished and appears to be getting updated slower and slower. I really enjoyed "The Last Enemy" by "CH_Darling" but the lengths the fic goes to make James and Lily NOT just start dating is incredible, they both love each other but the plot contrives increasingly silly reasons that they both decide not to pursue it, even as everyone around them can see it's hecking true lovekino.

It also has snape chapters where he spends his time seething that Lily isn't his friend anymore and likes James, 10/10, the best incel writing I've ever read, he just stalks her, seethes, wants the best for her and hates that she's attracted to his mortal rival. Might I say, I'm kinda snapilled myself.

Oh boy, look at the time, the 3 minutes I spent writing this post is a large fraction of the free time I have before I must sleep! Tomorrow we have more pointless trainingsloppa.

Almost forgot! We had a mandatory training session on 'sustainability' today, and I hate black women. One girl came to sit at my table, whatever, it's just a table innit, she spent 2 fucking minutes obsessing over the seat, patting it down, picking off minor things like hairs. My ghetto sister in christ, your arse is going on the seat, not your face, do you really care if a couple of hairs touch your batty?
Another, older, Jamican lady seemed to take issue with every other comment the sustainability peeps made, they did the generic libshark "Climate change on average is more impactful towards Peoples of Colour, indigenous people, poorer people and the LBGTQIA+", which first of all, is fucking hilarious that people actually believe gay nekos are more affected by climate change than straight nekos, but it's also funny because this black lady took REAL offence to that, because she's a person of colour and doesn't like being "victimised". I didn't understand her point, she just seemed to not understand the slide, the people giving the talk tried to explain but she just kept repeating that it offended her and they should change the wording. I can't wait for climate change to happen and affect her more than it affects me, despite me being INDIGENOUS to my country, and she not being!!! explain that libsharks, right freaking now, what do you care about more, the hecking PoCs or the indigenous chudjaks who hate muslims???

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I actually doubt neither remy nor reki have BPD, they just dont strike me as that type of person
they probably have some other slurry of alphabet disorders but they dont feel BPD to me. Only mothi and that really lanky tall tokker that got posted for 2 weeks feel bpd-ey

I'm fairly certain Reki has said she's got BPD before, Remy has mentioned anxiety and depression in the past, and y'know, the whole trans thing.
I too am mentally unwell, our mental unwellness just manifests in different ways. It makes you into a chad and a cool... and it makes me into a loser...tron

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Y'know, my mood has been a bit of a stinker cus I have environmental law and League of Legends (the two things that take up about 66% of my time) but I just remembered that the Madoka Magica: Walpurgisnacht movie is coming out WITHIN 2 months and holy fuck bros you can't begin to understand how fucking back we are. It's coming home

90% of university students are chinese.

Seriously, they're all fucking chinese. There's this cubicle office area of PHD students and they've all got little boards for their names for who owns what desk, and I counted, 11 of the 12 names were asian. With names like Zhou Wang and Ji Lao, Ho Li Fuck, etc

it's the UK, I imagine america also has a large chinese student population, but the UK's is particularly bad because i had yellow fever until i had to hear chinese people yapping constantly on the bus

I swear, I am about to stop going to group study session bullshit. they book so we show up at 9 am and work together before the seminar at 13. me, living far away, wakes up at 6 to get ready for the commute
Three people have cancelled. Some just minutes after I get on the 2 hour bus ride. can't wait to twirl my thumbs for 4 hours for a 1 hour seminar and then go 2 h back home
I hate women

You can use this time to read or go to museums :D

But seriously I understand the pain, Uni students are awful for this, I hated assigned groups because of retards who pull this. That's why I befriended the cool people who always showed up 😎

e people out of 7 showed up, the work took 1 hour and now there are 3h left until class starts
if I cared enough about the class I would actually spend the time reading or playing mahjong but I don't care nor am I getting paid so I'll just go home and play league before taking the weekend desu

I'm not a furry I'm just trying to psyop vulnerable and easy to influence men online into becoming furries so there'll be less competition irl for human women.

It's part of my masterplan to have sex and lose my incelligence

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