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4 guys discussing brokeback mountain forever

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> If you do, you are GAY
> where its all uneven and shit because of the rib cage indentations compared to the more elusive lower abdominal muscles and hips
Maybe on your fus BUDDY.
At this point just admit it you want to watch the mons pubis and don't care about the tummy.
I assume you weren't there. He was saying he's been harassed FOR MONTHS, that people follow him around and dox him, that someone goes into tenshi chat every stream to harass him.

We just bullied him once... And Tenshi LAUGHED at him.
But you call Tenshi boosted once? INSTA BAN
didnt even look at the tummy, I was too concerned with how dangerously skinny this girl is. Someone get her 48 CCs of donuts. STAT.
I was not, but I assume he's referring to that one night you were making fun of him. 
I've told you, you should stop gangstalking him, he's going mental now, it's been YEARS at this point, you've been following him for DECADES.
I fumbled the bag so hard. There was a cute finnish girl and I didn't even try. LIFE COULD'VE BEEN SO WONDERFUL
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Buddy gets trips and doesn't even elaborate on the blogpost.
Shameful display.

Do you nekos watch YT on your phone? My newpipe hasn't been working for the last week, came back just now, seems like YT is trying to freeze out the external apps somehow but I've got no idea how. I even looked up revanced but I'm too lazy to compile a whole app just for the 20-30 minutes daily when I eat my lunch.
only time I ever use youtube on my phone is if I have to quickly show someone a funny thing if I am out and about, which has happened about 5 times in my life
lmao the nonbinary guy running BGC online this week rage quit because he got the game's evil team wrong, and now we can't play because his premium account needs to be in the lobby to keep it running
Did he just straight up log off? That's pretty funny, but I bet nothing will happen ("uhhh I've got a bad day" and everybody just pats him/her/xemselves on the back and says it's fine)
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They/them (pic related, looks like this), literally said they're logging off because they're in too much of a bad mood to keep playing.

Didn't just afk in the lobby so the rest of us could play, which they've done in the past when they didnt want to play, literally straight up, I was wrong and none of you believed me so you ALL can't play.

This is like. in town of salem, you saying 7 is GF, but it turns out 3 is GF, and then you rage quit the lobby.
> I look like that and do that
This post aged like milk.
> looks like this
It's a afab I assume? In that case, it's going to be fine, otherwise, grim.
I am taking my toys and leaving, GOOD LUCK BUDDY. (You've made they/them uncomfortable by being a he/him, sorry, do better next time)
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it's AMAB, he gets mad when people call him a he (it's literally one guy who does it every time because he's kinda slow)

But all fat people kinda look like agender blobs, hence the picture.

NEW Toxic.Boosted.
Also she's live
(also available on other streaming platforms)
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Grim. Over. NGMI. If it wasn't for the mental case then maybe (since you can always lose wait) but there's been too much ingestion of critical theory there.
> not Ayane_Tenshi
Not interested, old Tenshi is old news.
> what if he can't accept he'll always be second to Phoenix
Not even worth it to comment on that.
thumbnail of 7369332548096314629 TAKING WHATS NOT YOURS @lou (^з^)-☆  #madokamagica #madokakaname #homuraakemi #madokakanamecosplay #homuraakemicosplay #madohomu #homumado #madohomucosplay #pmmm #pmmmcosplay #p-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7369332548096314629 TAKING WHATS NOT YOURS @lou (^з^)-☆  #madokamagica #madokakaname #homuraakemi #madokakanamecosplay #homuraakemicosplay #madohomu #homumado #madohomucosplay #pmmm #pmmmcosplay #p-264.mp4
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> I like this tok :)
You were tricked into liking a Madoka Magica cosplay tok! Huzzah! Now your will be lowered for the inevitable Madoka Magica marathon session this upcoming autumn/winter when we watch all 12 episodes and accompanying movie sequel in one go, as to best prepare ourselves for the upcoming movie Madoka Magica: Walpurgisnacht!
Roughly how many hours are left until the movie releases, I hear you say. Well, fret no more, neko, as you can find the syncwatch timer in the following post!  >>/35020/
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> You were tricked into liking a Madoka Magica cosplay tok! 
I was not. I already am the biggest fan of the best madoka cosplayer.
> 4579:35:14 / 8764:00:00
Attaching the above mentioned cosplayer.
thumbnail of 7073152216089103621 DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS VIDEO  #madoka #madokakaname #madokakanamecosplay #madokamagica #pmmm #pmmmcosplay #madokamagicacosplay-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7073152216089103621 DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS VIDEO  #madoka #madokakaname #madokakanamecosplay #madokamagica #pmmm #pmmmcosplay #madokamagicacosplay-264.mp4
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> 4579:35:14 / 8764:00:00
and now I have tricked you into relaying informação desconhecido to me, a very valuable artifact that I would not alone be able to attain without your assistance. Heh, today you are in the palm of my hand.
Less than 4185 hours left!!!
> today you are in the palm of my hand
Yea as if you could lift me 😏
Up to you but I think we should wait for the biggest geowizard fan, the BGCneko.
> My pb is my current strength... surely
That's actually true for me. I'm pretty sure if I went to gym rn I would smash my bench pb quite easily (it was like 60 LMAO or something)
Whenever you're ready.
> it was like 60
60 is a good bench tbh. Sure, compared to people that rigorously work out its not that much but I still think of it as a good marker of strength
Whenever I go on my long breaks from working out, 60 kg is always my bench max for the first week, then after that I start climbing the 2.5s towards 70kg
That was after like 2-3 months of training and I was not exactly untrained, I was already doing 10*25 pushups or whatever back then.
Though let's be honest, I didn't know wtf I was doing back then and I was pretty bad at keeping consistent schedule. The only thing keeping me afloat back then was newbie gains.
From what I read it seems to have come from an abbreviation of velho (old man) but has turned into being used as dude/bro in a jovial manner between friends, yeah
Had no idea and had to look it up cus the guy who keeps following me into custom games and posting my full name keeps saying "eae vei" to me. I thought this was a death threat....

I can't remember if I ate anything but 2 slices of toast today
We are SO back on the anorexia grind. It has been bleak the last week or two so with me eating at maintenance every day but now we are back to misery

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